Triumph of Criminalism
Christopher Story
Author of The European Union Collective'
THE NEW UNDERWORLD ORDER is a world in which official criminality, driven by
bribery and corruption, is the norm among all layers of governance. At the vast
intergovernmental level, the Rule of Law does not apply - a state of affairs which is
exploited to the full under cover of a facade of hypocritical official rectitude. But at the
country level, it is ruthlessly relied upon by corrupt intelligence cadres when it suits their
interests - and equally ruthlessly flouted by operatives and officials most of the time, on the
cynical basis that 'everyone is doing it'. In particular, 'everyone' is engaged in perpetrating
crimes against humanity - in the form of drug-trafficking operations, which are controlled
by the competing and simultaneously collaborating intelligence services of the Great
Powers in order to finance their corrupt operations, and to sustain the corrosive and
subversive global hegemony activities of the llluminati, of which intelligence communities
form, wittingly or unwittingly, the backbone, as they consist essentially of esoteric secret
societies. This study, then, is about the rampant global corruption in high places arising
from the free-wheeling, unrestrained abominations of the system of synarchy - rule by
secret societies.
Although focused mainly on the United States and Britain, the Author addresses the
consequences of official criminalism worldwide - showing that it flourishes in surprising
places, such as the Vatican. He begins by exposing the lie that greets all who enter the
Langley headquarters of the CIA; shows how the perverse influence of the occultic secret
societies at Yale University has successfully institutionalised poisonously reprobate
attitudes and mentalities-originating in Germany-from generation to generation, infecting
cadres at the highest levels and influencing the whole of society for the worse; and
identifies the links between the Yale synarchy system and the drug trade, which is the
primary financing source for the llluminati.
In Chapter 4, The Hex of Himmler, the Author shows how the same perverse German
influence has corrupted the CIA - and follows this with a documented expose of German
Freemasonry (The House of Lucifer). Chapter 6, which is entitled The Angels of Light,
shows how the Evil One resides within, and controls, prominent 'religious' organisations,
alienating billions from the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Chapter 7 - The Synagogue of Satan - exposes the llluminati from historical
documents, and paves the way for the Author's detailed analysis of The Thousand-Year
Reich, which German secret 'Black' intelligence, based at Dachau, near Munich, is building
on what it considers to represent 'the ruins of the United States'.
Accordingly, the identity of our continuing common enemy is clearly revealed. ■
Memorandum for the non-Christian reader
This book is written from the perspective of True Christianity (meaning that the Author
accepts, and proclaims, that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God, and 'is come in the flesh').
There are two reasons for this. First, it represents the undeniable, but extensively denied,
Truth. Secondly, this work, by definition, examines and exposes the Works of Darkness. This
cannot and must never be done without the protection afforded, both to Author and Reader,
of the Word, Name and presence of Jesus Christ. For those who do not believe, and who
deny the truth expressed in verse 1 of Psalms 14 and 53 - 'The fool hath said in his heart, There
is no God' - the Author has this request. Please read this detailed expose of contemporary and
relevant historical Works of Darkness, both because the study contains intelligence that has
hitherto been concealed or misinterpreted, and because the Scriptural references, which are
generally spelled out here in full, provide the absolute standard of perfection against which the
reprobate evils described herein can only be judged and properly understood. The Author does
not seek to convert anyone: conversion occurs when a person takes the simple step of Faith,
which results in the Free Gift of Grace from the Holy Spirit, and is always a matter for the
individual, not for anyone else. At the same time, the corollary to this fact needs to be
understood - namely, that True Christianity is exclusive, not inclusive, as wayward 'Christian'
churches, ever fearful for their worldly survival, have chosen to assert. This becomes crystal
clear to anyone reading Scripture: and, who knows, some readers of this work may be
encouraged by it to do so. Should this be decided, start with Chapter 9 of John, and the final
Chapters of Luke. Use the King James Bible, which has not been adulterated and modified
by modern reprobate 'editors', and try to find a One Year Bible employing the King James Version,
divided into 365 Scripture readings which take no more than fifteen minutes daily. The Author
has done this for eight years, and the experience has changed his life.
If, however, the reader cannot 'handle' this for the moment, he or she is urged not to be
discouraged. For the Author believes that this work may well assist many to understand the
underlying causes of the mess we're in - not least by identifying the hidden perpetrators of
serial crimes, including crimes against humanity such as drug-trafficking, a source of the
Illuminati's funding. It also addresses certain issues, such as the extensive Jewish Nazi
participation in the Holocaust ('Shoah'), which have been carefully obfuscated and 'written out of
history'. Since The Order of the IUuminati is Luciferian and is engaged in criminal operations
worldwide, it seeks by every means available to procure absolute control over the world, on the
false assumption that its criminality can thereby be hidden from scrutiny for ever.
Finally, it will become clear as this book unfolds that German secret 'Black intelligence exploits
The Order of the IUuminati as its densest, most effective cover.
The Abwehr (Nazi) Intelligence Continuum is located, of all places, at Dachau, a name
synonymous with death. The secret 'Black intelligence organisation directing the New Underworld
Order offensive is known as DVD - Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst. The head of DVD until he fell
ill in 1976 was Admiral Canaris. British intelligence sources inform the Author that the present
actual head of DVD is George Bush (Busche) Sr. (2006). Dr Henry Kissinger may have served
briefly as de facto DVD Chief while George Bush Sr. doubled as Director of Central Intelligence. ■
Curse of Criminalism
The Luciferian German Fascist-
llluminati Criminal Revolution
Conspiracy to Control the World
By means of
A global coup d'etat by instalments
Christopher Story
This work is dedicated to the memory of:
The late Andrew ('Andy') Stephenson
who was murdered by agents of the Illuminati
in 2005, in retaliation for his tireless work in exposing the manipulation
of electronic voting equipment and software, ahead of the 2004 Election.
Andrew travelled the length and breadth of the United States, at his own
expense, giving lectures on how the recently mandated electronic voting
machines were intended to be a platform for the wholesale falsification of
election results, thereby making a mockery of the American Government's
widely publicised vaunting of 'democracy' elsewhere in the world, especially in
the Middle East. It was because his brilliantly accurate presentations -which
showed precisely how voting results could be, and had been, rigged -threatened
to expose the cynicism and hollowness of the officially asserted 'democracy
mission', that Andy was considered to have become a serious threat to the
US authorities' domestic and international credibility.
He was poisoned using a Himmlerian formula, in the shape of a substance
capable of mimicking pancreatic cancer. That he was indeed murdered has
been confirmed to the Author by several knowledgeable US sources. Andy
gave up everything, including ultimately his own life, to warn the American
people that criminalised forces are engaged in hijacking the Republic's
democracy and freedoms. Poisoning is the traditional Illuminati method.
All who know of Andrew's sacrifice are united in recognising his heroism in
standing up to the Illuminati and exposing their endless criminality.
Christopher Edward Harle Story was bom in England in 1938 and was educated at Eton College
and at Christ Church, Oxford. From 1959 to 1961 he worked as a public relations officer for a
large corporation in Montreal and Toronto, returning to Britain in 1961. After several years of
free-lance writing he founded his own publishing company in 1963, and has been engaged in
writing and publishing ever since. His main serials and journals corporation, World Reports
Limited, publishes intelligence journals and newsletters for the international financial community
and for certain specialist readerships. Global Analysis Limited publishes the newsletter Global
Analyst and provides specialist strategic consultancy services. His book publishing company,
Edward Harle Limited, specialises in 'politically incorrect' - i.e., 'correct - books such as the present
work [see book website:]. He testified before the Subcommittee on
Domestic and Litemational Scientific Planning, Analysis and Cooperation of the US House of
Representatives' Committee on Science and Technology in September 1978, on 'Saudi-American
Finances'; and in September 1981, he testified again, before a Subcommittee of the House Committee
on Government Operations, on Petroliquidity and the US Treasury's International Financial Policy'.
In 1967, he married Janet Rooney, who is from Adelaide, Australia, and they have four grown-up
daughters and one (new) granddaughter. ■
Edward Harle Limited, using Christopher Story's two middle names, specialises in
publishing classic intelligence books which serve the purpose of exposing the lies and
deceptions of corrupt governments, intelligence services and institutions in today's
oppressive environment of criminalism (the hegemony of organised criminal
operations to realise the potential of strategy and to enrich the perpetrators and their
corrupt institutions). The company's titles reflect the ugly reality that all the main
governments are controlled by Dark Forces - resident within revolutionary intelligence
communities which are in control, out of control, and need urgently to be brought under
control. The best intelligence officers are well aware of the scale of this crisis and, in
both the United States and Britain, are confronted with the serial evils perpetrated as
permissively by domestic intelligence sectors, as by their foreign competitors, with
which they may routinely collaborate. The dark, oppressive world that these people
inhabit, which is riddled with Freemasonry and riven with internal hatreds, tensions,
rivalries and threats (in both Britain and America), spills over into the 'visible' world of
ordinary, defenceless people, and pollutes governance at every level. Our intelligence
books seek to shed light into the dark corners of this 'hidden world' - which now
affects every facet of our fives. Truly, the intelligence communities of the world are to
blame for the mess we're in, and for the chaos that they seem to specialise in generating.
This is not to say that there are not 'white hats' who try, against massive odds, to inculcate
sense into the maddened skulls of these people: and Christopher Story is privileged to
know a few of them. It may be found mat these works are uncompromising in their logic -
which is the whole point. If you require 'sanitised' and often confused disinformation,
why not rely upon the 300+ known US Information Warfare websites which distort
facts, libel good people and 'play games' with our minds for evil purposes? But if you
prefer the truth - or our honest attempts to promote it - please give us your support!
You can do this by buying our books - or, if you really agree that what we are doing is
indispensable, you may care to assist us financially, or with a bequest in your Will. ■
Chapter 1
The Langley Lie
Chapter 2
The Curse of Yale
Chapter 3
The Lure of Drugs
Chapter 4
Addendum to Chapter 4:
The Hex of Himmler
The Frankfurt School
Chapter 5
The House of Lucifer
Chapter 6
The Angels of Light
Chapter 7
Appendix 1 to Chapter 7:
Appendix 2 to Chapter 7:
Appendix 3 to Chapter 7:
The Synagogue of Satan
A Directory of alleged Illuminati programmers A
Directory of Illuminati traps for the unwary The
JASON Society of The Order of the Quest
Chapter 8
Appendix 1 to Chapter 8:
Appendix 2 to Chapter 8:
Appendix 3 to Chapter 8:
The Thousand- Year Reich
The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact Mark II
The North American Illuminati GULAG system
The continuing Soviet Illuminati GULAG system
The Scissors Strategy
To Chapters 1-8
Notes and References: The expanded notes and references annotated in the main text are given at the end of
each Chapter, not at the end of the book. This Index captures key names in the main text of Chapters 1-8 only.
Addenda New Underworld Order Insights 66 1
True Christianity is not inclusive, it is exclusive. Thus Jesus Christ specifically contradicts all
today who, through ignorance and perversity, preach the false gospel of multi-faith inclusive-ness.
As Peter, 'filled with the Holy Spirit', said boldly to the rulers and elders of the people in
Jerusalem (Acts, Chapter 4, verse 12): 'Neither is there salvation in any other; for there is none
other name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved'. It is by the name of
Jesus ONLY that the devils are cast out. Therefore, the Author boldly asserts throughout this study
the certainty and reliable eternity of the Word of God through Jesus Christ. Since this investigation
concerns the Works of Darkness, it contrasts those works with the light and simplicity that is in
Jesus Christ It is, after all, 'that old serpent, the Devil and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world'. This stance is not intended to be provocative - although that may seem to be the case, to
those who believe in neither God nor the Devil - but rather to delineate the standard of absolute
prefection against which the exposed evils can only be judged. ■
The Author is constrained by the infernally compartmentalised environment of the vast and
oppressive US intelligence community from openly acknowledging the assistance and inspiration
given to him by distinguished 'white hats' among their number - brave professional people
who prefer the Rule of Law to open-ended gang warfare and whose bitter experiences have led
them, in most of the cases that I have in mind, to acknowledge that there is but one source of
Truth - namely, Jesus Christ, 'who is the Son of God and is come in the flesh'.
Inevitably, this understanding sets up tensions between the evil deception standards of the
corrupt intelligence communities, and the standards required of those who believe in the Lord Jesus
Christ and recognise that it is only by His name that we are saved - and by no other means. The
Author came to understand this truth definitively after his late friend Malachi Martin taught him the
simple truth that evil spirits are cast out exclusively in the Name of Jesus Christ If Malachi had not sadly
died suddenly on 27th July 1999, we would certainly have 'cracked this' together.
That Jesus is the only Name that Evil Spirit obeys was first made manifest when the man
possessed of many devils who roamed naked among the tombs in the country of the Gadarenes
'saw Jesus afar off, and... ran and worshipped Him. And cried with a loud voice, and said: 'What
have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God? I adjure thee by God, that thou
torment me not'. For he [Jesus had] said unto him, Come out of Him, thou unclean spirit'. Jesus
then asked Evil Spirit's name - since in exorcism, the demons must be identified by their names.
'And he asked him, What is thy name? And he answered, saying, My name is Legion: for we
are many'. In response to the devils' request that Jesus cast them out into a herd of 2,000
swine who were feeding on the slopes, Jesus consented; and 'forthwith ... the unclean spirits
went out, and entered [appropriately] into the swine; and the herd ran violently down a steep
place into the sea... and were choked in the sea' [Mark, Chapter 5, verses 6-13]. Note that the
previously possessed madman 'ran and worshipped' Jesus having 'seen him afar off - which
teaches us loud and clear that the devils know Him (as is further revealed elsewhere in the New
Testament, for instance in James (the brother of Jesus) Chapter 2, verse 19: The devils also
believe, and tremble'). For, as this book elaborates, the 'principalities and powers' herewith
exposed are not atheists. On the contrary, they believe in Satan (or Lucifer), whose speciality is
turning truth inside out and upside down. Hence they know that the name of Jesus is the only
Name by which men and women can be saved; and, being bound by Satan, they correctly identify
Jesus as their main enemy: Jesus Belthemitus Maledictus. Jesus Christ is the ONLY enemy of all
those exposed in this book.
Due to threats specifically directed at those who 'speak out' nowadays in the United
States, the Author has had to remove acknowledgment references to special American friends who
have helped him with the development of this work. Such threats are typically perpetrated by
telephone, by posting threats on websites known to be visited by the targets in question, by
unsolicited emails seeking to entangle the target in polemical discussions for entrapment purposes,
by unsolicited third party interventions during telephone conversations, and by other means
conjured up by the sick intelligence minds who waste their empty lives 'doing this stuff.
Those who have helped me include several women of special depth, talent and under-
standing, the like and quality of whom I have rarely encountered outside the United States.
Their special attributes include a determination to resist by all means at their limited disposal the
depredations of those exposed in this book; and they are among those who have demonstrated by
their true friendships that the endless duplicity I have encountered among intelligence-related
parties is not yet the norm (although it has often felt like it). Others include one generous friend
from the British Isles who has made his home in America; several senior officers and appalled
intelligence officials who have done their best to serve their country rather than the Uluminati;
and a number of researchers and generous helpers who have, I know, assisted me behind the
scenes. The fact that I cannot acknowledge their kindness by naming them is itself indicative of
the steepening angle of the slide towards perdition that we face. ■
In March 2003, the Author introduced a special issue of his long-standing financial
journal International Currency Review, which is devoted in part to exposing hidden
official and intergovernmental financial scamming, with the following passage:
'The great majority of mankind' wrote Machiavelli in 'The Prince', 'are satisfied
with appearances as though they were realities... and are often more influenced by
things that seem than by those that are'. How things have not changed! Early in the
20th century, the English thriller writer, John Buchan, revealed how well he
understood this sinister reality: 'Away behind all the Governments and the armies
there was a big subterranean movement going on, engineered by very dangerous
people', observed his character Richard Hannay'1.
'The ancient Greeks recognised this phenomenon: their image for it was the
River Styx - the black underground river that rashes in the depths of darkness to
Hades. When we consider what is happening behind the level of perceived reality
today, we can appreciate, with awe and respect, just how inspired and intelligent
these ancient people were. This agonised report is all about the River Styx, which is
overflowing its subterranean confines, has erupted to the surface and is flooding all
over the West's financial and political institutions. In the United States, the political
system is literally drowning in this black flood'.
'Another way of focusing upon what follows is perhaps to think of the following
simple model. Let us say that, for the purposes of clarification, the 'perceived world'
of Presidents, Parliaments, Congresses, Monarchies, judges, courts, businesses, tax
collectors, political collectives, trade unions, banks and the stock market, is the 'vertical
world'. Within this 'vertical world', relationships are clearly defined. Cabinets are
presided over by Prime Ministers, the United States has a Constitution (until it is
suspended, anyway) to which American citizens defer, trade unions are led by well-
known political agitators, military personnel report to their superiors, businessmen
must adhere to a well-understood chain of responsibility, and so on. Relationships are
generally overt, well understood, and respected. What this special analysis will
address is a parallel, hidden 'horizontal world'. Within this secretive, murky
environment, relationships exist which ruthlessly cut across those prevailing in the
overt, 'vertical' world. The relationships and linkages prevailing in the horizontal
world are largely unknown to the inhabitants of the 'vertical world".
'Because the two often clash, inexplicable developments may occur in the 'vertical
world' which defy rational explanation. An obvious contemporary example was the
Bush Administration's fixation first with Afghanistan, following 9/11, and its
'subsequent' fixation with 'dealing with' Iraq. In fact, detailed plans to 'address'
Afghanistan were discussed between Russian officials and their American counterparts
at meetings held in Washington on 1-2 August 2000, while President Clinton remained
in office. As for Iraq, President George W. Bush campaigned in part on a promise to
'take 'em out', and within hours of his inauguration, reports from Washington indicated
that the new Administration would look for a radical approach in dealing with Iraq'. A
declassified paper showing that planning for a 'post-Saddam
Iraq' was the subject of a National Security Council meeting held on 31st January
2001, just days after President George W. Bush Jr's inauguration. Therefore, the
offensive against Iraq never had anything to do with 9/11, either'.
'... The power of the 'River Styx' dimension is now such a dangerous incubus
worldwide - that is to say, its flooding of our institutions has reached such disturbing
proportions - that it is the duty of the analyst who seeks the truth at all times, to
penetrate behind the veil in order to try to make sense of what is happening2. Normal
reportage is inadequate and semi-redundant, because it takes no account of what is
going on behind the curtain of the Wizard of Oz. If some of what follows is uncom-
fortable reading, this does not reflect a desire for prurience. The Author recognises that
we are certainly enjoined and sternly warned (Biblically) not to consort with the darkness
- i.e., not to attend a Black Mass out of inquisitiveness, for instance. But a dispensation
exists in respect of those who would seek to place a candle in the darkness - the miracle
of which is that by this single small act, the dark recesses are illuminated (in the genuine,
rather than the esoteric, sense).
Sophisticates may rightly assert that there is nothing new about any of this. The
history we were taught in school (before national history was completely abolished
by the manipulators) was already so sanitised as to leave us not just ignorant about
how power is exploited and controlled, but brainwashed as well. Some who may
prefer the relative comfort of leaving their heads in the sand even insist that because
'this is the way things are and have always been', it is a waste of time exposing the
evils reviewed, for instance, in this work. By extension, it can reasonably be argued
that the tide of this book is perhaps misleading, because the 'New World Order' global
scam is nothing new. And in one sense, this is true.
But any such criticism fails to take account of the real meaning of the slogan
'New World Order'. The World Revolution is not actually about establishing a 'new
form' (to cite Lenin) of 'world order', but rather about the 'Order' which is to be
imposed by the New World - by which is meant the United States, which is the
military enforcement arm of The Order. The word 'Order' is a tell-tale clue as to
what is really happening. All secret societies using 'The Order' belong to the Illu-
minati, which in turn is the primary manifestation of a shadowy 'Order of the
Quest', dedicated philosophically to maximising 'human happiness' without God.
The Jesuits call themselves The Order. Opus Dei refers to itself as The Order. The
Yale-based Skull and Bones is The Order. The even more reprobate Ordo Templi Ori-entis
styles itself The Order. Scratch around for secret societies labelled 'The Order', and you
will immediately see the significance of the word 'Order'. Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels, a
former Cistercian monk who was excommunicated because of his homosexual
activities and who flew an occult swastika above his castle in Austria in 1907, founded
the Ordo Novi Templi ('Order of the New Temple') which specialised in merging
Luciferian occultism with violent anti-Semitism. According to the Austrian
Psychologist Wilhelm Daim, Lanz was the 'father' of National Socialism'3- an
assessment which falls short of the reality that Fascism was developed many years
earlier on behalf of the Illuminati by one of the 'two Karls' - Professor Karl Ritter, of
Frankfurt University (the other Karl, of course, being Karl Marx, who was briefed to
elaborate the dialectical 'antithesis' to Fascism - Communism, first tried out in Paris).
According to Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams, 'the "SS" symbol was originally used
by Guido von List, a close associate of Lanz, who formed the Guido von List Society in
Vienna in 1904. The Guido von List Society was accused of practicing a form of Hindu
Tantrism which featured sexual perversion in its rituals. This form of sexual
perversion was popularised in occult circles by a reprobate British intelligence officer
named Aleister Crowley who, according to the Hitler biographer J. Sydney lones,
enjoyed "playing with black magic and little boys". List was accused of being the
Aleister Crowley of Vienna. Like Lanz, List was an occultist; he wrote several books
on the magick principles of rune letters (from which he chose the "SS" symbol). In
1908, von List "was unmasked as the leader of a blood brotherhood which went in for
sexual perversion and substituted the swastika for the cross". The Nazis borrowed
heavily from List's occult theories and research. List also formed an elitist occult
priesthood called the Armanen Order, to which Hitler himself may have
This further Order, like all the myriad other secret societies using the term 'Order',
either overtly or covertly, to denote their status, belonged therefore to the system of
synarchy (rule, or intended rule, by secret societies) developed by the revamped
(Order of the) niuminati - which was first exposed by the former Illuminist, Professor
John Robison, of Edinburgh University, in his classic work 'Proofs of a Conspiracy' (1798).
These innumerable secret societies represented, and represent today, cells and cadres of the
Dluminati who, their Jesuit-trained Jewish 18th century re-founder, Professor Adam
Weishaupt, decreed, must always operate under false flags, so that official opposition to
and penetration of the Uluminati is permanently frustrated. Working to instructions from
the Rothschild Family, Weishaupt 'devised', Professor Robison explained, 'an ingenious
vehicle for world conquest - a secret Order - which would prove immensely attractive to
other mentally superior beings of a similar frame of mind. He called it the llluminati Order,
and grafted it, at selected points, onto Freemasonry - like a fungus'. Freemasonry was to be
the primary host for this parasitical secret globalist organisation. 'The Order of the Dluminati'
- promoting 'free-thinking' and every abomination from self-murder (suicide) to abortion
and paedophilia on the basis of the motto of Do as Thou Wilt' later promulgated by
Crowley, one of its blackest offspring - 'appears as an accessory to Freemasonry'5.
Freemasonry was selected for this task by Weishaupt because of its established
system of Lodges, its initiations by secret ritual, and its structure designed to entice
and indoctrinate successive generations of dupes into and through its ranks. Once
enticed into this nexus, those rising up the initiation ladder in and beyond the three
basic 'Blue Degrees', where the exploited Masonic masses congregate, are exposed to
occultic and demoniac activities and accordingly open themselves up to infestation or
even to possession by evil spirits. As taught by the Jesuits - among whom Weishaupt,
though of Jewish extraction, was educated - all members of The Order, and of its sub-
Orders, would spy on each other in perpetuity.
Certain 18th century German Masonic Lodges, Robison reiterated, 'were the
nursery or preparation-school for another Order of Masons, who called themselves the Illu-
minated, and... the express aim of this Order was to abolish Christianity, and overturn all civil
Government.... The Order was said to abjure Christianity.... Sensual pleasures were
restored to the rank they held in the Epicurean philosophy. Self-murder (suicide) was justified on
Stoical principles'. Abortion was to be encouraged, given the sexual licence secretly
advocated by The Order.
And all manner of subtle, gross deception devices, 'inventions of evil things'
[Romans, Chapter 1, verse 30], abominations and scamming and entrapment tech-
niques, with which students of the oppressive intelligence communities are only too
familiar these days, were to be developed. One of Weishaupt's closest associates,
criminal court Judge Zwack (Weishaupt's Illuminati correspondent 'Cato'), laid these
plans out in a document dated 1778, cited by Professor Robison. They included a
proposal for the establishment of wife-swapping, woman-sharing and prostitution
arrangements, controlled secretiy by IUuminati Brothers:
'It will be of great service, and procure us both much information and money, and
will suit charmingly the taste of many of our truest members, who are lovers of the
[female] sex'. And given that the essence of Illuminism is dialectical double-
mindedness, not least to maximise confusion among the 'profane', 'it should consist of
two classes, the virtuous, and the freer hearted (i.e. those who fly out of the common
tract of prudish manners); they must not know of each other, and must be under the
direction of men, but without knowing it. Proper books must be put into their hands,
and such (but secretly) as are flattering to their passions'.
Professor Robison's account of Zwack's revealing report continued: 'There are, in the
same handwriting, descriptions of a strong box, which, if forced open, shall blow
up and destroy its contents; several receipts for procuring abortion; a composition
which blinds or kills when [it is] squirted in the face; a sheet, containing a receipt for
a sympathetic ink; tea for procuring abortion (Herbae quoe habent qual-itatem
deleteriam); a method for filling a bed-chamber with pestilential vapours; how to take
off impressions of seals, so as to use them afterwards as seals (forgery); a collection
of some hundreds of such impressions, with a list of their owners, princes, noblemen,
clergymen, merchants, etc; a receipt ad excitandum furorem uterinum; a manuscript
entitled 'Better than Horns'. It was afterwards printed and distributed at Leipzig Fair,
and is an attack and bitter satire on all religion... also a dissertation on suicide. N.B.
His sister-in-law threw herself from the top of a tower. There was also a set of
portraits, or characters, of eighty-five (loose) ladies in Munich; with
recommendations of some of them for members of a Lodge of Sister Illuminatae;
also injunctions to all the Superiors to learn to write with both hands; and that they
should use more than one cipher'6. In this description we can see the ancestors of
familiar contemporary intelligence sector abominations.
Tn the Illuminised German Lodges, death was declared [to be] an eternal sleep;
patriotism and loyalty were called narrow-minded prejudices, and incompatible
with universal [fake, cold] benevolence; while continual declamations were made
on liberty and equality as the inalienable rights of men. The baneful influence of
accumulated property was declared an insurmountable obstacle to the happiness of
any nation'... and... 'Nothing was so frequently discoursed of as the propriety of
employing, for a good purpose, the means which the wicked employed for evil
purposes; and it was taught, that the preponderance of good in the ultimate result
consecrated every mean employed [the end justifies the means]; and that wisdom
and virtue consisted in properly determining this balance. This appeared big with
danger; because it appeared that nothing would be scrupled at, if we could make it
appear that The Order could derive advantage from it, because the great object of
The Order was held as superior to every consideration. They concluded by saying
that the method of education' [in accordance with Luciferian Jesuit principles] 'made
them all spies on each other, and on all around them'7.
The crucial modus operandi of The Order of the Illuminati - a 'superior' secret
society in its own right which has over 1.1 million members, bound by Satan, in the
United States alone* - has been, ever since its re-founding and 'upgrading' by
Weishaupt in Germany, which remains the delegated seat of the Illuminati today -to
surround rulers and power-brokers with members of The Order so that 'the profane' - that is to
say, those of us of independent mind who, by the Grace of God, have been bypassed by
these evil manipulators, to the detriment no doubt of our own careers and prosperity -
can never access high places or occupy positions of real authority and power. If, by
some accident, any such individual should reach high office and his or her true
orientation is unmasked, he or she is targeted for destruction. As Robison explained this
methodology (in his late 18th century context):
'The authority of the ruling powers is represented as of inferior moral weight to that
of The Order. [Weishaupt taught that] "These powers are despots when they do not
conduct themselves by [The Order's] principles; and it is therefore our duty to surround
them [rulers] with its [The Order's] members, so that the profane may have no access to
them'. This means that those who seek power or possess political ambition but whose
souls have not yet been sold to Satan (The Illuminati), have no chance of ever wielding it -
making of course a complete nonsense of 'democracy' and 'freedom' which are words that
the IUuminati use as slogans to bamboozle the hoi polloi, whom of course they
fundamentally despise. Yes, they tend to despise ordinary people indeed - despite all their
falsely self-righteous bravado about 'the Brotherhood of Man' (meaning the
Brotherhood of Men, i.e., 'the chosen', namely the members of Illuminati secret
societies and of Uluminati-penetrated and -controlled Freemasonry).
* According to Cisco Wheeler, a former Illuminati mind-control programmer, at least ten million people have been programmed as mind-controlled slaves using
Himmlerian and Tavistock Institute-derived trauma-based mind-control programmes with codenames such as MONARCH and MK-ULTRA A more recently
developed, non-trauma, electronic means ol mind-control programming that emerged out ol the Montauk Project (after its location on Long Island), may have
entrapped millions more. Al Bielek, who was prominently instrumental in developing the Montauk Project, has stated that there may also be as many as ten million
victims of Montauk-style mind-control programming worldwide, with the majority living in the United States. Bielek is also on record as having revealed that there
are covert Montauk Programming 'Centers' in every important city in America. A list of alleged Illuminati programmers, including the late Pope, is given on pages
517-518 of the present work. What is usually referred to as 'public opinion' is really carefully crafted and scripted propaganda designed to elicit an intended
behavioural response from the general public. Public opinion polls are taken specifically with the covert intention of gauging the public's acceptance of pre-planned
Illuminati operations and projects. A strong showing in opinion polls tells the Illuminati manipulators that a given programming operation is 'taking', while a poor
outcome tells the New Undlrworld Order manipulators that they need to recast or 'tweak', the programming until the desired response is achieved. While the
general thrust and content of a given burst of controlled propaganda is decided by the London-based Tavistock Institute, according to sources, implementation of
the propaganda in the United States is handled by more than 200 controlled 'think tanks' such as the CIA's RAND Corporation and the Brookings Institution, which
are overseen and directed by the leading New World Order control organisation in the United States, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), located at Menlo Park,
CA The Author, who has visited the United States frequently every year since 1977, has never - repeat, NEVER - encountered a single 'think tank', lobbying
organisation or specialised media outlet that is not controlled in some manner, with an instrumental axe to grind. This grim state of affairs has been exacerbated in
recent years by the emergence of more than 300 controlled intelligence Information Warfare websites which exist to spread disinformation, propagate confusion
and divert attention from questionable or downright evil official policies, so that no-one can fathom what is happening.
And as Professor Robison concluded, citing Weishaupt himself again: '"Thus we
are able most powerfully to promote [The Order's] interests. If any person is more
disposed to listen to Princes than to The Order, he is not fit for it, and must rise no
higher. We must do our utmost to procure the advancement of Dlu-minati into all
important civil offices'"8.
This objective has long since been attained - so that the 'democratic system' has
become a plaything of The Order of the Illuminati, which has hidden behind the
'conspiracy theory' lie for so long that contemporary exposures such as this book
have evidently come as a bleak surprise to its crazed leadership. As is well known,
anyone who ventures into this undergrowth is immediately excoriated variously as a
'nutcase', a 'maverick (the word routinely used by brainwashed British journalists to
describe colleagues such as this Author who don't share their 'slides'9 - that is, any
prefabricated, sterile views they may hold), or a else 'conspiracy theorist'. According to
this fatuous perception, there is no such thing as a conspiracy. In denigrating all
conspiracies as fantasies by definition, so that further enquiry is thereby precluded, the
Uluminati have successfully hidden their own mammoth conspiracy which is of
proportions without historical precedent, from view: or so they foolishly imagine.
Yet Lenin, one of the Illuminati's most notoriously influential agents, explicitly
wrote that the World Revolution is a conspiracy. Specifically in 'What is to be Done?'in
'Burning Questions of Our Movement'10, V. I. Lenin expounded, with his usual nit-picking
language pedantry: '...In form, such a strong revolutionary organisation... may also be
described as a "conspiratorial" organisation, because the French word "conspiration" is
the equivalent of the Russian word "zavogor" ("conspiracy"), and such an organisation
must have the utmost secrecy'.
This definitively puts paid to the untutored, knee-jerk 'conspiracy theorist'
response of the ignorant, the perverse and those with empty heads who prefer the life
of the ostrich, to all who seek to expose these serially evil conspirators and their
accursed secret societies, machinations and lies, which are responsible, thanks to the
Uluminati's hegemony within intelligence communities, for the deteriorating mess
we're in today. The 'conspiracy theory' jibe is the most effective lie of all.
Yes, intelligence officers hold all the key posts in the West, or control and encompass
about those who occupy them - in conformity with the Jesuitical methodology
extrapolated by Adam Weishaupt and his synarchy successors. The Uluminati have
successfully done their utmost to procure the advancement of members of their vast
agentur 'into all important civil offices'. In one letter to a co-conspirator, dated 6th
February 1788, Weishaupt wrote that 'in particular, every person' (in, or a candidate
for, The Order) 'shall be made a spy on another and on all around him. Nothing can
escape our sight [so that] the trustworthy alone will be admitted to a participation of
the whole maxims and political constitution of The Order. In a Council of such
members we shall labour at the contrivance of means to drive by degrees the enemies
of reason and of humanity out of the world, and to establish a peculiar morality and
religion fitted for the great Society of mankind 1 which of course the Illuminati 'elite' lust
without ceasing to control.
Specific echoes of this form of idolatry of control, which requires the Illumi-nati
conspirators and their agentur to reorder every facet of our existence in vain pursuit
of their own security, appeared in the Communist literature. For instance, a Soviet
tome dating from 1934 contained the following statement, the shorter-term context
being the underlying fear that the Soviet system might be undermined from within:
'The socialist society will be forced to apply the most resolute measures for a long
time (including the liquidation of people who are especially dangerous to the
socialist system) against people who are harmful and deliberately destructive to
socialist production, i.e. those who seek to undermine the socialist state and to re-
establish the capitalist system'12. A generation later, the following warning that all
must be brought to think alike, appeared in a compendium of Soviet political thought:
'Under Communism, public opinion will become a mighty force, capable of bringing
to reason those individuals who might not want to follow Communist customs and rules
of behaviour in the community'13.
The Soviet literature also inadvertently revealed the Illuminati's global false
culture (mind-mapping) offensive, as for instance in this passage dating from the mid-
1960s: 'Boundless possibilities are opened up under Communism for the cultural
advancement of mankind.... The cultures of different peoples, national in form, will be
increasingly imbued with the same Communist content. Their drawing together on this
basis will provide a mighty stimulus to the mutual enrichment and development of
national cultures and in the long run will lead to the formation of a single, deeply
international culture that will be truly the [Godless] culture of all mankind'14.
Hence, it is not hard to trace the Illuminati origins of the contemporary scourge of
'political correctness', which is a mind-control mechanism to substitute 'slides' for
original thought and enquiry, on the assumption that this will ensure over time that
subservient populations become putty in the hands of the manipulators. As a
'beneficial add-on', the Illuminati anticipated that mind-controlled agentur operatives
would in due course rise to the top of the pile - a notable example being the young
leader of the British Conservative Party (as of 2006), David Cameron, whose mental-
mapping and prior sensitivity training has been so extreme that almost his entire verbal
output consists exclusively of vapid, prefabricated ideological 'slides'.
In crucial respects, the present work is spiritual, because what we will be
examining here are the very 'principalities and powers' that wage war against the
Way, the Truth and the Life - the Word of Jesus Christ, who is their sole enemy. Foolishly,
these people imagine that they can and will destroy Christianity - which can never
happen, given Christ's assurances to us that Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end
of the world [Matthew, Chapter 28, verse 20] and 'Heaven and earth shall pass away; but
my words shall not pass away' [Matthew, Chapter 24, verse 35] - knowing that much of
the formal fabric represented by the manmade Christian denominations is putrid,
soggy and rotten, especially the Vatican (and its corrupt daughter churches) which,
with the ascendancy of the refounder of the modern mafia, Giuseppe Mazzini, and the
establishment of the sovereign Vatican mini-state, became one of two primary political
organising centres of the Illuminati's World
Revolution from 1870 onwards. Mazzini's 'partner' was the occultist mass murderer
and American Civil War criminal, Albert Pike, with whom Mazzini 'divided powers',
leaving Pike to concentrate on his gobbldegook, magick, the elaboration of Scottish Rite
rituals, fake mythology and initiation ceremonies, to invoke spirits, and to plan three
great catastrophes. The first two of these materialised in the formats of the First and
Second World Wars, and the third is unfolding 'as we speak', setting the Jews against
Islam for the 'final' Luciferian conflagration. Pike developed these demonic plans,
probably under Satanic influence, at a mansion that he built for himself located in
Little Rock, the headquarters today of the Rose Law Firm with which which Mrs
Hillary Clinton (codename 'Queen Melusina') is associated. And, as Weishaupt wrote
to his correspondent: 'By this plan we shall direct all mankind. In this manner, and by
the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so
allotted and contrived, that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions'15.
The niuminati require that their black intentions, driven by the 'seething energies of
Lucifer'16, must remain hidden from all investigators, and from the curious, for all time. In
the course of research for this book, the Author has been told by several US niuminati
sources that 'none of this must ever come out'. Although this statement was made and
repeated in the context of the Author's separate investigations into the flluminati's
hidden financial scamming operations, it was meant also to be relevant to the subject-
matter of this book - which has, of course, necessarily relied heavily not only upon the
Author's own research, but also upon the prior work of recognised authorities,
including certain Masonic writers who have themselves revealed secrets of the
Brotherhood. The warning that 'none of this must ever come ouf was first enunciated
by Weishaupt himself, who wrote in a letter cited by Robison as follows:
'There must (a la Jesuite) not a single purpose ever come in sight that is
ambiguous and that may betray our aims against religion and the state'.
'One must speak sometimes one way and sometimes another, but so as never to
contradict ourselves, and so that, with respect to our true way of thinking, we may be
This is the main underlying origin of the most nauseating characteristic of all
dimensions of German-originated Illuminati operations and of all agentur members -
their double-mindedness. With certain exceptions, such as Ordo Templi Orientis,
which does not even bother to present a 'benevolent' facade, all Illuminati open and /
or secret societies present an outward, beneficial and benevolent face for public
consumption, while masking of course their hidden evil purposes. The open, friendly
facade (the Vatican is known as the Open Friendly Society) is the cynical deception
device to divert public attention from the real purposes of the organisation's
existence. Often it is not hard to identify the underlying nefarious dimension - as is
the case, for instance, with the massive networking and mind-mapping operation run out
of what was the Office of the (former) UK Deputy Prime Minister, John Prescott, calling
itself 'Common Purpose'. Neither word used in this tide is defined, of course, because if
the true objectives of this subversive mind-con-
trol nexus were known, it would fail. Its hidden objective, masked behind a facade of
'sensible'-sounding Aesopian jargon, is to develop a cadre of brainwashed apparatchiks
in every key control-sector of British society, in order to minimise, over time,
opposition from the lower government, banking, industrial and other structures to the
subversive policies being implemented by the Fabian revolutionary British
Government. Under the controlled Tony Blair, its entire focus was/is to fulfil the
requirements of secret German strategy manipulated through penetrations of the
intelligence services - controlled by the German 'Black intelligence organisation based
in Dachau known as DVD (Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst).
Professor Robison wrote further that when a candidate for Illuminated status 'is
drawn out of the general mass of Free Masons' to become Illuminatus Minor, he is
required to sign a document which includes the following binding oath:
'I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to The
Order, in the persons of my Superiors; here making a faithful and complete surrender of
my private judgment, my own will, and every narrow-minded [as defined exclusively by
the IUuminati, of course] employment of my power and influence... I will conduct myself
as required by The Order.... I pledge myself to account the good of The Order as my own,
and am ready to serve it with my fortune, my honour, and my blood. The friends and
enemies of The Order shall be my friends and enemies...'18.
In other words, governance, not least via the tight control exercised on high office-
holders by the deeply penetrated intelligence communities, is in the hands of a self-
appointed sect of very dark operatives whose will has been forfeited and bound to a
Luciferian force. By definition, therefore, none of these people can ever respond to the
so-called Will of the People - hence the emptiness of their verbiage - since they are
bound by an agenda set by the Brotherhood, which serves its own interests rather than
those of the general population, and which seeks global hegemony and control.
And the dreadful reality is that the United States is the 'enforcement arm' of The
Order, which is to be imposed by the New World. That this is the case is revealed by
study of works by the 33rd Degree Mason and occultist Manly P. Hall, who identified Sir
Francis Bacon as the most influential transmission mechanism of the Rosicrucian
paganism from which Dluminism is descended, the origins of which have been traced to
14th century Germany. Having concluded that the 'Old World' - contemptuously
referred to by present-day US Illuminists as 'Old Europe' - was not 'ready' to adopt the
pagan 'Ancient Mysteries' for which Do as Thou Wilt' is an accurate proxy, Bacon set
about promoting the idea that it was to be in the New World that his pagan 'Ancient
Mysteries' prescriptions would triumph. Yet it was only in the 1920s that the United States
adopted the insignia of The Order of the Dluminati on the most widely used US banknote,
the $1.00 bill - reproducing the Luciferian, occultic image which appears on the reverse
of the Great Seal of the United States.
That the reverse of the Great Seal displays the insignia of the Illuminati is a fact
of which most Americans, to this day, are ignorant. The insignia was adopted by
Weishaupt when he founded The Order of the Illuminati on the 1st May (= the
Druid pagan feast of 'Beltane') in 1776. It is that event that is memorialised by the
inscription in Roman numerals MDCCLXXVI at the base of the pyramid on the
insignia - not the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, as is
commonly but erroneously supposed.
The hideous all-seeing eye, which is to be found in all occult 'religions', is also
the symbol of the spy system that Weishaupt established under the subtitle of
'Insinuating Brethren' to guard the 'secret' of The Order - namely the intention of
destroying Christianity and of establishing a global dictatorship - and to terrorise the
population into resigned acceptance of rule by the synarchy (precisely as is happening
in the United States and Britain). The Illuminati criminals lust after global control so
that they can be protected from exposure and punishment.
This Illuminati secret service 'enjoyed' its first sadistic workout during the Reign of
Terror of the French Revolution. Subsequent elaborations of that abomination
included of course the bloodbath and Reign of Terror that accompanied and fol-
lowed the Russian Revolution, the Nazi Reign of Terror and industrialised mur-
derous abominations inflicted against Jews and others in central Europe, Stalin's
earlier and continuing bloodbaths, and subsequent abominations including US
atrocities in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki) and Vietnam, US and British abom-
inations in the former Yugoslavia and Iraq, the genocides in Cambodia, Ruanda,
Zimbabwe and elsewhere, and all wars of the 'enforcement arm' of the Illuminati.
Given that they use the insignia of the Illuminati displayed so provocatively on
the $1.00 bill in their everyday transactions, Americans prove the conspirators' point
that they can 'get away with anything' - or so they believe. Despite frequent travelling
in the United States since 1977, the Author has never encountered any protest against
the manifestly provocative display of this Illuminati symbol on the most widely used
American banknote. Nor has the Author ever encountered an American who
understood that the words ANNUIT COEPTIS on the insignia can mean 'Our
Enterprise' (Our Conspiracy) - a phrase used by President G. W. Bush in 2005 when
he referred to 'our vast intelligence enterprise', a slip of the tongue which clearly
confirmed his knowledge (as a controlled operative himself, with many handlers) that
the implementing structures of the conspiracy are integrated within, and control, the
US intelligence community, which in turn controls the US Presidency and all other
key institutions and structures. The phrase below, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM,
meaning the 'new secular' (not social) 'order', proclaims the focus of the conspiracy.
The insignia acquired Masonic significance ONLY after the merger of Weishaupt's
Order of the Illuminati with The Order of Freemasonry at the Congress of
Wilhelmsbad in 1782.
The ardent Illuminist Thomas Jefferson, together with Benjamin Franklin and
John Adams (an ancestor of the Roosevelts), proposed the use of the Illuminati
insignia on the reverse of Great Seal, to Congress, which adopted it on 10th June
1782. On adoption of the Constitution, Congress decreed, by an Act of 15th Sep-
tember 1789, that the insignia should be retained on the reverse of the Great Seal of
the United States. The obverse image was first applied to the left of the reverse
of the $1.00 bill by Presidential decision, when Roosevelt launched his 'New Deal' in
193319, coinciding with Hitier's 'coup d'etat by instalments' operation.
It is contended by some analysts that Franklin, Adams and Jefferson were not
aware of the evil purposes of the Illuminati. The Author does not agree. It is very
evident that the American Revolution represented an Illuminati putsch - as is perfectly
clear, not least, from the routine excoriation of George III that one hears in the United
States to this day. After all, George III was a ruler who was refusing to 'cooperate' with
the Illuminati. In any case, the perception that the American Founding Fathers were
ignorant of the Illuminati's nefarious plans is based upon a misunderstanding of the
base nature of the Illuminati agentur, which, as is reiterated elsewhere in this book, is
driven by the Janus doctrine of wearing two faces, one of which is hidden. Thus, it
would have been perfectly logical for Franklin, Adams, Jefferson et al to have carried
out and sponsored an infinite number of good works, while simultaneously espousing
nefarious Illuminati activities and strategies.
In addition to integrating internal and external espionage, obsessive secrecy,
blood oaths and opportunities for blackmail into The Order's modus operandi, to ensuring
the perpetual education of fresh Illuminati cadres drawn from the ranks of the Masonic
Blue Degrees, constructively insinuating and installing members of their vast agentur
into high places or into the entourage of those occupying positions of power, and more
recently ensuring that illuminised, geomasonic, controlled intelligence officers occupy
the most important state and international positions, the Illuminati further seek
always to ensure that they have scope to select evil people - individuals with gross
secret blemishes, and especially paedophiles - for preference within their dark
conspiracy (although this practice is not universally applied).
The reason that paedophilia is especially preferred as a weakness 'qualifying' such a
candidate for high office, can only be explained in spiritual terms, as follows. Jesus
used violent language against those who corrupt, degrade or harm little children,
innocents in whom dwells the Holy Spirit: for, as He also taught us, the human person is
the temple of the Holy Spirit. Specifically, Christ declared that 'whoso shall offend one of
these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged
about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea' [Matthew, Chapter 18,
verse 6]. [And the reason that Masonry is the key vehicle for Luciferian abominations is
the little-observed one that, prior to the invention of 'Speculative Masonry', Masons were
engaged in building temples (cathedrals) made of stone - an 'unnecessary' activity spiritually,
since the temple of the Holy Spirit is the human person]. Given that this is what all who
corrupt children and young people deserve, and given that the human person is the
temple of the Holy Spirit ('for behold, the kingdom of God is within you' [Luke,
Chapter 17, verse 21]), it follows that there can be nothing worse than to subvert and
corrupt ('offend' in Jesus' gentle speech) children. In Matthew, Chapter 12, verses 31-
32, Jesus warns: 'Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be
forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven
unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man, it shall be
forgiven him; but whosoever
speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world,
nor in the world to come'.
Since children in general are innocents in whom dwells the Holy Spirit, it is
plainly the case that corruption of children, in whatever form, represents blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit. And since Satan seeks through his seething powers to
maximise the potential for confusion, destruction and chaos, we need not be surprised
at the prevalence and high incidence of paedophilia in high places - of which instances
could be cited applicable to both the United States and Britain. Those who corrupt children
cannot be forgiven; and, as they are not atheists ('for even the devils tremble, and believe'),
they know that they are lost. They have no hope.
For most of the time, these people are in denial about this desperate state of
affairs; but at night, or when they are alone, or when confronted with exposure,
they are all terrified. It has been specifically revealed by a defector from the IUumin-ati
that these people are 'all unhappy', and wish that they had never been sucked into the
hellish world of the Illuminati. A few may manage against all the odds to develop the
strength of character to burst out from what binds them, but they can only do this
through repentance and faith in Jesus Christ: there is no other way.
Those who have blasphemed against the Holy Spirit, knowing that they are on
their way to perdition, seek, therefore, to take as many members of humanity down
to hell with them as they can, on the ludicrous working assumption that they will
be less lonely in the state of permanent torment that awaits them. They are not
atheists. And since they are in this state, they remain obedient instruments of Lucifer,
and do his bidding, because they know they have no hope. It follows, finally, that it
makes 'sense' for Satan to entice as many ambitious people into the hell of
paedophilia as possible, since the ranks of the Illuminati are thereby swelled, and
implementation of Satan's lust for global hegemony is promoted accordingly.
The single product of Luciferians is death - spiritual and physical death for
themselves, and as many deaths of others as they may acquire opportunities to
inflict. In April 2006, 'The Times' (London) published a brief review of Laura Bush, an
Intimate Portrait of the First Lady', by Ronald Kessler, a former Capitol Hill staffer who
allegedly served the interests, in the back rooms of the Legislative Branch, of those
members of the Illuminati who successfully sought to ensure that the use of aspartame
would be approved. This substance induces seizures, and is believed to be
responsible for the rapid increase in Alzheimer's and autism (Alzheimer's in turn
serving the interests of the insurance scamming dimension of the Illuminati, based
primarily in Indianapolis - since the more patients who spend their final years
afflicted by Alzheimer's', the more wills can he malevolentiy modified, the more estates can
be plundered and the more life assurance policies can be stolen and scammed).
In hot temperatures, aspartame undergoes a chemical reaction, becoming
formaldehyde - explaining the phenomenon of Gulf War Syndrome. The vast
supplies of Coca Cola containing aspartame that were delivered for consumption by
the troops in the Middle East lay for weeks on the tarmac in temperatures of up to 140
degrees Fahrenheit. The Chief Executive Officer of Merck, the manufacturers of
aspartame, at the relevant time, was Donald Rumsfeld. Merck later acquired
Monsanto, suppliers of the ingredients for aspartame20.
According to "The Times" review of Kessler's book, Mrs Laura Bush 'gives him the
"greasy eyeball over a flippant or inconsiderate remark or when he failed to show the
right kind of courtesy or attention to someone", in the words of their friend Donald
Ensenat. 'She doesn't need to verbalise with him. It registers". When Mr Bush stated
that he wanted Osama Bin Laden (a.ka. the CIA operative and asset 'Tim Osman')
"dead or alive", she responded by saying: 'Bushie, you gonna git 'im?" He took the
point, telling friends: "She didn't want to see me become too bellicose, react with
Bloodlust? Where exactly did the 43rd President of the United States get that idea
from? On 19th March 2003, as the first news of the attack on Iraq came through, the
President was caught on the internal White House video camera punching his right fist
into the air, exclaiming: 'Feels good, feels good'. Is this man possessed?
Unfortunately, it has been reliably alleged that, at a certain pre-presidential stage of
his existence, George W Bush Jr. was indeed present at an occult ceremony in the
course of which an unknown number of persons lost their lives.
Death is nothing to the Illuminati. As alluded to elsewhere, the Author himself
received no less than seven death threats in the course of researching this study.
When people fall out of line with the Illuminati, they may be at risk. Certain pop
singers, such as Jimmy Hendrix, were intelligent enough, and insufficientiy drugged, to
comprehend the Illuminati's permissive society strategy, and in particular its
exploitation of the 'music' industry to propagate the sterile, Luciferian idolatries of
mind-control, sex and death. When Hendrix started to insert lyrics in his 'songs' that
revealed his understanding of what was going on, he was liquidated. The IUurninati are
particularly focused on attacking the children of their targets, especially if they are
twins (they have an occultic fixation on twins, and on twin boys aged 11).
These people are capable of anything. The two most heinous Illuminati regimes to date
have of course been Stalin's USSR, and Nazi Germany (sample atrocities of which are
displayed on page 658). But by far the worse Illuminati regime ever to have been
developed in human history may be emerging 'as we speak'. It is the United States.
As one European friend of the Author, long resident in the United States, has
explained: 'The Nazi/Illuminati dictatorship that will emerge in the United States will be
by far the worst that mankind has ever perpetrated'. This study seeks to help delay or
even to neutralise any such Luciferian outcome.
Just as these evil people are all 'unhappy', it should also be borne in mind that
they are cowards and bullies. The Author discovered this personally when, having
delivered a lecture on Soviet strategy at the East Side Conservative Club in the Plaza
Hotel in New York in December 1995, he mistakenly allowed a certain Soviet, who was
an emigre from Stalin's entourage, to ask the first question. This operative strode in his
dirty raincoat to the lectern, elbowed the Author out of the way, and proceeded for 12
minutes to denounce everything that the Author had said. When finally the Author
regained the lectern, he uttered three sentences, which he has never been able to
recall. It appeared that the words were not his. Jesus said: 'But
when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye
shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that
hour, that speak ye; for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost' [Mark, Chapter 13,
verse 11]. Certainly, the effect was that the Soviet operative visibly shrank into his chair
as the whole hall erupted in a standing ovation lasting for several minutes.
But the words were not those of the Author.
One should never deliberately set out to to confront evil. But when confronted
with evil - which is different - standing up to these cowards and bullies from a rock-solid
position of integrity, causes them to fall back. Consider what happened when Jesus
confronted the band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees
brandishing weapons after Judas had betrayed Him:
'When Jesus had spoken these words, he went forth with his disciples over the
brook Cedron, where was a garden, into the which he entered, and his disciples. And
Judas also, which betrayed him, knew the place; for Jesus oft-times resorted thither
with his disciples. Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the
chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.
Jesus therefore, knowing all things that should come upon him, went forth, and said unto
them, Whom seek ye? They answered him, Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus saith unto them, I
am he. And Judas also, which betrayed him, stood with them. As soon then as he had
said unto them, I am he, they went backward, and fell to the ground'. [John, Chapter
18, verses 1-6].
Quite simply, the power of Jesus Christ is greater by far than all the destructive
power of these deluded contemporary disciples of Satan: And Jesus came and spake unto
them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth' [Matthew, Chapter 28,
verse 18]. This means that if, in His Name, we refuse to be bamboozled by their lies, by
their manipulations of the truth, by the games they play with our minds, by the scams
and deceptions they perpetrate, by their false promises and blandishments, and by
their sterile posturings, threats and empty words, they will he unable to achieve their
objectives. In this connection, it should be stressed that one of their most effective weapons is
our own sense of their overwhelmingly oppressive power and the consequent sense of
helplessness that it is intended to impose upon us. This psychological intimidation should
be resisted. Because although they believe they are winning, that is a delusion. They are
all headed for perdition; and they know it.
The American Republic can be saved. It can be wrested from the hands of
these amoral, serial criminalists. The 'white hats' in the intelligence community, and
their colleagues and supporters throughout the US structures, can perfectly well
summon up the collective will to terminate the reign of these people, to face them
down, and to cease relying exclusively upon the pro bono activism of private foreign
friends of the United States, for the progress that needs to be made.
The Author believes in 'the power of one'. Even one person, properly guided and
motivated, can achieve decisive results, as the Author has been able to do in
connection with certain key developments not addressed (for security reasons) in this
study. Despondency is unwarranted, as these people are all deeply discon-
tented - and in their rational moments, would wish that the aspirations for salvation
expressed here could be realised, and their hellish existence terminated.
For, as indicated, the end that these Luciferians face, and their sole product, is
death. That they are cowards was illustrated by the following account of the final
moments in the life of one of the filuminati's most odious creations, Stalin's Interior
Ministry chief, Lavrentii Beria, who, as this investigation reveals, was the German
Abwehr's highest-level long-range penetration agent in Moscow. The account is taken
from a description of Beria's execution attributed to the KGB officer Yuri Ivanovich
Nosenko, who may have been present at it, or even Beria's executioner:
'Nosenko claimed that he was one of the agents who had arrested Lavrentii
Pavlovich Beria, the man who had been Stalin's chief executioner during the mass
exterminations of the prewar purges. As head of the People's Commissariat for
Internal Affairs (NKVD), the predecessor of the KGB, Beria had masterminded
perhaps the most-feared secret police agency of its day. Thousands, maybe millions,
died at his orders. But, according to Nosenko, when given a pistol and told to shoot
himself, Beria cried uncontrollably, clutching at the boots of those who tried, in vain,
to convince him to "do the honourable thing". Beria was finally shot by one of his
This is a gruesome illustration of the fundamental cowardice of these people. When
it comes to their own demise, they tend to see death in a different light -having all
their possessed lives 'believed in the Satanic lie of reincarnation (taught by The Order).
There was, however, no sign in the spring of 2006 that the leader of the enforcement
arm of the Illuminati had entertained any second thoughts over the ease with which
he had presided to date over the delivery of death. After Lady Thatcher had long been
forced out of office, the Author met her at a birthday party held, appropriately enough,
at the Tower of London. It was 13 years after the sinking of the Argentine warship, the
Belgrano, which she had ordered, with substantial loss of life. Instead of the blue eyes
that the Author had noticed when he had first been invited to advise her in March
1979, he saw before him a woman whose eyes were blazing jet black. Several
Members of Parliament separately reported to the Author that the identical
phenomenon had been observed, from time to time, with respect to the eyes of the
subsequent British Prime Minister, Tony Blair.
Two American women reported separately to this Author in the early 1990s that
they had noticed with alarm, while in his presence at events in Washington, that the
physical temperature surrounding MVD General Eduard Shevardnadze, the former
Soviet dictator of Georgia and usurper of power in Tbilisi in March 1992, known as
Stalin n, was freezing cold. It is rare that one observes operatives who are 'perfectly
possessed', but certain candidates for this description at the highest levels of the Bush
Jr. Administration might spring to mind. Those who are perfectly possessed
maintain an identical expression on their faces and usually never display any emotion
at all. As will be explained in this study, this may be because they have progressed
far along the path laid out for them during their Skull and Bones rituals or their
initiations into the Fellow Craft Degree in Scottish Rite Freemasonry.
The state of mind and soul to which they are required, at this lowest level, to
begin to aspire and to reach and surpass, was described by the late 33rd Degree
Mason Manly P. Hall, as follows. The candidate must achieve 'the transmutation of
personal affection into impersonal compassion.... Personalities cannot bind the true
Second Degree member, for having raised one point of the compasses, he now realises
that all personal manifestations are governed by impersonal principles'.
'At this point the candidate consecrates the five senses to the study of human
problems with the unfolding sense centers as the motive; for he realises that the
five senses are keys, the proper application of which will give him material for
spiritual transmutation'23.
The integrated instruction to 'study human problems' dispassionately, and to
discard all personal affection in favour of 'impersonal compassion' (a contradiction in
terms) both procures that the candidate/adept abandons any inclination to 'seek after
the Lord thy God', and ensures that he discards his humanity, exchanging human
warmth for a disconnected, dispassionate, cold-hearted, illusory presumption that he
is well on the way towards 'transmutation' (illumination). By contrast, the reality is that
we are all, each one of us, born with the knowledge of God, and drawn to seek after
Him because we are His creation (as is obvious to anyone who has observed a
newborn baby at close quarters). Our lifelong, agreeable task is to 'seek the Lord, if
haply [we] might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of
us: For in him we live, and move, and have our being;... For we are also his offspring'
[Paul, in Acts, Chapter 17, verses 27-28].
The Illuminati Order's maddened offensive against True Christianity presupposes
(erroneously) that it can be completely destroyed. But the presumption and instruction
to substitute 'impersonal compassion' and the 'study of human problems' for personal
affection and our search for God, has necessitated the creation of false, 'collective'
concerns and issues which are presented for public consumption as 'human problems'
that are intended to replace our search for God (labelled 'religion', a word that the Author
finds somewhat obstructive and tries not to employ). These 'global issues' - the dubious,
fabricated 'lines' about 'global warming', 'poverty in Africa', 'poverty eradication', Third
World debt (an issue taken up for some reason by certain ignorant and
uncomprehendingly bewildered Church of England clerics), 'bird 'flu', AIDS, and so
forth - are contrived specifically as substitutes for personal spirituality.
Issues such as 'poverty in Africa' are also designed to provide fresh scamming
opportunities - so that those gullible people attending 'pop' concerts in city parks
having paid premium prices to sit in crammed conditions in vast numbers to listen to
tawdry 'music' noise on the pretext of 'helping alleviate poverty in Africa', have no real
idea what happened to their money. In summary, they exchange good money, with no
accountability, for a 'warm, fuzzy feeling' that they have contributed to the alleviation
of one of the problems facing humanity - without undergoing any spiritual
transformation in relation to God whatsoever. In the meantime, they have been fleeced,
since the lack of accountability ensures that the huge sums raised by these means are
routinely stolen. These events are just standard Dlurninati scamming operations.
In the 1930s and into the 1960s, an agitprop organisation calling itself 'The
British-Israel Movement' flourished among Christian denominations in Britain and
the United States. It claimed by convoluted false historical deduction that the Anglo-
Saxons are descended from the wandering Israelites, and campaigned for a Union of
Britain with Canada and the United States under British supremacy, along
Rosicracian lines. The organisation successfully raised very large sums of money
ostensibly for Israel. The first page of an official booklet, devoted to this subject, quoted
from 'The Fourth Book of Kings' - which of course does not exist.
This was an early example of what has become the familiar practice of elaborating
and spinning fairy tales from Scripture, on the sound assumption that only a small
minority of the population reads the Holy Bible and would accordingly be equipped
to expose the lies being disseminated. The example du jour as this book was being
finalised was of course 'The Da Vinci Code', exploiting the base lies that Jesus
recovered from His Crucifixion and married Mary Magdalene.
Other authors have written authoritatively on the vast interlocking spider's web
of elitist criminal conspirators. The upper levels of the tightly compartmentalised
Illuminati structural pyramid of secret societies feature planning committees of which
the public has little or no knowledge. These upper levels embrace secretive conclaves, of
which the following have been identified by several authorities, led by the British
intelligence officer Dr John Coleman, who published an analysis in 1992 entitled
Conspirators' Hierarchy: The Story of The Committee of 300': The Council of Three, The
Council of Five, The Council of Seven, The Council of Nine, The Council of 13, The
Council of 33, The Grand Druid Council, The Committee of 300 (also called 'The
Olympians'), and the Committee of 500. The considerable 'underground literature on
this subject is usually poorly annotated, and exposes appearing on the Internet are, with a
handful of honourable exceptions, typically, and often deliberately, devoid of notes and
references. Moreover such sources often provide uncorroborated information without
addressing the question: Why?', which is always the most important.
Rather than rely primarily on such sources, the Author has approached this vast
subject instinctively, on the basis of his experience of strategic deception and intel-
ligence community lies and scamming behaviour. There are undoubtedly many
gaps in what follows; but this detailed attempt at exposing the Luciferian conspiracy,
which binds the leaderships of all the G-8 countries and, these days, many of the
others, is presented in good faith for use as a weapon against these evil people by all
who know a little of these matters, and no doubt by many who know much more than
the Author does. It should be recalled that whenever a leader previously selected
by the Illuminati proves not to be a 'team player' and to diverge from what is
required of them, they are 'taken out' - prominent examples being President
Kennedy, President Ali Bhutto (Pakistan), Aldo Moro (in Italy), and of course Mrs
Thatcher, who belatedly realised that the European Union was a trap. She probably
never understood that it is, in fact, the manifestation of a long-range Abwehr strategic
deception designed to decapitate the hated British wartime victors once and for all.
The European Union forms one blade of the DVD's long-
range 'scissors strategy', the other blade of which is the Abwehr's fifth-column
penetration of the key US structures [see page XXXIII] - another way of summarising
German long-range strategy to defeat the 'main enemy' to that shown in the
Conclusion on page 629. The US Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) chief, Admiral
Boorda - described by an impeccable source as a great patriot - and the former Director of
Central Intelligence, William Colby, were both 'taken out' because they had balked at,
or were on the verge of exposing, operations or strategies of the Illuminati.
The Author has been separately engaged in detailed research into how the New
Underworld Order is being refinanced, at the intergovernmental level, where
'funny money' is conjured out of thin air by means of the sophisticated exploitation
of the international fiat money financial system. At this level, billions are converted
into trillions in the space of, say 18 months. Incorporation of this research would have
resulted in the expansion of this presentation to well over 1200 pages; and since the
research was ongoing as this book was being finalised, it has necessarily had to be
excluded. Suffice it to say that a prolific money-generating engine has been perfected
to finance the New Underworld Order. This Author substitutes 'Underworld for "World
so as to signal that these operations have been hijacked by the Illuminati - which makes it
hard for patriotic intelligence officers who believe in the nation state, and who have to
work in this environment, to ensure that the Rule of Law is upheld. Those who cross the
IUuminati criminals, are liable to suffer false witness, false arrest, false imprisonment, false
house arrest, the illegal confiscation of their assets, and other abominations - harsh
penalties that the corrupt intelligence communities reserve specially for the punishment
of their own colleagues and employees who refuse, for instance, to agree to US
Presidents stealing billions from trustors' accounts. The Author is referring here to
specific information in his possession.
The quotations from Scripture in this book are taken from the King James Version
of the Holy Bible throughout. None of the other versions can be relied upon, since a
subsidiary project of the Illuminati is to procure the repeated rewriting of Scripture
until the Word of God is obliterated, or rendered of no value, and replaced by that of
Lucifer - in accordance with a 'salami tactics' programme of constant textual 'renewal',
contrary to warnings against tampering with Scripture that appear in both the Old and
the New Testaments: "The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of
earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from
this generation for ever' [Psalm 12, verses 6-7].
It is an interesting fact that three 'authors' of 'new versions' of the Holy Bible
were struck dumb after their work had been completed. Two of them, the nine-
teenth century occultic spiritualists Westcott and Hort, changed the traditional
Greek text which underlies the King James Version, in no less than 8,413 places -
using the corrupt Vaticanus manuscript. For the definitive studies which show that
the King James Version is true, and the only text to be trusted and which certainly
conveys the Word of God in its total purity, the reader is directed to the classic studies
of this subject published in the United States by Dr Gail Riplinger25.
The Author is solely responsible for any errors and omissions in this work. ■
FOREWORD: Notes and references
1 John Buchan, The Thirty-Nine Steps', William Blackwood & Sons Ltd, Pan Books Ltd, London, 1 979, page 1 1 .
2. It may of course never be possible, in this murky context, to expose more than a fraction of the truth.
But enough of it can be exposed to make the investigation worth while, to help dispel familiar illusions,
and even to make the ruthless enemy think twice. The alternative would be to emulate a person whom the
Author once knew who said that 'I like my head stuck in the sand, and I prefer to leave it there'.
3 'Der Mann der Hitler die Ideen gab' (The Man who gave Hitler his Ideas'), 1958, cited in the excellent
study of Nazi homosexuality, The Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party', by Scott Lively and
Kevin Abrams, Founders Publishing Company, Box 20307, Keizer, OR 97307, USA, 1996, page 2. This is
indispensable reading not least because it provides advance warning of the evil significance of the obvi
ously deliberate homosexualisation of US and British political parties and institutions, including the mil
itary. For instance, elements of the partly brainwashed British military now routinely demand to know if
new recruits are homosexual, not because this information can in any way assist the military to do its job
efficiently, but because a mandated proportion of the military population 'must' be homosexual in order
to 'reflect' the proportion of homosexuality in the population (which is well below 1% but is malevolently
asserted by mind-mapped apparatchiksto be of the order of 10%).
4. The Pink Swastika', op. cit. (Note 3), page 3.
5. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', Western Islands, Boston MA, 1967, pages 62-63.
6. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 79.
7. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 61 .
8. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 74.
9. The US intelligence author and deprogrammer Fritz Springmeier has revealed, in a treatise entitled The
Top 13 llluminati Bloodlines', that most people these days are encumbered by built-in 'slides' which he
revealed to be a CIA term for a conditioned type of response which dead-ends a person's thinking and terminates
debate or examination of the topic at hand. For example, any mention of the word 'conspiracy' usually generates
a 'slide' response, with many unknowingly brainwashed people dismissing out of hand, in a knee-jerk reaction,
the very notion that such a phenomenon as a conspiracy could ever exist. See the Author's reference, in the
main text, to the fact that Lenin, an llluminati operative, himself specifically described the World Revolution as a
conspiracy. By creating a 'slide' that presupposes that there is no such thing as a conspiracy, the conspirators think they
are permanently protected from exposure.
10. V. I. Lenin, 'What is to be Done?', in 'Burning Questions of Our Movement', Volume 5, page 475, in 'Lenin
on Language', Raduga Publishers, Moscow, 1983, page 162.
1 1 . John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 77.
12. 'Socialism or State Capitalism in the Soviet Union', M. Rezunov, 'Sovetskoe Gosudarstvo I Sotsialis-
ticheskoe ObschchestvoTThe Soviet State and Socialist Society'], Leningrad, 1934, pages 12-18.
13. 'In Search of Marxist Identity', essay published in 'Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology', selected,
translated and edited by Michael Jaworskyi, The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, MA, 1967, page 521 .
14. 'In Search of Marxist Identity', in 'Soviet Political Thought: An Anthology', op. cit, page 523.
15. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 84.
1 6. When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power,
he has learned the mystery of his Craft [= witchcraft]. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he
may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply [this] energy.... The hand that slays must lift the
fallen, while the lips given to cursing must be taught to pray. The heart that hates must leam the mystery of compassion'.
Many P. Hall, 33rd Degree Mason, in The Lost Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff, Macoy Publishing
and Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, VA, originally published in 1923; 1976.
1 7. John Robison, Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit., page 85.
1 8. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', op. cit, page 71 .
1 9. 'Pawns in the Game', by William Guy Carr, CPA Book Publisher, P.O. Box 596, Boring, OR 97009-0596, USA,
page XIII.
20. Private information to the Author from a US intelligence source.
21 . The Times', London, 5th April 2006, page 39: 'The Glower behind the Throne', by Tom Baldwin.
22. 'Crusade: Undercover against the Mafia & KGB', Chapter 12, Yuri Ivanovich Nosenko, KGB, page 100; text
provided to the Author on 21st March 1994 by a US intelligence source.
23. Manley P. Hall, The Lost keys of Freemasonry', op. cit, pages 51-52.
24. 'British-Israel: What is it?', originally published by Trumpet Press, Houston, Texas in 1 938, page 1 .
25. See for instance, Dr Gail Riplinger's short-form booklet, 'Which Bible is God's Word? Answers to
Common Questions Concerning Modern Versions and Translations', Hearthstone Publishing, 1994; and 'New
Age Bible Versions: An Exhaustive Documentation exposing the Message, Men and Manuscripts moving
Mankind to the Antichrist's One World Religion', Dr Gail Riplinger, A.V. Publications Corporation, P.O. Box 280,
Ararat, VA 24053, USA: ISBN 0-9635845-0-2. Telephone: 1 -800 435 4535. ■
• Fact: The US Federal Government's secret research laboratory at Los Alamos has been digitising the Dead Sea
Scrolls because they prescribe all the elements needed to coerce the population into acceptance of the New
Underworld Order. Specifically, they prescribe the confiscation of all personal property, and the coming of false Messiahs.
Their widespread dissemination is a direct attack upon the perfect Gospel of Jesus Christ. ■
Since this book addresses the 'Works of Darkness' and exposes Dark Forces and
'Dark Actors Playing Games', the main hazard facing both Author and reader alike is
how to disentangle the poisonous threads in order to arrive at a reliable overall
strategic assessment of what is happening. Few analysts think strategically, especially in
the intelligence communities - given compartmentalisation, the environment of lies
and deception, and the breakup of national intelligence into competing groups
manipulated by foreign powers.
The Author has been able to identify these powers, and which US intelligence
cadres appear to be attached to, working for or manipulated by them, by analysing
remarks uttered by such people when taken off guard. For instance, one US intell-
igence operative was caught staring that 'Britain will be left dangling', and insisting that
Tony Blair, allegedly a corrupted asset of German/French 'Black intelligence, would
not be leaving office, in the face of widespread expectations to the contrary associated
with UK corruption and murder investigations. A British Prime Minister is not
protected for all time by a Secret Service, as is the case with US Presidents. From
remarks such as these, and ample other evidence, cosidered in context, it has been
possible to identify which ruthless competing cadres within the vast US intelligence
community are linked to which malevolent foreign power. Hatred of the British is
usually a reliable indication of a German (DVD) connection.
This Author has, in various private serial publications of which he is the Editor,
exposed the existence of the Dachau-Based German 'Black intelligence agency, DVD
(Deutsche Verteidigungs (or Versicherangs) Dienst), located, of all places, at Dachau,
near Munich. Exposure of this agency, successor of the Nazi Abwehr, was 'never
supposed to happen'; and as a consequence, the entire postwar perspective has had to
be revised. The Author was privileged to expose this organisation following the death of
Sir Edward Heath, a long-term Abwehr agent, and the atrocities committed against British
people and the UK infrastructure on 7th July 2005, which were allegedly ordered by
President Chirac, Germany's co-conspirator, and monitored by GCHQ inter alia while the
French President was in Gleneagles for a G-8 conference. It has since transpired that a
fifth bomb was meant to have exploded in the Northern Line beneath the River
Thames, and that, as a consequence, a sizeable proportion of the London Underground
was to have been flooded - causing immense physical and psychological damage,
murdering thousands of Londoners, and probably destabilising the whole world. This
was being interpreted in intelligence circles as nothing less than an act of war - as were
indeed the 9/11 atrocities, which have also been traced to Al-Qaeda, an operation of
German 'Black intelligence, DVD. In both Britain and the United States, these atrocities
were facilitated by deep, long-term German Nazi Continuum penetrations. In the
United States, the Fifth Column has resided since 1946 onwards primarily inside the
CIA, and it is the German-linked cadres therein, led by the Frankfurt-based COREA
group, which are predominantiy behind the CIA's drug operations, and responsible for
its comprehensive corruption - the term 'CIA' embracing here all the myriad other US
intelligence services, including
the National Security Agency (NSA), to which the CIA is supposedly subordinate. In the
spring of 2006, it was the case that the NSA 'reported to' John Negroponte, the newly-
installed US Director of National Intelligence (DNA), and that Negroponte allegedly
'reported to' George Bush Sr., who, over the years, has allegedly acquired control over at
least $206 trillion (according to sensitive intelligence) of 'funny money' allegedly leveraged
from the $4.0 billion amassed to finance the First Gulf War, the theft of assets arising
from the collapse of Continental Illinois Bank, the exploitation of a Trust established by
the late CIA Director of Central Intelligence, William Casey, and the massive looting
operations carried out against the US Savings and Loan sector in the 1980s. George Bush
Sr., alleged by British sources to be the actual head of the DVD, having succeeded
Admiral Canaris in the late 1970s, also allegedly has German citizenship, which can
be based on ethnicity. A Jacobin Illuminist named Busche is identified by Professor
John Robison of Edinburgh in his classic expose of the IUuminati, published in 1798 [on
page 78 of the Western Islands edition, Boston, MA, 1967: see Figure 75 on page 495 of
this work]. German 'Black intelligence specialises in heroin, while the parallel French and
Spanish 'Black intelligence organisations 'do cocaine'. Spain, which is awash with
drugs, has been a staging post for alleged Bush Sr. -connected Latin American drug
deliveries into European countries.
In the United Kingdom, German 'Black intelligence has penetrated MI5, MI6 and
GCHQ, via a UK 'Black intelligence outfit labelled GO-2, which actually resides inside
MI6. The Author has also begun to expose this entity, which 'reports' to DVD in Dachau.
GO-2 is responsible for 'managing' two drug cartels, and is accordingly ultimately
responsible, under the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, allegedly a tool of German/French
intelligence, for deliberately distributing cocaine into British schools.
Both Britain and the United States have official structures which are divided
against themselves, as a consequence of long-range foreign penetrations. It is understood
that GCHQ, which 'reported to' GO-2, woke up to this dreadful situation upon
monitoring the 'act of war' allegedly ordered by President Chirac for 7/7, alluded to
above. It is also becoming clearer by the day that the following British Prime Ministers
were (and/or are) controlled ultimately by the DVD: Macmillan, Wilson, Heath, and
allegedly Tony Blair. In Germany itself, the DVD selects the Chancellor, and simply
informs him or her of its activities. In other words, German 'Black intelligence, which
represents the Nazi Continuum, controls the Berlin Government and represents the
custodian of continuing Nazi long-range strategy. After all, the 'Madrid Circular Letter',
intercepted by the Allies in the early 1950s [see page 573] proclaimed that For us, the war
never ended': Fur uns, der Krieg ist niemals vorbei.
It is clear from much of the evidence exposed in this book that the IUuminati provide
German Nazi continuing strategic intelligence policymakers with long-range cover for
their global control objectives. According to a high-level IUuminati source in the United
States, the powers of 'Old Europe' are fighting for supremacy, and must be left to fight
it out among themselves. This is one way of looking at the crisis. But it fails to explain
the community of interests between the criminalist cadres of, for instance, the continuing
Soviets (there was no discontinuity of Soviet strategy, either) and those of 'Black Ops
agencies ran by the other Great Powers. In this rats' sewer flowing into the River Styx, all
the IUuminati's stinking rats smell the same. ■
The New Underworld Order is driven by The (deranged) Order of the Dluminati, grafted
onto Freemasonry - which it absorbed at the Congress of Wilhelmsbad in 1782 [see
below] while retaining the outer structures of Speculative Masonry. The Illuminati rely
for protection on their own label and their lie that there is no such thing as a
conspiracy - having persuaded those whom Lenin called Useful Idiots' to assume
that it is analysts like this Author who are deranged! But it is The Order which is
mad - driven by the 'seething energies of Lucifer' to believe its own lies such as that of
the 'Orphic Egg' [opposite] and the mechanistic universe. ■
INVENTION CALLED THE ORPHIC EGG In summary, the Illuminati have adopted /
invented / co-opted a fantastic piece of nonsense to 'rationalise' their concept of
creation, the universe and human existence. Specifically, reality arises from a so-called
'Orphic Egg' [see below] out of which, when cracked open, fly three phanes' - the
Great Architect of the Universe itself (!!) and 'good' and 'evil'. Actually, Illuminists
believe in neither, since their universe is mechanistic. Through progressive initiation,
they purport to become entitled to order the affairs of the whole of humanity.
Because the hoi polloi are ignorant, they are not entitled to 'special knowledge' and
can be lied to indefinitely. These mad people have a solution for every human problem,
which is why our corrupted Governments and the European Commission never stop
legislating and intermeddling. But their efforts are cumulatively futile: for the literal
meaning of the word 'Revolution' is 'going round and round in circles'. ■
The Ophic Egg is encircled by the
Serpent - symbolic of the Devil, of
course. This image, which openly
acknowledges that this myth is an
invention of Satan, is taken from 33rd
Degree Mason Manly P. Hall's very rare
Rosicrucian tome entitled 'Masonic,
Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian
Symbolical Philosophy', published by H.
S. Crocker & Co, 1928. The image
appeared originally in Bryant's 'An
Analysis of Ancient Mythology'. Manly
Palmer Hall's caption reads:
The ancient symbol of the Orphic
Mysteries was the serpent-entwined
egg, which signified the Cosmos as
encircled by the fiery Creative Spirit' [i.e.,
Satan]. The egg also represents the
soul of the philosopher [sic]; the
serpent, the Mysteries' [invocation of
demons, magick, etc]. At the time of
initiation the shell is broken and man
emerges from the embryonic state of
physical existence wherein he had
remained through the foetal period of
philosophical] regeneration'.
This explanation diverges from the
actual myth [see the main text above],
illustrating how these madmen invent
'lines' to suit the deception in hand. ■
John Dee (1527-
1608), Elizabeth Is
astrologer and a
member of the
Anglican Church,
supervised thinly
veiled 'Goddess
worship' of the
Queen herself.
Knee-jerk bias against Christianity is based upon the mistaken assumption that the
churches represent the Truth of Jesus Christ. That this is mistaken is evident not least
from the particular aberration elucidated immediately below:
In 'Morals and Dogma', the Luciferian occultist Magus
and consolidator of US Freemasonry Albert Pike,
states that Isis, Queen of Heaven, describes herself as
'instructed by Mercury. No-one can destroy the laws
which I have established. I am the eldest daughter of
Saturn, the most ancient of the gods, I am the wife
and sister of Osiris the King... Rejoice, O Egypt, land
that gave me birth'. This image, contained in Manly P.
Hall's Luciferian Rosicrucian tome [see page
XXXI], is taken from 'Mozaize Historie der
Hebreeuwse Kerk', an
otherwise unidentified
Dutch esoteric document.
Below: Esoteric depiction of
'Die Gottesmutter', the
Mother of God' (a contradiction
in terms) by Albrecht Diirer. See
Jeremiah, Chapter 44, 16-25,
condemning worship of this goddess.
The essence of Illuminism and of Freemasonry - because it has been comprehensively
penetrated, taken over and serves as the host for The Order of the Illuminati - is
double-mindedness, the very essence of deception and lies. The dialectical method
reflects this central reality. Anyone who fails to discern this central truth will remain
forever confused. Once we grasp this fact, the behaviour of the deranged manipulators
exposed in this book becomes comprehensible, and we can never remain blinded and
trapped for long by their serial lies and blandishments. A critical variant of the
dialectical methodology is what can be called 'The Scissors Strategy', which is
illustrated in simplified format below [and on page 629]. In this model, one hand holds
the handles of the scissors, but there are two blades. The single hand is invisible to the
general public (the 'Goyim', or 'Bourgeoisie'), who perceive solely the behaviour of the
two blades. Since this book concludes that for all contemporary practical purposes the
IUuminati originate and are controlled from Germany, and since this study shows that for
German 'Black intelligence (DVD) the Second World War 'never ended', the practical
outcome is the offensive and stand-off shown below. ■
' ... Filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of
envy, murder, debate, deceit malignity; whisperers. Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud,
boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreak-
ers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful; Who knowing the judgment of God, that
they which commit such things are wormy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in
them that do them '. Romans, Chapter 1 , verses 29-32. AD 60.
' They know not neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness; all the foundations of
the earth are out of course '. Psalm 82, verse 5.
' But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful
lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil:
which, while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through
with many sorrows'. 1 Timothy, Chapter 6, verses 9-10. AD 65.
' Now the works of the flesh are manifest which are these: Adultery, fornication, uncleanness,
lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft hatred, variance, emulations, uncleanness, wrath, strife, sed
itions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like.... They which do such
things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuf-
fering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance...; and they which are Christ's have
crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts '. Galatians, Chapter 5, verses 19-24. AD 60.
' For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and
whosoever loveth and maketh a lie'. Revelation, Chapter 22, verse 1 5. AD 96.
'Let both grow together [the tares, i.e. the weed darnel, which looks like wheat until it matures,
whereupon it assumes a different aspect]; and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers. Gather
ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them; but gather the wheat into my barn '.
[Jesus: the parable of the tares]. Matthew, Chapter 1 3, verse 30. AD 31 (or 27).
' He that is unjust let him be unjust still; and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that
is righteous, let him be righteous still; and he that is holy, let him be holy still '. Revelation,
Chapter 22, verse 1 1 . AD 96.
' Then said he unto me, hast thou seen what the ancients of the house of Israel do in the
dark, every man in the chambers of his imagery? For they say, the Lord seeth us not; the Lord
hath forsaken the earth.... And behold, at the door of the temple of the Lord, between the porch
and the altar, were about five and twenty men, with their backs toward the temple of the Lord;
and their faces toward the east and they worshipped the sun toward the east'. Ezekiel, Chapter
8, from verses 1 2 and 1 6. This is the first ever description of the Luciferian Masonic Lodge. BC 594.
' Flee out of the midst of Babylon; and deliver every man his soul: be not cut off in her iniquity;
for this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; he will render unto her a recompense. Babylon hath
been a golden cup in the Lord's hand, that made all the earth drunken; the nations have drunken
of her wine; therefore the nations are mad. Babylon is suddenly fallen and destroyed; howl for
her; take balm for her pain, if so be she may be healed. We would have healed Babylon, but she
is not healed; forsake her, and let us go every one into his own country; for her judgment
reacheth unto heaven, and is lifted up even to the skies '. Jeremiah, Chapter 51 , verses 6-9. BC 595.
' And he answered and said, Babylon is fallen; and all the graven images of her gods he hath broken
unto the ground'. Isaiah, Chapter 21 , verse 9. BC 714.
'And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all
nations chunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication '. Revelation, Chapter 1 4, verse 8. AD 96.
' If they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them '. Isaiah, Chapter 8, verse
20. AD 741.
' Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon
you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke
is easy, and my burden is light '. Matthew, Chapter 1 1 , verses 28-30. AD 31 (or 27).
' If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed. And ye shall know the truth, and the
truth shall make you free *. John, Chapter 8, verses 31 -32. [Verse 30: And as he spake these words,
many believed on him']. See Chapter One, page 1 of this work, opposite -->
Visitors to the headquarters of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at Langley,
Virginia, are confronted with the following slogan:
'You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free'.
This slogan, which is dishonestiy intended to lead the observer to understand,
contrary to the actualite, that the CIA deals in the truth, also encapsulates another lie.
The second lie hidden in the slogan exploits the cynical assumption that few in
the modern world know Scripture. If they did, they would immediately be aware that
this slogan is actually taken out of context from a glorious statement, given to us for our
salvation, by Jesus Christ. The relevant text is to be found in the Gospel of John,
Chapter 8, verses 31-32:
'Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, 'If ye continue in my
word, then are ye my disciples indeed; And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall
make you free'.
In other words, knowing the truth is explicitiy conditional upon 'continuing in my
word' - which means following the truth of Jesus Christ, who is the Way the Truth
and the Life, i.e., walking in His Way. This truth is affirmed in John, Chapter 14, verse
6, where: 'Jesus saith unto him (Thomas): T am the way, the truth and the life: no man
cometh to the Father, but by me'1. No worship of the Virgin Mary, no obsession with
sublimated obscenities such as flagellation ('mortification of the body') as taught by that
sinister intelligence organisation Opus Dei, no diversionary preoccupation with weeping
statues or Black Madonnas (Sufism), no oppression by false 'New Age' religions, no
adherence to any other 'faith' on the erroneous assumption of 'religious' equivalence, will
procure the saving Grace of the Father, through the Holy Spirit. 'No man cometh to the
Father, but by me'. True Christianity - and indeed access to the Truth - is exclusive, not
inclusive. This naturally means that all diversionary 'religions', including Freemasonry
with which the intelligence and some policymaking communities are infested, are
absolutely incompatible with the Truth - that is, with the Way, the Truth and the Life. And
because Freemasonry, the scaffolding of the Synagogue of Satan*, is in fact a gradualist
introduction to Lucifer, the 'God of this World', it is particularly to be noted here, at the
outset, that all forms of Masonry, which is witchcraft, are diversionary dead-ends,
roadblocks erected by Satan to divert seekers after truth, from the Truth - leading those
who indulge therein to perdition, being wholly incompatible with 'continuing in my
Word' so that 'ye shall know the truth', allowing 'the truth to set you free'.
Indeed, the whole of the Truth is to be found clearly laid out by Jesus Christ in the
Gospels; and those of a contrite, humble and tender heart are enjoined to read the
* See Footnote at the end of the Notes and References to Chapter 1 : page 32.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
Gospel of John to begin with, wherein he or she will find the certainty of the Way, the
Truth and the Life. And the essence of the mystery of salvation is that, as Jesus Christ
explains in John, Chapter 6, verse 65: 'No man can come unto me, except it were given
unto him of my Father'. So, when he or she, for instance, makes the crucial decision,
having absorbed the above, to read the Gospel of John, that person is, by definition,
thereby given the grace to do so 'of my Father'. The glory of spiritual salvation -through
knowing the Truth that shall make us free - lies in the fact that the sum total of what is
necessary to begin to claim it, is to make this one initial decision to seek the Truth where it
lies, which has to come of our own free, unimpeded will.
The Truth which such a contrite, humble and tender heart finds in response to
being thus called2 has nothing to do with any 'truth' purveyed by man - let alone with
the kind of 'truth' that the CIA purports, according to its deceitful slogan, to dispense.
Apart from misrepresenting the words of Jesus by usurping them and taking them out of
context, the slogan accordingly dispenses the lie that since the CIA deals in 'the truth',
whatever it promulgates is 'the truth' - which by extension has the power to make
Americans (and the rest of the world) 'free'.
But, as this book shows, the CIA and the vast US intelligence community as a whole -
with which we have to be primarily concerned because of their global power, and
because of their generational penetration by long-range German Abwehr/DVD and covert
continuing Soviet agents and agents of influence - deal not in 'the truth' but in never-ending
lies, or in lies, diversions and omissions mingled with truth, which amount to the same
thing. For many of these people know little but deception as a way of life.
In fact the omission of pertinent information with an intention to mislead has
been aptly described as the worst form of lie. Consequently, and logically, far from
'setting us free', the works of the US intelligence Establishment, given the immensity and
arrogance of its power, are in the process of oppressing not only the American people,
but also the whole world. The CIA's participation in the international drug trade,
emulating the long since exposed drug offensive of the covert Soviet GRU-KGB against
the West , is a scandal of millennial proportions, which goes unaddressed. In this respect,
as in so many other dimensions, the United States, at this stage of the World
Revolution, is rapidly 'converging'4 towards the 'former' USSR5- 'convergence' being a
primary objective of the World Revolution. The fact that, as will be demonstrated in
this book, the CIA's global drug-trafficking operations are in fact a dimension of the
operations of the Illuminati, in no way 'excuses' the US intelligence community from
responsibility for the perpetration of this abomination.
As if to anticipate this book, a so-called 'former' US intelligence operative has openly
acknowledged that US intelligence is engaged in Works of Darkness. Of course, we all
know this - the whole world, since Abu Ghraib, now knows it, although even today few
have any grasp of the scale of the reprobate US intelligence community's involvement in
such works; but for a 'former' US intelligence operative to admit as much, is certainly a
most interesting development. It would be comforting to believe that the remark was
made in a contrite spirit of humility and tenderness towards those whom the intelligence
community has wronged. No such luck, unfortunately.
The 'former' operative's admission surfaced in an article by the veteran US
investigative reporter (with the closest of intelligence community links), Seymour
Hersh, in the aftermath of the atrocities committed in Abu Ghraib, with which the US
intelligence-linked corporations CACI and Titan 'were' associated (and for which they were
largely responsible). Hersh was describing what he had learned about a 'Special-Access
Program' (SAP), or clandestine 'Black' operation subject to the US Defense Department's
most stringent level of security, which was itself 'blown' by Hersh's revelations in The New
Yorker6. Under the SAP, Hersh reported, 'commandos crossed borders without visas and
could interrogate terrorism suspects deemed too important for transfer to the military's
facilities at Guantanamo, Cuba'. US commandos, operatives and other specialists
'carried out instant interrogations - using force if necessary -at secret CIA detention centers
scattered all around the world. The (resulting) intelligence 'would be relayed to the SAP
command center in the Pentagon in real time, and sifted for those pieces of information
critical to the White', or overt, world [see pages 6 and 8 et seq. for the significance of this
differentiation from the Black, or 'covert' world]. This is the paragraph in which the
unprecedented official admission in question was made:
'Fewer than two hundred operatives and officials, including [Defense Secretary
Donald] Rumsfeld and General Richard Myers, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, were
"completely read into the program", the former7 intelligence official said. The goal was
to keep the operation protected. "We're not going to read more people than necessary into
our heart of darkness", he said. "The rules are: Grab whom you must. Do what you
For any US intelligence official to acknowledge publicly that his or her intelligence
community has a 'heart of darkness' is probably unprecedented. All national intelligence
communities, being essentially ocultically-oriented secret societies riddled with
Freemasonry, have 'hearts of darkness'; but they scarcely ever admit this central reality,
other than via symbology, such as MI5's revealingly esoteric triangle-symbol shown in
Figure 1 below. Two possible explanations for this open admission of collective demonic
possession, which emerged in the aftermath of the maelstrom of reve-
With growing lay knowledge and understanding of the
transnational depredations of occultic Masonry, many
organisations have adopted the practice of hiding their
Freemasonic and llluminati connections and pedigrees -
although it is deliberately 'allowed', in what they name the
'Age of Aquarius', that esoteric orientations may be
displayed. The international oil companies have always
displayed their geomasonic linkages through corporate
symbology (pyramids, sunbursts, circles, etc). Britain's
MI5 intelligence service uses this occultic pyramid symbol,
which is almost 1 00% geomasonic. In the top sub-triangle,
the T, supposedly for Intelligence, is symbolic of the all-
seeing eye of Set (Satan) or Lucifer, which is also
shown. In the left sub-triangle, the 'M', which the layman
is supposed to assume stands for 'Military', further
alludes to Molech, the Caananite god-idol to which the
children of Israel sacrificed their unwanted children. In the
right-hand sub-triangle, the 'V stands not only for the
'perfect number' 5, but also, in part, for the state of so-
called 'perfect knowledge' to which Freemasons aspire as
they 'progress' towards total Illumination (actual
possession by Lucifer, or Set).
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
lations and reports surrounding the Satanic abuse perpetrated inter alia by those 'cutout'
US intelligence operatives at the notorious Abu Ghraib detention facility in the
Baghdad area and elsewhere, sprang to mind.
One possibility was that the official intelligence 'owners' of the 'heart of darkness'
are so Satanised and indifferent to the sufferings they inflict that they couldn't care less
any more, especially now that they have been 'rambled', what the rest of the world thinks.
Such an attitude would be consistent with the arrogant protestation, heard repeatedly
from some Americans, that it doesn't matter what conclusions the rest of the world has
reached concerning the dangers that this revolutionary United States now presents to
humanity: what matters is that America should be feared.
The second possibility is that the intelligence source who briefed Hersh was
somewhat ashamed of the blackness of the CIA/DIA's collective heart of darkness', and
was dismayed by the appalling international publicity as well as by the fact that this SAP
had gone so badly wrong: We've never had a case where a Special-Access Program
went sour - and this goes back to the Cold War'.
He complained that the intelligence officer to whom Mr Rumsfeld had delegated the
SAP, Stephen Cambone, an operative with an allegedly murky past, had decided to bring
the SAP rules (i.e., the absence of all residual morality) into the prisons; in other words,
the regular military personnel operating in the prisons were told that what went on there
now formed part of the covert operation, where no civilised rules applied.
By the time the official's 'heart of darkness' admission appeared in print, the
whole world had been reminded that the United States' regard for human life and
dignity was as depraved as that of the Hitier and Stalin regimes; that power corrupts, and
absolute power corrupts absolutely; and that the United States' protestations that it was
engaged in 'spreading democracy' in a region where it is non-existent, was indeed, as had
always been widely assumed, a disreputably fraudulent prospectus. This was the case not
least because the United States is itself in the habit of rigging its own electoral process, as
the extensively documented fiddling of the November 2004 General Election
demonstrated [see Addendum 1, page 662].
The shamefacedness of the Bush II Administration on this score was repeatedly in
evidence following that election, as top officials from the President down reiterated the
official 'line' that the United States is the guardian angel of that wondrous gift called
'democracy'. For example, on 16th June 2005, President G. W Bush denounced the
Iranian election as a sham designed to ensure that power was to be retained in the
hands of an undemocratic, repressive elite. 'The Iranian people', Mr Bush said, 'deserve
a genuinely democratic system in which elections are honest, and in which their leaders
answer to them instead of the other way around'. This hypocritical statement - one of
many of its kind coming from a US President who, whatever may have been thought of
the heavily Soviet-penetrated US Democratic Party, is shown to have presided over a
political machine that stole both the election of 2004 and the preceding election - was
typical of lies perpetrated by the head of a regime engaged in the exercise of
'democratism' (a Soviet-era word meaning 'the creation and maintenance of the illusion of
democracy') who, by ingrained habit, chooses to be unable and unwilling to distinguish
between truth and falsehood. For Iranians, who are no fools, to be told by a US President
who claimed to be sustaining 'freedom' while openly depriving the American people
of it, and who bragged about democracy after having usurped power which is supposed to
flow from the people, was further proof of the accuracy of their
slogan describing the United States as 'the Great Satan'. Mr Bush then tried to distinguish
between the Iranian regime and the people of Iran by hurriedly elaborating that 'today, the
Iranian regime denies' the Iranian people their rights. It brutalises its people and denies
their liberty'. And Washington wondered why the Iranian people are so manifestly
equivocal about American official professions of 'friendship' towards them, as opposed to
their regime. It is because the level of hypocrisy pouring out of Washington's intelligence-
controlled regime stinks in their nostrils.
Take the President's assertion on that occasion that the Iranian regime 'brutalises' its
people', a true statement that is overwhelmingly supported by the historical record. The US
regime does likewise. For instance, from late 2004 onwards, US journalists have been
sent to jail for refusing to divulge their sources to the authorities, which is exactly what
happens in brutalised states like, say, Zimbabwe. In 2005, Andrew Stephenson, who
worked tirelessly pro bono publico to expose the fraudulence of the 2004 General Election
[see Appendix 1], made the serious mistake of seeking employment in Washington DC as a
lobbyist, having exhausted his financial resources. On the plane back to his home city,
Seattle, he was taken violently ill, and was later diagnosed with cancer of the pancreas.
After patriotic Americans rallied round and raised, in extremely short order, no less than
$70,000 to finance a very serious surgical operation at Johns Hopkins Hospital, carried out
by the nation's top surgeon in this discipline, attempts were made by one of the US
Government's several hyperactive disinformation and discrediting teams to spread lies to the
effect that Stephenson had raised the funds for his own benefit, i.e. fraudulently. When
activists exposed these lies and their perpetrators, the hospital authorities professed to
have been unable to locate the $70,000, which had been despatched to them by Fedex (it
was suddenly 'found' lying unopened in an office). After Stephenson's return to Seattle,
another branch of the evil US intelligence disinformation team (based in Toronto)
intervened unilaterally with the Seattle authorities, who were to have provided Andy
Stephenson with urgently necessary chemotherapy, so that his insurance cover was
suddenly cancelled. On 9th June, a very senior US intelligence official (one of the few
with any integrity) informed this Author that the virus that will have caused Stephenson's
cancer was most likely injected via syringe into a toothpaste tube in his hotel room: 'That's
how they do it', he added. A few days later, a colleague (of this Author) who was
attending a political reception, raised the subject of the Government's repressive policies
with a person known to be an intelligence officer as well as a political operator. He
'snapped his fingers', whereupon two operatives approached our friend and entered into a
conversation, dealing with certain issues that our friend had raised. One of these, a
Transportation Security Agency (TSA) operative, said gratuitously, on the subject of
poisonings, that 'a lot of these are happening' [sic] - meaning that the US Government is
engaged, 'as we speak', in the standard Illuminist practice of poisoning its enemies.
It therefore, self-evidently 'ill behoves' the President of the United States to lecture
the Iranians (and other foreigners whose governments are equally the servants of Lucifer)
on the abominations of their governments, and the repressive policies against their own
people that they perpetrate, when the US Government is itself engaged in the same kind of
Satanic behaviour while professing that it is the guardian angel of freedom and democracy. No
wonder such official hypocrisy stinks in the nostrils of members of the human race who
have not yet succumbed to the orchestrated dumbing-down processes being perpetrated
against them by their own Illuminised governments.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
Manifestly such behaviour, and any association with it or condoning of it, is
incompatible with the Way, the Truth and the Life. A certain kindly American intell-
igence officer known to the Author has touchingly protested that he loves the Lord first,
and his country next - which, being interpreted, and in the context in which this statement
was made - meant that he saw no incompatibility between his lifelong association with
the CIA, and thus with its 'heart of darkness', and his 'commitment' to Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately, such a convenient compromise is out of the question for those who profess
to believe, and therefore hope for salvation. In Paul's First Epistle to the Corinthians,
Chapter 10, verse 21, Paul warns:
'Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils; ye cannot be partakers of
the Lord's table, and of the table of devils'.
A choice has to be made. Shall I remain associated with this intelligence organisation
and its now openly self-acknowledged heart of darkness'? Or shall I renounce, once and
for all, the Works of Darkness', so that I shall, by the Grace of the Holy Sprit, be available
to be saved?
'Let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall' [I Corinthians Chapter 10, verse
12]. And in Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians, Chapter 5, verse 11, Paul commands:
'And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove
them...'... which is what this work humbly seeks, to the very best of the Author's
ability and resources, to do. Note crucially that Paul describes all Works of Darkness
as 'unfruitful' - something of an understatement, perhaps, given that, since the Devil is
the author of confusion, all Works of Darkness (and therefore all intelligence operations
and activity) are characterised by endless strife, contentiousness, bitterness, false
witness, deception, lies and generally reprobate behaviour. The Author has himself
been a witness to, and a victim of, of this routine pattern of official delinquency, in the
course of research inter alia for this book.
Indeed, in the intelligence community context, such institutionalised delinquency in
the name of national security soon becomes quite obvious to the targeted observer who is
not sitting on his or her brains. One reason for this is that the same techniques are always
redeployed, since the Devil knows of no new tricks. The preoccupations, for instance, of the
US intelligence community typically revolve around launching fresh deception or
scamming operations in order to cover up past 'botches' - operations which have gone
badly wrong and have unravelled. Indeed it is characteristic of the CIA and its internal
subsidiaries and rivals that they specialise in operations that go wrong. So there is a
constant imperative to develop fresh initiatives to cover up previous botches, or to
provide 'diversionary services'. This behaviour is akin to that of a gambler at a casino
who has lost more than he possesses and who seeks ever more desperately to recoup his
losses by taking risks against unbeatable odds, in the pathetic hope that he will 'get lucky'
and will not only recoup all his losses, but will earn a profit, too. Of course, this never
Hersh's article on the circumstances surrounding Abu Ghraib made it crystal clear
that what the 'former' intelligence official who admitted that the CIA (et al) has 'a heart of
darkness' was most concerned about was that the secret SAP or 'Black operation, which
he said at one point 'is still active', would never be exposed (even though, as
indicated, he was himself helping to expose it). The 'Black programme had to be kept
in the darkness and not revealed to the 'White' world, according to an intelligence
'consultant' also interviewed by Hersh - not only for security reasons, but
also 'because the process is unpleasant. It's like making sausage: you like the result but
you don't want to know how it was made'. A European version of this syndrome reads:
'When you put your shoes outside your hotel room at night for polishing, you don't
want or need to know who cleaned them'.
'Also', the 'former' intelligence officer told Hersh, 'you don't want the Iraqi public
and the Arab world, to know' (what utterly depraved barbarians we are - Ed.).
'Remember, we went to Iraq to democratise the Middle East [sic!]. The last thing you want
to do is let the Arab world know how you treat Arab males in prison'.
But so 'botched' was this accursed Work of Darkness, that not just the Arab
world, but every comer of the globe, today knows how certain brutalised Americans treat
Arab males in prison: with total indifference to suffering, with depraved sexual lust and
with Nazi-like contempt. Reports of imprecise British atrocities perpetrated in Iraq appear
to have been disseminated in part so as to take the spotlight off the aberrations of the
offending American personnel, although it appears that the collapse of morality which
underlies the US abominations has infected the British as well. This behaviour is
consistent with the indoctrination format espoused and perpetrated by the Illuminati,
which seeks to procure that selected victims, operatives and imple-menters of its
nefarious plans must be brought to inflict pain without flinching, to kill if necessary
without ever looking back afterwards, and to maximise the potential of the use of fire. In
his last interview before his sudden death during an exorcism of a young girl in July 1999,
the Author's late friend Fr Malachi Martin expUcitly confirmed that Luciferians (who are
worshippers of, and are possessed by, Lucifer) 'have all passed through [initiation] and
that involves three things: the infliction of pain without flinching, the infliction of death
without flinching, and the use of fire'.
It is no accident that, since Abu Ghraib and the less publicised parallel American
atrocities were first exposed, the whole world has been gratuitously provided with an
excuse to ignore the Geneva Conventions in the future - a development that will of
course inevitably rebound upon US combatants in the years ahead. But from the
perspective of the IUuminati, this coarsening of perceptions of what is acceptable, serves
their objective of desensitising humanity to the terminal horrors to come - just as the
reprobate, perverse contemporary obsession with teaching schoolchildren about the
Holocaust, death and murder (through Satanic videos and music, school plays and other
teaching methods) serves the self-same Satanic purpose [See Addendum 2, page 675].
Meanwhile, of course, the US State Department's complaints about human rights
abuses abroad, published in its annual Congressionally mandated compendium entitled
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices (which covers almost every territory in the world
with the singular exception of the United States itself), have lost all credibility. In
summary, the primary message Washington has successfully delivered into every TV-
owning and newspaper-reading household in the world is that, since 9/11, the end justifies
the means, and the rule of international law has been consigned to the historical dustbin,
even as the United States self-righteously professes otherwise.
This is the very essence of the perverted philosophy of the Sect of the IUuminati, [see
Chapter 7] which the intelligence-controlled US Government serves. For, as John Robison,
author of the first expose of the sect wrote, in his 'Proofs of a Conspiracy' [1798], the
IUuminati espouse 'the propriety of employing, for a good purpose, the means which the
wicked employ for evil purposes'8: The end justifies the means.
This is the common thread which 'illuminates' everything they do.
Chapter 1: The Langley Lie
What the 'former' US intelligence officer speaking to Seymour Hersh worried most about,
then, was not that US CIA-linked and military personnel had been involved in serial
atrocities, and that such behaviour continued unabated, but rather that a typical example
of the US intelligence community's serial 'Works of Darkness' had surfaced into the
'White', or overt, world, also mentioned by this operative - that is, the 'normal' world
which US intelligence officers typically look down upon because of their 'superior'
knowledge and possession of 'secrets', and because they believe that they control the
perceptions of the 'White' world from which they themselves originated but which they
have come to despise.
Indeed, a senior CIA officer, lecturing on a 'spy cruise' off the US West Coast in the
spring of 2003, took pride in the claim that US intelligence controls the mainstream media9.
And it subsequently emerged, thanks to leaks from a TV studio, that there appears to be
an intelligence cell attached to every US mainstream media newsroom10 in the United
States. This explains why thinking Americans rightly complain that the news fed to them
is controlled. They know this instinctively, and they are right: Fox News is now regarded
as the US Government's propaganda channel, and CNN was rapidly acquiring a similar
reputation as this book was being finalised. For it is indeed the case that the intelligence
community - which controls the US Government, as will be seen - necessarily, as a
prerequisite for and as a corollary of doing so, also controls the dissemination of
'information', as is the case in the covert Soviet Union. Hence, the United States is
'converging' ever more comprehensively and dialectically towards the dark models of the
covert 'former' Soviet Union and the Nazi Third Reich.
Why is it that abuses by the CIA and its 'protected' barons, its global scamming
operations and its involvement in drug-trafficking on the pretext that this gives it an
insight into the parallel covert ongoing Soviet drugs offensive, have been reported and
scrutinised for decades, with not the slightest change in this monstrous organisation's behaviour
being detectable? The Senate Committee on Intelligence headed by Senator Frank Church,
of Idaho, in 1975, sifted through the CIA's abuses and dark operations over the preceding
two decades, to zero effect. Afterwards, Senator Church was duly liquidated - a fate
which has likewise been the lot of innumerable operatives associated with the nexus of
serial US official criminality that is loosely labelled 'Iran-Contra'.
The multiple (and continuing) abuses committed, by design, by the CIA's 'cutouts' in
Iraq (and of course in Afghanistan and elsewhere) are merely symptomatic of the pitch
blackness of the CIA's 'heart of darkness', which will be illustrated in this book. And the
likelihood of any change occurring appears to be non-existent. On 10th August 2004,
President George W Bush, fresh from telling election gatherings about his faith in God,
confirmed his nomination of a man with a reputation for possessing one of the CIA's
darkest hearts of all - the eight-term Republican Congressman and fellow Yale graduate,
Porter Goss, a 'former' CIA case officer with an allegedly murky past - as his choice for
Director of Central Intelligence (DCI), following the earlier forced resignation under
imprecise dark clouds of his predecessor, Mr George Tenet, a man whose code name
reads both ways: spelt backwards, his name is unchanged. Such a name is ideal for an
Illuminati operative, whose chief characteristic is that, by definition, he is double-minded
in all that he thinks, schemes, says and does.
One intelligence analyst described Porter Goss, who was fired by Bush Jr. in 2006,
as 'a former point man for assassinations, a former CIA agent, who left the CIA
under clouded circumstances. He was a field agent, but was actually forced out because
of a trail of bodies that got tagged to him, literally, all over the world'. None of these
allegations were recycled when Goss suddenly 'resigned' in the spring of 2006.
Citing comments by Al Martin (pseudonym) - said to have 'intelligence connections' and
to be a former 'contributor' to the President's Council of Economic Advisers - the source
reported in that 'in 1983, Goss was allegedly involved in Iran-Contra profiteering with Jeb
and Neil Bush and he was allegedly exposed' (according to this Al Martin') 'in his
involvement in Neil Bush's alleged Destin Country Club development fraud - a fraud out of
which he allegedly made $3 million illegally. He then became involved with Carlos Cardoen
and Swissco Management, and the fraud that Swissco Management committed, not only in
Florida, but throughout the United States, in those so-called illicit 'tax-swap deals'. You could
compare it [Goss's selection by President Bush to head the CIA, albeit for less than two years] to
the crime family where the soldier rises from the street to become the capo, having taken the
hits over the years for his superiors in the organization'.
The source continued: 'Of course, unlike an organized crime family, the difference
between the Administration and your average run-of-the-mill organized crime family is
that the (present) Cabal controls not only the entire nation, but influences policy
throughout the planet. They are above all laws and impervious to any action'. Al Martin' -
who curiously appears to be protected from the consequences of some of his reported
statements - was further quoted as saying that 'the Bush-Cheney regime must feel that it is
a risk worth taking [appointing Goss] because they are now in de facto control of the
mainstream media'. 'So, therefore, how much of Goss's past would be liable to be brought up?'
at his US Senate confirmation hearings, and in the mainstream press? None of the relevant
information, obviously". And so it proved. Following Goss's departure, the services of the
flawed military spy, General Mike Hayden, were solicited.
In 1986, Porter Goss's alleged involvement in the Destin Country Club fraud, the
Swissco Management fraud, the Topsail Development fraud, the Destin Dome fraud, and
various other frauds with which members of the Bush family were allegedly involved,
was indeed revealed in The Washington Times. Yet, disgracefully, not a single reference to
any of this background appeared, for instance, in the reports on Goss's nomination
published in The Financial Times on 1 1th August 200412. Of course not.
On the contrary, the British newspaper was more interested in the relish with which
Mr Goss, as Chairman of the House of Representatives' Intelligence Oversight
Committee, had criticised and clashed with the former Director of Central Intelligence
(DCI), George Tenet, over complaints of inadequate clandestine human intelligence collection
(HUMINT) - a debate which is nothing new, having persisted ever since the days when
the subsequently murdered William Colby was the DCI. Like President Vladimir Putin,
who is a Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) officer accustomed to using his 'KGB past' as
cover, Porter Goss was allegedly a US military intelligence officer before' joining the
CIA. His past alleged involvement in a trail of 'wet affairs' (assassinations) lends a sinister
meaning to his observation, when still Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, that
'we are being too namby-pamby about taking risks to get the good penetration of the hard
targets in the denied areas'.
But it is precisely because this book inevitably has to address the 'Works of
Darkness', and some of those who perpetrate and preside over them, that the Author
considered it essential - in order for the reader to keep his or her bearings, and to be aware
that the Author does not peer into the darkness for prurient, but rather for
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
exposure, reasons - that it should begin with references to the Way, the Truth and the
Life, namely the opposite of the darkness, access to which remains open to anyone who
may decide, for his or her own salvation, to renounce all 'Works of Darkness', that is, to
make the necessary choice. Indeed this opportunity is explicitiy alluded to by Jesus
Christ himself, in Luke, Chapter 6, verse 35, where He explains: 'But love ye your
enemies, and do good... and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children
of the Highest; for He is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil'.
For this reason alone, this book will doubtiess be considered highly subversive in
certain quarters. That is not its intention. However it is unavoidable that the truth will
irritate corrupted sensibilities and will threaten to destabilise lies, deception and disin-
formation. And it may come as a surprise to many that the Lord is even willing to
accept the evil man and woman indulging in the kinds of abominations described in this
book, who truly repents. The subversiveness of this book relates to the obvious reality
that consorting with the Works of Darkness, whether within an intelligence community
or not, is incompatible with the salvation uniquely offered by Jesus Christ.
Those US operatives who, like the disgraced Robert Hanssen, belong to Opus Dei,
which is exposed for what it is in Chapter 6, and who console themselves with the false
panacea of purgatory offered by the Catholic Church, are deluding themselves, as there is
no such place: it is a self-serving diversionary invention that is devoid of all Scriptural
content. [Note: Contrary to the official lie, the traitor against the United States, Robert
Hanssen, is not held in solitary confinement sine die in a Colorado top security facility, in
a dungeon with no natural light and only a computer as company, but is in fact today a
free man - an example of how the US legal system is routinely abused in the interests of
the US intelligence community to convey one impression for public consumption and to
sustain the false appearance of the integrity of the system, whereas in practice the
outcome is the opposite of the public perception].
Figure 2:
The late President Ronald Reagan and 'former' President Mikhail I
Sergeyevich Gorbachev (whose German Jewish name is Orbach or
Korbach), at their first meeting, held in Versoix, Switzerland, on 19th
November 1985. In this old photograph. President Reagan is shown
'gripping' with the geomasonic Supreme Master Grip, with a pronounced
'Ma-Ha-Bone' ('Lion's Paw'). Gorbachev attempts the same, but Mr Reagan
(who is in full control here) won't allow the same grip. This reveals that
Ronald Reagan, a supremely powerful Luciferian, could demand (and main-
tain) 'the upper hand". The 'Ma-Ha-Bone' Real Grip of the Master Mason
entails the grasping of the other's wrist as Reagan is doing, indicating who is
the Boss. The Master Mason (or higher) firmly grasps the right hand of the
fellow Mason. The thumbs of both the hands are interfaced. The first Mason
(Reagan) presses the tips of all his fingers hard against the wrist of the fellow
Geomason, where it unites with the hand. For further graphic instances of
how the llluminati-penetrated and -controlled geomasonic fraternity in public
life signal their Masonic credentials to each other, see page 734. Mr
Gorbachev has remained clandestine supremo of the KGB Continuum,
concentrating on the subversion of the 'Main Enemy', Britain and the
United States: 'working by other means' [Lenin]. ■
The intelligence community's concept of the 'White' world - which of course
presupposes the existence of its own world of darkness, or 'Black' world, exposed in
Seymour Hersh's cited article - was as revealing as the 'former' intelligence officer's
actual acknowledgement that the CIA and the rest of the US intelligence community
possesses a 'heart of darkness'. Because, if one stops to think about this, what was meant
is that there is no 'whiteness' in the intelligence community at all. After all, if the outside
is 'White' in the minds of US operatives, the inside has to be 'Black; otherwise it would not
be necessary to describe the 'overf outside world as 'White'.
By extension, for representatives from the 'White' world to complain about the pitch
blackness of the 'Black', covert intelligence world, would seem, on the face of it, to be a
waste of time - were it not for one critical factor. This is that representatives of the 'Black'
world of corrupt, criminalised intelligence occupy supreme positions of power in the US
'White' world, precisely as they do in the 'former' Soviet Union. Almost every notable
'player' on the Washington scene is, or 'has been', a US intelligence officer. Scratch
anyone you meet in these circles and you will soon discover an intelligence connection.
The same applies to almost everyone one meets in the US capital area. And just about
every Washington think-tank, institute, pressure group and lobbying organisation has
intelligence connections - or else, like the Heritage Foundation, the Institute of Policy
Studies, and the Institute of World Policy, serves its interests, or those of a particular
compartmentalised fraction or sector thereof.
Indeed it has been the Author's experience over four decades that no US pressure
group, think-tank or other seemingly worthy-sounding organisation turns out, upon
investigation or on the basis of practical experience, to be the 'free-standing' organisation
that it purports to be. Almost every such entity has an intelligence axe to grind.
Apparently objective and sympathetic analysts operating websites or intensive email
correspondence operations turn out with alarming frequency to be US intelligence
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
officers or paid disinformation specialists - exposed when they themselves blow their
own cover, which, being typically careless, they are very apt to do. After countless years
of being deceived by these decoys, the Author and many of his concerned US friends
have 'wised-up' to the comprehensive scope of the US intelligence community's
penetration of its own society, which was already pervasive enough before the Department
of Homeland Security, a.k.a. the emerging US Ministry of State Security, was given carte
blanche to perpetrate acts such as the removal of people off the streets and to fly them in a
special Boeing to unknown destinations. And since the US intelligence structures are
themselves deeply penetrated and compromised, especially by covert and even overt
Soviet, East German (STASI - i.e., deep cover DVD) and Israeli agents, it follows from
these findings alone that the United States is far from being master of its own ultimate fate
(as will be further and separately proven in this work).
A particularly alarming feature of the intelligence environment in the first decade of
the 21st century, furthermore, is the ease with which the professional cameraderie that
flourishes between national intelligence communities has legitimised the apparent
wholesale penetration of US intelligence, so that all concerned take this for granted.
Bill Clinton is allegedly a CIA operative, as is his wife, Hillary (whose codename is
'Queen Melusina'). The codename for Ms. Condoleeza Rice is 'Velvet Mushroom'.
According to a US intelligence operative and other sources, George W. Bush's Vice
President, Richard Cheney was allegedly in charge of the CIA's notorious MK-ULTRA
mind-bending and personality-alteration programme for some years. George Bush Sr., of
course, was Director of Central Intelligence before becoming Vice President under
President Reagan, and subsequentiy President. He had remained (at our press date)
essentially the most important and powerful intelligence 'baron' in the United States ever
since - emulating President Mikhail Gorbachev, who remains 'to this day' the ultimate boss
of the covert Soviet KGB [information provided to the Author by a senior US intelligence
source]. Ronald Reagan's Masonic pedigree, illustrated for instance by his tell-tale Ma-Ha-
Bone handshake when greeting President Gorbachev [see Figure 2]13, suggests he will also
have had intelligence connections: he was certainly a very senior Mason. Al Gore, Vice-
President under President Clinton, and with family connections to Soviet figures, has
allegedly amassed intelligence on key US intelligence officeholders as a means of
procuring protection for himself and his family, having endured threats from
intelligence cadres to one or more of his children (they do this to each other all the time: we
are describing an inner chamber of hell here). President Ford, with enveloping intelligence
connections and the 'highest' Mason ever to have occupied the Oval Office, is mentioned
as engaging in depraved activities in a work (written by a CIA Psy-Ops operative, Mark
Phillips, who was responsible for the 'devil in the smoke' picture taken on 9/11: Figure
3), which describes the extreme depredations of the intelligence community's psycho-
manipulation programmes such as MK-ULTRA, over which, as noted, Vice-President
Dick Cheney, with his special experience, allegedly presided14. President George W. Bush
Jr. is known to have carried out intelligence missions working directly for his father,
and to have managed certain Bin Laden family finances. Since it will be shown that
George Bush Sr.'s (DVD) agenda is to accelerate implementation of the New
(Under)world Order (N.U.O.) of the German Illuminati, President Bush II may have
been meant to be a key imple-
menter of the N.U.O., despite reported differences with his father. As the hand signals
given at his Inauguration on the occult date of 20th January 2005 [Figure 4, below and
Addendum 9, page 732] revealed, it is clear that he serves the interests of the Illuminati.
George Bush Sr.'s Vice-President, Dan Quayle, is a CIA operative who is now
extensively engaged in global investment and 'hedge fund' activity through, inter alia, an
investment fund called Cerberus Capital Management, which specialises in buying up
near-bankrupt or failing enterprises in Asia and elsewhere [See Addendum 3, page 679].
Hedge funds buy up such assets because illicit funds need laundering, i.e. place-ment',
more urgently than rate of return: indeed, the fundamental difference between any drug
money flows and all normal flows-of-funds is that the drug money pipeline is endless and is
always in urgent need of 'placement'. It is significant that Cerberus was the monstrous
watchdog of Hades with 50 heads and a voice of bronze (that is to say, a voice like one who is
possessed with devils) who guarded the hideous gate of the Kingdom of Hades in Greek
mythology. Sometimes Cerberus had only three heads. Sometimes he bristled with serpents
and his evil mouth dribbled black venom. Once a visitor had passed Hades' guard-dog, he
could never re-emerge. So why on earth (or in hell) would anyone want to name a hedge
fund after such a hellish underworld monster?
That question, obviously, is answered in general terms by reference to the afore-
mentioned self-exposure of the CIA's heart of darkness. It is also interesting to recall that
Huntington, Indiana, where Quayle grew up, was at one stage (and may still be)
particularly notorious for its manifestations of wicca and Satanism. As will be shown inter
alia in the chapter on the sect of the Illuminati, which controls US and other intelligence
services, the proliferation of occultism is a primary dimension of the N.U.O.
This is why video games and other materials disseminated through chain bookstores
in the United States and elsewhere have reached levels of murderous obscenity and
depravity consistent with Satanic possession and the reign of Lucifer.
Figure 4: President George W. Bush Jr. displays the standard Satanic gesture during the Inauguration on 20th January 2005.
The 'line', for public consumption purposes, was that this hand signal represented the 'Hook 'em Horns' gesture employed
by fans of the University of Texas Longhorns. This was the fairytale disseminated by Associated Press and CNN, despite
conclusive evidence, supported by academic authorities, that this gesture represents an open celebration of, and a sign
of obeisance to, the Devil (Satan, or Lucifer).
Chapter 1: The Langley Lie
After the nomination of Porter Goss as Director of Central Intelligence, perhaps the most
insensitive, sinister and perverse 'heart of darkness' appointment by President George
Bush II in 2004 was his selection of John Negroponte, a Sephardic Jew, as Ambassador to
Baghdad, where he was to head up the largest US Embassy in the world, with more than
3,000 employees and over 500 CIA officers. Despite this Mr Negroponte's infamous
record in Central America, this man encountered negligible Congressional opposition,
even from Senate Democrats who once criticised him for supporting widespread human
rights abuses. But that was then: post-Abu Ghraib is now: and he is crowned with worldly
glory, as the Director of National Intelligence.
As US Ambassador to Honduras, Negroponte played a key role in coordinating US
covert aid to Contra death squads in Nicaragua, and to shoring-up a CIA-backed death
squad operating in Honduras itself. During Negroponte's term as Ambassador there,
diplomats alleged that the local US Embassy's annual human rights document, submitted
for inclusion in the State Department's Country Reports on Human Rights Practices
compendium, made Honduras appear to be more like Norway than Argentina. In 1995, The
Baltimore Sun - which still seemed free, back then, to publish information that might be
censored by its in-house intelligence cell today - outlined the activities of a secret CIA-trained
Honduran army unit, Battalion 3-16, which employed "shock and suffocation devices in
interrogations" reminiscent of the hooded figure image depicting the US atrocities in Abu
Ghraib [Figure 5]. The newspaper's correspondents wrote:
"Prisoners often were kept naked and, when no longer useful, were killed and buried
in unmarked graves". In other words, these Abu Ghraib-style atrocities are nothing new at
all: they have been standard US practice for decades.
A former official who served under Mr Negroponte in Honduras has said that he was
ordered to remove all mention of torture and executions from the draft of his 1982 report on
the human rights situation in Honduras, sanitised as usual for consumption in the 'White'
world. It was interesting that Senator Christopher Dodd of Connecticut, Stalin's grandson,
who opposed John Negroponte when the Senate Foreign Relations Committee reported
his nomination to be US Ambassador to the United Nations in 2001 (the post he occupied
before his Iraq posting), suddenly now came out in support of this man - observing for the
record that 'whatever differences I've had years ago with John Negroponte, I happen to feel
he's a very fine Foreign Service officer and has done a tremendous job in many places'.
The hearings on Negroponte's nomination to be US Ambassador to Baghdad were
punctuated by protests and statements from knowledgeable outside experts who were in a
position to remind the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (consisting extensively of
intelligence operatives masquerading as politicians) of Mr Negroponte's extremely murky
past15, including his apparent readiness to condone, facilitate and preside over the
recorded practice of dropping those who were to be 'disappeared', from a helicopter into
the ocean.
One of the outside witnesses who contributed to the Committee's hearing held on
27th April 2004 to approve the nomination of John Negroponte as Ambassador to Iraq,
was a certain Sister Laetitia Bordes, a Catholic nun with the Society of Helpers, a Catholic
community for women. Her remarks, relayed from San Bruno, California, are taken
verbatim from the transcript of the hearing:
'I had gone to Honduras to meet with then- Ambassador John Negroponte to find out
what happened to 32 women from El Salvador, who had taken refuge in
Honduras and who had disappeared. At that time, there was the Battalion 3-16 [see page
14]. The Battalion was another name for the horrible death squad that was operating in
Honduras at that time. That was well known to Ambassador Negroponte. The reason it
was very well known to Ambassador Negroponte was that General Alvarez Martinez was
then Chief of the Honduran armed forces, and he was the secret head of Battalion-316.
Now, Mr Negroponte and Martinez, the people would tell you, it was known that they
would wine and dine together, and had ongoing connections. So, it is absurd to think that
Mr Negroponte would say that he did not know what was going on in El Salvador at that
time. As I found out 13 years later, the women we were looking for had been badly, badly
tortured and then put in a helicopter and dropped into the ocean. They used Salvadoran
military and helicopters to take these women and drop them over the ocean. Now,
Battalion 3-16 continued to function the whole time that Negroponte was there'.
The ocean over which recalcitrant Iraqi bodies might 'conveniently' be dropped
today is located several hours' flying time further away than the vast ocean available to
the Honduran death squads. But Sister Laetitia pressed home her point, to the reported
annoyance of members of the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee:
'General Alvarez was beheaded by his own military. There was a kind of coup, and
he took temporary refuge in the United States. When he went back to Honduras, he was
assassinated. It is believed that he was assassinated by members of the military, who were
very upset with him because of the deals that he had made with the United States [i.e.,
with John Negroponte] while he was in charge. What angers me -angers me very, very
much - is that there's absolutely no reference being made to the past of Mr Negroponte in
Honduras during these hearings. We just don't hear anything about it. We do not learn
from our history. The people of Iraq are going to be the ongoing victims of John
Negroponte, who believes that the end justifies the means'16.
Figure 5: This image, based upon the notorious picture of a hooded prisoner being subjected to extreme torture and
barbaric maltreatment at Abu Ghraib, which informed the whole world that the 'llluminised' US authorities are indeed
in seemingly in the grip of evil forces, further displayed, in an 'in-your-face' manner, that they shamelessly model their
behaviour in accordance with the reprobate methods that the US State Department routinely condemns in its annual
compendium 'Country Reports on Human Rights Practices'.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
Negroponte was subsequently, of course, selected by President George W. Bush Jr. to
serve as the Director of National Intelligence, a new 'supremo' post created under the
National Intelligence Reform Act, one-third of which is secret - so that the American
population has no knowledge of what nefarious repressive provisions it contains - and
which Mr Bush signed into law on 17th December 2004.
Today, the United States operates internationally on the basis that the end justifies the
means, which is the central precept of Illuminised Freemasonry as revealed by John
Robison in 1798, promulgated by the 'father' of US Scottish Rite Freemasonry, Albert
Pike, and as is routinely displayed by the actions and methodology of such hidden
manifestations of Illuminism as Opus Dei [see Chapter 6]. Further authority for the
statement that the United States operates internationally on the basis that the end justifies
the means has helpfully been provided by a 'Pentagon consultant' who was interviewed,
once again, by Seymour Hersh - who, in spite of his intelligence connections, remains one
of the most respected and penetrating investigative journalists working today in the
United States. In the same New Yorker interview on the aftermath of the Abu Ghraib
atrocities, Mr Hersh reported that this 'consultant', who is clearly a military intelligence
officer, told him candidly as follows:
"The White House subcontracted this to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon subcon-
tracted it to [Stephen] Cambone.... This is Cambone's deal, but Donald Rumsfeld and
[General Richard] Myers approved the program".
Hersh reported the 'Pentagon consultant' as adding that 'when it came to the
interrogation operation at Abu Ghraib... Rumsfeld left the details to Mr Cambone' (a
military intelligence officer). 'Rumsfeld may not be personally culpable', the consultant
added; and then Hersh again cited the source's words verbatim: "But he's responsible for
the checks and balances. The issue is that, since 9/11, we've changed the rules on how
we deal with terrorism, and created conditions where the end justifies the means'"17- in
accordance with the fundamental precept of the Illuminati.
This assessment is corroborated by the best analysts. In an assessment of the Yale Skull
and Bones Society [see Chapter 2], of which George H. W. Bush is considered the chief
Patriarch, and of which his son George W. is an adept, Kris Millegan wrote in 2003 that
'The Order of 322' is 'a multi-generational cult that believes in the power of death to bring
about change, a group of Zeitgeist initiates believing that the end justifies the means, and
uses massive deaths to feed their necromancy'18. That author gave two examples of how
death is alleged to be consciously used to achieve 'revolutionary change', although the
fomentation of foreign wars should perhaps have been his first choice here: As Governor of
Texas, George W. Bush "hung" all prisoners sentenced to death that he had the opportunity
to kill, except one, Henry Lee Lucas - a confessed serial killer for a shadowy cult.
Bonesman and US political power-player Henry L. Stimson took the credit for talking
President Truman into dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki', one of the most
Satanic atrocities ever perpetrated. 'These are just two of the Order's death-dealing
Hitier, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Mlosevic
(who, like Saddam Hussein, was a 'client' of US intelligence at one stage, until he was
double-crossed by the Americans, or else double-crossed them), and every other dictator
under the sun, has found it convenient to take short cuts, on the basis that the end
justifies the means - thereby in the process decapitating the Rule of Law. Each of these
monsters was involved in the occult and in secret societies in one way or another, as is the
case today in the case of leaders such as Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Abbas (a.k.a. the
founding Hamas terrorist Abu Mazen) and Colonel Qadhaffi. No matter what form
occultic and Luciferian involvement may take, it has one product alone: death, both
spiritual and physical. So it is logical that, specialising in death, practitioners should 'believe
in the power of death to bring about change'.
Now the United States has joined this parade of hideous tyrants and their tyrannies,
in the pitch darkness. What has happened is that, just as US intelligence competes and
at the same time collaborates with the covert ongoing Soviets to maximise the financial
and revolutionary potential of global drug-trafficking operations (delivering death to cull
the population in accordance with the Dluminati's obsessive preference while generating
annual proceeds now estimated at several trillions of dollars), and just as it has consorted
with organised crime and has become criminalised, so has the Pentagon descended into
the darkness, in comprehensive breach of international law, taking the view that it has
no choice but to use the same tactics as its assumed enemies - although Al-Qaeda is in fact a
bogus, stateless global revolutionary cooperative operation of international intelligence, the
purpose of which is to 'leverage' the world through violence towards the New
Underworld Order intended by the Illuminati: deploying the power of death to bring about
'change'. Al-Qaeda is their creation.
This evil, occultically-derived, top-level consensus to allow the end to justify the
means has had disastrous consequences, with the United States having forfeited all
respect and moral authority internationally - and now universally considered, even
among large numbers of thinking Americans, to be the most dangerous country in the
world. That this reputation is self-inflicted is a consequence of the supremacy of its
criminalised intelligence community and of that community's self-acknowledged
occult, Luciferian 'heart of darkness' in the service of the IUuminati.
President Bush n, like President Clinton before him, is in the habit of indulging in the
Pharisaical habit of advertising his 'spiritual relationship' with the Lord. Prior to the
Presidential Election in 2000, G. W. Bush's wife, Laura, asked about her husband's religious
stance, said that in 1988, a friend had given him a 'daily Bible' (enabling the user to read the
entire Bible every year, in 365 segments, a Scripture reading method used for many years by
this Author). Bill Clinton used to make a point of attending church with a Bible held in a
camera-friendly position in his right hand, so that the words Holy Bible could clearly be seen.
A psychiatrist has suggested that, for Mr Bush, his person, that of God and America, are all
but one and the same. Specifically, Dr. Justin Frank, a prominent Washington psychiatrist
and author of a book called Bush on the Couch: Inside the Mind of the President, was reported
by Capitol Hill sources on 29th July 2004 as explaining that President Bush suffered from
what he called 'character pathology', including 'grandiosity' and 'megalomania' - 'viewing
himself, America and God as interchangeable'. The Capitol Hill source reported that the
President was withdrawing more and more from aides and staff, retreating into a private,
paranoid world in which only ardent loyalists were then welcome. [For this Author's essay,
on President Bush's psychology based on Dr Frank's book, see Addendum 4, page
A political adviser told the same source that 'yes, there are growing concerns.
Chapter 1 : The Langley Lie
The George W. Bush we see today' (towards the end of his First Term) 'is not the same,
gregarious, back-slapping President of old. He's moody, distrustful, and withdrawn' -
hallmarks of those who consort with Lucifer. He was prescribed powerful antidepressant
drugs after he stormed off stage rather than answer questions about his former
relationship with indicted (intelligence corporation) Enron executive Kenneth J. Lay.
White House insiders were reported to have told the Legislative Branch source that the
strong prescription medications appeared to have increased Mr Bush's sullen behaviour
towards those around him.
A staffer working for the House of Representatives' Speaker, Dennis Hastert, said:
'This is a President known for his ability to charm people one-on-one. Not any more'. In
late July 2004, one of the few First Term close associates with continued access to the
President was said to be the (former) Attorney General, John Ashcroft. Disloyal White
House aides were alleged to have told the source that the two men 'believe they are on a
mission from God'. However Figure 4 shows that President GW Bush's allegiance is in fact
to Lucifer. Members of the President's family repeated this Satanic gesture many times
during the nine Inauguration balls held on 20th January.
The illustrations in Addendum 9 on page 732 show that making Satanic signs is now
all the rage in this 'New Age of Aquarius'. Space precludes showing all the available
pictures of prominent people like members of President Bush's family signalling their
allegiance to Satan, but those who have been photographed perpetrating this particular
abomination include King Abdullah of Jordan, ex-Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi of Italy,
Prince Charles, the British Prime Minister Tony Blair, Tom Pudge, the former US Vice-President
Dan Quayle, Elizabeth Taylor, General Tommy Franks, Senator John Edwards, Michael
Jackson and the late self-styled high priest of Satan, Anton Szander LaVey. The identical salute
appears in the Satanic Bible labelled Mano Cornuto, which signals allegiance between
Satanism participants and their homed god. The former American witch, saved by the Grace of
God, the Rev. David J Meyer, of Beaver Dam, WI, pointed out in March 2005 that the
appalling Reuters News Service photograph of Mrs Laura Bush displaying this Satanic
salute with her right hand during the 2005 Inauguration ceremonies, also included the
President standing next to her giving the same signal with his left hand in a pointing
position - a sign that means 'cursed be' in the occult. So, no doubt remains that those in
charge of our affairs in the United States, Britain and Italy were/are covert followers of
Satan who are no longer even ashamed to disguise this fact, even though both the British
Prime Minister and the US President continue simultaneously to attend church services
from time to time. The Devil is the author of confusion, and, like Mr Bush, he's been
having a ball20.
An environment in which such forces are at work is bound to be characterised by
recriminations, sourness and confusion, since, as the author of confusion, the Devil
delights in the creation of conditions for the maximisation of lies and chaos. Glimpses of
such a torpid atmosphere at the very highest levels of the US Government were evident
during the run-up to the Presidential Election in 2004. Tom Ridge, then Homeland
Security Secretary, was reported be spending hardly any time at all with the President,
and was said to be receiving 'most of his marching orders' from John Ashcroft, who was
then in charge of the US Department of 'Justice'. 'Some people on Ridge's staff gripe
privately that Ashcroft is 'Bush's Himmler", referring to Hitler's SS Chief. And one senior
US Homeland Security aide went much further: 'Too many', he said, 'make the mistake of
thinking that Dick Cheney
is the real power in the Bush Administration. They're wrong. It's Ashcroft, and
that is reason enough for all of us to be very, very afraid'. In the same report it was just
as inaccurately elaborated that the US Secretary of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld, had
fallen out of favour and had informed his own staff that 'no matter what happens
in November, I'm outta here'. It was thought that perhaps his practice of stand-
ing for ten hours a day at his stand-up desk, had finally left him exhausted, as well as
disillusioned20. As it turned out, both assessments were (typically) based upon deliberately
diversionary disinformation and lies, perhaps to shift attention away from the intended
retention of power by the two most prominent and ruthless figures in the
Administration, and for the immediate future: Messrs Rumsfeld and Cheney.
In June 2005, President Bush Jr. was reported to have intended to close down the
'Gulag'-type camp at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, presumably because of impending legal
cases that were likely to cause the Administration embarrassment, only to have been
informed by Mr Cheney that this remained out of the question - revealing, of course, that the
top intelligence officer serving as Vice President tells the President of the United States what
to do. John Ashcroft left the Administration, Mr Cheney stayed as Vice President, and
Donald Rumsfeld, fresh from having established his super-secret Strategic Support Group
(SSG), an internal Defense Department intelligence service, remained en poste, to finalise
any further aggressive moves that may then have been at the planning stage. And all reports
about the President's questionable mental and medical condition vanished during and
after the campaign.
While these First Term insights will long since have been forgotten, the sig-
nificance, for our purposes, of these reports about the atmosphere within the innermost
presidential circle in the late summer of 2004, should not be overlooked. The direct and
sure consequences of intermeddling with demons and with the Works of Darkness
are demonic infestation and oppression - viewed doubtiess by agnostic
Figure 6: This cartoon appeared in The Times, of London, on 1st September 2004, to coincide with the return to London of
the Prime Minister, Tony Blair, from his summer holidays. In June 2005, America was up in arms about the so-called
'Downing Street Memo', and the shifty evidence it contained that the US and British Governments lied about their
'justification' for the attack on Iraq. Neither could admit the truth, namely that two Russian ships, sailing from Umm Qasr well
before the war, removed all evidence of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, in accordance with a standard procedure
applicable in all states within the Soviet (Russian) sphere of influence. The cartoon reveals what the British media really
thought about the Prime Minister - reflecting observations of certain politicians who had watched him closely, that at
times he seemed 'possessed'.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
Jewish professionals like Dr Frank as psychological disorders, but by those who
understand that infestation or possession by the powers of darkness is indeed a grave
and certain consequence of such activity, as a spiritual condition.
President George W. Bush's Satanic gestures during the evening Inauguration fes-
tivities were entirely consistent with the generally occult nature of those events. The very
word Inauguration comes from augur, meaning one who is invested with occult omens.
The event took place on 20th January, a significant witchcraft date. The cited former US
astrologer and witch who is well equipped to provide accurate interpretations of
contemporary manifestations of Luciferianism and Satanism among our leaders and false
role models, reports that 'as a former astrologer saved by the Grace of God, I can tell
you that astrology is the time-clock of the Illuminati' (explaining President Reagan's
obsession with it, influenced in part by his wife Nancy) 'and it is impossible to practise
witchcraft without if.
'On the 20th day of each month, the sun crosses from one sign to the next as it travels
through the so-called houses of the heavens'. The 12 astrological signs make up the wheel
of the year, or, as witches call it, 'the wheel of fortune'. The passages of the sun from one
occult astrological sign to the next are called transitions, and the most important of
the 12 transitions is 20th January - because the sun travels from Capricorn, the occult
sign of the goat, into Aquarius, the 11th sign and the haven of the new age of
In anticipation of this event, the former witch who recorded all this wrote:
'Yes, it happens on Inauguration Day! This is the day when the President, with some
religious leader standing next to him, will be invested with the spirits of Aquarius while
he stands at the West Front of the US Capitol, and faces the ancient Egyptian obelisk, known
as the (phallic) Washington Monument. This is an occult ceremony of the first
Invoking the National Security Act of 1 947, as amended, President Ronald Reagan promulgated
Executive Order 12333 on 4th December 1981 entitled 'United States Intelligence Activities'. This
Executive Order authorised the establishment by US intelligence operatives and cadres of corporations
owned by the US Government for intelligence purposes, and prescribed that their intelligence
community connections may be denied.
The relevant text (language) reads as follows:
2.7. Contracting: Agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to enter into contracts
or arrangements for the provision of goods or services with private companies or institutions in the United
Slates and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized
intelligence purposes'.
This provision covers the establishment of onshore or offshore corporations by American
intelligence operatives from any of the 18+ agencies 'controlled' by the Central Intelligence Agency
and also such US intelligence organisations as are not supervised by the CIA, which is subordinate to
the National Security Agency (NSA) in practice, and now to the new Director of National
Intelligence (Mr John Negroponte as at mid-2006). The corporations established under Executive
Order 12333 and any relevant subsequent presidential order and legislation, are referred to as as
Title 1 8, Section 6 corporations. There are several thousand of these, many of which have bank
accounts containing substantial accruals belonging to the US Government. In part because of
serious rivalry between different warring groups within the enormous US intelligence community, the
colossal offshore fund accruals belonging to the US Government were waiting in mid-2006 for the
legal environment to be adjusted to facilitate their repatriation to the US Treasury, and for funds
stolen by various parties to be traced. ■
In a subsequent report, the Rev. Meyer, the former witch, elaborated as follows: In the
occult practice of astrology, Aquarius is the 1 1th sign of the zodiac and the sign of the
new age of Lucifer. We also know that in the occult, the number 5 is the number of
death. This 2005 Inauguration is the 55th inauguration, and the President will take his
omens, which is what 'inaugurate' means, while facing the Washington Monument, which
is 555 feet high. The dais, which is the raised platform from which the President will be
speaking is surrounded by semi-circular seating which is designed to look like a mystical
Egyptian phoenix with raised wings. The phoenix bird is the symbol of the New Age and
the New World Order.... The Inauguration speech [was] given at precisely 12.00 noon.
According to witchcraft and astrology, this is the very moment when the sun transits into
the 11th sign of Aquarius.... The President's speech [was about] peace and freedom for
the entire world, with the inference that he is the man who will bring it to pass. The occult
timing and surrounding circumstances of this entire inaugural event are amazing. In the
midst of a war and with a heavy military presence in Washington, DC, the President wants
to be known as a man of peace. Countless thousands have been killed and are being killed
with this so-called 'peace'. Thus, this man of false peace will begin speaking at the
moment Aquarius rises, and Aquarius is the water sign of peace in witchcraft' .
If President G.W. Bush had really been familiar with Scripture, by reading every day,
as his wife told a TV audience he had been doing since 1988, he would be aware of the
two warnings in Jeremiah against those who say 'Peace, peace, when there is no peace'23.
He would also have been familiar with these verses of Isaiah:
'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light
for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!'
'Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes, and prudent in their own sight!'24 There
is a parallel manifestation of this degree of darkness at the highest levels of
Figure 7: A decidedly powerful (but partially obscured) geomasonic handshake between the former Israeli Prime Minister,
Ariel Sharon, left, and the Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas - the 'former' Hamas terrorist Abu Mazen - at
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, on 8th February 2005. This image of the two 'former' terrorists using such a signal illustrates the
dialectical method in operation: both operatives are 'llluminised'.
Chapter 1: The Langley Lie
the British Government, which is co-responsible for the aggressive global destabilisa-tion
that has flowed from the disastrous Iraq adventure. A Member of Parliament known to the
Author was among several MPs who noticed, during his years as a backbencher during
Blair's first term, that in certain circumstances, the face of British Prime Minister, Tony
Blair, appeared demonic25; on a separate occasion, a source reported that he had noticed
that on occasion, Blair's eyes are pitch black; and a cartoon published in The Times in
early September 2004 [Figure 6], reconfirmed that media observers have also noticed this.
It is alleged that the Blairs were present at some sort of pagan rite during a visit to Mexico.
This lends special significance to a 2004 report in The Mail on Sunday (London), to the
effect that Tony Blair had instructed civil servants that witches, Druids and pagan
worshippers were to be given a say in official policy. David Blunkett, the former Home
Secretary, was reported to have established a Whitehall bureau at a cost of about £1.0
million of British taxpayers' money, which had met representatives from such groups.
The unit takes the view that 'accurate information' about paganism must be made
universally available, especially to children26. The Blair- appointed Archbishop of
Canterbury, Dr Rowan Williams, is known as the Archdruid of Canterbury, given that his
first public act prior to his consecration was to undergo a widely publicised induction into
a high Druidic Degree, at a pagan ceremony in Wales - thereby of course sowing
confusion and chaos in the minds of susceptible people as to what the Church of England
worships. In February 2005, the reprobate British Fabian Government, aware that the
exploitation of sexuality is an efficient paganising conduit, presided over a Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Transgender Month, in the course of which secondary schoolchildren in
England were 'taught' about historical figures and their deviant sexuality. Naturally, the
organisers of this abomination claimed hypocritically that it was aimed at combating
homophobic bullying in UK schools27. On 24th October 2004, a BBC news programme
reported that the Captain of HMS Cumberland, located at Devonport Naval Base in
Plymouth, had allowed a naval technician, Chris Cranmer, to register as a Satanist28.
This fellow purported to be a follower of the Church of Satan, founded in San
Francisco in 1996, by its high priest, the late Anton LaVey. Indicating where the British
military Establishment now stands with regard to demonic activity, a 'politically cor-rect',
pontificating spokesman for the Royal Navy observed snootily: 'We are an equal
opportunities employer and we don't stop anybody from having their own religious
values'. On the same level of crass official ignorance and arrogance was a report in June
2006 that UK Home Office staff are being allowed to take lessons in witchcraft.
It has almost always been the case that Governments are in the hands of Satan -even
though, given our free will and the availability of the spiritual Free Gift of Grace to those
who take the first genuine step towards repentance, as outlined above, this is not in fact
inevitable. The English King Henry VI, founder of Eton College and King's College
Cambridge, both glorious religious establishments, was clearly not in the hands of Satan,
as any sensitive Old Etonian familiar with English history and with the perfection of Eton
College Chapel and its worship, understands. It appears that, very occasionally and
exceptionally, power may devolve into hands that are not drenched in blood or otherwise
sullied by abominable past behaviour.
Nevertheless, the reality that governance is typically to be found in the hands of
Lucifer and his Workers of Darkness was confirmed during and by the Temptation of
Christ, from which we learn that Satan has power over ALL Governments:
'Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him
all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them;
'And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and
worship me'.
'Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt
worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve'.
'Then the devil leaveth him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto him'29.
Note, first, that ALL the kingdoms of the world were (are) in the hands of Satan. And note,
secondly, that when Jesus told Satan to leave him, Satan did precisely that - the point being
that if we order him out, he departs: a remarkable fact that can yet give hope to those in
thrall to Satan, including many of those so identified in this book.
In one of his great speeches, recounted in The Acts of the Apostles, Paul reiterates how
Jesus Christ had intervened in his life on the road to Damascus saying, amid the glory of
His bright light, in the Hebrew tongue, 'Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?30- and had
commissioned him, after his conversion:
'To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of
Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them
which are sanctified by faith that is in me'31.
For as long as the United States and Britain are led by men who falsely represent that
they profess the Christian faith, but in reality walk in pitch darkness, and inflict death and
destruction 'without flinching', because of their twisted belief in the power of death to
bring about 'change', these two formerly civilised but now deeply decadent countries'
barbaric contribution to the deterioration of international conditions will continue to
escalate. It was particularly telling that both President Bush and Tony Blair have
repeatedly professed to be Christians. They were and are greatly deluded, and in deluding
themselves, they lie to the whole world. If they or their successors continue to prepare and
perform Works of Darkness on the scale so far exhibited, the consequences for humanity
will indeed ultimately be catastrophic.
Apart from the genuine Saul-like repentance and transformation of our leaders'
personal lives that is urgently necessary, a first practical step towards the restoration of
stability and avoidance of catastrophe would be for certain over-powerful, arrogant and
wayward intelligence services to be ordered back into their ghettos, for their ranks to be
decimated of free-wheeling planners and workers of darkness, for their criminal intelligence
operations to be deprived of legal protection, and for a definitive code of conduct to be
imposed by statute upon the entire intelligence community, breaches of which will be met
with the full force of the law. In the United States, this would mean repealing the National
Security Act et seq., which legislation collectively established a criminals' charter, and for
Executive Order 12333 [see the vox on page 20] to be repealed, as well. The protection
afforded by legislation and Presidential decree for US intelligence operatives to commit
crimes with impunity -the only rule being not to get caught - needs to be cancelled. As
matters stand, US intelligence relies ferociously upon the law whenever a cover-up is
required - while at the same time serially breaking both domestic and international law
with impunity.
A second useful step would be for US policymakers to take a profound policy
decision to STOP fretting about the assumed energy shortage in years to come. It is likely
that if the United States had not invaded Iraq, the Iraqi regime would have proceeded with
the multiple energy contracts that it was in the process of negotiating and
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
concluding with the oil companies of over 30 nations ' ; and the oil which, as a con-
sequence of the invasion, did not come on stream, would have been forthcoming earlier. If
the United States had been genuinely interested, as its propaganda professed, in securing a
stable supply of oil for the whole world, rather than in reality conveying the impression of
greedily seeking the control of all Iraqi oil for itself, oil prices would arguably not have
risen so steeply from mid-2004, and the so-called 'peak oil' crisis about which so much
has been written, would not have been accentuated.
The third necessary reform, indeed a prerequisite for the decriminalisation of the
US intelligence sector, albeit a symbolic one, would be for the CIA to remove its lying
Langley slogan, since it obviously cannot face completing the quotation.
Unfortunately, information such as that which is to follow will be liable to
preclude any clean-up of the criminalised US intelligence services' general modus
operandi, since those driving strategy consider that they are engaged, on behalf of the
American people, in a life-or-death struggle for the survival of the United States and its
economy, given the nation's long-term energy requirements. At least, this is how those
concerned may rationalise their actions and ruthless behaviour. Beyond these self-
evident considerations lurks the even more sinister reality that the United States is in the
hands of Illuminists (who are Luciferians), whose own very long-established modus
operandi is based on the principle of synarchy - or government by secret societies, as will
be explained in Chapter 2 et sea. The complication which arises as a consequence of this
subversive state of affairs can be simply explained as follows: when the American people go
to the polls, they innocentiy believe (leaving aside their knowledge of political
corruption and pork-barrel DC politics) that they are electing a President, a Vice-
President, Congressmen and Senators whose exclusive remit will be to serve the interests
of the US electorate - whereas, given the synarchy dimension, the reality is that they wind
up electing powerful and blackmailable members of the synarchy cliques, most of
whom are intelligence officers, and all of whom work together at a certain level (while
simultaneously competing with each other on a lower plane). In other words, the
American people are living in a dreamworld.
A revolution, or rather what can more accurately be termed a 'coup d'etat by instal-
ments', has taken place recentiy within the old republican structures established by the
Masonic American Revolution itself. As the Danish philosopher Kirkegaard pointed out, the
most successful revolutions are those which take place within the framework of the ancien
regime. That is what has taken place in the United States. Although a sizeable minority of
its highly intelligent people, thought to amount to a constituency of some five million,
recognises that the nation faces the worst crisis of its existence, the majority of the population
have no grasp of the reality that the Rule of Law has collapsed - given that powerful
figures who have stolen billions of dollars and have murdered hundreds of Americans, go
unpunished, and that the American version of democracy is now reduced to a decadent means
of changing personnel alone, with real power resting in the hands of the corrupt synarchists,
whose identity will in part be reviewed in this book.
Concerning the collapse of the Rule of Law, the United States, having inherited
English Common Law, retains ancient legal principles called Misprision of Treason and
Misprision of Felony. What these mean is that anyone subject to US jurisdiction who is
aware that treason and felonies (like stealing billions of dollars, or more) have been
committed, is committing a crime by failing to pass such information to the authorities. But if the
authorities themselves are complicit, the Rule of Law has collapsed.
It is of course well understood that US global power, analysed conventionally without
taking into account the secret hidden strength of the vast European money power,
depends upon two key props: overwhelming military power, and the continued
unchallenged supremacy of the US dollar. After the calmer years that followed the
Second World War and the Bretton Woods settlement, under which the US dollar was
convertible into gold, and the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank were
established - and which marked the restart of the global collective governance process -
the postwar economic and financial settlement began to break down as the European
economies recovered, becoming strong exporters by the late 1960s34.
As the growing economic strength of Europe coincided with President Johnson's
escalation of the Vietnam War - demanded by the US military-industrial complex and the
CIA following Johnson's installation after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy
(believed to have been engineered by Abwehr /DVD operatives in the US intelligence
community itself) - the United States incurred soaring public sector deficits.
While this process helped the establishment of the Eurodollar market, throughout the
1960s, President de Gaulle demanded to be paid for French exports to the United States in
gold, rather than in the Federal Reserve's paper currency. By novem-ber 1967, the drain of
gold from official US and Bank of England vaults had reached critical proportions.
After Britain had to devalue the pound, during its 'sick man of Europe' phase, the
French and other central banks stepped up their demand for gold in exchange for their
dollar reserves. Their accurate calculation was that, given the squandering of vast
financial resources in Vietnam - a syndrome which the Bush Administration is now
repeating, with consequences which will certainly be as dramatic in due course - it would
only be a matter of months before the United States, like Britain earlier, would itself be
compelled to devalue its dollar against gold; so they all resolved to demand payment in
gold at the prevailing higher fixed price.
By May 1971, the drain of US official gold had become so alarming that even the
Bank of England now sided with the Banque de France in demanding US gold for its
holdings of dollars. That was the advanced stage at which, rather than risk the
disappearance of the United States' entire stock of official gold, the Nixon Administration
decided to abandon the link with gold entirely, moving to a unilaterally declared system
of floating currencies in August 1971. This rash decision provided relief over the short
and medium term, but has predictably resulted in the accumulation of intractable longer-
term financial problems caused by fiat money creation and manipulation, with a
derivatives overhang by 2006 of $770 trillion.
In practice the consequence of this 'Break with the Past' was that control over
monetary policy was further privatised, with the large international banks assuming the
role that the central banks had exercised under the gold standard, but entirely without
gold. It was presupposed that the constant interaction of market forces alone would
stabilise the foreign exchange markets and would ensure that a runaway fiat money
system did not develop hyperinflationary characteristics. Market forces duly rose to the
new challenge. The free floating of the US dollar, which compelled all the leading
currencies to float against it - together with the escalation of OPEC oil prices in 1973 by
400% after the Yom Kippur War - triggered the petrodollar recycling phase of the slow-
burning crisis, and of the United States' precarious global hegemony.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
The first oil shock suddenly created a colossal demand for the floating dollar. All
oil importing countries faced the problem of how to export in dollars in order to pay
their expensive new energy import bills. At a secret meeting organised by the
globalist (Illuminati-sponsored) Bilderberg organisation held during May 1971 in
Saltsjoebaden, Norway the petrodollar recycling strategy that was duly adopted in
1973, was prelanned and finalised - which clearly implies that the oil 'shock' was contrived
to leverage and exploit the severance of the US dollar from gold (as this Author and
certain others thought was the case at the time). The primary operative behind this
strategy was the Illuminist renegade Jew of German extraction and alleged triple agent,
with his heavy German accent, Dr Henry Kissinger (allegedly expelled from his US
Jewish congregation), who invented the phrase 'recycling of petrodollars'.
With OPEC suddenly choking on dollars that it could not use, US and British
banks moved on cue to absorb the dollars and to onlend them as Eurodollar bonds or
loans, especially to the Third World countries desperate to borrow US dollars to finance their
oil imports. The Author's own journal International Currency Review followed the progress
of these phases of the crisis in successive issues, accurately predicting that the whole
process would implode, as indeed happened in the early 1980s. Colossal volumes (by
the standards of those days) of US dollars were recycled between OPEC, the London and
New York banks, and then back to Third World countries. The international financial
community and its transnational institutions have been unwinding or adding to this
sovereign debt glut ever since.
The Third World debt crisis was finally triggered after Mr Paul Volcker's US
Federal Reserve Board had unilaterally escalated US interest rates to record levels, in
order to 'save' the dollar. After three years of these stupendous interest rates, the US
dollar was 'saved', but the entire developing sector of the world economy found itself
burdened by usurious US interest rates charged on their vast petrodollar loans
Note: Observe that the serial number below - C321 321 321 C - sums to 666 and that the serial number at the
top right - C1 231 231 23C - sums likewise to 666. This is the number of the Vatican.
Figure 8: This image, and Figure 9, show the front and reverse of a US Treasury Diamond Certificate, with face value
of $1.0 billion. The reason for its tattered appearance is that it was evidently held in the billfold of a
prominent solicitor located in Singapore, who allegedly attempted to trade it at a discount with other corrupt
parties. The details underlying this relevant scandal are omitted here because the point of showing this Diamond
Certificate is to illustrate how US oil imports are financed. Notice anything odd about the serial numbers -
C321 321 321 C and C1 231 231 23C? Each sums to the llluminati's Kabbalistic Number 666.
(Babylonian-style 'loan capitalism'). To enforce debt repayment both to buttress the
dollar system and so as to prevent the nations of the 'south' from acquiring any degree of
economic independence, the London and New York banks called in the services of their
creature, the International Monetary Fund, to act as their 'debt policeman'. Public
expenditure for health, education and welfare was slashed on the IMF's instructions, in
order to ensure that the loan capitalist banks could rely on receiving timely repayments
on the loaned petrodollars. They had found that lending to countries was easy, since the
Third World debt managers did not treat the debt they incurred professionally - given that
it was sovereign debt, not their own.
In 1973, David Rockefeller (a senior Illuminist) and other operatives relaunched the
Trilateral Commission, an old Abwehr front, in order to take special account of the
emergence of Germany's ally, Japan, as a major industrialised nation, and a massive
importer of oil. One idea was to ensure that Japanese trade surpluses from exports would
be deployed to buy oil in dollars (not in pounds sterling French francs or Japanese yen). The
remaining Japanese surpluses were held in US Treasury bonds, to earn interest. The Group
of Seven (G-7) was further established to hold Japan and Western Europe inside the dollar
system. From time to time in the 1980s, International Currency Review and various prominent
voices in Japan called for three reserve currencies (the US dollar, the Japanese yen and the
deutschemark) to share the global reserve function. But thanks to US pressure exerted inter
alia by the mechanisms described above, this never happened: the dollar remained dominant,
and the crisis was contained - for the time being.
In the mid-1970s, International Currency Review exposed the existence of what the
Author called the secret Saudi- American Agreement, established in June 1974 by the US
Treasury Secretary of the day, William Simon, and Dr Kissinger. It was to be held in place
through the establishment of the US-Saudi Arabian Joint Commission on Economic
Cooperation, the full statute of which was published in the Author's journal.
Figure 9: Say that the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing reproduces 64 of these Diamond Certificates up on
one sheet. Each sheet is 'worth' $64 billion. However the actual cost of producing each sheet is, shall we say,
$1 ,000 (being very generous, and adding-in all of the Bureau's costs and overheads). Each sheet therefore costs the
United States $1 ,000. But when placed at the disposal of oil producers, the total purchasing value of the sheet is
$64 billion. This trick only 'works' if petroleum is universally invoiced in US dollars.
CHAPTER 1 : The Langley Lie
This exclusively revealed that the spedal arrangement entailed Saudi Arabia, the
largest oil producer, selling its oil exclusively for dollars, and that the US Treasury and the
New York Federal Reserve Bank (as the Treasury's agent) would facilitate the purchase of
US Treasury bonds with Saudi petrodollars. Specifically, the New York Fed would
telephone the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA) to advise of an upcoming marketing
exercise for US Treasury securities, indicating what volume of securities (say, $3.0 billion)
would be announced to the market, and asking whether SAMA wished to purchase any
'add-on' US securities. These would be sold 'privately' ('off the books') for Saudi
petrodollars, but were not irredeemables: the Saudis could, if they so wished (which did not
at first happen) dispose of such securities in the New York financial marketplace. This
arrangement followed an early attempt by the US authorities to persuade the Saudis to buy
irredeemables. After about $640 million of such US Treasury paper had been acquired,
SAMA's advisers, White Weld, suggested to the Riyadh authorities that it would not
be a good idea to buy any more.
The convention (enforced inter alia by the above mechanisms) that oil is sold and paid
for globally in dollars, demands the buildup of colossal trade surpluses in order to
accumulate dollar surpluses to finance oil bills. It is still the case that 70% of world
trade is transacted dollars. These days, with its huge deficits, the United States must
import at least $1.5 billion daily in order to avoid a dollar collapse and to keep its interest
rates low enough to support the debt-burdened corporate economy. The net debts of the
corporate and official sectors have been deteriorating at an horrific pace. But on 1st
November 2000, Radio Liberty/RFE broadcast a report headlined IRAQ: BAGHDAD
MOVES TO EURO'. The wire was picked up for barely 48 hours by CNN and other media, but
then abruptiy dropped. The Iranian authorities had also been openly debating in early
2000 the merits of switching their oil exports to the Euro.
Following the bursting of the bubble, the unravelling of that intelligence
community scam called Enron, and the Worldcom finance scandal, all associated with
recessionary trends as well as with rapacious intelligence scamming operations, the dollar
began to lose its attraction for foreign investors. With France and Germany preparing to
block war in the UN Security Council, rumours surfaced that the central banks of Russia
and China had quietly started dumping US dollars and purchasing Euros. Whenever
he needs to exert latent pressure on the United States, GRU-President Putin starts
talking about making greater use of the Euro. For 'weapons of mass destruction' in the
2003 Iraq War context, read the threat that others would follow Iraq and shift into Euros,
destroying overnight the United States' currency, economy and global economic
As one US economist put it, the ending of the dollar's reserve role would be a
'catastrophe' for the United States. Interest rates would have to be raised higher than
Paul Volcker's 17% level in 1979 - a dollar crisis which resulted directiy from steps by
France, Germany and Saudi Arabia to start selling US Treasury bonds.
The decapitation of Iraq therefore represented a crude reversion by the United States to the
use of its military power to maintain the hegemony of the dollar system. But as this brief
summary indicates, the underlying dollar strategy is extremely fragile. The crude intent
behind the use of military power is to acquire direct control over oil resources, so that
the issue of oil denomination in another currency cannot
realistically arise in the future. The attack on and occupation of Iraq served as a crude
warning to any other states, such as Iran, which were considering switching to the use of
the Euro for their energy export business. While the lesson will certainly have been
learned regionally, there also remains the obvious danger that China and other countries
could unilaterally decide to pay for their imported oil in their own currencies, rather than
in dollars. If oil exporters were again to start invoicing in a currency other than the dollar,
and oil importers started to remit payment in their own currencies, America would soon
learn that while it is the largest economy and military power in the world, it is not bigger
than the Rest of the World.
Under President G. W. Bush Jr., America's attempts to procure de facto control over
foreign oil resources have been frustrated everywhere: in Russia, in Venezuela and, so
far, in Iraq, where the oil sector has remained under the threat and reality of sabotage. For
this reason, the Author anticipated, in a report published in February 2005, that,
irrespective of the consequences, the Bush II Administration would be tempted to mount
further military operations. That may have been one reason why his ally, Tony Blair,
called a UK General Election one full year earlier than was constitutionally necessary - in
case he became embroiled in 'another Iraq'.
Sophisticates and cynical intelligence officers will tell you that the way they do
things is 'the way of the world', and that to urge improvements in behaviour, as the
Author does in this work, and has done in several conversations with senior US intell-
igence officers, is pointless, meaningless, and naive. For, apart from anything else, 'the way
of the world' dictates that in order to avoid economic meltdown, the United States must
maintain the hegemony of the US dollar at all costs.
Figures 8 and 9 on pages 26 and 27 show a US Treasury Diamond Certificate worth $1.0
billion. The Diamond Certificate is displayed here in order to illustrate at this juncture the
essence of the crisis which the US strategists consider that America faces, although one
needs to bear in mind all the time that, as indicated above, the US national interest is always
subordinated by the synarchists to their own plans for global hegemony and the close control of the
world's assets in the interests of 'the Brotherhood of Man' - which represents not what it appears to
imply, but rather the self-interested Brotherhood of the Geomasonic Illuminists themselves.
The cost to the US Bureau of Engraving and Printing of one sheet containing, say, 64
Diamond Certificates worth $1.0 billion each, is of the order of, say, $1,000 - being
generous, if one takes into account the Bureau's labour costs and overheads, the cost of
engraving, special paper and inks, machine running time, the guillotining and finishing
processes, and all the other costs which the Author, as a Master Printer himself,
necessarily knows about. Thus for a total cost not exceeding, say, $1,000, and probably
much less, the US Government has created $64 billion of 'value'.
Therefore, for each printed Certificate, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing is
'creating' wealth worth $999,999,000 out of thin air. These US Diamond Certificates are
delivered into the hands of, or for the account of, oil producers, in exchange for the oil
imported from them by the United States. So if the United States owes the Saudi Arabian
Government $10 billion in settlement of outstanding oil invoices, it can setde these oil bills inter
alia by making ten $1.0 billion Diamond Certificates available for account of the Saudi Arabian
Monetary Agency (SAMA). Once in SAMA's hands, the Diamond Certificates acquire
'actual' value (i.e., real buying power), both within the 'closed' intergovernmental financial
system, and ultimately in the 'open' sector. For this trick to remain valid, the US
Chapter 1: The Langley Lie
dollar must remain the currency in which all oil invoices and payments are denominated.
For if powerful countries were to abandon this oil-dollar standard, and to begin paying for
their imported oil in their own or in other national currencies, such as the Euro, the pound
sterling or the Japanese yen, the ability of the United States to pay for its imported energy
requirements by printing such pieces of paper, would be challenged, seriously
jeopardised, or terminated.
This is because if, all of a sudden, the Saudis were to demand payment in Euros
(which would not occur under prevailing conditions, given the ongoing Saudi- American
relationship), the United States would need, all of a sudden, to obtain the necessary Euros on
the foreign exchanges, which might necessitate transferring real wealth (dollars) in
exchange for the Euros, rather than handing over Diamond Certificates specially printed for
the purpose. The oil-dollar system might continue to function fitfully; but the threat of it
collapsing is a national security issue of such gravity that the United States is prepared to
go so far as to attack and invade any oil-producer which might be brazen enough to demand
payment for its exported oil in any currency other than the dollar. Of course, this is far
from a complete or even an adequate explanation of the phenomenon of the oil-dollar
standard. But at least it explains why the intelligence services attach the highest priority
to serving the interests of the US oil corporations, and are mandated to place their
interests first.
It should also be noted, in the light of what follows, that the serial numbers that are
shown on the Diamond Certificate illustrated on pages 26 and 27 devolve to 666
(123+123+123 = 666), which is of course a primary occultic Kabbalistic number, as
indicated in the Book of Revelation. Therefore, this specific Illuminati code is displayed by the
US Government to its foreign counterpart, which, being likewise Illuminised, recognises the
code and its significance.
Enough has been reviewed here to make it clear that the slogan at Langley is indeed
as deceitful and misleading as was explained at the outset. The intelligence community
deals not in the truth, but in lies and deception. Its rationale has been the same down the
centuries: national security. But control by criminalised, Illuminised intelligence is
incompatible with good governance, however pressing the pretext. ■
Chapter 1 : THE LANGLEY LIE: Notes and references:
1 . Biblical quotations throughout are taken from the King James Authorised Version of the Holy Bible.
2. The notion that we choose Christ, which is dispensed by false prophets, is erroneous. We cannot 'decide for
Christ' without the desire to know the truth being 'given us of the Father'. He calls us, not the other way round: and
He does this as soon as we make the first move of our own free will, which we have to exercise first (because He gave
us free will). In John, Chapter 15, Jesus tells his disciples plainly: 'Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and
ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask
of the Father in my name, he may give it to you'. If we are 'in the Word' - that is, reading Scripture (which is
essential), however imperfectly - and are trying (however inadequately) to follow his Way and Truth to Life, it is a fact
that 'whatsoever we ask of the Father' in Jesus' name, He gives it to us. Obviously it is no use asking for a new
Mercedes: we have to ask for what is in accordance with His will. 'If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye
shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you' [John, Chapter 15, verse 7]. 'Ask, and it shall be given you; seek,
and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh
findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened' [Matthew, Chapter 7, verses 7-8]. An American friend and the
Author prayed jointly for a young woman (unknown to the Author), who was so ill that her family had been called to her
hospital bedside. She began her complete recovery at the very moment of our prayer. The explanation was that what was
asked for was 'in His Name' and in accordance with His Will. It is a waste of time asking the Father for whatever is
not in accordance with his Will, which, through Grace - a freely given gift of the Lord that follows our submission with a
contrite, humble and tender heart - is made known to us.
3. See: Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West by Dr Joseph D Douglass Jr., Edward Harle Limited,
London and New York, 1999. Available from the Author's offices. See:
4. 'Convergence' is a Soviet concept, developed by the Soviet strategists within one or more of the specialist Leninist
Institutes of the Soviet Academy of (Leninist) Sciences. The Soviet revolutionary meaning of 'convergence' is: 'con-
vergence on our terms', meaning that the West is required to 'converge' substantively with the covert Soviet Union, whereas
any 'convergence' of the covert Soviet Union is to be cosmetic only. Hence, as anyone who is not sitting on their brains can
see for themselves, Russian 'privatisation' devolved the assets of the Party-State into the hands of selected GRU and KGB
operatives, from whose hands the assets are being extracted piecemeal under the Presidency of the senior Soviet Military
Intelligence (GRU) officer, Vladimir Putin. Under the present phase of the Soviet long-range strategy, the USSR is
essentially 'marking time' while the West's politico-social system (in both Europe and the United States) evolves into a de
facto communised, collectivised clone of the 'former' Soviet system.
5. The Soviet Union is always qualified in this and all related works by the adjective 'former' in parentheses. The Author
is Editor and publisher of Soviet Analyst, which monitors the continued existence of the Soviet Union in practice. For
further details, see the Author's book The European Union Collective: Enemy of its Member States' [Edward Harle
Limited, London and New York, 2002], which explains the parallel Soviet and pan-German agendas for a collectivised
Europe, a scheme which is now at an advanced stage of decrepitude. As revealed by a US operative to the Author
and mentioned in the present work, Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev (real name Orbach or Korbach) remains head
(as of 2006) of the KGB Continuum.
6. Seymour M. Hersh, 'The Gray Zone: How a Secret Pentagon Program came to Abu Ghraib, Annals of National
Security', The New Yorker, 24th May 2004. The 'former' intelligence operative 'blew' the 'Black' operation in question by
revealing outline details to Hersh. Whenever such revelations surface in the 'mainstream' media, it is usually because
the intelligence authorities concerned have wound up the programme, and replaced it with a successor programme.
However intelligence duplicity being what it is, it is conceivable in this instance that the SAP continues, but that the
revelations to Hersh in this article simply conveyed the false impression that it had been wound up. If that was the case, it
will certainly have been replaced by a comparable SAP 'Black' programme. Reports continue (as of June 2006) to
emerge of atrocities at the 23 secret US intelligence facilities in Afghanistan, in the multiple such evil centres in Iraq,
Jordan, the British colony of Diego Garcia, and at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
7. As probably a 'former' intelligence official himself, Hersh would know perfectly well that the use of the prefix 'former'
in this context is cosmetic. US citizens are not allowed to divulge the identities of existing US intelligence officers. But
there is no such individual as a 'former' intelligence operative, because they all know too much and have to be
monitored and 'handled' for their lifetime. One of the problems facing the implementers of US and New Underworld Order
operations since the Reagan era is that timetables have slipped badly. This has meant that significant numbers of ageing
operatives remain 'operative' and 'on the books'. These people have long since been 'read into' (to use the CIA
euphemism for 'indoctrinated into') geopolitical operations of such complexity and ongoing relevance, that they 'cannot
be released'. Many of the individuals mentioned in this book are, or soon will be, past normal 'retirement age'. The
primary reason for their continued involvement in multiple operations is that they alone are 'fully read into' 'Black'
operations which it would be too hazardous or dangerous to reveal to others. Some of the hazards concern the systematic
rifling of financial assets by intelligence operatives and 'barons' themselves.
8. John Robison, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', 1798, Western Islands, Boston, MA, 1967, page 61 .
9. Information to the Author from a participant on the spy cruise, during which seminars on intelligence issues,
tradecraft and related subjects, were provided.
10. The report to the effect that intelligence cells are located in or adjacent to every 'mainstream' media pressroom
appeared for 24 hours in 2004, and then vanished from the 'screen'.
11. Uri Dowbenko, 'Bush-Cheney Cabal Names Porter Goss CIA Chief, posted on 'Dowbenko's' Internet site, 25th June
2004, well ahead of President Bush's formal announcement. The report noted: Why did former CIA operative Rep.
Porter Goss get the nod to be the new DCI (Director of Central Intelligence) at the CIA?' [Answer]:]. 'It means that the
Bush Cheney Cabal, a.k.a. the Bush Crime Family, is so sure of itself and its power that it can name one of its own, a
former point man for CIA assassinations, to be the head of the CIA'.
12. 'Bush nominates Goss as new CIA chief and associated reports, The Financial Times, London, 1 1 August 2004.
13. For a display of important observed geopolitical occult handshakes,see Appendix 70, page 734.
14. Trance Formation of America: The True Life Story of a CIA mind-control Slave' by Cathy O'Brien (the 'rehabilitated
sex slave') with Mark Phillips, Reality Marketing, Inc., 1995 (Reality Marketing is thought to have been an intelligence-
linked entity, based in Las Vegas where certain intelligence community mass mind-control operations, including film-
making for propaganda purposes, such as the ludicrous footage of Osama Bin Laden in a bathrobe against a
moonscape, are based). In 'Trance Formation of America', former President Ford is depicted as a sadistic prima donna
who demands services from sex slaves as of right. It was at Gerald Ford's home in Colorado that Dr Alan
Greenspan, the 'chief accountant' and facilitator of the colossal dubious financial transactions of the llluminati, took
place in June 2004. Mark Phillips allegedly perpetrated the 'devil in the smoke' photographic deception which
deceived many following the 9/1 1 provocation [see Chapter 4, page 1 83].
15. 'Democracy Now!' Radio/TV news programme broadcast on over 200 US stations, 28th April 2004.
16. John Negroponte's support of and involvement with the Battalion 3-16 death squad in Honduras was extensively
aired by the witnesses ONLY, at the hearing held on 27th April 2004, from the transcript of which this excerpt is
taken verbatim.
17. Seymour M. Hersh, op. cit.
18. 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's most powerful Secret Society', edited by Robert A. [Kris]
Millegan, TrineDay, 2003, page 418.
19. 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's most powerful Secret Society', Ibid, page 418.
20. 'Sullen, Depressed Bush Retreats into Private Paranoid World: Bush using Drugs to control Depression', Teresa
Hampton and William D. McTavish, Capitol Hill Blue Staff,, 29 July 2004.
21 . Pastor David J. Meyer, The Last Trumpet Newsletter, January 2005, page 2. That author also pointed out that on 1 3th
December 2004, the Associated Press (AP), a US Government mouthpiece, made a curious reference to President
George W. Bush as 'the first-born son', a blasphemous/Jewish statement implying that the President is endowed with a
spiritual force which we are all supposed to assume is god-like, or at least characteristic of a firstborn male as described
in Scripture (the first-born being 'hallowed to God'). All this reminds this Author of the perceptive remark of a female
American friend of his who asserted with conviction in the autumn of 2000 that she thought that George W. Bush
could be the Antichrist. She never gave any explanation for that insight. Concerning the provenance of this information
(from the Rev. Meyer) about the occult and astrology, the Author is aware that
Chapter 2: The Langley Lie
many such sources are unreliable and perversely transmit disinformation. However this source is 100% credible, and is
widely so regarded internationally, because of his intimate knowledge of witchcraft given his past life as an
hyperactive witch. His statements on witchcraft practices, beliefs and aberrations are factually correct. There is no doubt
that the US Presidency is in thrall to witchcraft, which accompanies and precedes Luciferianism.
22. Pastor David J. Meyer, The Last Trumpet Newsletter, January 2005, pages 4-5.
23. Jeremiah Chapter 6, verse 14; and the identical warning in Jeremiah Chapter 8, verse 11. This passage is followed
by the further warning lamenting the absence of shame and the catastrophe which will befall such people [verses 12
and 13J: 'Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? Nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither
could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall; in the time of their visitation they shall be cast down,
saith the Lord. I will surely consume them, saith the Lord: there shall be no grapes on the vine, nor figs on the fig
tree, and the leaf shall fade; and the grass that I have given them shall pass away from them1. In other words, they
have all been warned.
24. Isaiah, Chapter 5, verses 20-21 and 23. 'Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light,
and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Woe unto them that are wise in their own eyes,
and prudent in their own sight!... Which justify the wicked for reward, and take away the righteousness of the
righteous from him!'. All of which is horribly familiar today.
25. Personal communication to the Author by the Member of Parliament concerned (name withheld).
26. The Mail on Sunday, 22nd August 2004.
27. Global Analyst, January-February 2005, Global Analysis Limited, 108 Horseferry Road, Westminster, London
SW1P 2EF, Volume 2, Number 1, page 23: Teaching Children Perversion'.
28. BBC News report, 'Navy approves its first-ever Satanist', 24th October 2004.
29. The Gospel according to Matthew, Chapter 4, verses 8-1 1 .
30. Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 26, verse 1 4.
31 . Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 26, verse 1 8.
32. According to documents extracted by legal process by Judicial Watch, Washington DC, from the Cheney Energy
Task Force, the countries listed in Note 33 below (with their energy corporations in parentheses) were in various stages
of negotiating for rights, carrying out exploration work, constructing facilities, or otherwise preparing to exploit Iraqi oil,
as of 5th March 2001 . Although the Energy Task Force is commonly referred to as the 'Cheney Energy Task Force',
detailed research work along these lines had long been under way during the Clinton era - illustrating a key point
emerging from this analysis, namely that political 'opposites' in the 'White' world, being controlled by the intelligence
services, since the most senior posts are usually held by intelligence operatives, are actually 'on the same page' -just
playing opposite ends of the political dialectic for public consumption in the 'White' world. Thus: Clinton and the
Democratic Party, extensively penetrated by Communists and fellow-travellers = Thesis; Bush II, driven by the
'German' element of the intelligence services following the Himmler Nazi tradition = Antithesis (or vice versa). Repeated
cycles of the Hegelian dialectic (which is itself based upon the occult-Masonic concept of the 'mechanistic world')
continue until the Synthesis (= One World Government, or the New Underworld Order) is achieved. However, since
these forces are driven by Satan, who is the author of all confusion, the Synthesis is of course never actually realised
This illustrates that these people are all fools. Their belief in the geomasonic mechanistic world guarantees this. The fool
hath said in his heart, there is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth
good, God looked down from Heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, that did
seek God. Everyone one of them is gone back: they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good, no,
not one'. Psalm (of David) 53, verses 1 -3.
33. The countries (with their energy corporations in parentheses) that were identified by the Cheney Energy Task
Force as being in various stages of negotiating for rights, carrying out exploration work, constructing facilities, or otherwise
preparing to exploit Iraqi oil as of 5th March 2001 , all of which lost out due to the invasion, were as follows: Algeria
(Sonatrach); Australia (BHP); Canada (Ranger, Bow Canada, Alberta Energy, CanOxy, Chavco Resources, Escondido,
Talisman, IPC, PanCanadian); China (CNPC, Norinco, Sinochem); Czech Republic (Strojexport); Finland (Neste Oy); France
(Total Elf Aquitaine), Forasol SA, IBEX, Perenco); Germany (Deminex, Preussag, Slavneft); Greece (Kriti); Hungary (Hanpetro);
India (ONGC, Reliance); Indonesia (Pertamina); Ireland (Bula); Italy (Agip, Snamprogetti); Japan (Japex, Mitsubishi); Malaysia
(Petronas); Mexico (Pemex); Netherlands (Larmag, Dutch Royal Shell); Norway (Statoil); Pakistan (Crescent); Romania
(Petrom, Mol); Russia (Kond Petroleum, Lukoil, Zarubezneft, Mashinoimport, Tatarneft, Rostneft, Sidanco); South Korea
(Sangyong, Samsung, Pedco, Hambo, Yukong, Daewoo); Spain (Repsol); Taiwan (CPC); Tunisia (Setcar); Turkey (TPAO);
United Kingdom (Branch Energy, Pacific Resources); Vietnam (Petro-Vietnam). Common sense dictates that had all these
countries and corporations been left to 'get on with it', Iraq's oil could have been brought on-stream much earlier than is
now likely to be the case. As indicated in the main text, the United States oil lobby's propaganda insists that its purpose is
to procure adequate energy supplies at fair prices for the whole of humanity. The invasion of Iraq in 2003, planned from
the outset of the Bush II Administration (on the basis of planning in place under the Clinton Administration) resulted in the
termination by force majeure of all these operations, from which of course the United States had been excluded. It is
therefore perfectly clear to anyone who is not influenced by US special pleading that one purpose of the invasion was to
ensure that Iraq's energy resources were brought under US control, and the negotiating countries excluded, rather than the
United States. This exposes the lie that US oil policy is intended to procure affordable energy supplies for the whole of
humanity. Secondary data source: International Currency Review, Volume 30, Number 1 , August 2004.
34. This final sub-section is condensed from Economic Intelligence Review, Volume 10, Number 1, pages 13-15,
January-February 2005, World Reports Limited:
* The Synagogue of Satan: Revelation of John: Words of Jesus Christ: Chapter 2, verse 9: 'I know the blasphemy of them which say
they are Jews, and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan'; and Chapter 3, verse 9: 'Them of the synagogue of Satan, which say
they are Jews, and are not, but do lie'. The Synagogue of Satan is the pagan-Satanic llluminised geomasonic structure controlled by 'the
god of this world', Lucifer. In the contemporary context, it is identifiable as Geomasonic llluminism. At the Congress of Wilhelmsbad (1 782), the
llluminati and the elders of Freemasonry agreed to merge, with the llluminati taking Masonry over. Jewish authorities agree that 'Masonry
is Jewish'. The central llluminati control centre is Germany, with two main components of the llluminati - the 'Black Nobility' and the
Communists - being Jewish. Hence the heavy llluminati weighting of German Jews.
'And the scribes which came down from Jerusalem said 'He hath Beelzebub, and by the
Prince of the Devils casteth he out devils'. The source in Scripture for this blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit is the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 3, verse 22 (322)1.
The Lord dealt with this lie immediately: 'And he called them unto Him, and said
unto them in parables, How can Satan cast out Satan? And if a kingdom be divided against
itself, that kingdom cannot stand. And if Satan rise up against himself, and be divided, he
cannot stand, but hath an end'2.
Just as Satan cannot cast out his own demons - on the contrary, he desires to
infest everyone - so does he refuse to evacuate the premises he inhabits unless he is cast
out by his nemesis, the power of Jesus Christ, who taught us to say: 'Get thee behind
me Satan'3. The problem with the United States is that its god, from its foundation,
is Lucifer - as is displayed by means of the Eye of Set, or Lucifer, on the $1.0 bill, atop
a truncated Masonic pyramid, which is replicated from the image on reverse of the
Great Seal of the United States - not Jesus Christ: which is why political Washington
is perpetually in turmoil, and why many Americans are always so exercised about
the issue of whether it should be legal to display the
Ob Arm Db PW. in ioit a I nek
Figure 10: On the west wall in the Skull and Bones 'Tomb' on the Yale campus is this elderly engraving rep-
resenting an open burial vault inside which, on a stone slab, rest four skulls arranged around a fool's cap and bells,
an open book, some mathematical instruments, and a royal crown. Upon the arched wall located above them is
bleakly inscribed: 'Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, wer Better Oder Kaiser?', while below the vault image is engraved,
in Germanic script: 'Ob arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich'. The picture is displayed along with a card, on which is
appended: 'From the German Chapter'. Presented by D. C. Gilman of D. 50' (Daniel C. Gilman).
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Ten Commandments in public schools, and about the sterile absence of any religious
teaching therein. Following the pernicious tradition imported by the US IUurninati from
Germany (specifically the dumbing-down political control methodology of Wilhelm
Wundt, of the University of Leipzig [1875-1920]), the schools are mind-control factories. They
deploy the convenient excuse that religious faith is a matter for parents, not for the US school
system - which, given the consequent Dluminist Outcome-Based Education curriculum,
teaches relativism, that truth is a matter of individual perception and choice, and that there is
no God, and induces depression and confusion in the minds of children (who are universally
referred to as 'kids', as of the goat) in order to churn out a lumpen-proletariat that is unable to
think for itself, stripped of spiritual nourishment. Hence sex education, which fosters the
lusts of the flesh from an early age, and 'death education', which is designed to
impregnate young minds with the only product known to the Illuminised Workers of
Darkness: death.
In the United Kingdom, children as young as 12 to 14 at schools all over the
country were reported in June 2005 to be indulging in 'daisy chain' group sex, with
some incidents being captured by the cameras of their mobile telephones, and dissem-
inated all round the country and to their school friends, and girls as young as 12
years of age being raped after boys had demanded group sex with them, and they had
refused4. Abominations such as these are the direct consequence of the temporary triumph
of the evil, nihilistic regimen of the Illuminati, the transnational Workers of Darkness,
who seek to drag the whole of humanity down into the pit with them (to 'keep them
company') because they are jealous of all who are not yet depraved, and because they
look forward to the time 'soon' when the 'Ancient Mysteries' - the hegemony of pagan
sex-magic, ritual and the invocation of demons - will be realised.
In the United States, children are taught every minute detail there is to know
about the Holocaust, and are required to take part in death-oriented school plays, such
as certain plays by the Satanic American playwrite, Edgar Allen Poe. Their 'death
education' is completed by the universal Satanisation of video games and other elec-
tronic playthings, all inventions of the Devil, that focus on sex and death, and which are
not only addictive, but have the consequence that the child or teenager is afflicted by
oppression, with his or her true underlying personality smothered by what amounts
to infestation by Evil Spirits, or an oppression similar to such infestation. Indeed when
an American friend of the Author resolved, with one of his sons, that all the boy's Satanic
tapes and other paraphernalia should be destroyed, they found that many items jumped
out of the fire, and that a bunch of ravens suddenly appeared circling overhead. The
recalcitrant toys of the Devil had to be repeatedly thrown back into the bonfire, after
jumping out several times, far away from the bonfire.
The deliberately addictive nature of these abominations further alienates the child
from things of beauty - from art, from good music, from poetry, from the beauty of the
countryside, from Scripture of course, from romance in human relationships, indeed
from all that enhances human life and makes it such a joy to be alive. These are all evils
that are directly attributable to the brazen emergence and harsh, stone cold arrogance
of Satan, who goes 'to and fro in the earth' and walks 'up and down it'5 'seeking whom
he may devour' . The diabolical, chaotic, Satanic, sexually-oriented 'music' (noise) that is
mass-produced for consumption by youth, completes the hell which our generation has
created for the young people and children whom once we used to love. To abuse children
by filling their minds, souls and environment with dia-
bolical inventions such as these, is nothing less than wanton, flagrant, serial blasphemy
against the Holy Spirit. Recall that Jesus prescribed a violent end for those who do such
things: 'But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better
for him that a millstone were hanged around his neck, and that he were drowned in the
depth of the sea'7. It should be noted that this grim warning is repeated twice more in the
Gospels - indicative of its singular importance8. All those who corrupt children with devilish
things face a terrible vengeance: that's a certainty.
Another Scriptural reference will place what follows in the necessary context: Psalm
127 begins: 'Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord
keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain'9. The fundamental problem with the United
States (and with Britain, though via a different sequence of historical events), is that the
house that replaced the edifice that had been erected by the
Figure 1 1 A: The central component of the Yale University crest, taken from a napkin purloined by the
Author from the dining room of The Yale Club in New York City. The Latin inscription, 'Lux et Veritas',
means, of course, 'Light and Truth'. What do the Hebrew words mean and what are they doing there? The
Author can only answer the first part of this question. The Hebrew words are 'Urim' and 'Thummim', oracles
from the Old Testament, which learned Rabbis believe represented stones upon which were written 'Yes' and 'No',
which were reckoned to indicate the answer to any given question raised with God. So, the Yale Crest reads
as follows: 'Light and Truth. Yes and No'. In short, the University is double-minded. Figure 11B: The death-
badge of another Yale secret society. File and Claw. In a survey of the Yale secret societies, illustrative of the
system of synarchy - rule by secret societies - which has the upper hand in the United States, Europe and
elsewhere (under the European Commission, there are 3,068+ secret committees about which hardly anything
was known until recently) - Harper's Weekly of 7th February 1874 explained: 'An allusion to these societies
would not be complete without a reference to their initiations, which are known of and cited throughout the
country as illustrations of pandemonium broken loose. Until 1 869, they were very rough in character, and often
resulted in serious injury to some of their victims but since that time, a Professor has been present during the
sports, to interfere in case they are taken too far. Tossing in a blanket, rolling in a wheel, stowing away in a
coffin, sitting suddenly in a tub of ice, or put under a guillotine, where the knife is arrested within a few inches
of the victim's nose, and members yelling, blowing horns, burning phosphorus, and masked as skeletons and
demons' [see Figure 12 on page 36] - these are what a candidate has to pass through before being invested
with the dignity of membership'. No wonder the 'values' inculcated in such initiations have infected American
society so perniciously. The everlasting pandemonium prevalent in Washington, DC, is entirely consistent with
this background.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
colonists has not been constructed by the Lord, but rather by Lucifer.
It is accordingly no surprise that, as has been stated, Washington - a city that was
notoriously laid out to an occult blueprint with a gigantic pagan (phallic) obelisk at its
centre - is perpetually in a state of turmoil and confusion. There is always some scandal
brewing inside the corridors of power and in the bowels of the political establishment.
The Author has visited Washington regularly for four decades, and has found that this
city is almost always engulfed in controversy, bitterness, deception, treachery and
shame - reflecting the fact that its god, Lucifer, is in control there.
The Author once told the late Fr. Malachi Martin that he always felt most uncom-
fortable and oppressed staying in the Washington area for more than 24 hours. 'Oh, you
would do', Malachi responded. 'It is a very evil place, and you would sense that. I am not
surprised'. And there always seem to be parallel indications of organised vice - most
conspicuously nowadays focused on paedophilia, and on the suborning of the foreign
diplomatic community inter alia through prostitution masterminded by an intelligence
community-linked cut-out apparatus located near Dupont Circle. 'Many sorrows shall
be to the wicked'10, and they shall know no peace. By contrast, 'great peace have they
which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them'11.
The sense of oppression evident to many in the Washington area is replicated in a US city
considerably further north, the influence on Washington of which has always been
pronounced: New Haven, Connecticut, the seat of Yale University. As one analyst
wrote in July 1996, Yale is the place 'where three threads of American social history -
espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies - intertwine into one'12. The University,
originally named Yale College, was established in 1718, after Elihu Yale,
Figure 12: A woodcut from 'Fifty Years of Yale News', by the Skull and Bones historian Clarence W. Mendel,
published in 'Yale News' on 28th January 1928, New Haven, Connecticut. The illustration makes it crystal clear
that the activities of Skull and Bones (and some other Yale-based secret societies) are of an occultic and Satanic
nature. It is no surprise that a culture nurtured on devilry is inherently untamed and unruly.
educated in London, who served for many years with the British East India Company and
became Governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, India, in 1687, had returned to England
in 1699, having amassed a great fortune. Yale's name as a philanthropist having crossed the
Atlantic, he responded to many requests from the Collegiate School in Connecticut for
donations and learning materials; and an early graduate from the school, Cotton Mather,
in due course suggested that the school should, as a consequence, be renamed Yale
College. It was among Yale graduates that one of America's first intelligence organisations,
known as the 'Culper Ring', was formed. This appears to have been the precedent for Yale
University's close relationship, since the foundation of the Republic, with the intelligence
community. And since such a sizeable proportion of the population of the DC and
Virginia area belongs to that immense community, Washington's close association with
Yale is self-evident.
The drug-running connection dates from 1824, when Samuel Russell, educated in
London, established a firm entitled Russell and Company with a view to procuring opium
in Turkey and smuggling it into China, which had the world's largest population of drug
addicts. In 1828, the company was combined with a Boston-based opium concern, T. H.
Perkins, and became the leading American opium smuggling organisation and the
dominant American force in China. The Russell family was one of many whose European
and American fortunes were acquired from the 'China' (opium) trade. Kris Millegan has
written that 'Russell & Co. was very much a family affair, with uncles, cousins, brothers,
fathers and sons dominating the firm and its allied banks and fronts. The Russell family
was steeped in Yale College history'13.
Samuel Russell's cousin, William Huntington Russell, who studied in Germany in
1831-32, formed a senior society, soon to become known as 'The Order of Skull and
Bones', after arriving at Yale in 1832, his partner being Alfonso Taft. Russell introduced
Figure 13: Two examples of the expensive real estate owned by Yale secret societies. Left: 'Bones' Hall, the
HQ of the Satanic Skull and Bones secret society. Right: the HQ of the Scroll and Keys society. The notion
of rule by secret societies, or synarchy, is of the essence of the conspiracy of the llluminati, who secretly place
their operatives in key posts or alongside the holders of power so that only the universalist policies of the
llluminati are pursued - as for instance, in the case of the failing European Union.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Tali and others to the atheistic social control methodology, or 'scientific method, which was
flourishing in Germany, especially Prussia, at that time - including a diabolical
educational system which has since invaded the US and British educational establish-
ments, among those of many other misguided countries. The proposals included the
prospectus advanced by Johan Wolfgang Fitche, which stipulated that children were to be
handed over to the State, which would instruct them in what and how to think. Hence
such modern aberrations as 'death education' in US and British schools.
In an interesting precursor of what happened to the US stock market and the
financial system when the Taliban succeeded in virtually neutralising the production of
opium in Afghanistan in 2001, a crash in the opium market occurred in 1837, with
speculators' losses reverberating internationally - the financial panic being so severe that
cash became scarce in both the United States and Great Britain. Likewise, the removal
of Afghani opium from the international market under the Taliban caused certain
pipelines of drug proceeds to dry up, depressing the US stock market and adding to
international economic and financial stresses following the millennium Y2K bug fiasco
and the deflating of the dotcom boom in 2000.
Following a break-in to the meeting hall of the Skull and Bones Senior Society (the
notorious Tomb) on 29th September 1876, one of a number of such edifices on the Yale
campus [refer, for instance, to Figure 13 on page 37], a document was identified which
asserted that 'Skull and Bones is the chapter of a corps in a German university. General
Samuel Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his Senior Year and formed a
warm friendship with a leading member of German society. He brought back with him
to college, authority to found a chapter here'. The new Yale chapter was modelled upon the
German university Verbindung (secret society) precedent, establishing what was to
become the most conspicuous parallel between German and US society, namely the
presence in academic centres of secret societies (synarchy), with which the social
classes concerned remain obsessed to this day.
The group conducting the break-in called itself The Order of File and Claw [see
Figure 11B on page 35], operating in apparent opposition to The Order of Skull and
Bones, as the image of a skull with a file and a claw in lieu of the two bones used by
Skull and Bones for its symbol, is thought to imply. They discovered an upstairs room,
labelled Lodge 322, which they described as 'the sanctum sanctorum of the temple...
furnished in red velvef 14 with a pentagram on the wall. In other words, this and other Yale secret
societies are nests of witchcraft. (The only room clad in red velvet that the Author has
personal experience of was the dining room of Paul Channon MP, in Belgrave
Square, London, in the 1960s). The File and Claw' report added that the group had
discovered 'pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in
Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832'.
The intruders also found an old engraving [Figure 10, on page 33] illustrating an
open burial vault 'in which', according to a US expert, 'on a stone slab, rest four
human skulls, grouped around a fool's cap and bells, an open book, several mathe-
matical instruments, a beggar's scrip, and a royal crown'. On the arched wall in the
engraving above the vault are the following German words: 'Wer war der Thor, wer
Weiser, wer Bettler oder Kaiser': Whether fool, wise man, beggar or Emperor'. Below the vault
is displayed this concluding sentence: 'Ob Arm, Ob Reich, im Tode gleich':
'Whether poor or rich, all of us die' - or, in the more cynical tone implied by these
inscriptions: 'Poor or rich, all hit the ditch'.
The most celebrated of recent researchers into the secrets of Skull and Bones, and its
corruption of American society, the late Anthony Sutton (whose widow thinks that his
death in the early 2000s may not have been natural), explained the occult spiritual
meaning and purpose of the focus on human skulls and bones (replicated in many
photographs of 'Bonesmen' which have emerged into the public domain over the
years), by citing the following penetrating statement by Margaret Elizabeth Stucki:
The Skull: Mortality Unmasked 'The opposite of the
mask is the skull. The face of the person is a fleshy skin worn between the two. People
who deny the person as made in the image of God directly, and individually created and
loved by Him, will seek either of these exits to being truly human: the mask, which
covers the mortal man, or the skull which is left after mortal man has departed. Primitive
minds who have not yet found God and sophisticates who have rejected Him, desire
the mask and the skull'15.
In other words, the adoption of, and fixation with, human skulls is a deliberately
provocative display of The Order's blunt and insistent rejection of the existence of a
Figure 14A: The Order of Skull and Bones, of which this is the symbol, was established at Yale in 1832-33 under the
pirate (drug-running) flag of William H. Russell, used for his family firm's China operations. The US fascination with
China, which was then the world's largest user and producer of opiates, can be traced to this connection. The skull and
crossbones is the symbol of death that is used on bottles of poison: and poisoning is classically the llluminati's preferred
method of 'liquidation'. The symbol is used on pirates' flags, and was the centrepiece of the Nazi Tofenkopf ('death's
head') insignia of the Schutzstaffel, or SS. It was used in Prussia by elite soldiers as long ago as 1740. Note that the
skull has no lower jaw: the missing mandible signifies the absolute requirement of secrecy. Thanks to Anthony
Sutton, Kris Millegan, Andrei Navrozov and others, and to the Internet, the secrecy imperative or cover of Skull and
Bones, and of the llluminati of which this murderously evil secret society is a central node, has been well and truly 'blown'.
But although these people may think they have secured the upper hand, their fear of exposure remains intact. Figure 14B:
The headpiece of an article on the 'Secret Societies at Yale', published in Munsey's Magazine in June 1894. The article
explained: 'It is in the mysterious halls of the secret societies that the student finds his dearest pleasures, and from them
it is that the powers that direct the college democracy issue'. In other words, Yale College is effectively controlled by its
secret witchcraft societies.
Chapter 2: The Curse of Yale
God who cares for us and loves us. Those who reject God in this way are, by definition,
in the hands of Satan, whose sole product is death (both physical and spiritual). That is
why they deal endlessly and exclusively in death - whether raining fragmentation bombs
down on civilian populations, massacring unknown hundreds of thousands of Iraqis,
committing atrocities in the former Yugoslavia, exporting arrested individuals deemed to
be terrorists to countries under the odious US regime of 'extraordinary rendition' so that
they can be tortured there with legal impunity for the US officials concerned, bombing the
hell out of Belgrade with Luciferian ferocity, manipulating the earth's crust using demonic
technology to create earthquakes and tsunamis (the artificially induced tsunami that was
generated on 26th December 2004 killed 300,000 people16, a hundred times more than the
3,000 who were by official secret design murdered on 9/11), or systematically teaching
children about death, and flooding the marketplace with Satanic videogames and demon-
oriented playthings, thereby corrupting and destroying their childhood.
For all these people, the Apostle Paul - the converted Pharisee who was formerly
'breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord'17, who, as this
Scripture confirms, had himself been hyperactively engaged in serially murderous
activities against the 'saints' (which means those who believe and profess that Jesus Christ
is the Son of God) - has the following explicitly grave warning and condemnation which
all Illuminists who have obtained a copy of this book and who have qualms about the
course they are following should read again and again with appropriate care and diligence:
for it describes their kind perfectly:
'And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge [so that there is no
space for God in overcrowded modern life at all, especially in the education system - Ed.],
God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient.
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetous-ness,
maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters,
haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventers of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenant-breakers, without natural affection, implacable,
unmerciful; Who, knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are
worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them'18. Paul's
warning cannot be sufficiently repeated.
This passage succinctly describes, far better than has ever been done by anyone, the
cynical mentality, depravity, obtuse stupidity, emotional aridity, arrogant self-satisfaction
and self-absorption, coldness and indifference towards others and little children,
ruthlessness and exploitativeness, acquisitiveness, and perverse fascination with the occult
and with all the Works of Darkness, that the Author has encountered in the course of his
several brushes with a certain type of US intelligence officer, while researching this book
and other writings. It is not surprising that, at a certain conference several years ago
addressed by prominent American operatives, a well-known British operative was
observed to shun the company of the American intelligence contingent and to prefer the
company of the odious KGB General Oleg Kalugin, who was also lecturing on that
occasion. The point is that the odiousness of Soviet KGB and GRU operatives is taken for
granted and well understood in the West. However some of their US counterparts have
raised deception techniques and deviousness to the status of a new art form, wrapping as
they do their nefarious practices and intentions in a spurious cloak of legality. For woe
betide anyone from 'outside' who 'breaks the
law' in this Devil's kitchen - notwithstanding that the National Security Act of 1947 et seq.
and as amended, authorises US intelligence officials to break the law and can be
considered indeed to be a 'crook's charter'.
In that passage from Romans, certain phrases are highlighted in bold type, such as
'inventers of evil things', because they are especially relevant in our context: but the entire
inspired passage summarises to perfection the essence of the mentality which thinks that
it has acquired supremacy over our lives and against which the millions of patriotic
Americans and others who seek in whatever manner they can to uphold the truth, are
implacably and instinctively opposed. For the deluded Illum-inati cadres believe, as a
consequence of their brainwashing, that they have the right to order the affairs of the
world and to create 'order out of chaos' - cynically aware that, since Lucifer is their
master, and the Devil turns everything upside down, what they invariably achieve is the
creation of the reverse - chaos out of order. And death.
The Order of Skull and Bones is an exclusively Yale-based cult with close historical
connections with Germany, and focused exclusively on death. That is its ultimate product, as
is the case with all Luciferian organisations. It is, as has been noted and will be seen, 'a
multi-generational cult that believes in the power of death to bring about change, a group of
Zeitgeist initiates believing that the end justifies the means, and using massive deaths to
feed their necromancy'19. For the heirs of these people, the infliction of 300,000 deaths in Iraq
(killing without flinching), and the unfettered use of primitive barbarian torture methods
(inflicting pain without flinching) about which the US State Department's self-righteous
annual compendium entitled Country Reports on Human Rights Practices complains
vociferously when such atrocities are identified as having been committed by other
countries, are neither here nor there.
The primary characteristic of all these people is that they are double-minded.
Double-mindedness is the essence of the Hegelian dialectical methodology, which creates
conflict to make 'progress' or advance 'history' - manipulating opposing forces in what to
them is an exclusively mechanistic world, the methodology applied also by Nazism and
Marxism-Leninism, both of which are driven by the same double-minded Hegelian roots.
Hence, for instance, Paul Wolfowitz, a former US Deputy Secretary of Defense who
presided over the furious attack on Iraq, will accordingly have been the perfect candidate
to become President of the World Bank, which runs a massive front operation projecting
itself as a global welfare agency. Behind the scenes, the World Bank handles
intergovernmental payments and manages a parallel financial universe of colossal
proportions about which the general public is largely ignorant. Meanwhile Mr Wolfowitz
now sits on the opposite side of the dialectic, doling out 'aid' to Third World countries, after
having bombed one of them back to the Stone Age.
Figure 1 1 A on page 35 shows a crest on a paper napkin purloined by the Author from
The Yale Club of New York, which contains within it the Yale University crest. In the circle
around the centre are the words: Lux et Veritas', Latin for Light and Truth'. But in the
centre are two Hebrew words, Urim and Thummim, which are the oracles used for some
centuries by the children of Israel when the High Priest needed to know God's answer to a
specific question: they signify Yes' and 'No'. As will be explained on page 42, the Yale
crest accordingly advertises the fact that Yale College is a double-minded University of the
Illuminati. Its long history of condoning the secret teaching of occultism, Satanic initiation
and the gross abominations in which the College's secret societies specialise, identifies it as a
generational source of poison.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
An obscure note buried in The Torah: A Modern Commentary20, states that the Yale
University crest indeed incorporates the two Hebrew words Urim and Thummim.
These are believed to have been oracular pieces which were consulted by the High
Priest when an answer, ostensibly from God, to a thorny question (such as: 'Should the
children of Israel go out to war against the Philistines?') was required. As is typical with
Torah commentary, Jewish authorities are unsure of the exact specifications of Urim and
Thummim. According to some rabbinical authorities, they were probably stones with
YES and No engraved on them, which were used like dice. In time, they fell into disuse,
as priests and judges able to discern the appropriate answers (or the will of God) took
their place. Josephus, the first century Jewish general, reported that Urim and Thummim
had not been used for 200 years, but some authorities think they had ceased to be in use
somewhat earlier. During the Babylonian exile [BC 536] they were reinstated briefly by
Ezra [Ezra Chapter 2, verse 63] and they were employed also by Nehemiah
[Nehemiah, Chapter 7, verse 65]21.
Thus we discover that Yale's crest conveys the following deliberately ambivalent
message: Tight and Truth: Yes and No'. Hence, on the one hand Yale University purports to
dispense Light and Truth, while on the other hand, it simultaneously dispenses the reverse
thereof, namely: 'Darkness and Lies', the dissemination of which is delegated to its secret
witchcraft societies. And that it does precisely this is openly displayed, in thinly-disguised
form, for the whole world to see upon the University's crest.
What this means unequivocally is that Yale University is double-minded: and since,
as we have seen, double-mindedness is of the essence of Illuminism, and the University
is effectively controlled and subordinate to its own evil secret societies which practice
occult abominations and witchcraft-related rituals, it is obvious to anyone with eyes to see
that Yale University is North America's primary seat of occultic Illuminism in the
education sector: the University of the IUurninati, in thrall to Lucifer.
James, the brother of Jesus Christ, writes in his General Epistle: 'A double-minded man
is unstable in all his ways'. Just two verses earlier, he warns that '...he that wavereth is
like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed'22. In part, this means that, at a
certain stage in life, we have to make a key decision: whose side are we on, that of Jesus
Christ, or Lucifer? Wavering between the two leads to perdition, if the tension is not
resolved in favour of God, and lies are preferred instead. James is elaborating, in his
usual succinct manner, upon the Word of Jesus Christ found in Matthew, Chapter 6,
verses 19-24:
Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt,
and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in
Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break
through and steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. The light of
the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light'
(meaning, that if we are not double-minded, but have made, of our own free will, the
decision that is the necessary prerequisite for the Free Gift of His Grace, and the
consequent revelation to us of 'the Way the Truth and the Life'23, then the light that is
consequently within us will shine forth and our 'whole body shall be full of light' - the
opposite characteristic of those who remain double-minded, and therefore full of
darkness). Jesus concluded: 'But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of
darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that dark-
ness'. And what is Satan called? He is called Lucifer, 'the light-bearer' - namely, the bearer
of false light. This 'illuminates' why Jesus so carefully employed these words: 'If therefore
the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!' - by which he meant that if
we substitute the false, occult light (= darkness) of Lucifer, as those that this book describes do,
then how great is that darkness! How great indeed!
It may not be widely known outside the intelligence community that the CIA and
its agencies have a philosophical rule or principle, which states that members of the
intelligence community alone are entitied to what they call 'the truth', and that the masses
are accordingly not entitled to it. That this is a central component of the indoctrinated CIA
mentality has been confirmed to the Author by an attendee at an intelligence conference,
who explained that this was in fact one of the first precepts that those attending the
conference were taught.
Equipped with our observation of the hideous environment of darkness in which
these people live and have their being, and within which they plot to destabilise all our
lives, we can discern a deeper meaning to this precept than may seem superficially to
apply. The 'truth' that is meant here is the Tight' to which they themselves are addicted,
namely the false light of the Tight-bearer, Lucifer'. That Lucifer, the Devil, the god of the
IUuminati, turns the truth and everything else upside down, and is the bearer of false
light, was of course notoriously confirmed by the occultist, magician, necromancer,
Freemason, and serial worker of demonic abominations, Albert Pike, the 'father' of revised
US Scottish Rite Freemasonry, in his 'bible' of Masonry, 'Morals and Dogma of the
Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry':
Lucifer, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of
Darkness! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors
intolerable blinds feeble, sensual, or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!'25.
Reverting to Scripture [Matthew Chapter 6, verse 24], the Lord concluded: 'No man
can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will
hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon'.
You cannot be double-minded and expect to get away with it indefinitely.
Confirmation of the institutionalised reprobate occultism and witchcraft which
haunts and controls Yale University is available not just from the evidence that has been
amassed by a number of serious researchers over the past several decades about The
Order of Skull and Bones, which has been greatiy accelerated with the maturity of the
Internet26, but also by assembled information about many other secret societies of the
synarchy. Some have sinister tomb-like structures, called temples, very similar to the
'Bones' tomb on the Yale campus, such as Book and Snake (Sigma Delta Chi), He Boule,
Berzelius, Wolfs Head (founded in 1883), Scroll and Key, and The Order of the File and
Claw [see Figure 1 IB, page 35] (antagonistic to and yet evidently part of Skull and Bones,
which is an exact proxy for the standard cooperation-cum-compet-ition modus operandi
of the intelligence community). File and Claw is thought to have been a manifestation of a
chameleon-like group calling itself 'Bull and Stones'.
Phi Beta Kappa, an early secret society, was established at Yale in 1780, func-
tioning until 1825. An article in Yale Daily News in 1928 about the secret societies and the
snobbish social system with which they have always been associated was accompanied by
a woodcut illustrating the Satanic nature of their activities, focused on placing the neophyte
in a coffin [Figure 22, page 36]27. The erection of these tomb-like tern-
44 CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
pies has served the intended purpose of providing a pretext for the perpetuation of the
secret societies themselves, while infecting Yale University with an aura of evil which is
integrated with its public 'persona' to such an extent that their notoriety obliterates
any 'Lux et Veritas' that the University might lay claim to, domestically and inter-
nationally: which is unsurprising since the University proclaims and takes pride in the fact
that it is double-minded, via its crest.
The convoluted history of these and other secret societies at the University of the
IUuminati at Yale (including several others using Greek-letter acronyms such as Delta
Kappa Epsilon, Psi Upsilon, Delta Psi (a.ka. 'The Tea Company') and Alpha Delta Phi),
suggests that at various periods, warfare seems to have prevailed within the complex
campus synarchy, as would be expected in any such Devil's kitchen - one irony here being
that synarchy is supposed to be the opposite of anarchy, namely a state of affairs in which
everything is controlled by secret organisations, whereas under anarchy, everything is
out of control: yet geopolitically, synarchy leads to anarchy by the following sequence: the
IUuminised intelligence services are in control, and out of control, the overall outcome
being the grandfather of geopolitical anarchy. No-one in the United States seems to
have the slightest idea how to address this crisis.
It is well known that such rivalry has at times extended at Yale to the raiding of a
rival secret society's tomb for the purpose of seizing and stealing the ritual artefacts
found there. In the first half of the 18th century, secret societies, notably Cretonia
(which lasted just a few years), Livonia (reputed to have lasted for a century) and
Brothers in Unity (fate unknown), had emerged, then faded. The proliferation of secret
societies at the University in later years led quickly to intense competition between
them to 'tap' the most eligible (and genealogically acceptable) candidates. What these
candidates scramble for is to be selected by the most prestigious of the secret societies, for
the privilege of being taught all about occultism, witchcraft and the cult of death.
The late Anthony Sutton, who studied Skull
and Bones for many years, concluded that
the synarchy system of IUuminati control in
the United States is organised as shown in
this diagram: (1) An Outer Circle, con-
. - sisting of large, open agitprop networks
with some membership from Skull and
Bones; (2) An Inner Circle, made up of
secret societies, including Chapter 322;
and (3) An Inner Core, a very secret
society within a secret society network,
which is the key inner decision-making,
steering core. Sutton's diagram is accurate
in asserting Inner Circle participation by
other secret organisations: among these is
Opus Dei. Entities using the term The Order,
beginning with the Jesuits, are components,
along with many other secret societies. The
chief Rex in the United States has been the
German-accented operative, Dr Henry
Kissinger, 'mentor' of alleged DVD chief,
George H. W. Bush (Sr.), who succeeded
Nazi Admiral Canaris in 1976-78.
Positioning the director of German 'Black'
intelligence inside the 'Main Enemy' was
clearly a stroke of German Nazi Luciferian
genius. ■
Figure 15: A diagram published by the late
Skull and Bones expert, Anthony Sutton,
explaining how Chapter 322 of The Order
relates to some other IUuminati
organisations. Sutton's realisation that Skull and Bones is a Chapter (labelled 322) of a vast (German) global conspiracy has not been
sufficiently appreciated. The present work reveals inter alia that organisations calling themselves The Order, like Opus Dei, are ALL
IUuminati components.
Each of these societies developed its own occultic badge, redolent with black symbolism.
For instance, He Boule's badge displays an owl, the predatory bird of the night, while that
of Eta Phi is a mask. As a certain Rupert Hughes wrote in the obscure Munsey's Magazine,
June 1894 [see Figure 14B, page 39], 'the Bones badge consists of a gold skull and crossbones
over the number 322, and it is worn on the lower left side of the waistcoat.... there are
many interesting customs in vogue among these (competing) secret brotherhoods, such as
their habit of returning home from meetings in absolute oblivion of each other and of
everybody else, walking at opposite sides of the pavement and crossing each other's paths on
entering their houses.... Most inexplicable to an outsider is the fact that a Yale man is
unwilling to breathe a word about his college society, and seemingly feels insulted at any
mention of it. Even the most bewitching young woman is warned not to make any remark
about his badge (which, by the way, is supposed never to leave his person, even during a
bath, when it is carried in his mouth)...'.
Recall that the Skull and Bones symbol has no mandible, indicating that members are
sworn to secrecy. This is what the intelligence officers meant when they stated, at the
conference mentioned earlier, that 'the truth' is theirs exclusively, and is not available to the
masses, who, being 'profane', are despised and entitled to be lied to at all times .
As has been seen, by the 'truth', they mean the lies of Lucifer - including the 'secrets' of
the Ancient Mysteries of occult paganism and demon invocation which they hold for
themselves and which cannot be shared with the 'profane' (the Rest of Humanity).
The ritual of 'tapping' new candidates to these secret societies (in this case, Skull and
Bones, and Wolfs Head) was described by Rupert Hughes in Munsey's Magazine thus:
'The day of election into these societies is perhaps the quaintest feature of Yale life. It is
called 'tapping time' or 'slap day', and falls on the third Thursday in May, at five in the
afternoon. Then all the anxious Juniors congregate in front of what is now
Figure 1 6: The fixation with rising from the dead, from a tomb, which is a central feature of the Skull and Bones death-
oriented witchcraft initiation ritual. This illustration is extracted from 'The Lost Keys of Freemasonry', one of modern
Freemasonry's classic works, by the late 33rd Degree Mason Manly P. Hall [Macoy Publishing and Masonic Supply
Company, Inc., Richmond, VA, 1923/1976, frontispiece). It celebrates the grip of the Lion's Paw (handshake) in the
'Pyramid Mysteries'. The priest wore a lion's mask. According to the occultist Manly P Hall: 'By this grip the spirit in
man, long buried in the sepulchre of substance, is raised to life, and the candidate goes forth as a builder entitled to
the wages of an initiate'.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
used as 'the fence', and pray that they may be chosen' - unaware or oblivious to the fact
that if they were to be chosen, they run the risk of their entire life being blighted by the
consequences of indulging in occultism. 'Soon, a solemn Senior issues from one of the
society halls and threads the crowd until he finds the man he has been delegated to
notify. He deals him a vigorous slap on the back, and says sternly: 'Go to your room".
'Amid wild cheering, the lucky man obeys mutely, followed by his slapper, who says
to him: Will you accept an election to the society known as Skull and Bones?' and goes
back in silence to the hall (i.e. temple, or tomb-like secret society house - Ed.) whence
he came, while the happy [i.e. deceived and naively deluded - Ed.] Junior returns to
receive the envious congratulations of his friends. About the same time, a Keys man,
with a Wolfs Head man in his wake, goes through the same evolutions'.
'Between 'tapping time' and initiation, a week elapses. During this, the slapper and
the slapped preserve a sacred mutual silence, except on one occasion, when the new man
is notified of the time and place of the awful ordeal, which is consummated in the dark
recesses of the mysterious chapter house'.
This passage makes it clear that activities with homosexual overtones comparable to
the esoteric ritual known to be perpetrated by Skull and Bones upon its neophytes,
take place in the temples of the other prominent societies, too. There is evidentiy
competition to be 'tapped' for the most prestigious secret societies, which are Skull and
Bones and Scroll and Keys. Rupert Hughes wrote that 'Keys' 'takes annually the fifteen
most convivial and socially prominent men left by Bones. [But] Wolfs Head is much
less highly rated, and instances are not wholly unknown wherein students unnoticed
either by Bones or Keys have yet refused to join Wolfs Head. Its pin is a golden wolfs
head transfixed on a loop, and it has a magnificent chapter house'.
The least celebrated, but by far the most distinguished, living analyst of The Order of
Skull and Bones, is the Author's friend Andrei Navrozoy, whose extraordinary book The
Gingerbread Race28, published in 1993, followed Antony Sutton's groundbreaking expose by
about seven years. While at Yale, Andrei was the editor of The Yale Literary Review,
giving him access to extensive information about Skull and Bones, which had been
published inter alia decades earlier in the journal. Having single-handedly unravelled much
of the mystery of The Order, Andrei explains, in the final pages of his book, that he made a
concluding attempt to expose George Bush Sr.'s membership of Skull and Bones and its
implications for governance, prior to the General Election on 8th November 1988. In the
course of his researches, Andrei had discovered the Satanic-homosexual nature of the
ritual imposed upon 'tapped members of The Order, by way of Bones' sordid initiation
rites. It is appropriate to get to the point here by citing The New York Times, so that any
suggestion that this Author may have any axe to grind by following what has since
become an honourable tradition of exposing these extreme evils embedded in the
American synarchy system, can have no validity-Several weeks prior to that election,
Andrei submitted an article to The New York Times entitled 'Why I am Not Voting'. Just
one week prior to the election, the article was accepted and set up in type - too late for the
article to have any marked effect on the outcome of Bush vs. Dukkakis. On Monday 7th
November 1988, Andrei received a telephone call from the Editor who asked him
whether it was true that (Bonesman) William J. Buckley Jr. belonged to the secret society.
1 confirmed this, whereupon the
Figure 17:
The three key mid-1 9th century figures featured here were responsible for sowing the seeds of the
wholesale destabilisation of the traditional morality-based educational system, and ripening it for its
contemporary revolutionary purpose*.
In his 1 986 work 'America's Secret Establishment, the late Antony Sutton explained: ' Our present educational
chaos can be traced to three members of The Order: Daniel Coit Gilman (first President of the University of
California and First President of Johns Hopkins University), Timothy Dwight (1 2th President of Yale University)
and Andrew Dickson White (first President of Cornell University). Gilman imported the experimental
psychology of the Hegelian physiologist Wilhelm Wundt from Germany. This psychology was grafted onto the
American educational system through the educational laboratories at Columbia and Chicago Universities. And
they moved... John Dewey [notorious American education engineer - Ed.], a pure Hegelian in philosophy, along the
fast track in his career. This has been aptly termed The Leipzig Connection'. For Hegelians, the individual is not
important, so the child must be trained to have the attitudes so that he causes no trouble to the state which
he is taught to serve, rather than the reverse'.
Antony C. Sutton, op. cit, pages 56 et seq. Hence, the
evil influence of the Skull and Bones department of the llluminati has corrupted and reoriented the US
educational system for mental-psychological mass manipulation control purposes. The result Outcome-Based
Education, also incorporates Soviet methodology.
' So far as education is concerned, the llluminati objective was [is - Ed.] as follows:
'We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by
means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescension, popularity
and toleration for their prejudices which we shall at leisure root out and dispel' '.
Antony C. Sutton, op. cit, page 80.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Editor got round to the point of his call, which was that the article could not be ran.
Andrei had supplied The New York Times with some of the details of his research. On the
very next day, he received at Yale a cutting from The New York Times, which appears
to have used his material, and from which Andrei cited certain passages in his book.
The article began as follows:
Yale Society resists peeks into its crypt
Special to The New York Times
'NEW HAVEN - In a sylvan pocket tucked off High Street, masked by blank slits in an
ancient stone building called the Tomb, barred from the world by a padlocked iron
door, Skull and Bones keeps its secrets closely. But it casts a shadow across the country'.
The article had appeared on the front page of the 'Metropolitan' section of the
newspaper on Friday, 4th November 1988, and had been carefully timed so as to preclude
the possibility of any further investigation immediately ahead of the scheduled
Presidential Election on 8th November 1988. Andrei had in fact provided the details for
this article as early as two years earlier at a lunch. 'The New York Times had decided to flex
its muscle, but not so much as to cause damage to the Bush campaign', he elaborated. The
article continued:
'If Bonesmen say anything at all, they portray their association as a venerable fra-
ternity whose rituals instil honourable and selfless values in youthful initiates and
forge intimate bonds of friendship that last a lifetime. But their cloak of secrecy suggests
something considerably more kabbalisric' [sic! This, from the Jewish-dominated New
York newspaper].
As Andrei now explained, 'what that 'something' was, the American voter would not
be told, although the reporter did mention, thirteen equivocating paragraphs later, that the
youthful initiates...
'...recount their sexual histories while lying naked in a coffin. Within the Tomb are the
purloined skulls of Pancho Villa and Geronimo, the latter obtained by a raiding party that
included the Vice President's father, Prescott S. Bush.... Efforts to get to the truth are met
either by silence (Jonathan Bush, the Vice President's brother declined to answer
questions on the subject) or by carefully crafted misinformation'.
In 1977, Ron Rosenbaum, who as an undergraduate at Yale lived next door to the
Skull and Bones Tomb, prepared what he thought was the first outsider's investigation
into the secret society, its rituals and its baleful influence on American culture. He asserted
in The New York Observer in 2004 that a member of the Yale community had reported
that in April 2000, he had managed to audiotape a Skull and Bones initiation ceremony
from a previously unexploited perch within the Tomb. In April 2004, an attempt was
made, Rosenbaum explained, to videotape another such ceremony. The team's equipment
included three night-vision-capable digital video cameras, one tape recorder, a
stepladder and two walkie-talkies. As a result, images were obtained of a figure
dressed like the Devil, another figure dressed in a hooded-skeleton costume, and other
figures clad in black robes. The most significant finding reported by Rosenbaum was a
recording of the Skull and Bones 'death mantra', which nonsensically reiterates the
following theme, celebrating the Illuminati's sole product - Death: 'The hangman equals
death! The devil equals death! Death equals death!'
Rosenbaum's report in The New York Observer continued: Initiates spend [part of]
their Senior Year in the basement crypt of the Bones Tomb taking turns lying in a coffin,
and, in two long, intense, psycho-drama autobiographical sessions in said coffin, recount
their personal sexual history to the other 14 chosen ones.... The death-centered imagery, the
injunction to initiates that they must "die to the barbarian world" and be reborn in the
Elysian company of the elect of The Order, as they call it, are what makes Skull and Bones
radically different from a college fraternity'29.
Given this endless focus on death, it is hardly surprising that George W. Bush Jr.
presided over more executions than any State Governor in the history of the United
States: his mind was permanently affected by this culture of death, by this devilish
illusion that death is to be exploited in the interests of 'change'. Some Skull and Bones
membership books contain pictures of a large number of skulls laid out on a bench, with
the word 'Equality' inscribed beneath them, conveying the message that everyone meets
death, so that since this is the case, everything is permitted prior to death -including mass
executions, fragmentation bombing, and all the other death-oriented atrocities already
mentioned. Rosenbaum's report elaborated with a detailed summary of the obscene
exclamations and shrieks that the team managed to record, which are frankly too
depraved to be repeated here: the reader must refer to the original report in The New York
Observer. However it is necessary to relate the central elements of the ritual which were
definitively recorded by the investigation team on 12th April 2004, beginning with the
stage of the proceedings when 'a devil figure pulled them' (the neophytes or initiates) one
by one 'into a white tent in the [internal] courtyard where, we think, they found their
femurs' (human bones which they were each required to select from a pile of bones
presumably rifled from desecrated graves or from the bodies of murdered victims from
earlier years) 'and emerged with what looked like a thigh bone, although it was impossible
to tell whether it once belonged to a human or not'.
'When they re -emerged from the tent, they were led to the centrepiece of this part of
the ritual. They were forced face-to-face with a shocking tableau: a guy holding what
seemed like a butcher knife, wearing a kind of animal-skin "barbarian" look, stood over
what seemed to be a woman covered in fake blood and not much else. The neophyte then
approached a skull a few feet away from the knife-wielder-and-victim tableau. The
neophyte knelt and kissed the skull, at which point the guy with the knife knelt and cut
the throat of the prone figure (well, pretended to cut the throat)'.
Andrei Navrozov told the Author personally after Ms book had been published that
the ritual in the tomb involved one or more unspeakable acts perpetrated upon the
initiates, involving a coffin and sexual activity. To this day, Bonesmen at Yale hold what an
early observer described as 'strange, occultish' initiation and other rites each Thursday and
Sunday in the gloomy Tomb, which was constructed in 1856. Navrozov also explained the
curious custom whereby every year, the 15 current Bonesmen were given a task, involving
a requirement that an artefact must be brought back to the Tomb on the Yale campus. The
mentioned skulls are the most notorious such artefacts.
As an example, a given year's task might require the Bonesmen to remove a can-
delabra from a prominent building, or to bring in the Archbishop of Canterbury's mitre.
The Author has invented these two examples, but they illustrate the kind of task which has
to be fulfilled. An observation to be made is that the annual task emphasises one of the
characteristics of American society in general, and of Bonesmen in particular:
acquisitiveness. The accumulation of material wealth is a lifelong preoccupation.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
One of the most prominent of the early nineteenth century Bonesmen, Daniel Coit
Gilman, accompanied by Timothy Dwight and Andrew Dickinson White, went to study
philosophy at the University of Berlin. Gilman returned from Europe and incorporated
Skull and Bones as the Russell Trust Association in 1856 (in recent years, allegedly to
hide irregularities calling into question its charitable tax status, amended to RTA Inc.),
with himself as Treasurer and William H. Russell, the cousin of the drug trafficker, as
President; and he spent the next 14 years in New Haven consolidating the power of The
Order. In 1858 he was appointed Yale's Librarian. It was Gilman who presented The Order
of Skull and Bones with the sinister engraving of the four skulls - fool, wise man, beggar,
emperor - discussed earlier [see Figure 10, page 33]. The picture is accompanied by a card
which reads: 'From the German Chapter. Presented by DC Gilman of D. 50'. We will
investigate the meaning of the D shortly.
The influence of these three men was enormous. Daniel Gilman became the first
President of the University of California, and helped to found, and was the first
President of, Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC. Gilman was also the first
President of the Carnegie Institution, which furthers 'One World strategies, and helped
to found three other prominent foundations - the Peabody, Slater and Russell Sage
Foundations. His colleague Andrew D. White was the first President of Cornell
University. Millegan reported that he also served as the US Minister to Russia, US
Ambassador to Berlin and first President of the American Historical Association'
(which allegedly regulates historical research and publications ensuring its consistency with,
evolving Dluminati strategy). White was also Chairman of the American delegation to the
first Hague Conference in 1899, which established an international judiciary'.
Bonesman and Gilman 'buddy' Timothy Dwight, a Professor (believe it or not) at Yale
Divinity School, was installed as the President of Yale in 1886. As Milligan confirms, all
Yale Presidents since then have either been Bonesmen or else directly tied to the Order of Skull
and Bones and its interests. Therefore, this occult Order is integrated into Yale's governing
structures and accordingly, as we have seen, effectively controls and influences the
University itself, as well as the United States' strategies and the social environment of the
country. The trio of Gilman, Dwight and White also influenced other key areas of US
and international life, having founded the American Economic Association, the American
Chemical Society and the American Psychological Association. Their influence on the US
educational system has been profoundly damaging, leading to the imposition of
'Outcome-Based Education', modelled along Soviet lines, which seeks not to inculcate
knowledge, skills and understanding but to manipulate the mind and psycho-social
orientation of young people for control purposes.
The influence of the Skull and Bones death-oriented manipulative trio on the US
educational system is displayed in the panel on page 51 [Figure 18], and the essence of
Outcome-Based Education is explained in the diagram on page 53 [Figure 19]. The
German origins of the educational assault are examined more fully in Chapter 4.
For the 50th anniversary of the foundation of The Order of Skull and Bones in 1883,
Timothy Dwight not only revealed that Elihu Yale's tombstone had been stolen and
brought to the Tomb, but also described part of the Skull and Bones initiation ceremony.
Andrei Navrozov referred to this document amusingly, citing 'the manuscript of
Timothy Dwight's fiftieth anniversary history of the society, a copy of which I am at
present the sole uninitiated possessor'3 , and from which he reproduced this passage,
Figure 18 [See also Chapter 4]:
Educational theorist. Individual =
servant of the state. Studied at Jena
University under known llluminati
Herder, Fichte and Goethe.
Chief exponent of the
dialectic whereby the
llluminati create conflict
of 'opposites'.
(University of Leipzig 1875-1920)
John Dewey (1904-1930)
E. L Thorndike (1899-1942)
James E. Russell (1897-1917)
Department of Psychology
James McCattell (1891-1917)
John Dewey (1894-1904)
CHARLES JUDD (1909-1946)
Von Hayek, Von Mises et a/.
Funded by Rockefeller Foundations
General Education Board and
Carnegie Foundation
NOTE: The synarchy (rule by secret societies) system is buttressed by the operations of numerous tax-exempt
foundations established by members of The Order, which finance projects in furtherance of the secret objectives of
the llluminati, of which Skull and Bones is a coercive component.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
in which Dwight revealed the secret Satanic gobbledegook imprecation used by the
Bones initiates, and the sexual content of initiation:
'But the initiation itself is not changed. The same gelatinous mess is made of the
barbarian stranger in every case, by the same process and by the same solemn rites'
[The reader will not be assisted by this Author in interpreting the preceding sentence,
which provides 'horse's mouth confirmation of the perverse sexual content of the
'process and solemn rites', which are 'the same' for every initiate: in other words,
there is not a single Skull and Bones initiate who has escaped this Satanic ritual
involving masturbating with his peers].
'The new candidate is recreated; ceases to be a Him; finds a new spirit within him,
which casts out the old [sic confirmation for True Christians, and for anyone with
common sense, that the rites have the intended effect of infesting or investing the initiate
with demons, or causing him to suffer demonic infestation or possession with evil spirits,
which of course take hold and drive his behaviour unless he repents, for the rest of his life] ; knows
more of Demosthenes [see below] in a few moments [i.e., though the resulting
infestation or possession by evil spirits] than his teachers had ever taught him, and, as
he gains for himself the accurate meaning and pronunciation of the word 'Toby-fkliwizi-
firo-catlicko-carricks-camicksi-camickso-macpherson-o'phane', begins to understand and
to speak the sacred language. And so we all become some of the Skull and Crossbones,
to whom all others are but contemptible foemen'.
From this passage, and the preceding information, contained in an address by one of
the early patriarchs of The Order of Skull and Bones, who was then the President of Yale
College, no less, the following horrendous intelligence emerges:
1. The initiation rituals are designed to be of such demonic intensity that evil spirits are
duly invoked, as intended, with the express purpose that the neophyte being initiated is to
be infested and/or possessed by them. In occultism and magic, infestation or possession by
evil spirits can occur only when the participant, of his own free will, invites Evil Spirit
(which, as is manifested in the New Testament is/are both singular and plural
simultaneously) to enter him or her. This is an undisputed fact with which all experts, and
sound exorcists, agree. (Likewise, in spiritual healing the sick person must, of his or her
own free will, believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and has power over all things
and the desire to heal the person: otherwise, prayers for spiritual restoration to health may
not be heeded). The Satanic initiation rites of The Order of Skull and Bones are clearly
crafted so as not to compromise the free will of the initiate, while at the same term
subjecting him in practice to oppressive 'peer pressure' that by now he proves unable to
resist. Such instrumental interference with and exploitation of the innocence of young
people represents a grievous blasphemy against the Holy Spirit. The temple of the Holy
Spirit is the human person31.
2.1. The initiate attends Skull and Bones rituals every Thursday and Sunday during his
Senior Year. The first point to make here is that this means his energies and attention are
being seriously hijacked and diverted from his studies and from the source of
enlightenment that he should in fact be paying attention to, on the assumption that he
wishes to progress spiritually, namely Scripture. If he, instead of wasting his time with
these reprobate occult rituals and activities, were to devote just half an hour a day to
reading Scripture, he would quickly understand that in caving in to The
Order's peer pressure tactics, he is being diverted by evil forces from the Way, the Truth
and the Life of Jesus Christ. We have to place this consideration first, since this is the
essence of the mistake he is making. Instead of which the initiate, being blind, is being led
to perdition by the blind, or by those who have been blinded by Satan and who have
perversely mistaken the false Tight' he offers for the real thing. 'And no marvel: for Satan
himself is transformed into an angel of light' (= Lucifer)32.
2.2. WHY must the initiate attend Skull and Bones rituals every Thursday and Sunday
during his Senior Year? The answer to this question 'illuminates' the extreme gravity of the
Curse of Yale. What is going on during these rituals? More than enough is known about
their content to make it crystal clear to all sober analysts that regular attendance at these
Satanic rituals has the following single purpose: to procure specifically that the
neophytes/initiates are indeed infested and taken over or possessed by demons (evil
spirits). In other words, what is happening is that the initiates undergo a systematic series
of witchcraft rituals designed to impregnate evil spirits into high-flying young persons who,
unless their wills resist throughout the initiation rites - or their wills are robust enough to
give them the strength to refuse to participate and to escape, which has never been heard
of - are intended to emerge from Yale infested or possessed by evil spirits, so that they are
accordingly equipped for the Luciferian work they will be required to undertake (for
massive material rewards, of course) all through their lives on behalf of the Illuminati. We
can see clearly that the foregoing is true not least by comparing the intense course of
rituals provided by The Order at Yale with the 'more leisurely' diversionary 'service'
rendered to Masonic candidates and adepts as they progress through successive Scottish
Rite or Grand Orient Degrees towards infestation by evil spirits and the worship of Lucifer.
Those processes usually take many years, unless a key figure (such as the current Shah of
Persia in exile) is considered to be of such prospective value to the Luciferian elite that he
is initiated into, say, the 33rd Degree, having jumped or omitted a large number of 'lesser'
degrees. By contrast, the The Order of Skull and Bones at Yale provides an intensive crash
course which is intended to procure that, within the space of just the initiate's Senior Year or
less, the selected initiates are infested or possessed by demons when they leave Yale. This
ensures that, once deposited back into 'real life', no time is wasted by these 'chosen ones',
who are accordingly equipped and fully qualified to proceed with the Luciferian tasks that
the niuminati will in due course allot to them.
Uproot all
pr-exi sting
and reduce
to a
to induce
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that the
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is final
Figure 19: Outcome-Based Education, imposed in the United States, is derived from the subversive educational
philosophy of Wilhelm Wundt [see Figure 18] and from the Soviet blueprint. Its purpose is to brainwash young
people so that their minds are controlled and they can be the more easily manipulated.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
3. The neophyte/initiate 'begins to understand and to speak the sacred language'. In
June 2003, the Author received a weird telephone call from an individual (later clearly
identifiable as a CIA operative), calling from Dublin (a hotbed of CIA activity) who,
after alleging family ties with the Author, started to discuss Scripture. (Since the National
Security Agency, GCHQ and other snooping organisations listen in to the Author's
telephone calls, this sudden feigned interest, out of the blue, in the Author's scriptural
studies, was clearly a consequence of such routine eavesdropping). During the first half
hour, the statements uttered by this cold caller were scripturally correct. However as the
conversation progressed, the caller introduced certain abominable aberrations, such as the
diversionary lie that Eve had sex with the serpent - from which this ogre concluded that the
descendants of that union were the Black and Brown races, while the descendants of the
union between Adam and Eve were the White and Yellow races (the old Nazi eugenics
garbage). The Author has possession of the name and the Dublin and San Diego addresses
of this individual. After ordering a large number of publications, shouting 1 don't mind how
much it costs, do you hear me? Send me everything you publish and providing 'his' (CIA)
Credit Card details, the caller then proceeded with the following question: 'Can you
speak in tongues?' Upon the Author saying that he could not, the caller emitted a loud
demonstration of incomprehensibly hideous convoluted verbal non-stop
The Author quickly realised that this represented a demonstration of an infestation
which the caller could evidently 'turn on and off at will, and which he purported to
believe was the work of the Holy Spirit - whereas of course in reality it represented a
manifestation of trickery by one or more manifestations of Evil Spirit, and therefore
represented another blasphemy against the Holy Ghost (for which no forgiveness is
available). When the Apostles were visited at Pentecost by the Holy Spirit, they spoke
in foreign tongues and made perfect sense to those foreigners who were present33,
whereas the harsh demoniac noise coming down the phone line from this deluded
CIA operative was chaotic, confused, and meaningless. After two further unsolicited
demonstrations of this dreadful stream of confused drivel, which the CIA caller
started and stopped, like turning the bathwater on and off, and which he continued to
misrepresent as a manifestation of the Holy Spirit's gift of 'speaking in tongues', the
Author made it plain to the caller that he was in error, and finally managed to terminate
the unsolicited 'conversation'34.
But in the light of the passage from Timothy Dwight's 50th anniversary address to
assembled Bonesmen, placed in the public domain by Andrei Navrozov, it is crystal clear
to the Author that this verbal garbage was illustrative of or comparable to, and from the
same source as, the 'sacred language' of Skull and Bones witchcraft, such as: 'Toby-
In other words, fake 'speaking in tongues' is one of the manifestations of demonic
infestation or possession which is or can be conferred through the Satanic initiation rites
to which those Senior Year Yale undergraduates who are 'lucky' enough to be 'slapped'
and 'tapped', foolishly and ignorantly aspire. Self-evidently, those who are not 'tapped'
suffer disappointment at their exclusion from the advertised guaranteed route to wealth
and power at the time, but are saved from the extreme dangers inherent in any dabbling
with the occult. This is a particularly evil form of 'dabbling' as the neophyte is made to
'desire' the 'privilege' of initiation, which turns out to be a trap liable to enslave him for
the rest of his life, turning him into a servant of Lucifer35.
Figure 20:
The Area Code for Brussels is 322. As a defector from the sect of the llluminati explains in Chapter 7,
Belgium has traditionally been the financial centre of the llluminati. Therefore, when dialling a
Brussels telephone number, one is dialling into the seat of the New Underworld Order, the engine of
the globalist revolutionary assault on nation states. The European Union Collective exists to subsume
and displace its constituent nation states, as befits such a Leninist supranational organisation which
operates collectively and superfluously duplicates government structures, after the Leninist control
model. Lenin was an implementer for the llluminati. Nation states stand in the way of llluminati
For many years, the World Council of Churches, a revolutionary body with secular objectives
masquerading as a Christian organisation, had precisely 322 member churches. The Second Iraq War
was carefully planned to begin on 22nd March 2003 (322), but was triggered 48 hours earlier
ostensibly, according to the 'line' retailed in late April 2003, because the CIA had been in close contact
with a 'guy on the ground' in Baghdad before the war about Saddam Hussein's movements,
prompting the United States to attack one of the dictator's compounds earlier than planned. An
agonised meeting took place in the Oval Office, lasting for four hours, as President Bush and his
colleagues wrestled with the problem of whether or not it would be 'bad luck' not to start the war on the
kabbalistically opportune date of 322. It proved, as subsequent events have shown, to be 'bad luck
On 12th November 2001, DynCorp, an intelligence community and US Government data processing,
military operations and intelligence work contractor, was awarded a contract worth precisely $322
million to produce and store vaccines for the US Department of Defense. DynCorp, with Hadron, both
of which are US intelligence-linked defence contractors, are involved inter alia in classified research
programmes on communicable diseases.
Around New Year 2004, British Airways Flight 223 (which is 322 backwards) en route to Washington,
DC was repeatedly delayed while US Homeland Security officials investigated every passenger against
a data base, establishing that there were no terrorists on board on any of the flights concerned. 322
people were reported slaughtered in the Beslan atrocity.
The US-sourced computer program used by the Author to make up this book has a mechanism
enabling blank pages to be mass-produced forward. The Author made use of this facility and, without
specifying how many extra blank pages were needed, was surprised to discover that the page
expansion mechanism had stopped on page - guess what?
- 322. Another British researcher who has been preparing manuscripts exposing Skull and
Bones and Masonic occultism has, on several occasions, found that the number 322 has
suddenly appeared on his screen, for no rational reason (Evil Spirit is not rational).
The Order of Skull and Bones is known as The Brotherhood of Death, and as Chapter 322 of a
German secret society which, given the virtual identity of Skull and Bones initiation rituals with those
of the llluminati sect, and the precise coincidence of their objectives and modi operandi, is certainly the
llluminati. Given that 'Bones' adepts are branded in the small of the back with a 'D' for Demosthenes
[see main text], who committed suicide in BC 322, the date of this legendary Greek character's death is
also pertinent - as is the fact that it is in Mark Chapter 3, verse 22, that we read: 'And the Scribes which
came down from Jerusalem said "He hath Beelzebub, and by the Prince of the Devils doth he cast out
This discovery prompted the Author to look up other combinations of 3 and 22 in the Gospels (on
the basis that these people, not the Author, attach occultic, kabbalistic, magical, Luciferian, superstitious
significance to such numerology; and what do we find?
Why, that Luke, Chapter 22, verse 3, is the place where Luke writes: 'Then entered Satan into
Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve'. It was Satan himself, not one or more of
his demons, who entered into Judas Iscariot: in Chapter 22, 3 (322 reversed). Given that The Order is
The Brotherhood of Death - Satan's product
- this verse makes everything plain. For the rigorous schedule of Skull and Bones rituals and its
Senior Year indoctrination represents a crash course in demonic infestation or possession. ■
56 CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Prominent initiates of Skull and Bones down the decades who, in varying degrees, have
imposed, sustained or in no way impeded the deadeningly reprobate hegemony of, their
Satanic 'death culture' upon US strategy, society and thus upon the international
community, have been identified in recent years by other researchers from The Order's
own documentation - some of which has become available after initiates have 'seen the
light' (i.e., repented), and after break-ins to the Tomb on the Yale campus. A published
list of Skull and Bones members over many decades was made available to Antony
Sutton by the daughter of a 'Bonesman', and Kris Millegan has published an extensive
list of 'Bonesmen' in his book 'Fleshing Out Skull and Bones', published in 200336.
Among known members identified from such Bones records, including a large
number of Jewish extraction, are Victor Ashe, who was serving as US Ambassador to
Poland in early 2005 (in good time for the Pope's death on 2nd April 2005, and who is
known to be George W. Bush's extremely close associate), many Aliens, Bissells, Blairs,
Blakes, David Lyle Boren (a top Illuminati implementer), Bowles, Bradfords, Browns and
Brooks, William Buckley, William and McGeorge Bundy, George Herbert Walker Bush,
George W Bush, Jonathan Bush, Prescott Sheldon Bush (the Bush family patriarch), a
large number of Cheneys (but not Richard Cheney), innumerable Clarks, Henry
Sloane Coffin, many Cowles, Davenports, Davieses and Davises, Days, Timothy Dwight,
Edwards, Ellises, Emersons, Esselstyns, Evans, Farnams, Fergusons, Irving Fisher, Fisks,
Footes, Fosters, Franks, Frosts, Fullers, Gills, Hadleys, Halls, William Hamilton
(cartoonist and writer, evidently NOT the inventor of the PROMIS software), William
Averill Harriman, Henry John Heinz E, Donald Hoagland, the diplomat John Holbrook,
Hoyts, Hudsons, Hydes, Jacksons, James, Johnsons, Johnstones, Jones, Kelloggs, John
Kerry, Knapps, Knights, Lambs, Lamberts, Lewises, Lipincofts, Littles, Livingstones, Lords
including Winston Lord, Lovetts - including Robert Lovett who replaced General
Marshall as Secretary of Defense and who, after the Second World War, chaired the
Lovett Committee which wrote the precise prescription for the establishment of the Central
Intelligence Agency in 1947 - inducing Gaddis Smith, a Yale history professor, to
pronounce that Yale has influenced the Central Intelligence Agency more than any other
university, giving the CIA the atmosphere of a class reunion' - Lukins, Lufkins, Lynches,
Mallons, Matthews, Thomas McNamara, Mllers, Mills, Mitchells, Moores, Morrises,
Nicholls, O'Briens, Oppenheimers, Owens, Paines, Palmers, Pecks, Perkins, Perrins,
Perrys, Peters, Phelps, Pinchots, Pillsburys, Pratts, Prestons, Prices, Joseph C Rathborne,
George Raymond, Reids, Richards, Richardsons, Robertsons, Roberts, Robinsons, Percy
Avery Rockefeller, Roses, Ross, Russells including William Huntington Russell, Scotts,
Joshua Sears, Seymours, Sheffields, Shepards, Simmons, Slades, Sloanes, Smiths, Smyths,
Snells, Spencers, Eugene William Stetson Jr. (a friend of the senior Bush and of Averill
Harriman, who organised the H. Smith Richardson Foundation which participated in
MK-ULTRA, the CIA domestic covert psychological warfare (Psy-Ops) operation),
Stevens, Stephensons, Stewards, Stillmans, Henry Lewis Stimson (who was 'credited' with
having persuaded President Truman to achieve change through death by dropping atoms
bombs on Japan), Strongs, Stubbs, many Tafts (including Alfonso, a 'Bonesman'
colleague of the drug-linked William H. Russell in the Class of 1833 and William Howard
Taft, US President from 1909 to 1913), Taylors, Thachers, Thompsons and Thomsons,
Thornes, Townsends,
Tylers, Alfred Vanderbilt, Waldens, George Herbert Walker (x2), Henry Wallace,
Watkins, Wells, Frederick Weyerhauser, Whites, many Whitneys, Wilburs, Williams,
Wilsons, Dean Witter, Woods, Woodruffs, Woolleys, Wrights and Zuckers 31 .
The 'class reunion' characteristic of the Central Intelligence Agency - which, like other
intelligence services such as MI5 (with its occultic triangle-symbol: see Figure 1, page 3)
possesses features akin to an occult secret society, as has been the case since at least the time
of Queen Elizabeth I - is evident from any review of the pedigrees of some of the better
known 'spooks' who, as Mr Millegan puts it so appropriately, have built 'the CIA's haunted
house'. These include (with their Skull and Bones Year in parentheses), Sloane Coffin (1949),
James Buckley (1944), Bill Buckley (1950), WiUiam and McGeorge Bundy (1939 and
1940), Senator David Boren (1963), Senator John Kerry (1966), and George H. W Bush Sr.
(1948) (who 'tapped' Coffin who 'tapped' Bill Buckley, the alleged continuing mouthpiece of
the US Illuminati).
Other prominent 'Bonesmen' have included Henry Luce, of Time-Life (1920); John
Thomas Daniels, of Archer Daniels Midland (1914); Harold Stanley, a founder of
Morgan Stanley (1908); Alfred Cowles, of Cowles Communications (1913); Henry P.
Davison, Senior Morgan Guaranty Trust partner (1920); John Heinz, Chief Executive
Officer, Heinz Foods (1931); Pierre Jay, first Chairman, Federal Reserve Bank of New
York; George Herbert Walker, Jr., financier and co-founder of the New York Mets
(1927); Fred Smith, founder, Chief Executive Officer and President of Federal Express
(1966); William Draper III, of the US Defense Department, the United Nations and the US
Import-Export Bank; Dean Witter, investment banker (1944); Russell W Davenport, editor
of Fortune Magazine and creator of the Fortune 500 list that celebrates material wealth
(1923); Evan G. Galbraith, US Ambassador to France and Managing Director of Morgan
Stanley (1950); Richard Gow, President of Zapata Oil, for which George Bush Sr. worked
and was/is connected (1955); Amory Howe Bradford, married to Carol Warburg
Rothschild, General Manager, The New York Times (1934); C. E. Lord, who was
Comptroller of the Currency (1949); and Winston Lord, Chairman, the Council on Foreign
Relations, US Ambassador to China, and Assistant Secretary of State under President
Clinton. Many Bonesmen have been US Ambassadors to China, the source and top
consumer of opiates in the 19th century, since President Nixon re-established a direct US
political and economic relationship with the Chinese Communists.
Details of the traditional connections between between Yale, Skull and Bones and the
global drug trade have also been delineated by researchers. In 1903, the Yale Divinity
School established a network of schools and hospitals in China, with Mao Tse-Tung
among their staff. Mao, that former employee of the Yale organisation in China, who had
been involved in narcotics operations during the 1930s and 1940s, used drugs against
Chinese populations before reorganising China's drug-related intelligence activities to focus
on external operations after the Communists had seized power in 1949. The presence of
Mao Tse-Tung among the personnel at a Yale-organised establishment in China provides
evidence of US intelligence intermeddling in Chinese affairs in connection with the spread
of Communism to China. It appears that - as in the subsequent well-known instances of
Slobodan Milosevic, Saddam Hussein, and General Manuel Noriega - US intelligence's
intrigues in China during the prewar and World War II years, exploiting Yale's 'China
resources', were associated with an operation in which Mao Tse-
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Tung may have been double-crossed - a familiar ploy of US intelligence, based upon the
crude operational 'bait and switch tactic. In the 1970s, George Bush Sr. was allegedly
despatched to 'look after' the China trade originally developed by Messrs Russell and
Company, which was among the first, along with European opium trading houses, to trade
out of Shanghai when the port was first opened to foreigners in 1843. As Kris Millegan has
written, 'the Bush family is still very much involved in the economic activities of "Red"
China. Many researchers contend that George Bush Sr. has been with the CIA since the
early 1950s, and that one of his jobs was to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide
narcotics industry, the largest industry on earth'.
It is, as will be revealed in Chapter 7, the industry most extensively exploited by the
Dluminati to finance The New Underworld Order, fronted secretiy by Germany. What has
not hitherto been understood is that George Bush Sr. allegedly took over from Admiral
Canaris, the veteran German spymaster, as the head of Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst
(DVD), the German 'Black intelligence agency and controller of German global strategy
(covered by the STASI, the Dluminati dimension and the Cold War), in the late 1970s, after
he ceased to be Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) and ahead of his becoming US Vice
President. This was possible not least because George Bush (Busche) Sr. may hold German
nationality (which can be based on ethnicity) as well as his US nationality.
It is no accident that the activities of the global energy corporations and of intelligence
linked drag-trafficking organisers, appear in many contexts to coincide. For instance,
Richard L. Armitage, a veteran operative who served as Deputy Secretary of State under Colin
Powell during the first Bush Jr. Administration, refused Condoleeza Rice's invitation to remain
with the State Department, reportedly using colourful language to make his point, and
indicating that he would be leaving the Government to establish an 'export-import agency'
in Kabul, where, prior to the US invasion, the Taliban had all but eradicated drug-cultivation
and trafficking operations. Following the post-9/11 US invasion of Afghanistan, drug
cultivation soared to the highest levels ever recorded. The Vietnam Police Action' was
likewise almost certainly connected to the lust of criminalised US intelligence, serving not the
interests of the American people but rather those of the IUuminali, and behind them Germany,
to acquire hegemony in the 'Golden Triangle'. Large numbers of bodybags were returned from
Vietnam stuffed not with human bodies, but with heroin.
Prior to the Vietnam "War", the Golden Triangle focused upon Burma was operated
by Corsican mobsters and French intelligence operatives. When the United States
replaced the French, penetrated US intelligence, assisted by Sicilian mafia cadres, took
over38. Under President Reagan, the highest US Government official involved in the so-
called 'war on drugs' was then the most prominent of all 'Bonesmen' - the then Vice
President George Bush Sr., who chaired Reagan's Cabinet working group on drugs and was
Director of the National Narcotics Interdiction System which, like all subsequent US official
'anti-drag' structures, performed the function of providing the chief drag-runners with a
convenient means of maintaining an accurate overview of the global drag economy, and
of eliminating or controlling the opposition. Frances Mullen Jr., a former chief of the
ineffective Drag Enforcement Agency (DEA), which carries out token 'anti-drag busts'
in order to remind the American people that the Government is 'doing something' about
the drags scourge, described Mr Bush Sr.'s purported antidrug activities as 'an intellectual
fraud and 'a liability rather than an asset'. This was of course code for his knowledge that
George Bush Sr. is allegedly the biggest global drag-trafficking crook of them all, in line
with his DVD status. Further specific details of
US covert intelligence drug-trafficking policy for the Illuminati, follow in Chapter 3.
As Kris Millegan reports, 'soon after these statements, Mullen resigned and the
resultant General Accounting Office (GAO) report was buried'39. The GAO document
stated that there were 'no benefits from the US National Narcotics Border Interdiction
System, directed by George Bush. In fact, the overall effect was to encourage supply'. This is
just one of a long series of incidents and documents exposing the reality that the
corrupted US Government intelligence structures are in the hands of, integrated with and
in many respects indistinguishable from, organised criminal interests - as a direct
consequence of which the self-financing, stand-alone US intelligence community has
effectively hijacked, and covertly controls, the US Government itself. Since the CIA, with its
myriad 'subordinate' agencies, is hugely criminalised and may accurately be described,
like the KGB, as a 'state within the state 'and a criminal organisation, and since an
International Monetary Fund official is on record as having stated that 'we cannot fix the
global drug problem because if the drug problem were to be solved, the international
financial system would collapse'40, the United States is the checkmated victim of a truly
millennial crisis which is destabilising the whole world.
In March 2005, a senior US intelligence officer told this Author that 'no-one' (in
Washington) 'can move'. He refused to elaborate, since he was referring to the blackmail
nexus which is throttling governance. In conversations with other US operatives in the
spring of 2005, the Author was advised that the overall situation could be described as
one of 'check' but not of 'check-mate'. Successive Presidencies have been penetrated and
controlled by German 'Black' intelligence (DVD), based in Dachau -the key exception
being John R Kennedy, who was assassinated on German (DVD) instructions precisely
because he was not a DVD asset. In addition to George Bush Jr.'s father, reliably alleged to
be the actual head of the DVD, the retention of George Tenet, a Clinton appointee and an
alleged German/French intelligence asset, as Director of Central Intelligence, was the
coup that most fatally compromised the Administration of George Bush Jr., from the
The US intelligence community's control over the media, which has culminated, as
noted earlier, with the installation of an intelligence cell in every press room, is nothing
new. In the late 1980s, Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a staff producer with the 60 Minutes
programme at CBS, left her job after CBS had refused to air her findings on the United
States' involvement in drug-trafficking. In 1991, she published Kiss the Boys Goodbye41,
which explains inter alia just how the US intelligence community perverted the official
Prisoner-of-War/Missing-in-Action (POW/MIA) structures, and used them to cover the
trafficking of drugs from the Golden Triangle region. Likewise the criminalised US
intelligence community (or elements of it) have routinely leveraged the taxpayer-funded anti-
drug structures (such as the Drug Enforcement Agency) as cover for drug-running
operations, and to facilitate the seizure of control over and elimination of competition. The
Government indulges in cosmetic operations to appease public opinion.
• The so-called 'War on Terrorism' has a coefficient - called the War on Drugs'. In addition
to fronting the US National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, Vice President Bush
fronted a Task Force on Combating Terrorism, under President Reagan, as a result of which
counter-terrorism tactics, the politics of the drug wars between criminal gangs and between
criminalised elements of national intelligence communities, became interchangeable and
indistinguishable. As Russell S. Bowen once pointed out, 'the war against terrorism and the
war on drugs have similar modi operandi in [respect of]
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
their disdain for the [US] Constitution. Only one career Government man has the distinction
of simultaneously overseeing both these "wars", George Bush'.
Mr Bowen might have added that drug-trafficking is terrorism.
In the case of General Manuel Noriega, formerly a drug-trafficking 'partner' of the
United States, his greed placed him in direct conflict with covert US drug-running interests, so
he was 'taken out' - enabling US business to be resumed 'as normal'; and the Afghani
Taliban were overthrown after their suppression and usurpation of local opium poppy cul-
tivation interfered with cash flows into the US financial system, with destabilising financial
and economic consequences. Within one year of the US invasion of Afghanistan, opium
poppy production now 'protected' by the US military, had risen to historically
unprecedented levels - while sporadic anecdotal information received in the summer of
2005 indicated that rehabilitation of the country remained largely a pipedream. No wonder
that the sinister Richard L. Armitage was in such a hurry to get back into the 'business',
setting up his 'export-imporf agency in Kabul. He is alleged to have exclaimed, while
hidebound by his State Department position: 'We gotta get back into business'.
After President Ronald Reagan had appointed Ross Perot, the Texas billionnaire, to the
President's Advisory Council on Foreign Intelligence, the late President added to Perof s
responsibilities by making Perot a special Presidential investigator, charged inter alia with
researching the fate of the United States' Prisoners of War (POWs) and troops Missing in
Action (MIA) from the Vietnam War. Taking his new responsibilities very seriously, Mr Perot,
equipped with special clearance and access to documents and sources, spent a considerable amount
of time and money (presumably his own, as the American Government typically takes
advantage of others' private wealth) looking for answers to questions which have distressed
thousands of suffering, bereaved Americans for decades. Monika Jensen-Stevenson
reported on Ross Perot's activities as follows, in 'Kiss the Boys Goodbye':
Universities were originally founded as centres inter alia of religious instruction. For instance, the
Author's magnificent Oxford College is named Christ Church. But while he was an undergraduate
there, he noticed little of the presence of Jesus Christ: in fact the ancient Cathedral is spiritually cold,
depressing and 'dead'. The reason for this becomes evident if one enters the right-hand ante-chapel
area and turns with one's back to the small altar, looking upwards. There, displayed well above
eye level, are certain Masonic inscriptions. In other words, this College-based Cathedral, like the
College itself, and so much else at Oxford, is double-minded. Antony Sutton has the following
interesting observation on page 80 of his work 'Inside America's Secret Establishment: An
introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones' [op. cit.]:
'The llluminati was founded at the University of Ingolstadt. The Group (a German-linked
llluminati Establishment source) was founded at All Soul's College, Oxford, and The Order [of
Skull and Bones] was founded at Yale University in the United States'.
Although we might quarrel with the assertion that the llluminati were actually founded by
Adam Weishaupt at Ingolstadt (a substantial body of research suggests a far longer historical
pedigree), that is not pertinent: the llluminati were consolidated at Ingolstadt.
But Antony Sutton then draws attention to the following irony: 'The paradox is that
institutions supposedly devoted to the search for truth and freedom have given birth to
institutions devoted to world enslavement' - by 'Brothers' of the llluminati conspiracy.
Chapter 8 reveals that The Apostles at Cambridge were an Abwehr recruiting pool. ■
'Relations between Bush and Perot had gone downhill ever since the Vice President
had asked Ross Perot how his POW/MIA investigations were going'.
'"Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners", said Perot, "but I spend all my time
discovering [that] the Government has been moving drugs around the world and is involved
in illegal arms deals.... I can't get at the prisoners because of the corruption among our own
people'". Whether Perot knew that he was speaking directly to the alleged primary source
of that corruption, was not related.
'This ended Perot's official access to the highly classified files as a one-man pres-
idential investigator. "I have been instructed to cease and desist", he had informed the
families of missing men early in 1987'.
This contretemps was described slightly differently by Russell S. Bowen in 1991: 'As
Cold War adventurism was given primacy in American foreign policy over the goals of
the war on drugs, covert action and the secrets of the CIA's continuing wars in Southeast
Asia were considered more important than efforts to release POWs. The POW issue has
never been popular with American liberals' [= socialists - Ed.] 'who otherwise rush to
question the CIA, because it was an issue which became a cause of the American righf
(and also because of the implications for socialism of any detailed exposures of Soviet
criminality towards Prisoners of War and missing US soldiers).
'One of the loudest critics of Government cover-ups of POW information is Senator
Jesse Helms. Ronald Reagan embraced the cause of appointing Texas billionaire Ross
Perot to investigate the fate of Vietnam MIAs. But Mr Perot took the assignment more
seriously than the Reagan-Bush Administration [had] apparently intended'. Here again, it
would appear that the main intention of appointing Perot had been to divert the abused
American public with a charade, conveying the impression that 'something was being
done' to solve the 'riddle' of the missing POW /MIAs.
'When he got hard evidence of at least some POWs [being] still alive in Southeast Asia
and found his search for them blocked by American intelligence officials involved
The classic expose of the sect of the llluminati, 'Proofs of a Conspiracy', by John Robison, originally
published in 1798 [see Chapter 7] contains a description of part of the initiation ceremony or ritual
for the degree of Regent (there are only two llluminati degrees that are higher, according to
Robison, Magus and Rex), which reveals similarities with the death-oriented initiation ritual of The
Order of Skull and Bones, a.k.a. The Brotherhood of Death, a.k.a. The Order:
The candidate is presented for reception in the character of a slave; and it is demanded of him what
has brought him into this most miserable of all conditions. He answers: Society - the State -
Submissiveness - False Religion. A skeleton is pointed out to him, at the feet of which are laid a Crown
and a Sword. He is asked whether it is the skeleton of a King, a Nobleman, or a Beggar? As he cannot
decide, the President of the meeting says to him, 'the character of being a Man is the only one that is of
As with Skull and Bones, the essence of the point is that we are all mortal, so we are all equal (in
death), which by extension implies that all power is illegitimate or to be challenged (the unspoken
exception being the intended collective power of the llluminati).
The Regent ritual stresses the 'line' that power in the hands of 'our rulers' is 'not so secure as in
the hands of our Members whom we train up with so much care, and place about Princes' and that
the llluminati are uniquely and exclusively qualified to rule. ■
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
in drag trafficking, Perot complained to Vice-President Bush. As soon as Mr Bush
realized where Perot was coming from, Perot was dropped like a hot stone by the
Administration'42. This story, incidentally, illustrates a tell-tale phenomenon that we have
identified among members of the intelligence community: they are constantly blowing
their cover. They blow their cover whenever one of their multiple lies unravels before our
noses, as happens all the time; whenever a high security classified telephone rings
accidentally in an office by mistake; whenever an eavesdropping chip is found in a target's
jacket; whenever a political activist who has single-handedly exposed the fraudulence of
a General Election is poisoned; whenever heavy breathing and pointed electronic
interruptions and noise take place during telephone calls; whenever an undertaking is
breached; whenever one of them who has threatened a colleague (as they do all the
time) demands to know whom he is alleged to have threatened and whether the person
asking the question is possessed; and whenever all kinds of other reprobate behaviour
rarely encountered in normal life, is observed. In this instance, Vice President Bush Sr.
reconfirmed, if any confirmation was ever necessary the involvement of US intelligence and
the Government at the very highest level in drag-running, at the expense of American
prisoners of War and Missing in Action, and with stone cold-hearted indifference to the
plight and suffering of the bereaved.
Addictive drags such as heroin and cocaine cannot be manufactured for distribution
without the necessary precursor chemicals. Therefore, establishing which pharmaceutical
companies manufacture these chemicals provides leads to the Octopus-like network of
organised criminality which hides within and at the highest levels of the official
structures. Among the largest manufacturers of the precursor chemicals used for cocaine
and heroin is Eli Lilly Company of Indianapolis, one of the most occult of all American
cities. This is the home capital of the Quayle family which is a shareholder in the firm,
on the board of which George Bush Sr. has served. Eli Lilly is also the corporation which
was the first, evidentiy, to synthesise LSD for the US intelligence community. A
number of Bush family members have held shares in Eli Lilly.
In 'George Bush: The Unauthorised Biography', by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton
Chaitkin, which traces in great detail the convoluted activities and relationships of George Bush
Sr., reference is made in Chapter Four to the H. Smith Richardson Foundation [see page 56],
which became 'a Bush family-dictated private slush fund which was to be utilized by the
Central Intelligence Agency, and by Vice-President Bush, for the conduct [actually, just one
of the conduits - Ed.] of the Iran-Contra adventures...'.
'The Bush family knew Richardson and his wife through their mutual friendship with
Sears Roebuck's Chairman, General Robert E. Wood. General Wood had been President
of the America First organization, which had lobbied against war with Hitier's Germany. H.
Smith Richardson had contributed the start-up money for America First and had spoken out
against the United States 'joining the Communists" in fighting Hitier. Richardson's wife
was a proud relative of Nancy Langehome from Virginia, who married Lord Astor and backed
the Nazis from their Cliveden Estate.... The H. Smith Richardson Foundation was organized
by Eugene Stetson, Jr.., Richardson's son-in-law. Stetson (Skull and Bones, 1934) had worked
for Prescott Bush as Assistant Manager of the New York branch of Brown Brothers
[This is how these Octopus-related narratives, which drop names everywhere with
tedious regularity, proceed. One must be patient].
Tn the late 1950s, the H. Smith Richardson Foundation took part in the "psycho-
logical warfare" of the CIA. This was not a foreign, but a domestic, covert operation,
carried out mainly against unwitting US citizens. CIA Director Allen Dulles and his
British allies organized MK-ULTRA, the testing of psychotropic drugs including LSD on a
very large scale, allegedly to evaluate 'chemical warfare' possibilities. In this period, the
Richardson Foundation helped finance experiments at Bridgewater Hospital in
Massachusetts, the center of some of the most brutal MK-ULTRA tortures'.
As has been summarised [page 62], Eli Lilly Co. synthesised LSD for the Central
Intelligence Agency's brutal MK-ULTRA offensive, which at a later stage was allegedly
controlled by Richard Cheney, George Bush Jr.'s Vice President. Russell S. Bowen
reports that 'after leaving the CIA [sic: this is of course inaccurate] in 1977, George Bush
was made a Director of the Eli Lilly pharmaceutical company by none other than Dan
Quayle's father and family, who owned the controlling interest in the Lilly company and
the Indianapolis Star. Dan Quayle subsequently allegedly acted as a go-between for drug
kingpins, gun runners and US Government officials' implicated in what is formally
known as the Iran-Contra scandals (although this phrase has since acquired the broader
meaning of referencing the entire hornets' nest of related scandals). 'The entire Bush
family were large stockholders in Lilly, Abbott, Bristol, Pfizer, etc. After Bush's disclosure
of assets in 1979, it became public [knowledge] that Bush's family still had a large interest
in Pfizer and substantial stock in the drug companies. In fact, Bush actively lobbied
illegally both within and without the Administration as Vice President in 1981, to permit
drug companies to dump more unwanted, obsolete or especially domestically-banned
substances on Third World countries'.
'While Vice President, Bush continued to act illegally on behalf of pharmaceutical
companies by going to the IRS [Internal Revenue Service] for special tax breaks for
certain drug companies manufacturing in Puerto Rico. In 1981, Bush was ordered to stop
lobbying on behalf of the drug companies, by the US Supreme Court. He did, but the
pharmaceutical companies still received a 23% additional tax break for their companies in
Puerto Rico which made these American-outlawed drugs for sale to Third World
countries'43. As is revealed in Addendum 3 on page 679, Dan Quayle has subsequently
allegedly been engaged in finding 'placement' opportunities for the endless streams of
drug-trafficking proceeds which are laundered via so-called 'hedge funds'.
Since this flow-of-funds is relentless and never-ending, the primary objective of its
'hidden' managers is to find 'investment opportunities' so that the funds can conveniently
be placed or invested as quickly as possible, after having been 'parked' with hedge fund
accounts. This explains why Dan Quayle's investigations have involved seeking
'investment' opportunities in the shape of a rescued Japanese bank and bankrupt airlines,
including Air Canada. The fact that a target organisation is commercially unviable or
effectively bankrupt is not, in this context, a barrier to such 'buyout' investments. On the
contrary, organisations in such an advanced stage of commercial and financial decrepitude
may be ideal depositories for such laundered funds, given that they necessarily require
financial injections that are significantly larger than viable enterprises, by an order of
Since the flow of drug-trafficking proceeds has at times been far greater than the flow
of funds arising from oil and gas transactions (although the much higher oil price structure
(in mid-2006) brought the two sources of Black funds into line), an army of 'specialists' such as
the alleged Illuminati operative Dan Quayle is engaged in seeking out bolt-holes for the
never-ending and ever-ballooning cascade of global drug remittances.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
An addendum to the activities of the Bush-linked H. Smith Richardson Foundation may
conveniently be included here. Averill Harriman (1913), involved in racial purity issues and
the mastermind of the eugenics movement, had based this activity at Yale University, where
the American Eugenics Society maintained its headquarters. Tarpley and Chaitkin reported in
1992 that 'the coercive psychiatry and sterilization advocates had made the Yale/New
Haven Hospital and Yale Medical School their laboratories for hands-on practice in brain
surgery and psychological experimentation' - one of the lines of enquiry controlled by
Himmler in Nazi Germany which were continued in the United States after the importation of
a large number of Nazi scientists from 1946 onwards [see Chapter 8]. 'And the Birth Control
League was there, which had long trumpeted the need for eugenical births - fewer births for
parents with 'inferior' bloodlines. Prescott Bush's partner Tighe was a Connecticut director of
the League, and the Connecticut League's medical advisor was the eugenics advocate Dr
Winternitz' (of German extraction, naturally) 'of Yale Medical School.... In 1950, people
who knew something about Prescott Bush knew that he had very unsavoury roots in the
eugenics movement.
Eugenics and psychological mind- and personality-manipulation were twin
obsessions of Heinrich Himmler's Nazi scientists. All projects initiated through the
agency of Luciferians acquire a 'seething energy' of their own [see page 72] - a case in point
being a Center for Creative Leadership partly funded and established by the H. Smith
Richardson Foundation (linked to Bush Sr.), located north of Greensboro, North
Carolina (not far from the seat of American/world Scottish Rite Freemasonry).
An investigator for the Tarpley-Chaitkin book toured the facility in 1990 with a
guide, who said that 'in these rooms, agents of the Central Intelligence Agency and the
Secret Service are trained. He demonstrated the two-way mirrors through which the
Government employees are watched, while they are put through mind-bending
psychodramas. The guide explained that "virtually everyone who becomes a general" in the
US armed forces also goes through this "training" at the Richardson Center. Another office
of the Center for Creative Leadership is in Langley, Virginia, at the headquarters of the
Central Intelligence Agency. Here also, Richardson's Center trains leaders of the
Central Intelligence Agency .
The Order of Skull and Bones, and most of the other 'fraternal' Yale University
societies, with their secret passwords and handgrips, furnish naive and worldly young men
with varying degrees of mental conditioning and brainwashing, depending upon the
witchcraft content of their rituals and gobbldegook - the 'Bones' cult being the most
diabolical because, as discussed, it imposes an intensive crash-course upon the
neophytes with the specific intent of inducing infestation and/or possession by evil
spirits. The Author remembers an American graduate who suddenly appeared at
Christ Church, Oxford, and stayed for one year. The physical appearance of this person
was awesome and dark: frightening in fact. A generation or so later, the Author
encountered this individual at a party in New York, and his physical appearance
remained as dark as ever. He is listed as 'Bonesman' of a Class of the late 1940s.
People's faces do not necessarily betray the fact that the person concerned has
dabbled in witchcraft: but they often do. While referred to by those on the inside as 'The
Order' - a feature of many Illuminati organisations: indeed the use of this phrase is a
definitive indication of Illuminati membership, as already mentioned - Skull and Bones
is, as we have seen, also referred to by some as Chapter 322 of a German secret
society. Researchers usually leave this observation hanging in mid-air, failing to seek
identification of the German secret society concerned. The Author believes, and is
certain, that the German secret society in question is the Illuminati. Antony Sutton was
unsure, in the 1980s, whether this sect had remained in existence after it was suppressed in
Bavaria in the eighteenth century. This book proves that it exists, using new
contemporary information, and drawing on multiple sources, old and new, to expose its
cynically manipulative modus operandi. Skull and Bones is indeed a primary locus and
spawning pond of the Illuminati virus in the United States.
More and more evidence of this truth is being brought together by researchers. In his
book The Holocaust, the distinguished historian, Martin Gilbert, revealed that it was
agreed at the notorious Wannsee Conference in 1942, when expansion of the Nazi 'Final
Solution' was finalised under the cold supervision of SS Obergruppenfuhrer Reinhard
Heyrich and the Gestapo chief Heinrich Himmler and other top Nazis, that should the
'Final Solution' not be completed by Nazi Germany, this agenda for the completion of the
'Final Solution' and the implementation of a New World Order would be transplanted
over time to the United States [see Chapter 8]. When Hitler invoked his Thousand- Year
Reich, he was not simply bragging. In The Twisted Cross by Joseph Carr, it was further
revealed that when Hitler arrived in the Bavarian Alps, he would climb up into the
mountains and scream into the wind for Satan to possess him, and to give him power to
become the Antichrist reigning on earth for a thousand years. Furthermore, Hitler was
trained, in his early years, by Jesuits, like Weishaupt.
The Nazi regime was an operation of the Illuminati: and the Third Reich has
installed itself in Washington, DC - a process that began almost immediately following
the Second World War, while the world was being diverted by the distraction of the
emerging Cold War which froze relations between the West and another product of the
Illuminati, Stalin's Marxist-Leninist Soviet Union and Bloc, for a pre-ordained period of
precisely 40 years (the Berlin Wall was dismantled in 1989 just as soon as the 40 years had
been completed). How this happened, and what the implications are for the United States
- which is today equipped with the apparatus (concentration camps, an Amtrak gassing
facility in Indianapolis, special trains for the removal of dissidents, guillotines etc) is now
quite well understood - thanks to extensive recent research and, once again, diligent work
that has been published inter alia on the Internet. This narrative is continued in Chapter 4,
entitled The Hex of Himmler.
The Author interpolates here an interesting discovery that he made in June 2005,
while interviewing and recording the observations of a distinguished US operative whose
past work for the US Presidency has no equal. When the Author pointed out that certain
nefarious US official policies and activities in the 1980s represented Works of Darkness
and that he and others were actually working for the Illuminati rather than for the President of
the United States (POTUS), he remarked that, operationally, 'we didn't realise that, at the
time. I understand it now'. And it is true that (other) former supporters of the New
Underworld Order within the CIA are now actively fighting its implementation, which may
be one of many reasons why the controllers' timetables are constantly slipping. One CIA
operative told an informant: 'We even called this plan to seize America for the New World
Order 'The Final Solution', and this is what we called it from inside the CIA'. This fact
was volunteered when the CIA insiders concerned revealed to the informant how they had
themselves helped to design some of the concentration camps that will be activated when
Martial Law is imposed in the United
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
States following another provocation by cut-outs for Germany's 'Black' DVD .
It seems almost superfluous to add that this evidence reinforces the Author's
view that the criminalised Central Intelligence Agency its agencies and other dimensions
of the US intelligence community are, or are fully capable of being, a reprobate menace
to the American Republic and its people, and that it is a prerequisite for any possible
resolution of the colossal US corruption and subversion crisis, that the intelligence
services are sharply disciplined, cut down to size, and forced to comply with the Rule of
Law, as President Kennedy once intended (an intention which cost him his life, of course).
The irony is that this may not be possible without intervention by the military - which is
itself Masonically corrupted, and cannot, it seems, be relied upon to act solely in the
interests of the American people. If the necessary crackdown were to occur, those who
need to be rounded up would need to be taken from the intelligence structures themselves:
they could all be 'comfortably' housed in just one of the odious concentration camps that
they have devised and installed, in pursuit of the transferred Nazi 'Final Solution'
The 'Brotherhood of Death' - a.k.a. Skull and Bones, a.k.a. The Order, formerly the
Russell Trust Association (incorporated in 1856), more recently (in 1961) reorganised as
RTA Incorporated - is the primary generational source of the Nazi Dluminati (Dluminazi)
mentality that can be detected in elements of US society and within parts of its colossal
interlinked intelligence and political/policymaking structures.
The Society's members, mindful that the skull on their symbol has no mandible, so
that it cannot 'speak', are sworn to silence; and all non-members are known as 'outsiders' or
'vandals' (Weishaupf s 'profane'). Since the publication of the cited works by Antony
Sutton and Andrei Navrozov on Skull and Bones, certain Russell Trust papers
previously available for perusal in the Sterling Library at Yale, have disappeared.
There is naturally no requirement for secrecy, unless the holder of secrets has
something to hide: secrets are superfluous if there is nothing to conceal.
Initiates are required to leave the room if anyone present raises issues involving a mention
of Skull and Bones; and they are precluded, under oath, from answering questions about The Order
and its organisations. When Andrei Navrozov attempted, via correspondence, to procure a
response to a question about The Order from President Bush (Sr.), he drew the standard response
that this was a matter he could not discuss. Kris Millegan explains, on page 20 of his book, that
'when Don Schollander (Skull and Bones, 1968), the Olympic Gold Medallist and only known Skull
and Bones member living in Portland, Oregon, was contacted by local Wilamette Week reporter
John Schrang regarding his involvement with The Order, he said: If s really something I can't talk
about46. But the precautions that The Brotherhood of Death has taken over the years to prevent the
leakage of its secrets, based in part on blood oaths, have been very far from successful, so that a
substantial body of information about its filthy, depraved occult-pagan ritual activities has entered into
the public domain in recent years.
In summary, as a result of the leakage of these secrets, it is clear that The Order practices a
form of mind- and personality-manipulation through sexual abuse. It is well known that
personality-splitting techniques developed by the Nazis and elaborated inter alia by US
intelligence through its MK-ULTRA and related programmes can involve the exploitation of
sexual abuse, which is the means whereby the personality is destabilised and 'split'. For True
Christians, this is the mechanism whereby the victim's will is neutralised and he (or she) is led to
invite evil spirits in - the opposite
procedure to the means whereby Jesus Christ reveals Himself to us, after we have
believed on Him and taken steps to become familiar with His Word (even if we have only
just started this process). Here is the Scripture reading which confirms this:
'Behold I stand at the door, and knock; if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will
come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me'47. Instead of opening the door, by the
exercise of their free will, to Jesus Christ, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, initiates of
The Brotherhood of Death have invited other forces in; and if they recognise their error
later in life, they may encounter extreme difficulty in expelling them - which can only be
achieved in the context of total repentance, a contrite heart, and an effort of will: although
it certainly can be done, as most of us have the chance for personal salvation. 'Come now,
and let us reason together, saith the Lord: though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as
white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool'48. By the time that it
dawns upon the trapped initiate that he has been led towards perdition, the riches which
have accrued consequent upon his service to Lucifer, the 'god of this world', may have
smothered any desire to change course, which may well be far too uncomfortable to be
According to the late Antony C. Sutton, the acknowledged pioneer and expert on The
Order, Ron Rosenbaum may have been correct in deducing that the other two 'Senior
Societies' at Yale - Scroll & Key and Wolfs Head, supposedly competitive societies also
founded in the 19th century - are part of the same network. 'Senior Societies' exist,
apparently, only at Yale. In an article published in Esquire in September 1977,
Rosenbaum stated (Very accurately', according to Sutton) that 'anyone in the Eastern
Liberal Establishment who is not a member of Skull & Bones is almost certainly a
member of either Scroll & Key or Wolfs Head'49'50. In one ritual, Rosenbaum explained (in a
magazine accustomed to touching upon such matters), the initiate emerges from the Tomb
naked, engaged in mud-wrestling with another initiate, a sequence ending in anal
intercourse. The article, based on details of the initiation ceremony in question, which
took place in 1940, contained inter alia the following statements:
'McGeorge Bundy wrestled baked in a mud pile as part of his initiation'.
'Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart... dressed up in a skeleton suit, howled wildly
at an initiate in a red velvet room inside the Tomb...'.
Ron Rosenbaum's Esquire article further described part of that initiation ceremony thus:
'New man placed in coffin - carried into the central part of building. New man chanted
over and reborn into society. Removed from coffin and given robes with symbols on it [sic].
A bone with his name on it is tossed into [human] bone heap at start of evening. Initiates
plunged naked into mud pile'.
Antony Sutton explains as follows on page 201 of his book on this subject, citing the
very respected researcher Rosenbaum as his source:
According to Rosenbaum, "one can hear strange cries and moans coming from the
bowels of the tomb during initiation. Four elements of the initiation ceremony are
recorded: (1) That the initiate has to lie naked in a sarcophagus; (2) That he is required to
tell the "secrets" of his sex life to fellow initiates; (3) That patriarchs dressed as skeletons
and acting as wild-eyed lunatics howl and screech at new initiates; and (4) that initiates
are required to wrestle naked in a mud pile'".
It should be recalled that this reprobate debauchery is indulged in by the initiates
under immense peer pressure. Having been programmed to lust after membership, its
achievement locks them into the sarcophagus of Lucifer for the rest of their lives.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
Sutton's conclusion, which has never been contradicted and which is consistent with all
the reliable research that has emerged on this subject in recent years, although it is
incomplete, is that The Order is indeed a component of the sect of the IUuminati [see
Chapter 7] and that it exists in order to bring about the establishment of a German-dominated
New World Order - namely, "a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom,
without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction', and that
the characteristics of this New World Order - which will facilitate the triumph of criminalism,
hence 'New Underworld Order' - will be as follows (Sutton's list having been compiled in
the 1970s, so that much of what he predicted has since materialised, as all serious students
of this vast subject will be aware):
1. Education will be perverted in order to prescribe and dictate how the population
will be required to behave [ = for instance, Outcome-Based Education].
2. Money: Wealth and the exchange of goods will be controlled by the New
Underworld Order elite, namely by the highest ranks of the IUuminati.
3. The Law will exist as a mechanism for the enforcement not of justice, but
rather of the arbitrary will of the state, regional and world government, world law and the
world legal and court systems. This is of course already the case in the European Union
context, where the European Court of Justice exists specifically not to dispense justice, but
to enforce the will of the Collective, and to advance its agenda.
4. Politics will be manipulated so as to ensure its absolute consistency with the
Illuminati's requirements, directing each state or regional bloc. Democracy will be
false, elections will be overtly rigged, and 'undesirable' Representatives, Senators or
Members of Parliament will be ruthlessly weeded out, so that they cannot serve as
roadblocks to the implementation of the global New Underworld Order strategy.
Independent publishers such as this Author will be stalked, spied upon and framed to
eliminate them from the scene. It is hardly necessary to elaborate that this state of affairs
exists 'as we speak' in both the US and the British and European contexts. See further
comments on the manipulation of 'democracy' in Figure 21 , panel opposite, on page 69].
5. The Economy will exist purely to enable the illuminised elite to accumulate
additional wealth. Note: There is an obvious conflict here: One of the elements of the
Illuminati's programme which Antony Sutton may not have fully anticipated is the
'population reduction' plan, which has been discussed for instance at successive
IUuminati Gorbachev Foundation/State of the World (= 'World State') Forum events in
the United States. At the first of these mammoth mind-manipulation and influence-
building fests, held in San Francisco in 1995, the proposition that 90% of the world's
population needed to be eliminated, 'to protect the planet', was promulgated. The
AIDS epidemic is doing a 'fine job' on this particular score in Southern Africa, where, in
Zimbabwe (where a roll of toilet paper cost Z$200,000 in June 2006), at least 2 million
people were expected to die of starvation in 2005 alone. Such an outcome would be
absolutely perfect for cadres of the IUuminati, who can then (they surmise) move in and take
over Zimbabwe's rich mineral and other resources: which is why not a finger has been
lifted against the odious Stalinist dictatorship of the ogre Mugabe. But the snag is: if the
workforce has perished or been Uquidated, (a) who wiU, e.g., work the mines, and (b) to
whom will end-products be sold, so that the IUuminists can be enriched? As with aU the
inventions of the Devil, they haven't thought this one through properly. And as aU their
schemes generate chaos and confusion, they'U never be able to do so.
Figure 21 :
An extraordinary feature of those who deal in lies is that they come to believe them, as Dr Josef
Goebbels found out. Not only did he and Hitler succeed in selling their lies as truth to the German
people, but Mr Schicklgruber came to believe them himself.
A case in point, unfortunately, is President George W. Bush (Jr.), who very tactlessly informed the
Iranian people on 16th June 2005 that their General Election would 'change nothing'. The Iranian
people, he said, 'deserve a genuinely democratic system in which elections are honest, and in which
their leaders answer to them, instead of the other way round'. The Rest of the World was left
speechless at this hypocritical arrogance.
This was indeed a shocking statement - and was received in Tehran as such - coming from a man
whose elections in 2000 and 2004 were stolen, according to the most reliable information to hand. In
2000, James Baker III allegedly obtained $40 million from Carlos Lehder, a US-German llluminati
asset who had been instrumental in setting up the drug cartels in Colombia (which are creations of
US intelligence: see Chapter 3), in exchange for his release from US custody and his transfer to
Germany. Al Gore was told, upon alighting from a limousine, that he had not, after all, as he had been
advised when he had climbed into it, won the election; some $32 million was allegedly handed over to
the Democratic National Committee in exchange for their conceding the election, while $8.0 million
was allegedly spent to bribe officials, prison staff, judges, lawyers, etc., to observe omerta.
In 2004, the election was rigged electronically [see Addendum 1 , p. 662], and a consignment of gold
(looted from the basement of the Twin Towers?) was allegedly paid to John Kerry.
According to author Kris Millegan, Robert P. Johnson, a.k.a. William Barr, an operative, informed
William Clinton in Arkansas, while he was the corrupt Governor of that corrupt State, that 'you are our
fair-haired boy, but you do have competition for the job you seek' (of President of the United States).
'We would never put all our eggs in one basket. You and your State have been our greatest asset' (for
an explanation of which, see Chapter 3). 'Mr Casey' (the Director of Central Intelligence) 'wanted me to
pass on to you that unless you *** up [sic] and do something stupid, you are Number One on our short
list for the job you always wanted' ['Fleshing Out Skull and Bones', Ed. Kris Millegan, op. cit., page 18].
Thus William Casey, the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, who was also a Sovereign
Knight of Malta, signalled to William Clinton, through George Bush Sr.'s last Attorney General (like
Bush Sr., and Clinton, an intelligence operative), that provided he (Clinton) didn't 'mess up', the
intelligence community would instal him as President. In other words, it is not the electorate who choose
the presidential candidates, it is the intelligence community - an intolerable usurpation of power by an
organisation that is supposed to SERVE the Executive Branch, rather than to CONTROL it. As in the
'former' Soviet Union, it is the intelligence community that's in the driving seat -which means that
American democracy is just as much of a sham as President George W. Bush Jr. said that the Iranian
version is.
And what is so disturbing about this is that the Washington elite apparently assumed that Iranians,
who are heirs of a much older civilisation than that of the United States and are highly sophisticated, are
ignorant of the fact that US democracy is a sham, and has been a sham for more three decades - at least
since President Carter was replaced by Ronald Reagan and George Bush Sr., following the deception
operation known as the 'October Surprise'. In actual fact, the US Presidency has proved to he a highly
unstable institution. In the modern era, the President of the United States has been assassinated,
removed or imposed consecutively ever since the Eisenhower era. And most sensible, informed
analysts now believe that Kennedy's murder was a German-inspired CIA 'inside job', with the actual
culpability, if ever allowed to emerge, liable to shock the whole world.
It is therefore grossly inappropriate for ANY President of the United States to lecture the Iranians, the
Russians, or anyone else, about so-called 'democracy'. Likewise, given the emasculated condition of
British democracy, the rigorous controls that have been legislated for over the qualifications of
candidates, and the oppressive overhang of the institutions of the corrupt, Leninist, duplicated EU
structures, no British Prime Minister should use such rhetoric either. We should remove the rotten
motes from our own hard eyes first. ■
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
6. History will be bastardised, rewritten and manipulated to promulgate lies and to
represent evil as good, and good as evil, which is of course scripturally verboten.
7. Mass psychology will be used to manipulate the way people think. 'Psy-Ops' will
be openly and ruthlessly conducted by the official propagandists in order to hide and
misrepresent what is happening on a national and a global scale. [This process is today
working 24/7 and overtime, as all who are not sitting on their brains can understand.
Some intelligence operatives who are engaged in the colossal US domestic 'Psy-Ops'
operation have expressed surprise to the Author and to one of his special US contacts,
that we understand so much of what is going on: for instance, absurdly, we are not
supposed to have fathomed that the US and British political systems are controlled, so
that it is almost neither here nor there who wins an election, as the Illum-inati always win.
Apparently we weren't supposed to have been clever enough to work this out. The
intelligence officer who realised that the Author's US contact understood this perfectly
well, was astounded, and somewhat rattled.
8. Philanthropy will be exclusively Pharisaical, so that people (the goyim) think well
of the controllers. For example, on 10th June 2006, Mikhail Gorbachev, supreme head of
the KGB Continuum, held a vulgar white-tie banquet at Althorp, the Spencer family's
Northamptonshire estate, ostensibly in aid of the raisa Gorbachev Foundation. The fawning
British 'mainstream' media lavished nauseous praise on his 'philanthropy'.
9. Medicine will provide the state with sole power over health, life and death. This was
a primary control objective, by the way, of the Dluminati's prize disciple, Lenin.
10. Religion will be totally paganised and perverted so that the 'Ancient Mysteries'
(occultism, kabbalistic magic, and all the related abominations including the summoning up of
evil spirits) will be condoned, encouraged or facilitated. Note: The Author distinguishes, in
the Christian' context, between Churchianity' which, as the staggering decadence of the
Church of England demonstrates, is largely alien to 'the Way the Life and the Truth', and
True Christianity, based on Faith, Grace and Scripture.
11. Media: The broadcast and print media will be controlled, so that what people
think and know will be in the hands of the controllers. This is the situation today.
12. Continuity: The controlling IUuminised elite will appoint its own followers and
disciples to ensure longevity into future generations: The Thousand- Year Reich. They have
pursued this objective with success for several generations already.
Although this Author has somewhat elaborated the late Antony Sutton's twelve
identified objectives, which were first prophesied by him in 1977, it can be seen that they
have been largely accomplished - which is why the world is now experiencing a crisis
of historically unprecedented proportions. Specifically, the educational system has been
hijacked, to produce young people with the 'politically correct attitudes' and little or zero
profound knowledge, especially of Scripture and history, and to provide space for
abominations such as 'sex education' and 'death education'. The creation of money is in
the hands of geomasonically controlled central and commercial banks, which have
usurped de facto control over, and have in many cases stolen, or used for self-interested
collateral and cross-collateralisation leverage and hypothecation purposes, untold trillions of
US Government fiat money funds held in offshore accounts of US Government Title 18,
Section 6 intelligence corporations which were originally legitimised under President Reagan's
Executive Order 12333, of 1981 [see box, page 20].
The law in both Britain and America is being systematically undermined and
replaced by false law: for example, the ancient body of English Common Law is being
overwhelmed by the 'superior' law of the European Union Collective, even as the
European Court of Justice exists in order to further the interests of the EU political
collective, not to dispense 'justice'. The political democratic system has been perverted in
both Britain and the United States so that there is no true democracy at all: what happens at
elections is that there may be a change of selected controlled personnel, that's all. This, as will be seen
in Chapter 7, is 100% in conformity with long-range Illuminati strategy.
With the constant enlargement of corporations and the free-wheeling expansion of
certain types of business such as bookstore chains (which are major absorbers of the endless
pipeline of drug money), economic and financial power is being consolidated into fewer
and fewer hands. The bookstores are also major outlets for the mass distribution of
diabolical 'noise' 'music' CDs and Satanic videos, which are swamping the minds and
souls of young people to the virtual exclusion of all else in the United States - consistently,
as we have seen, with the death orientation of the Illuminati cadres that are promoting this
Luciferian filth. History is being and has been rewritten, so that British schoolchildren
have hardly any awareness of English history, but know all about colonialism, global
warming and other 'politically correct' issues.
Psychology has long since been perverted to manipulate minds and to divide per-
sonalities both individually and collectively, to break down the family, to split the sexes,
and to control the masses, inter alia through the proliferation, especially in the United
States, of endless, pernicious Psychological Operations ('Psy-Ops', perpetrated by cadres of
intelligence operatives, at every level. The abuse of philanthropy, so that the 'benefactor's'
good works' are extensively publicised, and the general public is indoctrinated with
'politically correct' 'causes' and 'good works' which serve the double-minded interests of
the Illuminati, is routine. The abuse of medicine through such devices as the
contamination of vaccines, compulsory vetting of children with mandatory prescribed
interventions, and the dispensing of death by staff working to intelligence instructions, is
known in some US institutions. Euthanasia, or Satanic legitimised 'mercy murder', was being
debated in the confused British Parliament in May 2006.
Organised religion has been degraded and perverted, with the reprobate Church of
England being led, for instance, by a confirmed Druid, given to complex, convoluted,
interminable and spiritually barren pronouncements, and its activities being characterised
by an almost total lack of spirituality and a wholesale departure from the teachings of
Jesus Christ; as for the Roman Catholic religion, its commonly acknowledged faults are
legion; and the abuses perpetrated by many of its priests as a consequence of the
reprobate, unnatural and repressive prohibition against priests marrying, need no
introduction. The media is perceived by thinking people in the United States and Britain
to be controlled, with US intelligence known to be proud of its 'achievement' in bringing
the print and broadcast media under its thumb. Indeed, this boast was explicitly made at a
US intelligence conference attended by one of our contacts, and was presented as the
CIA's most impressive achievement. In the United Kingdom, it has for many years been
impossible for analysts such as this Author to carry on any meaningful conversation at all
with a 'mainstream' British journalist, since the minds of such people are clogged with
preconceived notions, with bogies and 'slides' such as their facile acceptance of the lie that
there is no such thing as a conspiracy, with 'politically correct' opinions, and with an
underlying arrogance which almost defies description. For this reason, the Author considers it
a complete waste of time to engage with such people, and prefers to disseminate his work 'by
other means'.
CHAPTER 2: The Curse of Yale
A few further points need to be made about 322, before we examine the international
drugs dimension that the ffiuminati, through the Brotherhood of Death, have integrated
into US strategy. The significance of the use of the Kabbalistic 'magic' number, 322, is
explained in a number of parallel ways. William Russell, the heir to a drug-running
business, imported the blueprint of the society from Germany in 1832, as we have
seen, so the most basic 'line' is that The Order is the second chapter of a German
secret society (a branch of the ffluminati) established in 1832, hence 322. Confusingly,
though, there are rooms designated 323 and 324 in the Tomb on the Yale campus.
A more sophisticated, and probably more accurate parallel source of The Order's
obsession with 322 (although some dismiss this as a quaint fable) is that it stands for the
homosexual orator Demosthenes who committed suicide by taking poison - the
preferred 'liquidation method' of the ffluminati: hence the skull and crossbones on
bottles of poison - in the temple of Neptune in Calauria, in 322 BC
Although the names of Skull and Bones neophytes are changed upon initiation, the
membership list (known as 'Addresses') is made available to each member, using the
initiates' real names. These names are provided in a copy bound in black leather with
peculiar symbols inside and outside. The owner's name and the letter D' are gilt-stamped
on the outer cover of the earlier issues which have emerged into the public domain, at
least to the end of the 19th century. The list is surrounded by a heavy black border,
signifying the death of the named initiate, as he adopts his new 'Bones name' - i.e. has
been 'reborn' into this 'death cult', which is both nonsensical and upside-down, that is
to say, entirely typical of a fraud perpetrated by the Evil One, who is the author of
confusion and lies. Moreover, crucially, lies are followed by (spiritual and/or physical
death: the two go together: as Jesus Christ told the murderous Pharisees (who were
plotting to liquidate him: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye
will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is
no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the
father of it'51. In the pure light of this Truth, we can see all the more clearly, then, why
Skull and Bones is also called The Brotherhood of Death. It is a self-perpetuating nest of
lies and death indoctrination. As such it is a deadly menace to the American public, to
the American people, and to the whole world. Through self-replicating mechanisms
such as those perpetrated by Skull and Bones, devilish practices, debaucheries,
infestations and demonic possessions of past decades are perpetuated and projected
indefinitely into the future.
The ceremonial fixation with the initiate being lowered into a coffin and then 'rising
again' from it, is modelled upon and is an echo of the 'raising to life' of the candidate in the
Pyramid Mysteries, as explained by the 33rd Degree Mason, Manly P. Hall, in "The Lost
Keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff [see Figure 16, page 45]. Hall makes it
crystal clear that Masonic initiation into the 'craff (= witchcraft) is intended to infest the
initiate with the power of evil. This admission is contained in Hall's promise that the initiate
will acquire knowledge of 'the dynamo of living power', through which he will learn the
mystery of his craft [i.e., of witchcraft]. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands'52.
And he is unknowingly en route to perdition.
Antony Sutton reported that 'the first class list of 1833 has two blank lines in
place of the eleventh name on the list. This supports the argument that the society has
German origins and this is the listing of the anonymous German connection'53.
In calculating and expressing a given year, the Brotherhood of Death adds 322 to the
current year, so that 2006 is 2006 + 322 = 2328. Demosthenes is alleged to have founded
a Greek patriotic society in the same year that he committed suicide, and is also reported
to have been a proponent of murderous Satanic practices. Plutarch wrote about
Demosthenes as follows:
[Demosthenes] 'was meagre and sickly from the first, and hence had his nickname of
Batalus given him, it is said, by the boys, in derision of his appearance; Batalus being, as
some tell us, a certain enervated flute-player, in ridicule of whom Antiphanes wrote a
play. Others speak of Batalus as a writer of wanton verses and drinking songs. And it
would seem, too, that some part of the body, not decent to be named, was at that time
called batalus by the Athenians. But the name of Argas, which they also say was a
nickname of Demosthenes, was given him because of his behaviour, as being savage and
spiteful, argas being one of the poetical words for a snake; or for his disagreeable way of
speaking. Argas being [also] the name of a poet who composed very harshly and
disagreeably. So much, as Plato says, for such matters'54.
According to the wife of a 'Bonesman' who must remain anonymous, each initiate
has the letter 'D' stamped or etched in the small of his back. Young American women,
when considering whether to become engaged to a high-flying young Yale Graduate,
need, as a routine precaution, to investigate whether their beau has this bodily
characteristic; and if such a mark is discovered, should consider carefully whether they
wish their lives to be encumbered with the dark consequences of his initiation into The
Order of Skull and Bones.
In 1928, Clarence W. Mendel wrote a critical article about the Yale secret societies,
especially the three Senior Societies, in Yale Daily News', in which he inaccurately con-
cluded as follows: 'They [the secret societies] can be a blessing to Yale, and Yale will not
tolerate their being a curse'.
This is the absolute reverse of the truth: these secret societies, especially Skull and
Bones, Scroll and Key, and Wolfs Head (if the second and third are, as Rosenbaum
believed, part of the same network), are a curse to Yale; and Yale has persistently tolerated
them and has allowed them to become institutionalised: so that Yale therefore tolerates them
being a curse. As a consequence, Yale College is itself a Black curse upon the American
people, upon US society, upon its political system and establishment, and through these,
upon the whole world. It is an engine of witchcraft, a pernicious and evil Illuminazi nest of
death and abomination; and until its baleful influence, which overwhelms any positive
contributions Yale may have made to society, is removed, it will continue to spread its
accursed evil throughout the United States and the world.
Most of all, Yale stands for double-mindedness, which is the essence of the curse of
the two-faced, dialectically-oriented Illuminati. A double-minded man is unstable in all
his ways'. Instability, confusion, lies, cynicism, cold-heartedness, self-absorption and
double-dealing are the marks of the 'Bonesman' Illuminist. Among normal people,
double-mindedness is a hazard of our humanity, and a challenge to be overcome, as we
progress spiritually. But the Illuminati base their entire approach to geopolitics upon a
deliberate strategy of double-mindedness. Thus a Wolfowitz can preside over the
planning and perpetration of the offensive against Iraq one year, and ascend two years
later to the globalist 'welfare' role of President of the World Bank - without any blushes,
secure in the knowledge that the 'mainstream' media can never grasp how, in conscience,
he could make such a transfer. Double-mindedness is the secret. ■
Chapter 2: The Curse of Yale
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Figure 22: This adapted chart, first prepared in 1999 and updated in successive years (most recently in
2002), shows links between the Bush Family, the Clintons and some of their scandals, AIG (the huge
insurance industry organisation allegedly used for money-laundering), and the Carlyle Group, which
allegedly acts as one of a number of favoured llluminati 'storehouses' for the accumulating wealth of the
'chosen illuminated ones', as well as a useful 'funny money' fiat distribution pipeline, like many so-called
'hedge funds'. The Author has adapted this chart to show that the corruption control is exercised by the
Nazi Continuum 'Black' intelligence agency, Deutsche verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau - through George Busche Sr.
(as of 2006), identified as the alleged actual head of DVD.
"The author of the original chart is Stew Webb, the former son-in-law of a Denver-based mogul, Leonard Yale Millman. His information is based upon
detailed knowledge obtained during his marriage to the former Miss Millman. Note how the alleged Bush criminalist 'Family's' connections
interconnect inter alia with those of the alleged intelligence criminalist Clintons. This exposure is of course only partial.
Chapter 2: THE CURSE OF YALE: Notes and references:
1. Mark, Chapter 3, verse 22. In this verse, the scribes accused Jesus of being possessed of the Devil (Beelzebub) and
of casting out devils by invoking the Devil. 'Bonesmen' are effectively pledged, through repulsive initiation rites, to the
Devil. This alone could explain The Order's use of 322. The Lord makes it quite plain that to accuse Him of being
possessed by Satan and of casting out devils in the name of the Devil, represented a blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit, for which no forgiveness is possible. This warning is given in the context of the scribes' mentioned lie that he
was casting out devils by the power of Satan: 'Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men,
and blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall blaspheme: But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath
never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation; Because they said, He hath an unclean spirit' and that he was
casting out devils by invoking Beelzebub. [Mark, Chapter 3, verses 28-30].
2. Mark, Chapter 3, verses 23-26.
3. 'Get thee behind me, Satan'. If we tell him to get lost, he and his demons cannot harm us, because he cannot
destabilise us - unless we invite or make it possible for him and them to do so. 'Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee
hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou Shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. Then the Devil
leaveth Him, and, behold, angels came and ministered unto Him' [Matthew, Chapter 4, verses 1 0-1 1 ]. See also Luke,
Chapter 4, verse 8.
4. 'Girl's rape filmed by teenagers on mobile', The Times, London, page 2, 18th June 2005.
5. Job, Chapter 1, verses 6 and 7: 'Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the
Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered
the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it'.
6. First Epistle of Pefer, Chapter 5, verse 8: 'Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion,
walketh about, seeking whom he may devour'. Peter then gives us the hope which is of the Holy Spirit (verses 9-11):
'Whom resist steadfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the
world. But the God of all grace who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered
a while, make you perfect, stablish, settle you. To him be all glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen'.
7. Matthew, Chapter 18, verse 6. This is preceded by: 'And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name
receiveth me' [verse 5].
8. Mark, Chapter 9, verse 42: 'And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that believe in me, it is better for
him that a millstone were hanged about his neck and he were cast into the sea'. And in Luke, Chapter 17, verses 1
and 2, the Lord's warning to those who corrupt children is crystal clear: 'Then said he unto his disciples, It is
impossible but that offences will come; but woe unto him, through whom they come! It were better for him that a
millstone were hanged about his neck and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones'. In
the New Testament of Jesus Christ, where a severe warning is repeated, it addresses an issue of exceptional gravity.
It is clear, for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see, that offending (corrupting) little children and young people
is an offence so grievous that no forgiveness is possible: in other words, such offence represents blasphemy against the
Holy Spirit, for which the Lord tells us elsewhere that no forgiveness is obtainable. Jesus makes this crystal clear in
Matthew Chapter 12, verses 31-32: 'Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto
men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word
against the Son of man [Jesus], it shall be forgiven him; but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not
be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come'. This is repeated in Mark, Chapter 3, verses 28-29:
'Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewithsoever they shall
blaspheme; But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal
damnation'. See also Note 7.
9. Psalm 127, verse 1. This is a Psalm of Solomon, who was preparing to build the First Temple at the time. It
recognised that if the Lord was not 'on side', the project would ultimately fail.
10. Psalm 32, verse 10.
11. Psalm 119, verse 165.
12. 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's most Powerful Secret Society', edited by Robert A.
(Kris) Millegan, TrineDay, LLC, Walterville, OR 97489, 2003, ISBN 0-9752906-0-6.
13. 'Fleshing Out Skull & Bones: Investigations into America's most Powerful Secret Society', Edited by Robert A
(Kris) Millegan, op. cit. This is an excellent compendium of information, including historical articles and materials, on
Skull and Bones, a.k.a., 'The Order'. It should be noted that many llluminist organisations are referred to internally as
'The Order' - including Ordo Templi Orientis, Opus Dei, the Society of Jesus (Jesuits), and the sect of the llluminati,
which has infiltrated governance and key organisations - including Freemasonry, the Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses
and many others. Indeed, as observed elsewhere in this book, the use of the term 'The Order' to describe an organisation
or sect signifies that the organisation in question is a component of the llluminati. All are mechanisms of mind-control
and personality modification.
14. These details are taken from the summary by Kris Millegan in 'Fleshing out Skull and Bones', op.cit, pages 1 et
seq.. Not all the quotations are supported by references, but the research is considered by other analysts to be
15. Margaret Elizabeth Stucki, 'War on light: The Destruction of the Image of God in Man Through Modern Art',
Freedom University Press, Florida, 1975, page 7; recited by the late Skull and Bones expert Antony C. Sutton in
'America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones', Liberty House Press, Billings,
Montana, 1986, ISBN 0-937765-02-3.
16. The Author was informed in early 2005 by a senior US intelligence official, in an email, that the tsunami was
induced/natural, which was an oblique way of confirming that it was induced. Separately, another senior US
intelligence official has informed the Author specifically that the tsunami was artificially induced for control purposes,
and that the atrocity was a cooperative operation involving several important countries, including the United States,
Russia and probably the United Kingdom. 1 7. Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 9, verse 1 .
Chapter 2: The Curse of Yale
1 8. Romans, Chapter 1 , verses 28-32.
19. 'Fleshing out Skull and Bones', op. cit., page 418, in an essay entitled: 'God and Man and Magic at Yale', one of a
number of related treatises in this volume.
20. The Torah: A Modern Commentary', Union of American Hebrew Congregations, New York, Rabbi W Gunther
Plant, Ed., 191 2-, ISBN 0-8074-0055-6, page 624.
21. Urim and Thummim: 'And thou Shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim' [Exodus,
Chapter 28, verse 30; 'And he put the breastplate upon him [Aaron]; also he put in the breastplate the Urim and the
Thummim' [Leviticus, Chapter 8, verse 8]; 'And of Levi, he said, Let thy Thummim and thy Urim be with thy holy one'
[Deuteronomy, Chapter 33, verse 8]; 'And the Tirshatha [Governor] said unto them, that they should not eat of the
most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim' [Ezra, Chapter 2, verse 63]; 'And the
Tirshatha said unto them, that they should not eat of the most holy things, till there stood up a priest with Urim and
Thummim' [Nehemiah, Chapter 7, verse 65]. Since they used the Hebrew words Urim and Thummim, it is evident that
the assembled Oxford and Cambridge academics who translated the King James Bible were ignorant of, or could not
agree upon, an appropriate translation of these two terms. This uncertainty is echoed, as indicated, in the findings of
the modern rabbinical authorities, who are nevertheless consistent in asserting that Urim and Thummim were indeed
devices of the oracle, meaning Yes and No.
22. The General Epistle of James, Chapter 1 , verse 8, and verse 6.
23. 'I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man cometh to the Father but by me'. John, Chapter 14 verse 6.
24. See Note 25 and the quotation from 'Morals and Dogma' by Albert Pike, on this page (43).
25. Pike, Albert, 'Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry', first published 1 871 ,
House of the Temple, Washington DC, 1 969, page 321 .
26. Reiteration of the relevant somewhat tedious information about Yale's many secret societies is not attempted in
extensive detail here, since that work has been done by others. The most recent compendium of such information is the
mentioned volume, 'Fleshing Out Skull and Bones', edited by Kris Millegan, op. cit. The first serious modern study was
undertaken by the late Antony C. Sutton in 'America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and
Bones', Liberty House Press, Billings, Montana, 1986, ISBN 0-937765-02-3, op. cit.
27. Clarence W. Mendel, from 'Fifty Years of Yale News', 'Yale Daily News', 28th January 1928, New Haven, CT; cited
in 'Fleshing Out Skull and Bones', op. tit, pages 521 et seq..
28. Andrei Navrozov, The Gingerbread Race: A Life in the Closing World Once Calle Free', Picador, Pan Books
Limited, Pan Macmillan Publishers Limited, London and Basingstoke, UK, 1993, ISBN 0-330-37636-8.
29. 'At Skull and Bones, Bush's Secret Club Initiates Ream Gore', Ron Rosenbaum, The New York Observer', 12th
September 2004.
30. Andrei Navrozov, The Gingerbread Race', op. cit., page 279
31 . First Epistle of Paul to the Corinthians, Chapter 6, verse 1 9: 'What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the
Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?' Luke, Chapter 17, verse 21 : 'Neither shall
they say, Lo here! or, lo there! For, behold, the Kingdom of God is within you'. See also Acts, Chapter 8, verse 48:
'Howbeit the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands'. Temple- and cathedral-building is spiritually
diversionary. Speculative masonry is therefore itself derived from a spiritual blind alley.
32. // Corinthians, Chapter 1 1, verse 14. The entire passage (verses 13-15) is of crucial importance for anyone who wishes
to see through the diversions of the Devil, including those perpetrated by fake formal religion: 'For such are false apostles,
deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel: for Satan himself is transformed into an angel
of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be
according to their works'. But in the case of The Order of Skull and Bones, this abomination is so evil that no attempt is
made to hide its filthiness, its foul-mouthed vulgarity, and its Satanic orientation. The Order's attempts to cover up its
devilish occultic aberrations have become less and less effective in recent years, and the truly abominable nature of this
Curse of Yale has been and is being exposed. This is happening because, as Jesus Christ clearly warned, no evil secrets
can be covered up for ever. The criminalised intelligence community exerts massive energy in covering up past criminal
operations, or botches, thereby revealing that it is perfectly well aware that the activities in question (such as drug
operations) are criminal abominations. Let the Lord speak clearly to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see: 'For
there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was anything kept secret, but that it should come abroad'
[Mark, Chapter 4, verse 22]; 'For
In October 2005, intelligence operatives attended the Munich Beer Festival - accompanied by an overhead
satellite. Why did they need a satellite at the Beer Fest? Because the real reason for their presence at this
convivial event was not to get themselves legless on Bavarian brews, but rather to monitor the HQ of German
long-range Nazi Continuum strategic deception intelligence, based at Dachau, near Munich - Deutsche
Verteidigungs Dienst. In the same month, the Author published an issue of his financialjournal International
Currency Review, in which the late Sir Edward Heath, Lord (Roy) Jenkins, and Geoffrey Rippon (who, with Heath,
signed the British EEC Accession Treaty) were exposed as agents of the Abwehr (DVD), so that the Treaty, having
been signed by traitors engaged in strategic deception, was and remains null and void. The Author also exposed the
fact that successive EU Collective treaties have been procured by means of corrupt 'payola' payments - naming
specific sums paid to key political figures in exchange for their services in trying to procure the failed European
Constitution Treaty.
As a consequence of the Dachau surveillance operation identified above, it has been confirmed to this Author
that George H. W. Bush Sr. was (as of 2006) allegedly the actual head of the German 'Black' agency - while other
significant DVD penetrations were identified. So the writing is on the wall for the German long-range strategic
deception planners, who, though in control of accumulated stolen funds on a prodigious scale, thought that their
cover was impenetrable, and that any complicity in the 9/11 and 7/7 atrocities would never be discovered. As
always, they went too far, and may pay a heavy price. ■
nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither anything hid, that shall not be known and come abroad'
[Luke, Chapter 8, verse 17].
33. Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 2 verses 1 -8: 'And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord
in one place. And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled all the house where
they were sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them. And they
were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance. And there
were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven. Now when this was noised abroad,
the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.
And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, behold, are not all these which speak Galileans? And now
hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?' There follows a list of the foreign places from which the
Jews of the diaspora, who were at Jerusalem, came, and the languages in which the Apostles and disciples who were filled
with the Holy Spirit, were speaking. In other words, what they said made perfect sense in these foreign languages: whereas,
in the instance of false 'speaking in tongues' described in the main text, the output heard by the Author over the telephone
was chaotic, hideous, without meaning, joined-up and, to anyone not 'in the Word', would have sounded terrifying.
Because it was diabolical.
34. This was an extremely unpleasant experience. Not only did this character unleash a torrent of meaningless
demonic gobbldegook three times during the extensive conversation, but he progressively twisted Scripture until it
was obvious that he was beyond aberrant. In retrospect it appeared that the object of this exercise was to test the
Author's faith and knowledge of Scripture, as certain llluminati intelligence cadres have been working for years on
ways to demolish Christian faith, which is done inter alia by studying those whose faith is very strong, to identify why
it 'works' and thus what methods can most effectively be used to neutralise it. All such efforts have historically failed
and will of course continue to fail, since 'Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my words shall not pass away' [Matthew,
Chapter 24, verse 35] The operative then demanded that we send him ALL our publications, shouting 'I want everything
you publish. I don't care what it costs, d'you hear me?' So we duly obliged. It was bizarre, and indicative of how
deranged many of these people are.
35. There is really little difference between the evil enticement by these means of naive, if headstrong, young
undergraduates, and the corruption of children. Both deny the individual the opportunities which life offers and
represent blasphemy against the Holy Spirit.
36. The identity of the lady who provided the late Antony Sutton with the bound copy containing very extensive
historical listings of 'Bonesmen' is known to the Author.
37. These names are selected from an alphabetical list of 'Bonesmen' to be found on pages 675-693 of 'Fleshing out
Skull and Bones', edited by Kris Millegan, op. cit.
38. This drug network is documented in a number of works, including: 'The Politics of Heroin in South East Asia', by
Alfred McCoy, Harper & Row, 1991; The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence & International Fascism', by Henrik
Kruger, South End Press, 1980 [A/ofe; South End Press is a far-left US publishing house; however the facts in this book
are accurate]; and 'Double-Cross: The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America', by Sam and
Chuck Giancana, Warner Books, 1992. See also: 'Kiss the Boys Goodbye: How the United States betrayed its Own
POWs in Vietnam', by Monika Jensen-Stevens & William Stevenson, Plume, 1991; and The Big White Lie: The Deep
Cover Operation That Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War', Michael Levine, Thunder's Mouth [sic]. See also
Chapter 3 of the present work.
39. 'Fleshing out Skull & Bones', op. cit., page 1 1 .
40. Statement reported personally in 1995 to the Author by William Norman Grigg, a Senior Editor with The New
American', P.O. Box 8040, Appleton, Wl 54912.
41 . 'Kiss the Boys Goodbye', op. cit,: see Note 1 7.
42. The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed', Russell S. Bowen, America West, P.O. Box 2208,
Carson City, NV 89702, ISBN 0-922356-80-7, page 101. Also available through: Emissary Publications, PMB 1776,9205
S.E. Clackamas Road, Clackamas, OR 97015. Telephone: 503-824 2050.
43. The Immaculate Deception', op. cit., pages 98-99.
44. 'Fleshing out Skull and Bones', op. cit., page 303, quoting with permission from Chapter Four of 'George Bush: The
Unauthorized Biography', 'Executive Intelligence Review', 1992, written by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin,
which contains more information about George Bush than any other source the Author knows. The problem with the book
is that it was published by 'Executive Intelligence Review', an organisation run by the alleged counterintelligence
operative Lyndon Larouche, who was a Marxist-Leninist agitator in the 1960s. However several researchers working
for this outfit have excellent track records, so it is problematical for analysts to accept this source as genuine. On the
one hand, the organisation publishing such material is hampered by an allegedly unfavourable reputation, while on the
other hand some of their analysts work to the highest standards. All other considerations aside, the main problem with
the analyses undertaken by these people is their habit of stringing long lines of connections together and drawing
conclusions from the links such connections allegedly imply. All research into Skull and Bones, and into the history of
the Bush family and the Nazi connections of Prescott Bush, suffer from this problem: in particular, 'straight' Skull and
Bones research cannot avoid extensive analyses of the relevant personnel and their connections and activities both at
Yale College and afterwards. The sober analyst must therefore be on guard; but as with all such research, truth and
factual information can be recognised for what it is, and separated out from conjecture. The sources cited in this Chapter
all pass necessary credibility tests: indeed, in 'Fleshing out Skull and Bones', the weakest essay is by an academic who
plays around with 'conspiracy theory', obviously unaware that Lenin specifically proclaimed, in writing, that his Revolution
was part of a massive conspiracy. The Author can illustrate the kind of linkages that are suspect, few of which are
evident in these works, but which do appear in past work by 'Executive Intelligence Review'. For instance, the Author
was both at Eton and an undergraduate at Christ Church, Oxford, at exactly the same time as Lord (Jacob) Rothschild.
The kind of false analysis which is criticised here would deduce from these facts that Christopher Story knows, is in
thrall to, acts on the instructions of, does the bidding of, is part of the circle of, and advocates New World Order policies
espoused by, Lord Rothschild, all of which statements would be untrue. Rothschild's estate lies only a few miles away
from where the Author is writing this book: but nothing whatsoever can be read into this, just as none of the other
speculations, if ever made (which they never have been) could be verified.
Chapter 2: The Curse of Yale
45. The Final Solution and US Martial Law: The Deadly Link', by Pam Schuffert: unpublished monograph report from
Germany, 2002, supplied to the Author by the distinguished US researcher and warrior for sanity, Charlotte Iserbyte.
The Author's reference to the comment by a key US intelligence operative interviewed by the Author in June 2005
is of exceptional importance, as it confirms his suspicion that a number of talented and dedicated operatives were
deceived by their own controllers, a widely-used technique which has special relevance here. Understanding that
such people were deceived enables us to resolve conflicts arising from the fact that they participated in operations which
were clearly Luciferian, and yet are now ready and willing to warn the world of the consequences of the
llluminati's intended hegemony.
46. 'Fleshing Out Skull and Bones', Kris Millegan, op. cit, page 20.
47. Revelation, Chapter 3, verse 20.
48. Isaiah, Chapter 1 , verse 18. It is possible for almost all to be saved: after all, with God, anything is possible. But any
member of the llluminati who reads this book must realise that repentance is an absolute prerequisite for salvation. The
example of the conversion of the Apostle Paul is an expression of the hope and opportunity we have for salvation:
members of the llluminati sect are not precluded, provided they have not participated in blasphemy against the Holy
Spirit. If they have done this unknowingly, they may still be OK' (eligible for salvation') as our Lord's stricture on this
issue is not absolute, if the text is read carefully. See Notes 1 and 8.
49. America's Secret Establishment', Antony C. Sutton, op. cit, pages 5-6.
50. The article by Ron Rosenbaum cited by Antony Sutton appeared in 'Esquire', September 1 977, and was entitled: The
Last secrets of Skull and Bones'. Sutton comments on page 6 of his book, in a note: 'Unfortunately, the article completely
misses the historical significance of Skull and Bones, although it is an excellent source of lurid details and the
mumbo-jumbo rites'.
51 . Gospel of John, Chapter 8, verse 44.
52. Manly R Hall, The Lost keys of Freemasonry or The Secret of Hiram Abiff, page 48, Macoy Publishing and
Masonic Supply Company, Inc., Richmond, VA, 1923-1976, ISBN 0-88053-044-8, which is 'Dedicated to the Seekers of
Light wherever dispersed upon the face of the globe'.
53. America's Secret Establishment', Antony C. Sutton, op. cit., page 7.
54. Essay on Demosthenes by Plutarch, written about 75 BC, translated by John Dryden.
Criminalism is a word coined by the Author for use in his financial serial publications to distinguish officially
sponsored criminal operations from 'stand-alone' mafia-style organised crime.
Criminalism means the exploitation of state-sponsored criminal operations in the interests of strategy, an activity
that is manifestly open to abuse. For instance, according to Pat Cameron, a former Los Angeles-based attorney for
the US Secret Service/Treasury intelligence operative Leo Wanta, former President George Bush Sr. allegedly
sought to withdraw $210 billion of funds from one of the myriad Title 18, Section 6 US Government intelligence-
sponsored corporations set up by Wanta for the implementation of state intelligence operations. Leo Wanta, a
co-signatory of the account, refused to apply his signature, pointing out that the funds in the bank accounts of
one of the offshore Ameritrust corporations belonged to the US Government, not to an individual. Partly because
of his refusal to meet the former President's wishes, and because separately - in his role as a US Treasury/Secret
Service analyst and Trustor - he wrote on a financial print-out that he was auditing 'Acceptance of value by former
U.S. President of the United States George (Jorge) Bush is direct violation of our USA Title 5, Section 7353, et seq.: Jim
Baker III told me to just "Shut Up", as I am protected by Rogers Houston Memorandum to Co-operate', but I kept
Receipts & Notes', he was subsequently arrested on trumped-up charges, falsely alleged by officials to be
dead, and made to suffer extreme humiliation and imprisonment/house arrest for an imposed period of
many years: just for doing his duty. Separately, Hillary Clinton allegedly withdrew a very large sum of money
from Grenada-based Crazier Bank. She and her CIA operative husband have acquired property in Ireland, to
which they may intend to flee should the authorities finally decide that they must be prosecuted - there being
no extradition treaty between Ireland and the United States.
President Ronald Reagan's Executive Order 12333 [see box, page 20], which, in 1981, authorised the
establishment by intelligence cadres of corporations at home and abroad for intelligence purposes, and
for their sponsorship and ownership to be denied, opened up myriad opportunities for corruption by
intelligence operatives. Powerful intelligence 'barons' and other senior figures who control US intelligence
offshore bank accounts may be liable from time to time to be tempted to take some of the funds for their own
purposes. So many instances of this behaviour have been identified by the Author that it is concluded that a
proxy US mob gang war has been raging for years between cadres of operatives owing allegiance to competing-
cooperating barons, as they struggle for control of colossal US financial assets. At the same time, trillions of
dollars' worth of funds have been misappropriated. This is the mirror image of what has of course been routine
practice in the criminalised 'former' USSR.
Gorbachev's Politburo authorised similar 'private' corporations a decade after President Reagan's
Executive Order 12333, as a consequence of which the number of Soviet intelligence-linked corporations
ballooned - many of them carrying the tell-tale suffix 'ex'. A similar situation has accordingly arisen in the
former' Soviet Union, where the Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) officer serving as President, V. Putin, has been
masterminding a campaign to force intelligence officers like Mikhail Khodorkovsky to disgorge the 'assets of the
state' which were 'temporarily' privatised into their hands in order to fool the international community with a
'new form' of Leninist 'state controlled capitalism'.
In short, llluminati money operations typically devolve into ruthless criminal behaviour. ■
Because the Dluminati secretly run the global drug networks - as will be revealed by the
Dluminati defector whose ghastly findings about this global control sect are reviewed in
Chapter 7 - and because the historical connections between the Luciferian Skull and Bones
society at Yale College and drug-trafficking have been discussed in Chapter Two, this
Chapter addresses the dmg-tramcking dimension of the New Underworld Order.
Specifically, it reveals the massive, decades-long involvement of German-linked elements of
the United States' intelligence community in drug-trafficking - arguably the biggest sub-
scandal of the myriad scandals touched upon in this book (which of course, necessarily
scratches only the surface of these issues, since it is impossible (a) for any single human
brain to encompass the enormity of what is going on and (b) no single individual can
possibly, via the public domain, amass details of the innumerable dmg-trafficking networks,
scams and operations that are being worked overtime at any given moment).
To start with, though, it is necessary to correct certain misapprehensions. First, this book is
not intended as a blanket attack on the US intelligence community, but rather upon the
rotten components of it which are manipulated by the (Dachau) Forces of Darkness. The
Author knows that many honourable US intelligence officers exist: indeed, he has had the
privilege of knowing a few of them. These people are known to be disgusted and
demoralised by the cancer of corruption, and not a little concerned at the magnificent
opportunities it offers, by definition, to covert continuing enemies of the United States for
blackmail, and for consolidation of the scourge of interpenetration which has immobilised
intelligence agencies of the Great Powers. Secondly, the Author knows that it has been
suggested, inaccurately, in some quarters that the Author has 'done an about face' - focusing
on what is wrong in the West in general and the United States in particular, rather than, as
in the past, on the Soviet dimension of the World Revolution.
This is inaccurate: those who have made such allegations have failed to understand,
or refuse to consider, the reality that the Dluminati's preferred methodology is to manipulate
'opposites' (the Hegelian dialectic), with the intention of creating the conditions for
'progress' towards their global control objective. In general terms, therefore, the division
of ideologies into 'left' and 'right' is a crude, populist deception for consumption by the
masses which observers and analysts need to see through, before any reliable
understanding of the world's problems can emerge. The corollary to the unjust allegation
in question is that the Author is not paying adequate attention to the continuing
Russian/Soviet dimension of the criminalist onslaught upon the West. That is untrue: the
first two books published by this Author's book publishing company,
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Edward Harle Limited - The Perestroika Deception by the Soviet defector, Anatoliy
Golitsyn, and Red Cocaine, by Dr Joseph D. Douglass Jr. [see:] -
explicitly addressed the Soviet dimension of the World Revolution, and the covert Soviet
drug offensive against the West. A further, later, investigation - this Author's own analysis,
The European Union Collective - revealed how the European Union, as Gorbachev
proclaimed in London on 23rd March 2000 - is 'the New European Soviet'.
The focus of this book on the United States reflects several considerations. First, the
United States has long since imported, and integrated into its 'class' Zeitgeist primarily via Yale
College, the entire baggage developed by the rUurninati, a hyperactive-ly powerful, evil sect
born and bred in Germany which serves as a deep covert instrument for the fulfilment of
long-range German strategy to establish irreversible global hegemony. This deep penetration
has laid the basis for the unprecedented crisis that America faces today, because few US
strategists have a clear grasp of its significance. The Thousand- Year Reich is a concept
normally associated with Hitler: but in actual fact, it represents a long-term strategy
elaborated by pan-Germans spanning the years from Frederick the Great, Bismarck,
Haushofer and their Nazi heirs onwards. Secondly, this study's focus on the United States
reflects the reality that Britain and the United States remain decisively 'the joint Main
Enemy', in the eyes of both German (covert Nazi) and the Soviet (covert Marxist-Leninist)
strategists, who have systematically, acting secretly together at the intelligence level,
subverted and decapitated British power and global authority, and are concurrently engaged
in massive Fifth Column and subversion operations in the United States (although they
both underestimate the huge military strength of the United Kingdom, which remains truly
awesome). These strategists see control over the United States as the key to global control,
which is why the United States is the primary target of covert continuing German (Nazi
International) global deception strategy, masterminded by the Dachau-based Nazi 'Black
German intelligence service, Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, or DVD [covert German
Defence Service] which with back-up assistance from the parallel French Black covert
intelligence operation, manipulates and ultimately controls, with a separate Soviet
dimension, the Islamic tenorist networks spun originally from the Muslim Brotherhood. This
was established by the Abwehr in the Middle East during the 1920s in order to undermine
British influence in the region - Al-Qaeda having been definitively identified as a
manipulated instrument of the DVD. It will be shown in Chapter 8 that the Nazi Continuum
has specifically stated, in a document captured by the Allies in the early 1950s, its intention of
establishing the Thousand- Year Reich on the ruins of the United States. The German offensive
against Britain is today concentrated mainly in the EU entrapment mechanism
Although, given the focus of this book, this Chapter addresses the scandal of US
intelligence drag operations and collaboration with organised criminal elements, it is not
to be assumed that the Author is unaware of the nefarious drug-peddling activities of the
British, German, French, Spanish, Dutch, Israeli, Chinese and probably the Swiss
authorities. Cadres of French and German intelligence have been proliferating drag-
trafficking operations, for decades. Clean' British intelligence sources advise that the Nazi
apparat under Hitler, presided over by that evil genius Heinrich Himmler and the Abwehr,
were well aware of the demoralising impact of drugs as a sabotage weapon. As Dr Joseph D.
Douglass Jr. explains in his book Red Cocaine, the Soviet (and subsequent covert Soviet)
drag-trafficking operations in the Western Hemisphere were and are, to this very day,
coordinated via the Americas Department of the Cuban Communist
Party, which is controlled by the Jesuit-educated intelligence officer, Fidel Castro, whose DGI
intelligence service was always heavily penetrated and directed by KGB operatives. For many
decades, French intelligence has used cocaine-trafficking proceeds to penetrate and sustain
the US Democratic Party, while the Republican Party has been the beneficiary of heroin-
related proceeds developed by German (DVD) intelligence assets. The identity of one such
asset is exposed in this Chapter. Spanish 'Black' intelligence is devilishly criminalised,
exploiting its Latin American connections, especially in Colombia, for drug-trafficking and
covert blackmail and bankrolling purposes - with Spain today awash with drugs and
allegedly used (until he was ordered out of Spain in June 2006) by George Bush Sr.'s Latin
American drug-related deliveries into Europe on behalf of the DVD. Chinese intelligence
were running drugs long before Mao Tse-Tung used drugs against his own people prior to
1949, after which he presided over the externalisation of Chinese Communist drug activities,
with a regional focus. In the 19th century, British and American interests were, as noted in
the preceding Chapter, involved in opium and general narcotics trading at the expense of
Far Eastern Untermenschen. So the involvement of intelligence communities - which are
primarily occultic secret societies - in criminal drug operations independently from and in
collaboration with, self-standing organised criminal networks, has been the norm for
perhaps two hundred years.
A senior US intelligence operative told the Author in 2005 that 'if you attack the drug
operations, they will kill you'. He said this not in order to threaten, but to enlighten. To
which the obvious answer is that no part of the known truth is eligible for suppression.
Drug-related intelligence criminality perpetrated by so-called civilised nations is a Satanic
aberration that reveals the criminal nature of the governments that permit such activities,
even on the 'pragmatic' ground that 'everyone else is doing it, so we have no choice. There is
no alternative'. Actually, there is: what a national government thus compromised has the
option of doing is to voluntarily renounce, and to order all its structures to cease and desist
from, all drug-related activity - on pain of the same severe penalties that are (or ought to
be) served up to drug traffickers at every level. Those who will reply that 'the world is not
like thaf (as one worldly-wise and deeply cynical US intelligence operative said to the
Author in March 2005), need to look at themselves in the mirror, take stock, and repent -
or they will indeed 'die in their sins'.
However, this certainty does not seem to alarm them. For the evil people we are talking
about are indoctrinated with the Nietschian nihilism expressed on the grim engraving upon the
west wall of the Skull and Bones 'Tomb' on the Yale campus: 'Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode
gleich'. For such people, death is 'the terminus': yet their demented occultic 'religion'
impregnates them with the Luciferian lie that we live in a 'mechanistic world' and that they, as
'chosen ones', are privileged to be empowered (through ritualistic progression) to manipulate
the opposing 'mechanistic forces' of 'good' and 'evil' (although they do not in fact believe in
good and evil at all, notwithstanding that in their blinded eyes, Lucifer' is good and Jesus
Christ (uniquely) is perceived to be the personification of evil, given that the Devil 'turns
everything upside down'). And to 'compensate' them for the absence of any hope arising
from their obeying the Evil One, these Luciferian occultic Masonic nutcases have invented
the ludicrous delusion of 'reincarnation'.
So to 'hope' for any of the competing Great Powers to renounce the drug-trafficking
operations of their criminalised intelligence communities will doubtless seem ridic-
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
ulous to any cynical intelligence officer who may have been ordered to read this book. Yet it
is exposure that such people fear most: after all, senior US intelligence officials have boasted,
and expressed pride in the fact that, they control the US media - which they do in order, of
course, to irrinimise exposure. And such control of free speech feeds, necessarily, on itself: as
the darkness descends, exposure of official criminality becomes less and less feasible, but
never impossible to achieve (since the media's controlling intelligence cells can never be
100% certain that 'breakouts' will not occur). These people are 'lost: in whom the god of
this world' (Lucifer, the Prince of this World) hath blinded the minds of them which
believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should
shine unto them' [Paul's Second Epistie to the Corinthians, Chapter 4, verses 3-4]. Those,
therefore, who are feared most, are those into whose souls this brilliant true light has indeed
shined: for if, by accident, any such being should reach appropriate high office, he or she
would be bound, if so empowered, to demand the immediate cessation of all drug-related
operations by the penetrated authorities and their compromised structures, whatever the
consequences. For governments that not only tolerate such activities, but participate in them,
are criminal governments.
For the British political parties, the consequences of any cessation of official drug-related
operations would be severe. In the 1950s and 1960s, the two main British political parties
enjoyed paid-up memberships in excess of one million each. When the Labour Party
(under the corrupted Harold Wilson) and Conservative Party (under the corrupted long-
term German Abwehr agent, Edward Heath: see Chapter 8) embarked upon the treacherous
course of 'taking Britain into Europe', both realised that the British electorate would be
fundamentally antagonistic to the collectivisation and therefore the destruction of their
ancient British sovereignty, that their memberships would decline, and that, accordingly,
some other means of financing would become necessary. The means to hand was, and
remains, drugs. In 1972, when the treasonous German agents Edward Heath and Geoffrey
Rippon signed the UK Treaty of Accession to the European Economic Communities, the
number of heroin addicts was of the order of 30,000. The total number of heroin addicts
today exceeds 300,000; and these people are supported by the (criminalised) National
Heath Service, which provides them with methadone, cynically ensuring that their
demand for heroin after 'treatmenf will continue.
The collapse of political memberships has accelerated in recent years. In May 1997,
when 13,517,911 British electors voted for the Labour Party, the symbol of which is the
Rosicrucian Rose, it had 407,000 members; in May 2005, when 9,547,944 people voted for
Labour, it had 200,000 members. A similar collapse of Conservative Party membership has
occurred. Whereas funds for General Elections were successfully raised in the 1950s and
part of the 1960s by local activists, the flow of funds from the 'grass roots' has to a
considerable extent dried up, as cynicism, propelled by dissatisfaction and disgust at
Britain's corrosive EU membership, has proliferated.
Membership of the European Union, which, as will be explained later, is an operation
of secret German long-range strategic intelligence, has been associated with the corruption of
British politics - the EU and its structures being accustomed to and driven by German-style
corruption on the grand scale [see Chapter 8]. Accordingly, with the penetration of MI6 and
other elements of the British intelligence community, drug operations are now routinely
deployed to bankroll the two main political parties (the Author had
no information at press date on the financing of the Liberal Democrats, although their
limpet-like adherence to and support for the sterile policy of British membership of the
Collective suggests that similar arrangements may apply). And the funds are made
available by certain intelligence cadres, with large sums being transferred from offshore
accounts, in exchange for sizeable rake-offs for the perpetrating 'benefactors' concerned.
Specifically, MI6, under John Scarlett, is oriented towards the German/French axis, with
Scarlett, in particular, suspected of being an asset of Franco-German intelligence. In 2004
and early 2005, MI6 attempted to smear this Author, as he prepared to expose the giga-
financial operation to finance the New Underworld Order presided over by George Bush
Sr., in his financial journal International Currency Review. The Author, pre-warned of this
intention by a veteran British journalist with deep MI6 contacts, proceeded to publish 16
pages of detailed information, in the journal, about how the intended smears were conveyed
to him, ostensibly 'to make you sit up'. Following this 'blow-back, the smearers appeared for
a time to have ceased and desisted. Their clumsy libels against this Author consisted of
allegations that the Author was somehow associated with Sir Mark Thatcher in
connection with the aborted Equatorial Guinea fiasco (in which a group of mainly British
investors / operatives were supposedly engaged in plotting to overthrow the dictatorial
government of that oil-rich country). A second, equally farcical version had the Author
engaged in some underhand transaction in Monaco with Bernie Ecclestone, the British
motor racing king-pin, an alleged drug dealer who was involved in the notorious Great
Train Robbery in the 1960s. Such absurd inventions, concocted inside the MI6 building,
overlooked the well-known fact that the Author works 24/7, 365 days of the year on his
business's books and serials, so that there would be no time for any such stupid ventures. The
veteran British journalist who retailed the Mark Thatcher invention, Gordon Thomas, warned
the Author that MI6 had obtained unspecified false information about the Author, which had
been retailed to the British media. This outrage was also reported in International Currency
In the light of the Author's knowledge that elements of MI6 are not only 'working with'
German and French intelligence against Britain's interests, but that MI6 is in the habit of
frustrating the work of honest MB operatives working round the clock against the Al-
Qaeda cells ultimately controlled by German 'Black intelligence, one can see why MI6
stupidly dislikes the Author and all his works. That corrupted intelligence organisation will
dislike him all the more for revealing, herewith, that MI6 accommodates the GO-2 'anti-drug'
cadre of UK intelligence community, at their Lambeth headquarters, and that GO-2, far from
curbing drug-trafficking into Britain, actively encourages and facilitates it. Specifically, it
coordinates two drug cartels which are the sources of corrupt drug finance made available to the
main British political parties by its 'good offices'. After informing the Author of these
dreadful facts, the reliable intelligence sources who provided this information, added in
unison: 'Britain has a criminal government'. It is to be hoped that these necessary exposures
will help any critics in the United States to understand that both our countries are victims
and at the same time perpetrators of these unspeakable evils, so that this book's focus on
the evils identified inside the US structures and society, must not be construed as being in
any way indicative of bias on the part of the Author against the United States.
Knowing how sensitive Americans are to criticism of any kind, this needed to be said,
not least since the Author is a frequent visitor to the United States and a devoted fan of that
great country. Indeed the Author's very familiarity with parts of America has,
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
in part, motivated this investigation - which has been assisted by the relative trans-
parency of US society, and by tensions caused by foreign penetration inside US intelligence:
the underlying source of leaks by paradoxically dissident loyal US operatives.
Keeping the main British political parties afloat and at times awash with drug
money has of course irreparably corrupted the British political system, converting the
genuine democracy that flourished up to the 1950s and 1960s into a the decadent crim-
inalised cess-pit that we see before our eyes today. The reverse of the drug money coin is, of
course, the familiar word: BLACKMAIL. Should a key political party, or elements within it,
show signs of deviating from 'the agenda', GO-2 and MI6 have the means, shall we say,
of ensuring that any such intended 'deviancy' is brought back 'on message' with minimal
delay. In the unlikely event of a 'mishap', taking the form of some indiscreet politician
persisting with deviations from 'the line', heavy hints or threats are issued concerning the
dire consequences liable to attend any such departure. And what is the 'line' to which all the
main UK political parties are required to adhere so rigidly? You guess right: no rocking of
the European Union boat. No talk of Britain leaving the German-dominated European Union.
And of which key country is the European Union a long-term foreign policy strategic
extension and deception? Answer: Germany. The key political parties are paid for by drug
money, coordinated by the DVD, Dachau.
German intelligence has always influenced and been present deep within foreign targeted
intelligence and policymaking circles - not least within the Soviet intelligence and
Communist Party structures. The Dluminist Grigory Efimovich Rasputin-Novy was widely
assumed by the Russian nobility to be a German subversion operative. As Edvard Radzinsky
has explained in his book Rasputin: The Last Word' [Weidenfeld and Nicholson, and Phoenix,
Orion Books Ltd., London, 2000, page 527]: At the time, they were already saying on every
[street] comer and in every home that Rasputin was in the pay of German agents. And
Rasputin, and the Tsarina who deferred to him, and [Anya] Vryubova [the Tsarina's closest
friend] - the 'dark forces' - decided to lead Russia out of the war'. But that, indeed, was what
Rasputin, who had been prepositioned with the Imperial Family by German intelligence
prior to the war, was instructed to do.
It is, indeed, a speciality of German intelligence to position operatives at the heart of
targeted royalty. For instance, Mrs Wallis Simpson, a dark and sinister (as well as being an
unsurprisingly ugly) woman, has been described to the Author by an intelligence source
as a German agent, whose task had been to persuade King Edward VLLI of the necessity of
not impeding the Third Reich's plans in general, and remaining neutral in any war that
might break out, in particular.
And an incident in which Prince Harry, who once showed signs of excessively wild
youthful behaviour, was photographed dressed up in a Nazi era uniform was, the Author is
reliably informed, a typical discrediting operation masterminded by the Deutsche
Verteidigungs Dienst, which, like its Abwehr predecessor, has a long history of intermeddling
with targeted European Royal Families. The fact that the British Royal Family is of partly
German origin is not material, as the family and its national loyalties predate the
hyperactivity phase of German Illuminism.
Finally, Lavrentii Beria, Stalin's odious Uluminati secret police chief, was a long-
serving German deep penetration agent. While his (Jewish) boss, the Illuminist Josef
Stalin (Djugashvili), was alive, Beria was accustomed to dining with the tyrant in the
middle of the night (as Stalin, being 'of the darkness', preferred, like the occult Illuminist
Hitler, to work at night: the daylight bothered him). Beria certainly maximised the potential for
implementing Karl Marx's vow to procure the destruction of as much of humanity as possible. But as
soon as Stalin was dead, Beria took it upon himself to travel to East Germany, with the intention
of procuring the outcome that was finally orchestrated by Soviet military intelligence under
Vladimir Putin in 1989-91, directed by KGB Supremo Gorbachev.
As for the German Illuminist, Karl Marx, likewise of Jewish extraction (but having had
a Protestant upbringing), he abandoned his early Christian learning well before his twenties
(as did Stalin, who had been a seminary student in his teens), and took to writing demonic
poetry and plays. In his poem 'The Pale Maiden', Karl Marx wrote: Thus Heaven I've
forfeited, I know it full well. My soul, once true to God, Is chosen for Hell'. This is
uncannily close to the 'lyric' belted out by the Finnish Illuminati-controlled devil Lordi at the
51st Eurovision 'Song' Contest on 20th May 2006: Wings on my back, I got horns on my
head, My fangs are sharp, and my eyes are red: Not quite an angel or the one that fell; Now
choose to join us [the whole point - Ed.] or go straight to Hell'.
As he became demon-possessed, having, like Lenin, Stalin and Hitler, indulged in
occult activities, Marx's private writings became openly demonic. Marx was enticed into the
occult while at University - just as 'tapped' Yale 'Bonesmen' are enticed into occultism by
means of the intensified crash course in demonic possession that they so eagerly embrace
after being 'chosen'. Having proclaimed in one youthful outburst identified by the Romanian
hero and Pastor, Richard Wurmbrand, who discovered and examined Marx's poems, plays
and other writings, and his letters to his father1, that 'Nothing but revenge is left to me', Marx
spent the rest of his life, which he lived in unclean, dishevelled chaos, in pursuit of revenge
against the Lord Almighty: 'I wish to avenge myself against the One who rules above', he
wrote, thus revealing that, contrary to the common supposition, he was far from being an
atheist. You can't take revenge against someone who doesn't exist.
'Embracing me', he wrote under demonic possession, 'the world will dumbly pass
away, And then sink down to utter nothingness...'. And, having abandoned God,
imagining he could spite the power that creates life, he dedicated his existence to turning
truth upside down, which meant, as it means today, substituting death ('collateral damage')
for life. Incredibly, too, Marx actually revealed, in an early poem, that he intended to 'go
all the way' to becoming 'like a god' - the temptation elaborated at the beginning of the
Book of Genesis, propelled by the 'seething energies of Lucifer'2: for in one screaming
poem, he wrote, according to Pastor Wurmbrand's research: With disdain I will throw my
gauntlet Full in the face of the world, And see the collapse of this pygmy giant [God] Whose
fall will not stifle my ardour. Then I will wander godlike and victorious Through the ruins of
the world And, giving my words an active force' [i.e., empowering them with the 'seething
energy' derived from his 'familiar' spirit(s)], T will feel equal to the Creator' (even though
Marx says that the Creator will have 'collapsed').
Such was, and remains to this day, the madness and demonic energy typical of
members of the huge covert sect of the Illuminati, spawned originally from a Jesuit cradle in
Germany. These are Tosf souls who consciously seek to outwit the prophesy of the
greatest of all the Lord's prophets, Isaiah: How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer,
son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!'
(i.e., Lucifer weakens the nations, as we see so clearly today). 'For thou hast said in thine heart,
I will ascend into Heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God... I will ascend
above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High'3.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
The Soviet Government established by Trotsky and Lenin was the first large-scale
pitch-Black niuminati-sponsored regime of the modem era, despite having been for-
mulated and directed mainly by operatives of Jewish extraction (for the wuminati are
neutral and agnostic about Jewishness, even though many are Jews: they use the Jews, and
having made full use of their talents, discard them later, as necessary, while at the same time
reserving the option of using them as scapegoats for their own open-ended criminality, as will be
explained in Chapter 7 on the Dluminati. This is one of the most disturbing characteristics of
what the Apostie Paul referred to as 'the mystery of iniquity'4.
The second such modem Great Power Illuminist abomination was of course Nazi
Germany. Following the fall of Hitler's regime - which the whole world mistakenly
assumed 'meant' the collapse of Nazism - many similar abominations, modelled along
Illuminist lines, sprang into existence: the Communist Chinese and Cambodian regimes and,
most conspicuously today, the Illuminist regimes of North Korea, of Cuba and of Libya's
Colonel Qadhaffi (who has surely one of the most evil of all recognisable faces)
- and of the former Iraqi Ba'ath regime presided over by the IUuminist Saddam Hussein.
That particular system was directiy based upon the Nazi model, being originally a ere
ation of covert Nazi intelligence. Following the First World War, Hungary experienced a
brief encounter with Llluminism, in the format of the murderous Bela Kun interlude.
Without exception, the speciality of each of these abominations was mass slaughter. And
the Dluminati black regime' model was developed in Germany. It now manifests itself
most conspicuously in the United States, where a Nazi-style 'coup d'etat by instalments'
is in progress 'as we speak', and swat teams with helmets similar to those worn by Nazi
stormtroopers are sent in to stricken cities (like New Orleans) and the Federal Emergency
Management Agency does nothing except belatedly deliver a consignment of 25,000
bodybags. Were these then filled with bodies, or with drugs, as in Vietnam?
Germany's covert orientation towards, and penetration of, the Russian structures, did not
cease with orchestrated, controlled, and typically Leninist 'collapsible Communism', although
Vladimir Putin was reported in mid-2005 to be engaged in measures to purge his structures of
German intelligence agents. That this reported purge was under way highlighted an issue left
unresolved in this Author's first book "The European Union Collective'
- namely that the long-range double-headed 'enemy' of Britain and the United States
(France/Germany-covert USSR), cannot rely upon its own coherence, since these pow
ers are all ambitious, ruthless, and divided against and among themselves. Of course, the
covert Soviet strategic continuum has different ideas about where this will all lead, from
the long-range intentions of covert Nazi intelligence, with its focus on a German-domi
nated 'Thousand- Year Reich to be built on the ruins of the United States. Thus, in May
2002, the top Soviet Mlitary Intelligence (GRU) officer, Vladimir Putin, addressing the
new NATO-Russia Council, felt confident enough to tell the assembled leaders of NATO:
"We should call ourselves the House of the Soviets'. The former Secretary-General of
NATO, Lord Robertson, 'once' a Communist, who was in the Chair, responded by say
ing: 1 will declare that to be a joke' - which, of course, it was not. On the contrary, Putin
was deadly serious, and those present, including President George W Bush, knew it. Yet
even though President Bush Jr. was indeed present, the US President was quoted as par
roting at another public venue, on 17th July 2002: 'Russia is no longer the enemy.
Communism is dead- the old, long since discredited mantra from the 1989-91 period.
Given that the 'collapse of Communism' was orchestrated by Soviet intelligence,
with extensive clandestine financial engineering assistance from the West, it follows that
the Communist dimension of the World Revolution dialectic, including its drug-trafficking
and organised criminal operations, have remained not just intact, but hugely invigorated
by the predicted realisation that the West has remained fast asleep while this strategic
deception proceeds in accordance with the Soviet revolutionary blueprint initially
formulated by the Comintern in 1928 and upgraded after the death of Stalin. This was all
explained in 'The Perestroika Deception'5, by the genuine Soviet defector, Anatoliy Golitsyn,
and is elaborated upon in successive issues of Soviet Analyst6, a publication edited by this
Author. The Soviet (and now covert Soviet) Illuminist regime is 'stand-alone' in terms of its
own revolutionary agenda, in accordance with the routine geomasonic Illuminist discipline
of the dialectic of mechanistic 'opposites'.
Many reports have been published in 'Soviet Analyst' exposing dimensions of ongoing
Soviet criminalist and drug intelligence activities, which are run in parallel with covert
German, French and Spanish intelligence-coordinated drug-trafficking operations.
Addendum 6 on page 695 ('Covert Soviet Financial Seams') is included specifically in order
to emphasise the essential point that Soviet criminalism (= the exploitation by intelligence
of organised criminal operations in the interest of strategy), which is State ('Revolution')
policy, remains a hideous menace: it looks at Soviet intelligence criminalist penetration of the
banking system, glimpses of which slipped into the public domain in the late 1990s in the
context of the scandals surrounding the Soviet intelligence scams involving the
embezzlement of $4.8 billion of IMF money, and Russian money-laundering operations via
Bank of New York, Republic National Bank of New York, and innumerable offshore entities,
including FTMACO, based in Jersey, and various Cyprus-based offshore companies.
Moscow's southern Cyprus-based money-laundering centre was established in the late
1980s by the son of Andrei Gromyko (Katz), the former long-serving Soviet Foreign Minister
and briefly President, who suddenly vanished from his senior position with the Soviet
Academy of [Leninist] Sciences and surfaced in Cyprus, where as indicated he arranged for
Cyprus to be used for Russian intelligence money-laundering purposes - residing in
Limassol, close to the two British Sovereign areas of Akrotiri and Dhekelia. For a number of
years, Gromyko Jr.'s telephone number (under his family name of Katz) could be found in
the Limassol telephone directory.
On 11th November 1999, the Bulgarian Ambassador to the United States, Philip
Dimitrov, addressed a meeting in Washington, DC, attended by the Author. His theme was
the progress of Bulgaria generally 'since the fall of Communism'. As soon as questions were
invited, the Author asked the following question: 'Is the official firm KTNTEX still in business,
run by KGB officers and trafficking in drugs?' KTNTEX is a large, notorious Bulgarian state-
owned conglomerate, run as always by Bulgarian intelligence, which is allegedly involved in
drug-trafficking (almost all corporations with the suffix 'ex' are KGB-related operations).
Taken aback, the Bulgarian Ambassador blurted out that 'the KGB people who were
running KINTEX have been cleaned out' [sic]. This was the first-ever official confirmation
that KINTEX 'was' a KGB corporation. The response also confirmed, first-hand, the Bulgarian
connection to the Uluminati's global-drug-traffick-ing operations. When the Author
pressed home with the supplementary question Is KINTEX still involved in drug-
trafficking?', Mr Dimitrov did not answer the question, but repeated, with some irritation,
his earlier statement that 'the KGB people who were running KINTEX have been cleaned
out'. He then stormed out of the meeting.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
As the Author argued in Soviet Analyst7, if the Bulgarian authorities had been genuinely
interested in getting out of the global drug-trafficking business, why in that case keep
KINTEX alive at all, since its alleged drug operations had been so widely publicised over
the years? Why not at least change the entity's name? Secondly who, exactiy, 'cleans out'
the KGB? No-one, of course, since the relabelled KGB is in the driving seat - in all States
of the 'former' Soviet Bloc, as previously: indeed all East European and other Bloc States'
intelligence services remain in the same subordinate relationship with Soviet intelligence as
was the case prior to the application (by the KGB and GRU) of the 'collapsible Communism'
strategic deception in 1989-91. The same applies to their Interior Ministry structures. The
false-flag, puppet hon'-Communist Bulgarian Government would never have been in any
position to order Soviet KGB officers to leave KINTEX, especially since KINTEX 'was'
so deeply involved in the implementation of Soviet global drugs strategy, which has the
highest priority. Finally, the very fact that KINTEX has remained fully operative
confirmed, without a shadow of doubt, that Mr Dimitrov was being 'economical with the
truth': for, obviously, KINTEX has remained in the global drug business, and under the
control of the (relabelled) KGB, as before. Indeed, given the massive ongoing US
intelligence drug-trafficking operations which will be discussed, there can never have been
any question of former' Soviet Bloc drug-trafficking operations being mothballed or
closed down.
In the 1990s, several prominent Russian officials (Communists masquerading as non'-
Communists, as has by now become routine) made it evident that covert Soviet global
revolutionary strategy entailed the unleashing of an army of Soviet criminal intelligence
operatives into Western structures.
For example, Boris Uvarov, functioning under the label of the Serious Crimes
Investigator of the Russian Federation, made it crystal clear for the benefit of anyone lis-
tening, that Western authorities had still, as late as the early 1990s, failed to realise what was
about to hit them. According to the late Claire Sterling a CIA operative, author and pioneer
of serious open investigations into the interaction of the criminal underworld with
intelligence communities and vice versa, Boris Uvarov, with typical Bolshevik 'candid
arrogance', let the cat out of the bag when he pronounced:
'Naturally it's wonderful that the Iron Curtain is gone, but it was a shield for the West Now
we've opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the rest of the world America is getting
Russian criminals; Europe is getting Russian criminals. TheyH steal everything TheyH occupy
Europe. Nobody will have the resources to stop them You people in the West don't know our
mafiya yet. You will, you will'8.
This offensive represented a primary dimension of Moscow's economic and financial
warfare operations against the West - the reverse of, or 'blowback, in opposition or
response to, the extensive financial and economic warfare offensives being waged by
Western (especially British and American) intelligence specialists against the Soviets and
their fake 'non'-Communist successors in 1989-92. Some of the US Financial Warfare
operations against the former' Soviet Union, including the removal of about 2,000 tonnes
of official gold from the vaults of the Soviet Central Bank (Gosbank) and the degradation of
the rouble, were mastenninded by the heroic and unjustly treated US Secret Service/CIA/FBI
intelligence officer Leo Wanta, whose subsequent exposure of criminal demands by US
Presidents resulted in his illegal incarceration and house arrest.
In his excellent book 'Red Mafiya: How the Russian Mob has invaded America' [Little,
Brown and Company, New York, 2000, page xv], Robert I. Friedman noted that 'the FBI has
described [Vyacheslav Kirillovich] Ivankov as the most powerful Russian mobster in the
United States. Before coming to the U.S. in 1992, he spent many years in the GULAG for a
number of gruesome crimes, including torturing his extortion victims, and he had personally
ordered the killing of so many journalists, police and civilians in Russia that a ruling council
of mob bosses banished him to America. He arrived with several hundred no-neck thugs led
by a former KGB colonel'. According to other sources, at least 17,500 Soviet Military
Intelligence (GRU) operatives were embedded in the United States and its structures by the
mid-1990s - an unconscionable state of affairs which is all the more disconcerting given
that the continuing Soviet GRU controls and supervises the Soviet element of the drug
offensive against the United States and the West. For, naturally, the United States is far
from the only key Western country to have been targeted by covert Soviet (Russian)
intelligence criminalists. The consequences of drug operations in Britain by intelligence
criminalists have predictably proved absolutely disastrous, and the British Government has
consistently covered up the scale of its comprehensive failure in the so-called 'war against
drugs', exactly as has consistently been the case in the United States. Whereas we know,
and the Author documents in this Chapter, that German-linked elements of the vast US
intelligence community are up to their necks in drug-trafficking, and have been so engaged
for decades, the British tradition of official secrecy has hitherto prevented the exposure of
any British intelligence involvement in this Luciferian activity. This can only mean one of
two things: either British intelligence has been able to hide its complicity much more
successfully than the leaky US intelligence community, which is riven by internal strife and
rivalries; or else the British intelligence authorities have rightly refrained from
participating in this evil game. The first alternative is correct: GO-2, a British 'Black
intelligence agency within MI6, not only controls two drug cartels and enables the proceeds
to be deployed to finance the degraded political system, but also feeds cocaine into British
In late August 2002, officers from the (overt) Bavarian Office for the Protection of the
Constitution told the German newspaper 'Die Welt'9 that Russian crime syndicates operating
in Germany had close links to the Russian intelligence structures and also with 'high-ranking
officials from politics and industry in Russia'. According to the German newspaper, in the
past, German law enforcement officials had suspected that only former intelligence agents
were involved with Russian organised crime groups.
But 'today', the report affirmed, they had evidence that active duty officers were
involved. According to unnamed Bavarian officials: 'Often extremely flexible, interlinked
businesses serving primarily money-laundering purposes have been established,
commissioned by Russian intelligence services and criminal organisations'.
The funds earned from these criminal activities flowed mainly into real estate,
restaurants and hotels. Endeavouring to reconstruct the various sophisticated criminal
transactions, the investigators complained that 'through the purposeful establishment of
global links of firms and accounts, the flow-of-funds frequently can hardly be recon-
structed', according to one literal translation from the German. The overt German security
service confirmed separately that Russian organised crime operatives are 'cooperating with'
Russian intelligence officers in criminal businesses engaged in human trafficking, money-
laundering and illegal immigration scams. It made no mention of the massive heroin-
trafficking conducted by the covert Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Thanks to compartmentalisation, which is as prevalent inside German intelligence as
within the vast US intelligence community, it is possible that the overt officials concerned
were unaware of DVD's dug operations. Whatever the truth of the matter, this German
leap towards understanding was extremely belated. What on earth prevented German
officials from making the connection earlier? The answer was revealed in the report itself:
They thought, or purported to believe, that the criminals in question were 'former'
Russian intelligence officers, who had resorted to crime - whereas of course they were
and remain intelligence officers who were redeployed, along with criminal cadres released
from the Soviet GULAG, specifically to realise the full potential of criminalism, in the
interests of ongoing Soviet subversion and sabotage strategy.
Why did they make that false assumption? First, because the overt German intelligence
and Jaw enforcement communities may, as indicated, work apart from the long-range
strategists working inside the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst at Dachau, even though the
DVD also has its officers penetrated deep inside the overt German Bundes
Nachrichtendienst (BND) service (just as GO-2 sits inside MI6); and operatives and
police cadres in the open structures do not 'think dialectically'. And secondly, because of
course they had fallen for the early lie that, following the Soviet 'August coup' provocation in
1991, the so-called 'purge' of the Soviet security services undertaken by Vadim Bakatin
that year, was genuine - so that, therefore, hundreds of thousands of 'former' KGB
operatives had been 'thrown out of work and had resorted to crime as a means of survival.
By jumping, along with their comparably deluded colleagues in other Western
intelligence, or at least, policymaking, communities, to this lamentably false and naive
conclusion, they found themselves well-primed to absorb the easily-transferred lie that the
organised crime activities in which these 'out-of-work intelligence officers were involved,
were 'stand-alone' operations - like the US mafia-type activities familiar to Western
movie audiences (even though the Chicago mafia has been used for decades by US
intelligence to carrying out 'dirty work operations, such as 'liquidations').
On 25th April 2005, 14 notorious Chicago mafia gangsters - including such criminals
as Joseph (the Clown) Lombardo, Frank (the German) Schweihs, Frank (Gumba)
Saladino, and other professional 'old mafia' criminals and murderers, reputed for
decades to have been the city's key organised crime gangsters, and most of whom
should have been arrested years and decades ago - were suddenly rounded up by the
Chicago Police Department. The United States Attorney, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, announced the
indictment of the 14 reputed mobsters and their associates on charges of plotting and
executing 18 murders as far back as 1970.
So why on earth were these criminals left alone for up to 35 years, to get on with their
filthy activities? Several of the accused are now in their mid-70s. The late respected analyst
Sherman Skolnick, who knew the local scene well, has advised that a longstanding 'nexus'
between the local Chicago CIA station chief, the local FBI, the Internal Revenue Service
and other components of the corrupt US Federal bureaucracy in Chicago were in the
routine habit of employing the services of the Chicago Mafia, known as 'the boys', to
perform the US Federal Government's dirtiest jobs, such as domestic political
assassinations Oohn and Robert Kennedy) and foreign 'liquidations' in Mexico and Central
and South America, to order - together with operations to import drugs into the United
States, penetration of foreign governments through dope trafficking, flooding foreign
jurisdictions with counterfeit paper money, smuggling high-tech weapons and gold, and
manipulating the mass media through blackmail and other
practices. He further advised that this 'old-style' Mafia 'Establishment', having become
sclerotic and set in its ways, had come to stand in the way of the Federal authorities' pre-
ferred alternative underworld structure in Chicago - namely the highly-disciplined,
experienced Russian mafiya cadres who have taken over the local underworld, many of
whom are KGB and Soviet Spetsnaz operatives. He informed the Author and others that 'the
US Gestapo' now prefers to delegate its dirty work to these ultra-efficient, professionally
trained Soviet criminal classes. The informant added that there are good reasons to believe
that the vast Chicago Russian mafiya, operating with impunity, consists, in part, of renegade
Mossad and Jesuit cadres10.
This horrendous state of affairs was explicitly anticipated by Claire Sterling, following
investigations which she described in her classic work 'Thieves' World'. In the course of a
telephone conversation with a known US intelligence operative in 2004, a friend of your
correspondent mentioned that two copies of 'Thieves' World' had been acquired, one for this
Author and one for his friend. 'Oh', said the operative, 'I thought we had bought them all up'
- by which he meant that a systematic attempt had been made to buy up or remove all copies
of 'Thieves' World' [see Figure 23 below] from the open marketplace.
Armed with this information, the Author was of course pre-advised as to the singular
importance of the intelligence contained in this work which is the classic source for early
information on the financial, economic and criminal warfare dimensions of the red-
Claire Sterling
3mon SScnuster, New Yak, 1994, SBN 0671-74997-6
'Far from the commonplace affair it may seem, laun-
dering crime money can be an intoxicating power
game. A global turnover of half a trillion narcodollars
[as of 1994 - Ed.] produces colossal amounts of con-
verted, expendable capital that can go anywhere
overnight A launderer converting it by reinvesting it
can move faster than any company accountable to
stockholders or any State agency or international
body'. Page 31 .
'Naturally it's wonderful that the Iron Curtain is
gone, but it was a shield for the West. Now we've
opened the gates, and this is very dangerous for the
rest of the world. America is getting Russian crim-
inals; Europe is getting Russian criminals. They'll steal
everything. They'll occupy Europe. Nobody will have
the resources to stop them. You people in the West
don't know our Mafiya yet. You will, You will'.
Page 113, otng ccmvents b{ Bore Uvarov, Russian
Serious Crimes Investigator.
'People like [the distinguished US Secret service/
US Treasury operative Leo Wanta were doing the big
straight swaps. Like an underground clearing house,
they were collecting the rubles from Russian enter-
prises and rounding up foreign buyers. 'Hundreds of
Russian firms chip in the rubles to get hard currency
that isn't taxed away by the government; without
people like Wanta, they'd be paying 30 cents on the
dollar to the Central Bank. They're dying to do it.
Wanta could line up a hundred billion rubles in a
week'. Pages 203-204.
'Oh, I thought we'd bought them all up'.
US inteHgenceofScer, on teaming in 2004 that the Author and
a colleague had acquired two copies of this book.
Figure 23. Thieves' World: The Threat of the New Global Net-
work of Organized Crime, by Claire Sterling, Simon & Schuster,
New York. 1 994, disguised the intelligence operations that were
embedded within international Financial Warfare transactions.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
hot intelligence war that rages behind the scenes and the headlines 'as we speak'. Among the
notable insights from this classic work, are the following:
'Describing the [criminalism] scene in the summer of 1992, Deputy Chief Anatoliy
Trechov of Moscow's Interpol declared: 'Less than half of our joint ventures work Only a
quarter deal with their declared activities. Two or three out of five are financed with
money of dubious origin. Many joint ventures are fictitious. Often they're one-man
operations to swing hard currency deals. Four thousand of them have rights of access to
the foreign market. At least 500 of our mafiya groups use them to link up with international
crime - in the United States, Italy, Germany, Austria, France, Canada, Poland. Six months
later, Boris Yeltsin himself adjusted this last estimate upwards. At least a thousand
Mafiya groups have contacts with international organised crime', he said. The American and
Sicilian Mafias' (Claire's code for US intelligence) 'were the first in, by way of what was
arguably the biggest black market currency swap ever perpetrated. As they and others
moved in deeper, their Russian confederates moved out farther'.
In other words, (a) 'collapsible Communism', a long-planned Soviet Leninist strategic
intelligence deception, was orchestrated and lubricated, in part, by means of intelligence
interaction with the Soviet and Western intelligence underworlds; and (b) the interaction
of US and Western criminalised or underworld-linked intelligence operatives with Soviet
criminal intelligence experts, flung the door wide open for the mass walk-in of Soviet
intelligence criminalism experts that has since taken place - so that 'collapsible
Communism' is being followed by the engineered collapse of capitalism.
Enemy objectives include seizing control of the Western financial system - via its
engine room, the banking networks - to compromise capitalism irretrievably, to milk the
system for their own World Revolution objectives, to enrich themselves in the process,
and to integrate the consequentiy criminalised Western financial entities with their own
criminalised structures, so as to consolidate monopoly control. To the extent that Western
and US intelligence understands belatedly what has happened, and what its own
operations facilitated, the defeatist rationale that prevails today is that things have gone so
far that 'we have no choice but to compete and to wage secret intelligence warfare on their
terms'. In other words, the secret global intelligence war has acquired the characteristics
of its model - Mafia gang warfare.
As a consequence, the covert Soviet intelligence criminalism offensive has indeed been
empowered (due mainly to irresponsible components of the US intelligence structures) to
maximise the potential of unfettered criminal and drug-trafficking operations, protected
by its detailed knowledge of endless parallel US criminal intelligence activities. Put
another way, the US intelligence and policymaking communities are paralysed by the fact
that, since the German element of US intelligence is itself so deeply compromised through
its underworld and drug-running operations, they lack all moral authority - so that US
operations to contain the spread and depredations of Soviet criminalism have been
neutralised by their own ill-advised and reckless criminalism behaviour. It is also the case
that since of course Soviet intelligence has made it its business to stay well informed, in real
time, about US intelligence criminalism operations, it regards any protests and
opposition from the West about its crime offensive with cynical derision.
By descending into the sewer with Russian criminal operatives, the United States'
German-influenced intelligence services have smothered themselves in the same filth as
their Soviet counterparts. All sewer rats are brown: there are no distinctions. By merging
intelligence operations with the domestic and Soviet underworlds, US intelligence has,
over the years and especially since the 'changes' of 1989-91, laid itself wide open to
compromise, blackmail and consequent further deep penetration by foreign intelligence -
under the guise of 'cooperation' both above and below the radar. And covert Soviet
intelligence is of course only too well aware of the criminal histories of prominent past and
present Illuminati operatives in the US political firmament who are protected inter alia by
the US Secret Service, and by their intelligence covers and their high offices, from the
consequences of any exposures of their serially criminal activities (so far).
Russian organised criminal operations at home and abroad are not independent at all:
they are controlled and run by the intelligence services, under cover of the basic illusion
summarised above. Vadim Victorovich Bakatin, who supervised the 'reorganisation' of Soviet
intelligence after the 'collapse', earned the Order of Lenin from Gorbachev in 1987.
In late December 1999, the Financial Times of London carried reports elaborating on
earlier leaks from US authorities to the effect that Russian [GRU-linked] 'organised crime
figures' had been contributing to the campaign funds of prominent US politicians. In fact,
what has been happening is that both Chinese and Russian elements have been 'competing'
to make contributions (Chinese intelligence cadres being heavily involved in drug-
trafficking as well, both in competition with, and in collaboration with (as necessary) their
Soviet and American intelligence competitors/collaborators). The tactical purpose of such
contributions is that, prior to exposure, the politician concerned (the victim) is susceptible to
the underlying threat of blackmail; while after exposure, he or she is liable to be discredited:
in this way, the electoral prospects of candidates favoured by the dialectical Left can be
enhanced at the expense of 'unreliable' candidates.
For instance, the former Republican Mayor of New York, Rudolph Giuliani, was
allegedly identified from 1993 and 1997 election records as a recipient of funds ($46,250) from
family members and businesses linked to Semyon (Sam) Kislin - named in a 1994 internal
report by the Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI] as a Russian KGB crime syndicate
member. Kislin also helped to organise fund-raising events yielding millions of dollars for
Mr Giuliani's campaigns, including a once expected bid for the US Senate.
The Russian commodities trader further donated $8,000 to the campaigns of the New
York Senator, Charles Schumer, a Democrat, while also contributing to the campaigns of
several other political figures all across the political spectrum, including the Clinton-Gore
re-election campaign, and Republican Senator Alfonse d'Amato. Kislin even sat on the
New York City Economic Development Board.
Likewise, Jacob Bogatin, an associate of the Russian KGB/GRU operative Semyon
Mogilevich - identified by both US and British intelligence as the head of a Russian crime
syndicate - made donations to the US National Republican Congressional Committees in
1996-98. An Interpol report dating from 1996 claimed that Kislin's firm, Trans Commodities
Inc., was used by two 'reputed mobsters' from Uzbekistan, Lev and Mikhail Chernoy, for
fraud and embezzlement purposes. An FBI intelligence report dating from 1994 on the
Brooklyn-based Mafia organisation headed by Vyacheslav Ivankov [see page 89], the
imprisoned godfather of Russian organised crime in the United States, listed Kislin as a
'member/associate' of Ivankov's gang - claiming that his company co-sponsored a Russian
GRU-criminalist boss and contract killer for a US visa, and asserting that he was a 'close
associate' of a notorious GRU-linked arms smuggling operative, Babeck Seroush, an Iranian
'hoodlum' who later settled in Russia.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
One interesting point here was that Seroush was indicted in 1984 by Rudolph
Giuliani, who was then the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, on
charges of conspiring to smuggle semiconductors and night-vision goggles to North
Korea. But West Germany, where he was living - protected by DVD - declined to extradite
him to the United States. Mr Seroush was an Iranian-born 'Communist' who first moved
to the Soviet Union in the 1970s and specialised in smuggling high-tech military equipment
for the Red Army. He also has a record of drug-smuggling. According to the FBI and
Interpol, 'an intelligence firm called Trans Commodities Inc. laundered millions of dollars and
was used for fraudulent banking documents by the Chernoys in the early 1990s, with the
brothers 'engineering' the takeover of much of Russia's metals industry, notably aluminium,
through alleged embezzlement, money laundering and murder. The FBI report claims
that in the early 1990s, Mikhail Chernoy was 'doing business as Transcommodities (sic), a
New York-based trading company which is known to have laundered millions of
dollars from Russia to New York'.
Further, a 1996 Interpol report based on several continuing investigations of the
Chernoys, claimed that Blonde Management, controlled by the Chernoy brothers, is 'a
money-laundering company target of US law enforcement'. The Uzbeki Chernoys were said
now to be Israeli citizens and were 'suspected of money laundering, embezzlement of funds,
and contract killing', according to Interpol.
The Russian authorities revealed separately to the FBI that the Chernoys reportedly
'defrauded' the Russian Central Bank of more than $100 million through an elaborate scam
involving dozens of fictitious companies. The brothers then used the funds as seed money as
they and a London-based holding company, Trans World Group, rapidly gained
control, through a maze of offshore companies and alliances, of Russia's aluminium
industry, while acquiring a large stake in the processing and distribution of other metals
and petroleum products. This, at least, is the received, inadequate, sanitised, Western
official interpretation of these particular matters. All such 'snapshots', by definition, omit
details of parallel and connected operations on both sides - that is to say, on the part of
criminalism cadres within the corrupt Soviet structures who were collaborating and
continue to collaborate with their Israeli, Western and US counterparts in similar scams.
Strategic analysis illuminates matters further. The initial funds were of course made
available by the Russian Central Bank for use by these KGB/GRU officers to establish
'state-controlled capitalism'/criminalist structures.
It is standard practice for Soviet intelligence (as well as for US intelligence) to leave operatives
who 'mess up', to dangle in the wind, after exposure, only to be rehabilitated (often with
a new ID) later, once the relevant publicity has died down (or not, as the case may be). In the
covert Soviet Union, the most conspicuous victim of this practice in recent years has been
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, a minor Minister in the late Gorbachev Government, senior KGB
officer, and founder of the European Union Bank in Anguilla, identified not only as a KGB
money-laundering entity but also as a 'bank' used by the German-American sometime
CIA Director of Operations, a Mr Edward Lyle Bryan (Goeringer): see Addendum 7 on
page 701 for details. Li the US context, the FBI spy, Robert Hanssen, labelled when he was
convicted on 6th July 2001 after pleading guilty to 15 counts of espionage, as the spy who
did more damage to US national security than anyone in history, was reported to have been
incarcerated in an underground cell at the vast
intelligence and solitary confinement complex in Denver, with no natural light and only
a computer for companionship. It was said that he would be serving life, having
cooperated with the authorities in exchange for them not asking for the death penalty. Yet
in June 2005, the Author was authoritatively informed by an impeccable US intelligence
source that Hanssen was a free man, living on the West Coast.
'Mike' Delmart Vreeland, an operative who predicted the 9/1 1 attacks from a prison
cell in Toronto, and who was said by a high-level US Pentagon intelligence officer to be 'no
longer a threat to you' (this Author) 'because he is in solitary confinement for a very long
time, and his case is sealed', was reported (a) to have been released from incarceration, again
in June 2005, after serving no more than six months of such 'punishment', and having
probably been held for his own protection, in view of the sensitive operations in which he
had been involved; while (b) he was simultaneously reported to be still in solitary
confinement (which remained the case as of June 2006). The Office of Naval Intelligence
(ONI) operative identified the Iraqi connection with Al-Qaeda, bringing back from an
operation in Moscow the text of a message from Uday Hussein to President Putin dated
June 2000, in which the precise date and targets of the 9/1 1 events were identified [see Figure
24, page 97]. This text has been criticised as a possible forgery, in which case it would have
been designed to deflect attention away from the actual controllers of Al-Qaeda, and the
inspiration behind the Iraqi Ba'athists, namely Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst, Dachau. The
Dluminati's controllers reserve the right ultimately either to rescue and protect their own
operatives, or else to treat them with ruthless harshness. In sensitive cases, operatives who,
according to the rule that protection may be afforded them in hospital or jail, ought to have
been liberated long ago, may be jailed, 'for their own protection', for many years, or held
under house arrest.
Abandonment by their handlers and intelligence communities is the risk that such
operatives are required by their CIA or their KGB/GRU superiors to accept, as part of then-
job description. Those Soviet operatives who were to become 'oligarchs' accepted the
poisoned chalice in the format of an opportunity to 'become billionaires overnighf -which
was the offer made by Soviet intelligence at the outset of the orchestrated 'changes' in the
late 1980s under the KGB strategic intelligence chief, Mikhail Gorbachev.
Specifically, the intelligence officers who subsequently emerged as 'oligarchs' - such as Vagit
Y. Alekperov, Pyetr O. Aven, Boris Berezovsky, Mikhail M. Fridman (Friedman), Andrei L
Kazmin, Mikhail B. Khodorkovsky, Vladimir O. Potanin, Aleksandr P. Smolensky, Vladimir
P. Vinogradov, Rem Vyakhirev, Anatoliy Chubais, Vladimir Wolfovich Ztiirrnovsky, and a
few years later (in 2004) Roman Abramovich - were 'tapped by their GRU and KGB
intelligence superiors and asked whether they would like to wake up the next morning as
billionaires, it being implied that their talents suited them for the task - on the unspoken (or
perhaps formal) understanding that, as happened in the 1930s, the Party-State would in
due course require the assets, which were to be privatised into their hands, to be handed
back with compound interest1
When some of them, such as the mentioned KGB operative/politician Mikhail
Khodorkovsky, were judged to have become too powerful or arrogant, or had embezzled
too much, President Putin (who was himself still 'owed' $30 billion of 'special' funds
from US secret intelligence sources in 2006) demanded that they disgorge their assets, or,
in this case, arrested the operative concerned and held him sine die in jail. This
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
massive operation, in which the 'assets of the Party-State were 'privatised' into the
hands of selected KGB/GRU officers, was implemented in order to convince the naive
international institutions, governments and policymakers blinded by the dazzling 'success'
of orchestrated 'collapsible Communism', that the 'changes in the Soviet Union (and Bloc)
were for real, and that the 'former' Communists had embraced 'capitalism' - whereas, in
reality, these manoeuvres represented an elaborate Leninist strategic ruse, assisted by
Western 'Financial Warfare' intelligence, called 'State-controlled capitalism': a more
sophisticated variation of Lenin's New Economic Policy 'state capitalism' of the 1920s,
which Stalin closed down within the space of three weeks in the following decade.
Interestingly, three weeks was the precise length of time that Mikhail Gorbachev took
to close down - for international public consumption only - the 'Stalinist model' of
Communism, in August and September 1991. According to The Washington Post12,
President Putin launched his intelligence operation to claw back the 'assets of the Party-
State' that had been 'privatised into the hands of these selected KGB/GRU 'oligarchs', at a
round table meeting of 21 such KGB/GRU 'oligarchs' held in Moscow in July 2000.
Addressing the meeting in his familiar Aesopian surreal Bolshevik method of speaking
Putin warned: 'I only want to draw your attention to the fact that you have yourselves
formed this very state, to a large extent through political and quasi-political structures
under your control. So perhaps what one should do least of all is blame the mirror'.
Given that compartmentalisation also exists within the Soviet intelligence services,
although not to the extreme extent that bedevils US intelligence, Putin was informing the
highly intelligent, specially selected, largely Jewish criminalist KGB crooks concerned that
he was perfectiy well aware that they were intelligence operatives who had exploited their
control of overt political and covert (= 'quasi-political') structures, to leverage the colossal
wealth that they had accumulated - and (unspoken) that the assets that they controlled as a
consequence of their criminalist intelligence operations belonged ultimately to the State
(which would in due course be requiring restitution and disgorgement with all the interest
due to it), as occurred when Stalin set the precedent in the 1930s.
In the modem era, the main initial wave of Soviet criminalist specialists arrived in the
West during the mini-perestroika years under Leonid Brezhnev, in the early 1970s. In 'Red
Mafiya', Robert I Friedman pointed out that 'in America, Mami had become the Russian
mob's second city. Like Brighton Beach, it had a large Russian immigrant population. In the
early 1970s, the Mami Beach Police Department began to notice that an inordinate number
of Russian emigre taxi drivers were committing criminal acts. These Russians didn't fit the
cops' preconceived notion of crooks, however. "They were always neatiy dressed and
very clean-cut and gave the appearance of wanting to fit in and learn the American way of
life", said a Federal law enforcement report, written in
Figure 24, opposite, top (1): The text of a letter from Uday Hussein, Saddam Hussein's eldest son, to Vladimir
Putin, dated 9th June 2000, predicting the 9/1 1 attacks, which the US intelligence officer 'Mike' Delmart
Vreeland obtained in Moscow and was assigned to courier along with three diplomatic bags, to Canadian
intelligence, but which he copied after sensing that something was about to go awry after he had landed at
Toronto Airport. There, instead of being met by Canadian intelligence, he was approached by Russians. He
handed over dummy diplomatic bags and kept a copy of this Note, which some have tried to dismiss as a
forgery. It specifically confirms Iraqi complicity in the 9/11 attacks, implying Soviet involvement - thereby
masking the reality that Al-Qaeda is controlled by DVD, Dachau, i.e. German involvement. Figure 24, opposite,
lower image (2): Vreeland's Prison Note' scribbled ostensibly in the dark, on the floor of a Toronto prison
cell. The Note was dated August 2001 , and contained the phrase: They will paint me crazy and call me a liar...
Let one happen stop the rest!!!'. After 9/1 1 , the sleepy Canadian authorities woke up to the significance of this
Note and passed it to their US counterparts. The Note also contains the intriguing observation: 'No comments on
Lehder', a reference to the German (Colombian) DVD operative who masterminded the establishment of drug-
trafficking cartels for criminalised US intelligence: see page 1 51 et seq.
i ■ <nmm **n*r. o6tui*nnM« Amwmmh^mm ngworcrr* mm fwcwlow*, ami k«xi
^■nuin • npoiiuioM, nouMen apwis. AmpunHnn np^nwit Moony wm ■ M«&yAV *ro «ro
wnt, htoO»i jktmwt* jto • nmuwno, o*vwn»wi». no ■ to, kota* Im cntpoHt e MMM ■
BpMWM D»im»rt flyna it Iktmh M*p*, Sy*yr mmt* A*no ■ nym, nqAxoAXt^MI I mm, mug
turJt 3*6 C~*
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
1994. Gradually, the Miami police learned that these taxi drivers were involved in many of
the same crimes that had made the Italian Mafia so powerful: extortion, narcotics,
gambling and prostitution. "They were a very tight group of criminals who had a code of
silence that even the threat of arrest could not break", the report added'13.
'By the late 1980s, the Mami Beach Police noted that crimes involving Russian
criminals were growing craftier; their schemes more involved - well-organized narcotics
trafficking, burglary and counterfeiting rings, and sophisticated bank and jewellery frauds.
Even as the Russian mobsters graduated to white-collar crime, a continuing influx of
Russians allowed them to control the streets, "RUSSIAN ORGANIZED CRIME IS A NEW AND
SERIOUS THREAT TO SOUTH FLORIDA", warned a 1994 report "This is a well-educated group of
active, young criminals' - specially trained in criminalism by Soviet intelligence, which has
presided over a mass exodus of KGB and GRU operatives who have long since become
embedded all over the United States, in universities, government, software (especially),
business operations, and functioning as drivers, restaurateurs, you name it. In addition to
Mami Beach and Brighton Beach, Brooklyn is now flooded with Russians, Chinese and
other immigrants, who have been buying up property, pushing the local tradesmen out
of business, establishing ethnic diners all over the place, and generally asserting then-
ownership. The Russian 'taxi driver phenomenon' has also been reported throughout the
country. And in June 2005, New York real estate agents were being swamped with money
from Russia and other 'former' Soviet Bloc countries. Funds for the purchase of New York
apartments were being wired to them, sight unseen, on the basis of the brochure
Of course the invasion of Soviet criminalist operatives, while most noticeable in the
United States, has proliferated in Europe, too, leveraging the potential associated with the
corruption of elements of the German, French, Spanish, Dutch and British intelligence
communities, and of the European Union structures, which are institutionally corrupt. On
18th June 2005, Spanish police arrested 28 alleged Mafia bosses from 'former' Soviet
Republics in 1 1 cities and resort towns in Alicante, Catalonia and the Costa del Sol, in what
was described as the largest swoop on organised crime in European history. In this sting,
called Operation Wasp, police froze 800 bank accounts, searched 41 estates and businesses,
and confiscated 42 Porsches, Jaguars and other luxury cars.
Some €400,000 in cash and cheques were seized, along with guns, jewellery and
properties, including a small mansion in Barcelona. Most of the capos were reportedly from
Georgia, a traditional centre of criminal operations in Soviet times and for generations
previously. They laundered money from illegal activities in their home countries and
abroad, 'through a vast and expanding network of properties, restaurant chains and bars
along the Spanish coast. They were charged with money laundering, bankruptcy fraud
and maintaining ties to organised crime'14.
Spain, at the crossroads between Europe and Africa, is also the main entry point for
drugs and money from the Latin American cartels, which as this Chapter will show are far
from being 'stand-alone' operations, but are controlled by foreign intelligence. The
mentioned swoop was one of several large-scale police operations against international
drug trafficking, prostitution and money-laundering rings on the Spanish coast, as the
local authorities struggle to prevent Spain from 'becoming another Colombia' -the image
that they have in mind. At the beginning of the same month, Spanish, Portuguese and
British police found nearly five tonnes of cocaine worth an estimated £225 million at
street level aboard a trawler off the Spanish coast, arresting 1 1 people,
including three Britons. In March 2005, another laundering ring was broken up by simul-
taneous raids. The size of the law enforcement hauls has been increasing.
Reports such as these indicate that some European police forces are becoming more
effective and appropriately ruthless in discovering and apprehending perpetrators of the
absolutely heinous crime of drug-trafficking, which cynically wrecks the lives of millions of
foolish and vulnerable people, and of innocent and impressionable children. A colossal
industrial structure has been established to facilitate distribution of the drugs: for instance,
on the very same weekend that the massive swoop that has been described took place, The
Guardian', one of the British newspapers that gave the sting most coverage, was
simultaneously sponsoring the annual 'pop music' festival at the ancient occult site at
Glastonbury. This is timed every year as close as possible to the summer solstice, which is
one of the primary dates of the occult calendar. The drug distribution infrastructure exploits
such events to maximise the distribution of their product, the consumption of which goes
hand in hand with 'enjoyment' of diabolical 'music' (noise) and dabbling in the occult. Indeed
the proliferation of drugs, which is a project of the IUuminati as will be elaborated later, and
the subculture they encourage, has been a carefully calculated prerequisite for the explosion
of interest and dabbling in the occult15.
The rampant activities of 'former' Soviet Bloc drug operatives, mistaken in the West as
manifestations of a 'stand-alone' 'ex'-Soviet Mafiya - whereas in reality these people are all
connected with and supervised by the ongoing covert Soviet intelligence services -have
proliferated most of all because Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU), which directs the Soviet
dimension of the drug offensive because it is considered a weapon of war and sabotage, is
fully aware of the fact that US intelligence has been engaged in drug-trafficking on a
massive scale for decades, driven originally by German penetration of the CIA. Naturally,
the Soviet attitude is that counterdrug operations against Soviet intelligence criminalists
can never achieve decisive success while the Central Intelligence Agency continues with
its own cynical money-making operations from the drug trade. Although close lay
observers have known for many years about this scandalous state of affairs, the
intelligence services have been adept at keeping the lid on this prospectively explosive
scandal - and have more incentive for doing so than ever, given that everyone is in on the
act. Drug-trafficking, holding financial assets in secret numbered offshore accounts, and
ignoring the tax and reporting regulations imposed by metropolitan authorities, is
'acceptable' in this Thieves' World, a.k.a. the New Underworld Order. For instance, as the
distinguished drugs expert Rachel Ehrenfeld has pointed out16, George Bush Sr., a top CIA
operative of course, took immediate steps to provide himself and the CIA with what he
thought would be appropriately dense cover. 'To be sure, he did not wait long to
announce his own views on drugs' - the problem being that the views he announced were
false, and were not his real views. Those were formulated during his Senior Year at Yale, as
an occult adept of Skull and Bones, and in the context of his German intelligence
connections and orientation. In his inaugural address, the new President made clear [that]
the fight would be a priority. Bush's early appointment of William Bennett and his orders to
the drug czar to produce a plan within six months were' not 'steps in the right direction', as
Rachel politely suggested, but rather measures to provide cover for the continuing scandal
of rampaging drug operations in which the CIA remained involved. Unfortunately, Ms.
Ehrenfeld allowed her
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
optimism to gain the upper hand, insofar as the US Government's true intentions were
concerned. Nor did she distinguish between the probably honourable intentions of the
various US anti-drug structures, and the notoriously evil intentions and practices of ele-
ments of the penetrated US intelligence services, which is the most depressing and
alarming feature of the crisis the world faces. Obviously, if 'the main enemy's' intelligence
services are engaged in global drug-trafficking, all expressions of concern at the Soviet
drugs offensive against the West, such as those elaborated by Dr Douglass in 'Red Cocaine',
were bound to be jeopardised. For, before the United States can ever hope to stem and
counter the flood of Soviet-, French-, German-, Mexican- and Spanish-provenanced
drugs, and the corruption and money-laundering flows associated with them, its own
filthy house will need to be put in order. And since the intelligence services ran and control
the Government, what chance is there ever of that happening?17
The Central Intelligence Agency has controlled and accumulated colossal stocks of
'Black Operations' funds ever since President Harry Truman signed the National Security
Act in 1947, which, with its amendments and successor legislation, has created a 'crooks'
charter' environment - separating the intelligence community from the rest of the US
Government, given its command of vast resources that Congress knows nothing about. The
first lay analyst to come to grips with this was Jeffrey Robinson, in his excellent book 'The
Laundrymen', first published in 199418. 'Right from the beginning', wrote Robinson, 'the
Agency's more consequential role would be 'covert'. Officially included in that
category have always been: subsidies to individuals; financial support and 'technical
assistance' to political parries; support of private organizations, which includes labour
unions, business companies, cooperatives, and so forth; economic operations' (meaning
financial and economic warfare); and 'para-military or political actions designed either to
overthrow or support a regime'.
Mr Robinson acknowledged extensive assistance from the Customs Attache at the US
Embassy in London, John Hurley, and many officials from the US Department of Justice,
US Customs, the Federal Bureeau of Investigation (FBI), the Drag Enforcement
Administration (DEA), the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue
Service (IRS), and the Office of the District Attorney for New York County, as well as (in
Britain) from HM Customs, the National Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS), and the
Metropolitan Police; and from the relevant Canadian, Australian and European law
enforcement and financial regulation authorities.
As the CIA could never finance any of these things publicly... they operated their
own laundry. The Director' (of Central Intelligence) 'maintains a top-secret slush fund - a
huge pile of invisible money that Congress knows nothing about - for which he's
accountable directiy, and only, to the President'. This, of course, means in theory that the
Director of Central Intelligence has to be meticulous in his stewardship of such 'Black
funds - unless perchance the President himself happens to be corrupt, or to 'know
everything', as allegedly was, and remains, the case with George Bush Sr..
'What's more', Mr Robinson continued, Dwight Eisenhower created - and every
President since has followed suit - a top-secret group to advise the CIA on the best use of those
funds and, when necessary, to procure additional monies for specific covert operations. In Ike's
day, the group was called the 5412 Committee, named for' (i.e., after - Ed.) 'the National
Security Council paper that authorized it. It was then, and remains today, the most secret
organization in the United States of America'19.
This secret Black Ops' funding organisation operates below Cabinet level and
Figure 25, top and above: Colombian Police and Navy officers inspect key components of a huge Russian-fabricated
'drug' submarine in Facatativa, just outside Bogota, the capital of Colombia, on 7th September 2000. On the preceding
day, Colombian Police officials had discovered the submarine under construction in a shed, along with documents in
Russian, Spanish and English. Police and Naval officials said that the submarine would have been capable of shipping 200
tons of cocaine below the ocean's surface. Its largest component measured 1 00 feet long by 1 1 feet wide. INSET: Captain
Fidel Azula stands inside a large component to measure its dimensions. These pictures illustrate the intensity of today's
drug-related intelligence warfare.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
is charged with reviewing and approving all of the United States' clandestine operations, 'in
order', Robinson elaborated, 'to protect the President from any clandestine operation gone
wrong', which happens all the time: indeed a vast proportion of the energies of the
intelligence community is permanentiy engaged in covering up botched jobs and
preventing exposure of operations which have been misconceived or badly handled.
'Considered so ultra-sensitive that not even the National Security Council is kept
informed of its activities, those few men who know about it refer to it simply as The
Special Group'20.
Just as the Soviets go in for relabelling elements of their security services, their US coun-
terparts do the same. Various Administrations have altered the name of this 'Special
Group' from 5412 to various other obscurely derived titles, including 'The 303' and "The 40
Committee'. But the concept behind this ultra-secret organisation has remained
unchanged (or at least that was the case when Robinson's book first appeared in 1994) -
'that it must be the Special Group, and not the President, who officially approves certain
plans - such as illegal interventions into the internal affairs of another State'. While 'the buck
stops at the Oval Office', it appears that the President's approval of any Special Group
proposal is only ever given verbally. Since all communications within the Oval Office are,
as we all know from Watergate, recorded (by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), which
also monitors and records every telephone conversation into and out of Capitol Hill), a
record obviously exists of verbal presidential approvals (although this statement needs to be
qualified as well, since ONI has a habit, on occasion, of expunging certain communications
and leaving tapes blank, where this is considered 'necessary').
The President will be briefed on a Special Group proposal by a member of what
Robinson calls 'the Cabal', consisting of the President's National Security Advisor, the
Secretaries of State and Defense and the Director of Central Intelligence. 'The members of
the group work it out among themselves, and then brief the President. Nothing is written
down with his name on it. Nothing is ever signed by him. That way, should something
go wrong, the CIA can 'rightfully' claim they acted on the authority of the Special Group,
which means that the President can ostensibly deny that he has ever approved of such an
activity'21. This is, of course, Talmudic loopholism, a.ka. legal sheis-terism, at its 'finest'.
Jeffrey Robinson appears, back in 1990, to have been extremely well informed, as this
Author is about to confirm. As he pointed out, 'if, as has often been suggested, Ronald
Reagan knew anything at all about the Iran-Contra affair, that would have been down to his
Administration's equivalent of the 5412 Committee.... Iran-Contra is, in fact, a perfect
example of what the Committee is supposed to do. If you accept the premise that William
Casey, as Director of Central Intelligence, committed the CIA to engage in the illegal
activities for which Oliver North was tried, then the plan would almost certainly have been
brought up in a Special Group meeting. The Secretaries of State and Defence would have
known about it, agreed to it, and presented it for final approval to the President. But
because nothing is written down and therefore nothing can ever be traced back to the
President' (except, this Author must add, from the recordings of what went on in the Oval
Office), 'Ronald Reagan's denial of any knowledge of the affair is an impenetrable
Even so, it may have been considered prudent for former President Reagan to
spend his final years in a state of mental confusion. An attempt to poison this Author,
while in Washington, having been made in March 2005, the subject of the lengths to
which certain forces within the US intelligence community are prepared to go, is naturally
of exceptional continuing interest to him. According to research he has conducted, certain
cadres possess access to the means to induce cancers (through, for instance, injecting a
toothpaste tube using a syringe while the target is away from his hotel bedroom) and mind-
eroding diseases like Alzheimer's. Nancy Reagan believed that more than one attempt was
made on her husband's life and she is reported to have intimated privately that the then
Vice President may have been involved. The Author has established that the distinguished US
Secret Service/Treasury intelligence officer Leo Wanta saved President Reagan's life once
(he informed the Author modestly, but the Author believes he may have done so on two
separate occasions). It would have made typically diabolical sense for the forces in
question to have decided that it would be safest to have President Reagan's mind confused
beyond any possibility of him recalling any details about Iran-Contra (a phrase which
stands for a much wider range of operations than is usually implied) by artificially inflicting
him with Alzheimer's. Everything could then be wrapped up with a magnificent funeral,
attended by the Great and the Good.
President Reagan's Special Group empowered the CIA 'to funnel money to right-wing
forces that were trying to overthrow the leftist government of Mauritius, to spend millions
trying to destabilise Colonel Qadhafi's regime in Libya and to bankroll the Afghan rebels
with hundreds of millions of dollars. White House and CIA records now [Robinson's book
is dated 1994, as noted - Ed.] suggest that in the first six years of his Administration, Reagan
knew of and/or approved of at least 60 money-laundering plots to finance CIA covert
Innumerable examples of such covert illegal activities abroad could be listed, ranging
from the Bay of Pigs to the complex Financial Warfare operations aimed against the Soviet
system. It is only necessary to mention here one instance of such activity that appeared to
be especially pertinent during the summer of 2005. Since 9/11, the US Government has been
empowered by the complacent and hijacked Congress to undertake almost any subversive
operation clandestinely. The Mujahadeen el-Khalq (MEK), an Iranian opposition terrorist group,
once directed by Saddam Hussein's Mukhabarat security services, was reported by Scott Ritter,
the former United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq, to be 'now working exclusively for the
CIA's Directorate of Operations'22- a transformation that will have been effected with the
lubricational assistance of untold sums of clandestinely assembled 'Black Ops' money. Mr
Ritter commented that 'it is a bitter irony that the CIA is using a group still labelled as a
terrorist organisation, a group trained in the art of explosive assassination by the same
intelligence units of the former regime of Saddam Hussein, who are slaughtering American
soldiers in Iraq today, to carry out remote bombings in Iran of the sort that the Bush
Administration condemns on a daily basis inside Iraq'23. But in a hell like this, U-turns and
lies are the norm.
It may help to pause to highlight a crucial insight that emerges here. All of a sudden,
brutalised intelligence structures that were accustomed to fulfilling the commands of the
Saddam Hussein regime, since overthrown by the United States, are being used by the former
Iraqi regime's enemy to implement its policy in Iraq. Likewise, during and after the Iranian
Revolution in 1979, the Shah's dreaded SAVAK secret police structures switched sides and
served the Illuminati-controlled Islamic governing structures with even greater zeal than
they had defended the Shah's regime. Similar switches took place
104 Chapter 3: The Lure of Drags
in Afghanistan. The objective observer has a choice: he can simply put such 'adjustments'
down to pragmatic, opportunist intelligence community decision-making or else he can pay
attention to what such 'switching' implies. What it implies is that the terrorism and drug-
trafficking structures that may be at loggerheads at one point in time, cooperate closely in
other (later) circumstances, so that loyalties among them have no ultimate meaning.
That would be 100% consistent with the central finding and theme of this book,
which is that opposing dialectical 'forces' are manipulated by the double-minded
Illuminati master strategists and operatives (which are far from being unidentifiable, as
will be shown) in what they consider to be a wholly mechanistic world. The accuracy of
this assessment will become apparent in Chapter 7 on the Illuminati.
Even more apparently incongruously, the US Secretary of Defense, Donald
Rumsfeld had, by midsummer's day 2005, paid two known visits to Azerbaijan, the fief-dom
of the son of the former Brezhnev era Communist Party boss and apparatchik, KGB General
Gaidar Aliyev, to prepare the ground for 'a massive military presence that will foretell a major
land-based campaign designed to capture Tehran'24, according to Mr Ritter.
Earlier, Mujahedeen rebels in Afghanistan, who were, late that year, operating as elements
of the 'Northern Alliance' fighting the Taleban, which was standing in the way of US oil
projects in the region, were corralled into the new Afghani official structures and Government
following the US attack on Afghanistan in late 2001. These Mujahedeen had been heavily
engaged in drug trafficking in earlier years, while fighting against the Soviet-supported
Government. Among these drug cadres, the CIA's main client was Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, a
leading Afghani drug lord and heroin refiner. CIA-supplied trucks and mules that had
previously conveyed US arms into Afghanistan were now used in order to transport opium
to laboratories along the Afghani/Pakistani border. The output from these laboratories
provided, for some years, up to 50% of the heroin consumed annually in the United States
and 75% of the heroin used in Western Europe. In 1990, US officials admitted that they had
failed to investigate or take any action against these drug operations, out of a desire 'not to
offend' their Afghani and Pakistani associates.
Dennis Dayle, a former head of a key department within the US Drug Enforcement
Administration made the following statement to a journalist in the late 1990s:
If the following statement were made to American citizens, would you agree with it?
"Enormously powerful criminal organizations are controlling many countries, and to a certain
degree controlling the world, and controlling our lives. Your own [US] Government to some
extent supports them and is concealing this fact from you". I KNOW that to be true. That is
not conjecture. Experience, over the better part of my adult life, tells me that this is so. And
there is a great deal of persuasive evidence.... You can contain drug trafficking by the
immobilization of the few cartels that truly control it...'. AND BY IMMOBILISING THE
As noted on page 81, this was the warning issued in 2005 to the Author by a very friendly US intelligence executive. This
book could not have been published without a detailed expose of international competitive drug-trafficking, which the
intelligence officer concerned agreed is an abomination and a crime against humanity. The warning was issued not as a threat
but in the Author's interest. However this study would have made no sense without a proper look at the drug-trafficking
component of the unprecedented international crisis. Drugs support the international financial system, although sophisticated
hypothecation techniques have been developed which can function independently of open-ended laundered drug money flows. A
Great Power like the United States - and a Great financial Power like Britain - should summon the courage and the greatness to
renounce this abomination. Britain can lead the way immediately by putting its secret 'Black' intelligence agency GO-2, which is
supposed to combat the drug offensive, out of business forthwith. How about it? ■
Unfortunately, however, Mr Doyle, though operating at the 'sharp end' of the inadequate
US 'war against drugs', may not have been aware that the Colombian drug cartels were
themselves established by the Central Intelligence Agency, spearheaded by a STASI (cover for
DVD) operative called Carlos Lehder (son of the Nazi escapee Wilhelm Lehder) who may have
used his CIA cover itself as cover for his STASI (former Eastern German intelligence)
connections, which was in turn a cover for his true allegiance - to the covert Nazi DVD, based
in Dachau. A certain number of STASI operatives are known to have been operating for
some years with or within the US intelligence community, one prominent and powerful (not
to mention ruthless) such operative having been a certain Eva Teleki (real name Sturzl), who
moved to London in 2004. She controlled billions of dollars' worth of funds belonging to the US
Government, and was suspected by certain intelligence experts as being or having been a
paymaster for Al-Qaeda cells operating in the United Kingdom, of which there were then said
to be at least 15, as late as September 2005.
Mr Doyle's observation that the US Government 'to some extent supports them' (the
powerful criminal organisations, which are manifestations of the Illuminati - the Mafia
having been established in Italy by Giuseppe Mazzini, the occultist and partner of the
notorious necromancer and Masonic king-pin Albert Pike, and the founder of modern
Italy), 'and is concealing this fact from you' (the American people), was of course a gross
understatement. Forget the modifying phrase 'to some extent'. The reality is worse by an
order of magnitude: together or in competition with the intelligence services of the covert
Soviets, the Israelis, Chinese Communists, Britain, France, Germany, Spain and The
Netherlands and others, elements of the CIA have organised and were/are running
frenetic, lucrative, controlling drug-trafficking warfare operations in Latin America,
Afghanistan, Turkey and elsewhere. The participation of government agencies in this evil
business is a scandal of millennial proportions which will result in the corruption of all ordered
governance everywhere, since the financial, banking and capitalist systems have become
victims and collaborators in this historically unprecedented global organised intelligence crime
wave. And the corruption of governance is what the planners of the New Underworld Order, the
Illuminati, both anticipate and always intended. It is also what Boris Uvarov predicted [see
page 88].
In the US context, such operations will certainly have been pre-approved by the 'Black Ops'
financial centre, or 'Special Group', which controls funds of such magnitude that it need
never apply to Congress for permission for anything. This means, self-evident-ly, that this
secret sub-Cabinet level organisation is much more powerful than any other component of the
US Government, including the President himself - which in turn means that the United States'
democracy is a total sham. It is, in fact, nothing more than a thoroughly dishonest display of
'democratism' - meaning in the Soviet context, the creation and maintenance of the illusion
of democracy. This word is to be found in the Soviet literature - for instance, on page 96 of
'Proletarian Internationalism: Guideline of the Communists', by V. Plyanksky, published in 1970
by Novosti Press Agency Publishing House, Moscow25. The United States practices a form of
'democratism' - maintaining the illusion of democracy for public consumption, but in practice
offering the electorate no more than the appearance of a choice of personnel ostensibly from
the Left' or the 'Right' of the dialectic, while the intelligence services, which are in turn
controlled by the Illuminati at the highest levels, in fact control the Executive, Legislative
and Judicial Branches of
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
the overt Government, selecting and imposing their own candidates.
Both countries cynically and corruptly practice forms of 'democratism', in order to
sustain the elite intelligence controllers' fragile 'legitimacy', although the covert Soviet
model is the subject, from time to time, of literary inventiveness - the most recent example
being a definition offered by Irina Khakamada, who had the effrontery to stand against
GRU-President Putin in the controlled and manipulated March 2004 Russian 'presidential
election', but was unable to obtain any air-time on NTV. 'There is no democracy in Russia', she
told 'The Guardian' in July 2005 : There is only a virtual matrix of democratic space
created by the Kremlin's Political Departmenf, since in fake 'posf-Soviet Russia it is not
even considered safe to allow 'democratism' games such as are orchestrated in the United
States to sustain the illusion that the people can influence the outcome of elections other
than by means of changes of personnel. Whereas in the United States, it does not matter
who wins elections, since the intelligence services always win, in covert Soviet Russia, it
does not matter who wins elections, as the covert Communists, controlled by the intelligence
services with which the covert Communist Party of the Soviet Union is integrated, always
win27. As Mme Khakamada elaborated, the Kremlin's Political Department 'copies reality. IT
there is a democratic opposition to the Kremlin, it creates a different one loyal to the
Kremlin'. Irina Khakamada explained how a rise in leftwing youth activism was countered
by the Kremlin launching "Nashi" - a youth group designed to tackle 'Fascism' and
corrupt bureaucracy - that held a 60,000-strong rally in Moscow under police protection.
'This system creates dangers', she added. When I was competing for the Presidency, an
important part of the audience was tMnking I was part of the matrix'. She added that only
her strong criticism of the Kremlin's handling of the Nord Ost theatre siege, in which 129
people died, proved to voters that she was genuine. However Mme Khakamada's candour
was itself false: all political activists on the Moscow stage are 'part of the matrix', as the
entire political charade continues, as has been the case for over two decades, to be
managed along Leninist deception lines (whereby political opposition forces and factions
are all centrally controlled) for ignorant Western public consumption.
In a controlled, false 'democracy', where the intelligence services call all the shots, the
primary issue facing the society is invariably corruption, which typically assumes (as has
happened in these countries) epidemic proportions, and where corrupt practices are
cynically accepted as the norm - give or take some cosmetic arrangements, such as the
feeble US anti-drug structures, designed to enable the double-minded controllers to
maintain at all times that 'everything is being done to see to it that these problems are
addressed' etc, etc, etc. Jeffrey Robinson's observation that 'if you accept the premise that
William Casey, as Director of Central Intelligence, committed the CIA to engage in the
illegal activities for which Oliver North was tried, then the plan would almost certainly
have been brought up in a Special Group meeting', was extremely prescient. The Author has
obtained, from deep within US intelligence, the text of an Affidavit prepared six months
before his death by William Casey, President Reagan's Director of Central Intelligence, in
which the accuracy of Mr Robinson's assessment is confirmed (except that this Author
suggests that, as will be seen, the operations identified therein may have been so secret that
not even the 'Special Group' was officially aware of them: indeed, this is implied by the text
of the late William Casey's document).
The text that follows was provided by the Author's source prior to its inclusion in
documentation associated with the case of [Colonel, a.k.a. Pvt.] William M. Tyree, who has
remained unjustly imprisoned for allegedly murdering his wife - who was in fact
'liquidated' by US intelligence because she kept a diary in which she recorded details of CIA
drug-running operations. The document subsequently formed part of the defendant
Tyree's case against the US Department of the Army, Civil Action Number 99cv2709, in
the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, dated 8th November 1999,
presided over by The Honourable Colleen Kollar-Kotelly, filed by the Attorney of Record,
Raymond Kohlman, of 7 Milton Street, Attleboro, Massachusetts 02703. When the Author
sought in June 2005 to check facts with Mr Raymond, he discovered that there was no trace of
such a lawyer in the State of Massachusetts, and that the address given was the office of a
property sales firm called Welch Real Estate. As is revealed below, Raymond Kohlman 'just
happens' to have been the attorney who filed a lawsuit, discussed below, on behalf of the
wrongly imprisoned former Green Beret, William Tyree (which will 'fall into contexf as we
proceed with this exposure). The significance of Raymond Kohlman's 'disappearance' will
emerge below.
The text of William Casey's Affidavit appeared separately in Uri Dowbenko's book
Bushwhacked [2003 [pages 100-103]], but the text cited below was handed personally to this
Author by a US intelligence contact in 2005. The Author naturally agrees with Uri
Dowbenko's conclusion (on page 99 of his book), that 'Casey's rationalisation of his heinous
behavior and his cocaine trafficking, which he frames as a noble battle against the enemies
of Western civilization - should be required reading for every student of 20th century history, and
every student of psychopathology. Casey's Apologia Pro Vita Sua is the classic defence of a
world-class criminal'.
William Casey's Affidavit, or 'statement of position', prior to its inclusion in any court
papers, is given here verbatim (with no corrections, except for the elimination of some
wrongly-placed apostrophes, and that the Author has divided the statement into numbered
sections and has inserted in square brackets some unavoidable italicised interpolations) as
shown below. Casey later committed suicide in hospital in order to protect the President of the
United States, according to a very senior knowledgeable28 source, and contrary to the received
views that he died of natural causes or was murdered.
'I, William J. Casey, declare:
I have found that freedom is a priceless commodity that demands constant vigilance
to guaranteed [sic] its longevity.
1. 1 was assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) in London, England, during
World War II. During that time I befriended a young German soldier named Gunther
[Russbacher], who later became one of the key covert operatives of the CIA-US secret criminal
government. I used Gunther and several other anti-Nazi German prisoners of war in OSS
operations within Nazi Germany'. [In other words, the drug proliferation operations, including
the establishment as a deliberate act of US state policy, of the drug cartels in Latin America,
over which William Casey, and later William Colby, presided, as DCI Casey was now to
explain, were inspired by German [Nazi] colleagues and assistance - a fact of crucial
importance for this analysis].
I knew this violated Geneva (War) Convention [sic]. I did not care. The Geneva
Convention was but a set of rules governing man's atrocities committed in the name of
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
political ideology. To wage war with rules is to prolong human suffering. Open warfare is
the last resort of a civilized nation and must be used sparingly. Wars must be fought
savagely utilizing all tools and tricks at hand. Gunrher was a tool. Ignoring the Geneva
Convention was the trick.
2. After I became Director of Central Intelligence (DO) on January 28, 1981, 1 was
approached and briefed by William Colby, former DCI. My history with Bill Colby is
known. Colby notified me off the record of two operations he was still running in Latin
America [i.e., Colby continued running these after he had ceased to be DCI - Ed.]. Both
operations were without the knowledge of, and consent of, the United States Congress,
President Ronald Reagan or even the United States intelligence apparatus' [implying that
operations sanctioned and initiated by the 'Special Group' may bypass even the
intelligence structures themselves, which has obvious further implications - Ed.]. Colby
identified the operations as "A-6" (RED MIST) and "A-7" (PROJECT SANDMAN). A-7
entailed smaller operations. I was told that A-6 identified individuals and the build-up of
the Communist threat in Latin America. Some intelligence collected in A-6 was used in
TASK FORCE-157 [the details of which Casey did not identify here - Ed.].
3. I was told that A-7 was "the Phoenix program" of Latin America. It involved the
assassination of the Communist infrastructure throughout Latin America. I was told that
Colby authorized assets involved in A-6 and A-7 to engage in narcotics trafficking to
finance both operations [sic]. Colby engaged in similar operations that I know of in
Vietnam for the same reason.
4. Colby candidly informed me that he had prepositioned more than one million
pounds of cocaine in Panama between December 1, 1975 and April 1, 1976. This was
done with the aid of our gallant ally, General Manuel Noriega. The cocaine was trans-
ported into El Salvador, Costa Rica and Honduras between 1976 and 1981. Colby now sat
in front of me with hat in hand and requested my help in the delivery of the cocaine to the
American market.
5. I was told that Colby was using a mutual friend of ours, Colonel Albert Vincent
Carone, United States Army, Military Intelligence, to field A-6 and A-7. Al Carone is a
charismatic patriot that General Joseph W. Stilwell [sic] introduced us to in late 1945.
Beside the usual qualifications, Al Carone brought to the anti-Communist effort a direct
connection to his longterm friend, Vito Genovese.
6. Genovese was the head of gambling and narcotics for the controlling Mafia family in
New York to [sic] which Carone was made a member. Carone is a friend of international
fugitive Robert Vesco [resident in Castro's Cuba, Fidel Castro being a Jesuit-educated
intelligence officer - Ed.]. Carone has several anti-Communist intelligence sources that include
Marita Lorenz, a [German] friend of Fidel Castro. Al Carone is the younger brother of Dr
Pasquale Carone. Dr Carone worked for Central Intelligence on other matters.
7. Colby told me that the profits from the prepositioned cocaine would be laundered
through Al Carone, the New York Mafia and Robert Vesco [who, as indicated, was hiding
in Communist Cuba, indicative of Dluminati double-minded, two-facedness - Ed.], then
redirected to the anti-Communist effort through Colby.
8. After discussion with Al Carone, I made the decision to bring the prepositioned
cocaine into Mena Airport, Mena, Arkansas. Central Intelligence has used Mena Airport on
prior occasions. This time the cocaine is the tool. The trick was to ignore the law and avoid
public scrutiny. We were helped in our efforts by William J. Clinton and William F. Weld
[concerning the exceptional importance of whom, see box opposite, page 109].
9. By 1984, all prepositioned cocaine had arrived at Mena Airport and additional
cocaine sources were secured. Cocaine was being transhipped through Hangers Four
and Five at Ilopango Airbase, El Salvador. My point man at Mena was Adler Berriman
Seal (Berry [sic: i.e., Barry] Seal, who was gunned down by machine-gun fire in the
Salvation Army parking lot in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on 19th February 1986 - Ed.].
10. Bill Clinton [when Governor of Arkansas] has proved invaluable so far by con
taining the local law enforcement investigations into the intelligence activity at Mena'.
• The Author interrupts here to make a critical point. Until President George W.
Bush Jr. signed the National Intelligence Reform Act on 17th December 2004 (one-third of
which is secret, so that no-one knows what the Act contains - an astonishing development
given the United States' (false) image as a paragon of transparent democracy -Ed.), it was
of course illegal for the CIA to conduct operations on American soil (a rule which the CIA
broke routinely; but nevertheless, it was illegal). More generally, since the CIA's clandestine
operations are almost invariably illegal, the intelligence community is at constant risk of
mobilising the forces of law enforcement (not to be confused with law and order) against
them. The obsessive secrecy surrounding operations and the identities of operatives is driven
in part by this reality. Historically, when things go badly wrong (as in the Iran-Contra nexus
of cases), exposure of the Agency' illegal operations occurs inter alia as a consequence of this
institutionalised tendency for the clandestine services to clash with the Rule of Law, and
hence with law enforcement.
The underlying, and inescapable, conclusion to be drawn is that the serially illegal
operations of the US intelligence services are incompatible with the 'freedom' which
President Bush Jr., for instance, preaches to the Rest of the World ideologically. Scott
William F. Weld was cited by William Casey, the late Director of Central Intelligence under
President Reagan (who committed suicide in hospital in order to protect his President), as the
primary legal 'fixer' whose job was to frustrate and neutralise bona fide investigations into the
cocaine shipments into Mena, Arkansas. 'Bill Weld', Casey affirmed, 'as Assistant United States
Attorney, was placed in charge of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. This was done
so that Bill Weld could control investigations into Mena by Federal law enforcement agencies. The
placement of Weld... proved invaluable'.
In other words, this man, who later became the Governor of Massachusetts, and in 2005
announced that he would be running for the Governorship of New York State, obstructed justice
ostensibly in the interests of national security, but actually (or also) in order to facilitate the
distribution of poisonous drugs destined for consumption by American citizens in gross
contravention of the law. Drug-running is a crime against humanity, and aiding and abetting it
represents wilful participation in a crime against humanity.
William F Weld has played an important behind-the-scenes role in furthering preparations for the
imposition of the New Underworld Order upon the world, again ostensibly 'in the interests of US
national security- He was, for instance, the recipient of a letter dated 16th May 1985 from William
Bradford Reynolds, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Rights Division, of the US Department of
'Justice', now in the public domain, which read as follows: 'Dear Mr Weld: As agreed Messrs
Manichur Ghorbanifar, Adnan Khashoggi, and Richard Armitage will broker the transaction of PROM IS
software to Sheikh Khalid bin Mahfouz for resale and general distribution as gifts in his region,
contingent upon the three conditions we last spoke of. PROMIS must have a soft arrival. No
paperwork, customs, or delay. It must be equipped with the special data retrieval unit. As before, you
must walk the financial aspects through Credit Suisse into [Mahfouz] National Commercial Bank.
If you encounter any problems, contact me directly. Sincerely, Wm. Bradford Reynolds, Assistant
Attorney General, Civil Rights Division. ■
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Ritter goes further. '"Liberation" and "democracy", he wrote in June 2005, have become
none-too-subtle code words within the neo-conservative Cabal that formulates and executes
American foreign policy today, for militarism and war'29.
And the Author goes yet further than Mr Ritter, whose statement is correct, as far as it
goes. For the IUuminati, who ultimately control the intelligence services, democracy is
impermanent and will be discarded and dispensed with at the appropriate time. That time
has already passed, so that US democracy is now, as indicated, an illusion, a deception, and a
variant of Soviet 'democratism'. In due course, the nuisance of having to go through the
massive inconvenience of 'fighting' and rigging elections, will be discarded altogether.
Therefore, when the President of the United States uses the weasel words 'democracy' and
'liberation' or 'freedom' in justification of the IUuminati policies which he is helping to carry
out, the fact that these are empty slogans is, to him and his associates, neither here nor there
- since for these people, as with Lenin, all institutions are temporary, expendable,
transitory, and replaceable in accordance with the requirements of the World Revolution of
the ffiuminati that these people in reality serve.
It is also appropriate here to interpolate another crucially important fact. This is that
operatives professionally engaged for many years in implementing the hidden policies of
the ffluminati may normally have been in ignorance of the fact that this is what they were
doing. It is obvious that William Casey thought that the conflict between 'freedom' (as he put
it in his Affidavit) and Communism was a life-or-death struggle upon which the future of
humanity rested - whereas it turned out to be just a stage in the manipulated and
orchestrated arena of controlled tensions that the ffluminati's deeper strategists were
accustomed to managing and directing given their concept of the world as a 'mechanical
space' within which opposing forces could be manipulated - since they believe that the
universe is mechanical, and the opposing forces that they purport to control are likewise
mechanical, although they may pay lip service (only) to the concepts of good and evil.
They can do no more than that - since for these people, Lucifer is good and Adonai (Jesus
Christ) is the epitome of evil, as he stands for the opposite of their 'Do as Thou Wilt'
philosophy and alibi.
Leo Wanta has acknowledged to the Author, again for the record30, that he and his
colleagues 'did not understand' at the time that their operations were furthering the
strategies of the IUuminati. They thought that they were working exclusively for Uncle Sam.
The Author's judgment, having interviewed this heroic US figure at length, is that this
entirely spontaneous admission, was thoroughly honest, and in no way contrived. The
Author had burdened him with no prior leading questions which might have elicited such
an observation. This reinforces the Author's view that the Presidency of the United States,
together with the US inteUigence services, or key elements thereof, are in fact masquerading
as instruments of the Government of the United States, whUe in practice they are being used as
primary instruments of the Ulurninati. To describe this central point in blunter language, the US
Presidency and the inteUigence community which serves it have been hijacked by the
IUuminati, in accordance with their modus operandi of inserting their agentur adjacent to or
inside the highest levels of governance.
In such conditions, a loyal servant of the United States such as Leo Wanta, whose
patriotism no-one has ever, or could ever, question, was himself deceived and double-
crossed, into believing that his loyalty was reciprocated at the very highest level -
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Figure 26: As a senior US Secret Service/Treasury/CIA/FBI Financial intelligence operator, Leo (Lee) Wanta, who saved
President Reagan's life on at least one occasion, was called upon to verify payments associated with the raising from 200+
international banks of $27.5 trillion in 1989-91, an operation presided over inter alia (but mainly) by George H. W. Bush.
The funds were raised to 'enhance' the so-called 'global security environment', to buttress components of the international
financial system, which may have been in systemic danger, and essentially to provide the New Underworld Order
strategists (the llluminati's controllers) with enough financial resources to impose their One World plans on the whole
world, and to bribe every policymaker, intelligence officer, ruler, influential media baron, and other targeted power-broker,
in the whole world, for the whole of the 21st century. Gorbachev sponsored a 'Global Security Project', and was closely
involved with this operation. During the massive fund-raising, there was an 18-month hiatus, during which time the funds, to
be paid out in US dollars, were held or sterilised by the Federal Reserve Board. When Wanta came to check through all the
transactions, he found that large sums had been siphoned off into private accounts. In particular, George Bush Sr. (alleged
DVD) had benefited, contrary to US law, as his note above makes clear.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
whereas in reality it was being abused. It is hardly surprising that, when President Bush Sr.
came to demand that Wanta allow him to withdraw funds from the $210 billion on deposit
in an account or accounts of Ameritrust, one of the Title 18, Section 6 US Government secret
intelligence corporations of which Wanta was a co-signatory and Trustor, Wanta refused to
give his signature for the withdrawal of the funds, on the ground that they belonged to the
US Government, not to an individual. Later, when auditing geofin-ancial transactions
associated with the raising of $27.5 trillion to finance the 'Global Security Environment'
(code for the New World Order, a.k.a. 'The New Underworld Order') in his capacity as a
high-level Secret Service/US Treasury operative, Leo Wanta annotated a computer
transactions print-out as follows: [Figure 26, page 111]:
'Acceptance of value by former US President of the United States, George (Jorge)
Bush is direct violation of our USA Title 5, Section 7353, et seq. Jim Baker m told me to just
"SHUT UP", as I am protected by Rogers-Houston Memorandum to "co-operate", but I
kept receipts & notes'.
What this meant was that, having discovered the alleged embezzlement by the former
President of the United States, Wanta, as a special secret service agent, had alerted the
Treasury to this state of affairs, only to be slapped down by Jim Baker, President Bush
Sr's long-time factotum and 'fixer', who is himself a lawyer. All present and former
Presidents of the United States, including those who are deceased, are protected in
perpetuity by the Secret Service. This gives them effective criminal immunity.
So, having established that President Bush Sr. had allegedly arranged for the diversion
of certain international funds, and given his mentioned earlier point-blank refusal to
accommodate President Bush's demand that he disgorge for Mr Bush's alleged use
separate US Government secret intelligence funds of which he was the custodian, Leo
Wanta, arguably one of the most brilliant intelligence and Financial Warfare officials ever
to have been employed by the US Government - the man who saved President Reagan's
life and engineered the financial submission of the Soviet Union in 1991 -found himself
at the receiving end of the ruthless, revengeful wrath of the Dluminati.
After Leo Wanta had likewise refused to accommodate a similar alleged request
from President Clinton, that President summarily dismissed William Sessions, the head
of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (which is subordinate to the CIA, to the great
detriment of the Rule of Law) in 1993, in order to prevent Sessions from pursuing the matter;
Vince Foster (who was spying for the FBI against Mrs Hillary Clinton, even though he was
allegedly her lover) was murdered, Mrs Clinton having headed the Children's Defense
Fund, an intelligence slush account (Hillary being an intelligence operative like her CIA
husband) from which, likewise, it had been intended that funds should be embezzled; and
Mr Wanta was arrested in Switzerland, where he had travelled inter alia with an FBI order
to anest the international criminalist Marc Rich (Reich) and was thrown into a stinking
Swiss dungeon for 134 days, before the Israeli Prime Minister, Yizhak Rabin, interceded
with the Swiss authorities to procure his release. He was then flown in shackles back to the
United States, arraigned before a New York US court, released unconditionally, but
rearrested on the Courthouse steps on a trumped-up State of Wisconsin tax evasion charge.
This led to him being unjustly convicted and jailed for 22 years, although his sentence to
jail was later commuted to house arrest.
On 14th November 2005, following payment in July that year by a third party of a
court-ordered sum which included illegally charged State tax that he had already paid
twice earlier, Mr Wanta was unconditionally discharged and became free to work
and travel: but 13 years of the life of one of the most talented of all US Secret Service
operatives of all time had been wasted, and countless financial and other opportunities for
the alleviation of the US Government's severe financial problems, had been forfeited - all in
order to protect the tawdry reputations high-level criminalist operatives.
As Trustor of the $27.5 trillion raised in 1989-92 from more than 200 international
banks, for the 'Global Security Fund' and 'Environment' - an amount which was looted by
criminalist cadres and worth well over $60 trillion by June 2006 - the reappearance of Leo
Wanta on the scene when US intelligence had deliberately spread the lie that he was dead, caused a
collective heart attack within the international financial community. The lie that Mr Wanta
was dead had provided 'cover' for the misappropriation of these funds, located offshore, by
crooked operatives and international banks, which had been using them extensively as
collateral, had cross-collateralised them and hypothecated their value, in some cases in order
just to stay afloat. Thus the corrupt intelligence cadres and the banks had a community of
interest in representing that Leo Wanta, the official Trustor on behalf of the US Government,
was dead - relying upon Statutes of Limitations, upon administrative arrangements such as
Lloyd Bank TSB's statement to the Author in April 2006 that 'we destroy documents after
ten years', and on the unfounded belief that he was deceased, which would have meant that
the funds devolved to the banks. When it was discovered that he was NOT dead, both
intelligence operatives and banks had to scramble to 'restore' or 'replace' trillions that had
been misappropriated, misused or stolen.
Underlying this colossal crisis was the dark state of affairs arising from President
Reagan's Executive Order 12333 [see page 20], whereby US intelligence operatives are
empowered to establish commercial corporations at home and abroad and to run their
associated bank accounts, while denying any intelligence involvement. Given the intensity of
CIA compartmentalisation, this enables crooked operatives to represent that the
corporations in question are their own, rather than US Government, entities - which
means that, if registered offshore as most of them are, operatives may be liable to seek to
enrich themselves 'at the expense of the US Government itself. It is 'not for nothing', as they
say in Moscow, that the Clintons have acquired (allegedly with such funds) property in
the Irish Republic, which has no extradition treaty with the United States*.
It is a tribute to Jeffrey Robinson's acumen that he managed to unravel so much before the
concrete evidence of such activities became available to researchers who could slash their
way through the dense undergrowth of disinformation which surrounds this dark forest of
lies. For in The Laundrymen', discussing CIA-controlled businesses, or cut-outs, Robinson
stated that the CIA had used them for years to wash money through them to pay for all
sorts of covert activities. His context was a huge CIA command post located on the campus
of the University of Miami, following the Bay of Pigs fiasco. Operatives there, under the
codename JM/ WAVE, 'directed the activities of a reported 3,000 Cuban agents whom
they'd set up in false businesses. In one particular case, a CIA
"During his period at Oxford University, Bill Clinton shared a house at 46 Leckford Road, in 1968-69, with Strobe Talbott, who
later became Deputy Secretary of State under Clinton, and Frank Adler, who resisted the Vietnam draft and later committed
suicide. The property earned its place in history as the house in which Clinton puffed on joints but 'didn't inhale', while he
was supposedly studying on a Rhodes Scholarship. Four years later, a man called Howard Marks moved in with his
girlfriend, to study physics. Not long after he left Oxford, Marks began dealing in drugs, and he ended up masterminding a
drug cartel with a turnover of £100 million, before being arrested and jailed for 25 years. After being released early from
jail - perhaps he was a GO-2 asset? - he wrote a best-selling autobiography called 'Mr Nice'.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
operator found that he could make more money running an Agency cut-out than he
could by staying on the payroll. According to the rules, he was required to turn over the extra
money to the Government. So he simply resigned from the CIA, kept the business and kept
the profits. The CIA never said a word, because they couldn't admit they'd owned the
business in the first place'31. And this was many years before President Reagan's
Executive Order 12333 specifically authorised such intelligence cut-outs to be established
and for their intelligence provenance to be denied.
But we have diverged from the text of Casey's document, which continued:
'11. Bill Weld, as Assistant United States Attorney, was placed in charge of the
Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. This was done so that Bill Weld could
control investigations into Mena by Federal law enforcement agencies. The placement of
Weld has proved invaluable'.
Here we have explicit confirmation that the US intelligence community frustrates US
domestic law enforcement, with which, as indicated, its operations are wholly
incompatible - quite apart from being usually moral repugnant. Leo Wanta explicitiy told
the Author that drug-trafficking is immoral and an abomination; but it was also he who then
added that 'if you go after them, they will kill you'32. This was not a threat: he does not do
that, as he is a devout follower of Jesus Christ. It was a warning about the viciousness of
the Dluminati. It follows that the supremacy of the criminalised elements (especially the
German-oriented components) of the US intelligence community, which cooperate with and
form part of, the muminati, is a menace to the continued existence of the Republic. It has
been consistently driving it in the direction required by the fUuminati - which by
definition can have nothing whatsoever to do with the interests of the people of the United
States, let alone with those of the Rest of the World.
'12. I ordered John Poindexter, Robert McFarlane and Oliver North to go outside
normal channels and use available assets, including the Mafia, to ensure the arrival of the
cocaine into Mena Airport. The arrivals occurred in no small part through the efforts [of]
personnel assigned to the National Security Agency (NSA) and Army Security Agency
(ASA). The men and women of the NSA and ASA blinded early warning defense satellites and
radar grid[s] to enable the aircraft to land undetected at Mena Airport. The NSA and ASA
operations were SLA SPRAY and JADE BRIDGE.
13. 1 have learned that the course of the democratic [sic!] struggle for Nicaragua and
Latin America is beginning to swing in our direction. I attribute this success to A-6 and A-7
which Bill Colby had the insight, precision and spine to cany out. I take notice of the heroic
efforts of Al Carone, Bill Clinton, Bill Weld, John Poindexter, Bud McFarlane and Ollie North
[names familiar to all who have tried to understand Iran-Contra -Ed.]. Without these
men, A-6 and A-7 would not have appeared.
14. Freedom is a priceless commodity. The amount of freedom you enjoy is a result of
the amount of vigilance you invest.
15. My actions may be recorded as criminal, condemning countless Americans to drug
dependency. I don't care. All wars produce casualties. Generally the more violent the war, the
shorter the length. My choice was either to stare down a protracted Cold War guerrilla
insurgency in Latin America, or use the means available to finance and wage a violent war
of short duration for democracy. I stand by my decisions. The tool is cocaine. The trick is to
understand that the drug user had the freedom to make a choice. They chose the drug. I
chose to use their habit to finance the democracy that all Americans enjoy. To keep those
Americans safe from the Communist threat knocking on our
back door in Latin America. For a change, the drug user will contribute to society.
16. 1 declare under penalty of perjury that the above facts are true and correct to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
17. Executed this 9th day of December 1986 in Mclean, Virginia.
[Signed] William J. Casey'.
• • •
Now that this admission, from the late Director of Central Intelligence, that the CIA
engages in drug-trafficking as a matter of deliberate state policy has been documented (rather
than presumed from the vast accumulation of circumstantial evidence hitherto in circulation), it
is clearly this Author's straightforward duty to highlight, for the record, its fallacies and what
this abominable revelation implies.
In the first place, as already hinted, the former DCI was clearly ignorant of the fact that
his focus on 'defeating Communism' in Latin America, and his mental approach to this
challenge, precluded any understanding on his part of the fact that he, along with so many
others, was no more than simply a manipulated pawn in the greater game of death being
played by the invisible Illuminati handlers. For quite clearly, William Casey saw the
challenge he thought he faced, in the same black-and-white terms as his predecessor,
William Colby. And he believed his own slogans. The opposite of Communism, for him, was
'freedom'. Unless he was lying in his Affidavit, Mr Casey appeared to have no knowledge or
inkling of the possibility that the Vice President he served was actually playing a much
deeper game, serving enemy forces beyond the United States whose interests did not coincide
with those of the American people. The Author wishes to emphasise this important fact, since
Leo Wanta has separately and honestly confirmed in an interview with the Author, as
indicated, that 'we didn't understand that at the time' [viz that the Illuminati were
manipulating and directing our activities].
So, both William Casey and Leo Wanta were being deceived. Even the head of the CIA
was a victim of the occultic Illuminist forces that control US intelligence.
It is much less clear that Colby did not understand. Although it might appear from
Casey's evidence that Colby saw the Communist threat to 'democracy' in the same black-
and-white terms, the fact that he was continuing to control two massive illegal operations
in Latin America many years after he had ceased to be Director of Central Intelligence
himself, suggests otherwise. Born on 4th January 1920, William Colby became Director
of Central Intelligence on 4th September 1973 - following James R. Schlesinger, when
President Nixon shifted him to the post of Secretary of Defense. President Gerald Ford,
the 'highest' and most occult Mason ever to have occupied the Oval Office, advised by Dr
Henry Kissinger (the top Illuminati operative, alleged member of the 'high' German
Illuminati Directorate, and the alleged Soviet agent BOR), dismissed Colby in late 1975, and
replaced him by George H. W Bush. Schlesinger (of German extraction) resurfaced later as
the head of the crucial Mitre Corporation [MIT -Massachusetts Institute of Technology]
established by Kissinger himself.
Since William Casey was not appointed CIA Director of Central Intelligence until
January 1981, it is clear that William Colby continued to run the super-secret intelligence
operations A-6 and A-7, the existence of which was unknown to the President, Congress and
the intelligence community, between the date of his replacement by George Bush Sr. in late
1975 and January 1981, a period of more than five years.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
If Casey's statement that William Colby said that not even the intelligence com-
munity knew about these operations, a fresh question arises: whose operations were
they? This Author believes that, in the light of what follows, they represented secret operations
of German Black' intelligence, since later in this work it will be revealed, from an IUurninati
defector source, that the global drug trade is run by the Dluminati. And it will also fall out that
the cover of defeating Communism in Latin America was indeed used to procure the
establishment by the CIA of the Latin American cartels.
For these were, as we shall see, far from 'stand-alone' phenomena.
On 29th April 1996, a correspondent for the UK newspaper Daily Express, Peter
Birkett, told Chris Ruddy of, that his newspaper's MI6 sources had
claimed that William Colby was assassinated by US intelligence operatives, presumably to
cover up the Latin American cartels scandal. Colby was reported to have disappeared from
his country home on the Wicomico River in Maryland. The immediate official 'line' was
that he had died in a canoeing accident, after his waterlogged canoe was found on the
shore near his home. The Associated Press, which has become more and more of an
official mouthpiece, reported that Colby was 'missing and presumed drowned', having
died as the result of 'an apparent boating accident'. The news agency elaborated that Mrs
Colby, who was in Texas at the time that her husband had disappeared, had spoken by
telephone with him on the day that he had vanished, and that he had told her that he was
not feeling well 'but was going canoeing anyway'. A week later, Mrs Colby rebutted the
Associated Press report, telling The Washington Times that her husband had been perfectly
well and had made no mention of going canoeing. The cause of death was reportedly a so-
called aneurism, causing him to drown, resulting in hypothermia. However Mrs Colby
later said that her husband had said in his phone call that he planned to have his dinner,
take a shower, and go to bed. Investigators said that he left his dinner unfinished, went out
in his canoe in the middle of the night on a rough and windy river without his lifejacket,
experienced a heart attack, and drowned.
His body, inevitably, surfaced in the water, near his waterlogged canoe, a week
later. Researchers, naturally unconvinced, due to the failure of the facts to match, added
Colby to the list of 82 operatives and others who had, by that early stage, died suspiciously
since President Clinton came to office, murdered in part by agents of his predecessor.
Given that some 450+ operatives and others with detailed knowledge of dimensions of the
nexus of scandals still called 'Iran-Contra' had been 'taken down', incarcerated, liquidated
or placed under house arrest as the intelligence community scrambled to cover up their
illegal operations, or rather to pour sand onto the raging fire of controversy which partial
exposure of its heart of darkness' and of its illegal activities had ignited, William Colby's
suspicious 'drowning' must indeed be counted among the hundreds of casualties of these
endless scandals. This Author has separately described the purges and murders which took
place during the Clinton era as the US intelligence community struggled to cover up its past
misdeeds, as comparable to one of the multiple waves of arrests, liquidations and false
accusation fests perpetrated under Stalin (Djugashvili), albeit of less horrendous
proportions. They presage much worse purges to come, given the readiness and ease with
which those abominations were committed, as the Republic ditches its false democracy,
scraps the Constitution, and realises the full potential of the Third Reich which has
surreptitiously installed itself in Washington. This will only happen, however, if the
German-oriented Fifth Column gains the decisive upper hand, which was still far from
inevitable, as late as mid-2006.
The familiar and probably to come extent diversionary focus on Clinton as the instigator
of such abominations diverts attention from the likelihood that these murders -and the
hundreds of arrests, incarcerations and 'disappearances' reported routinely during the
Clinton years - were orchestrated by the 'German' elements of the US intelligence
community, fearful that their nefarious secret activities would culminate in a decisive
backlash. The fact that they have been so comprehensively covered up, despite multiple leaks
via the courts and in the open media, makes this a certainty. Just as likely is the parallel
reality that since the Iran-Contra anti-Communism operations masked the deeper
Illuminati drug-running programme, the multiple 'Clinton deaths' were actually Illuminati
assassinations in all but name. And since the Illuminati provide German 'Black' intelligence
with what it has hitherto assumed to be impenetrable cover, the phrases 'German Black
intelligence' and Illuminati' are fully interchangeable here.
Put another way, the Illuminati Dark Forces would resort to anything to hide their
global drug operations, and would never brook typically botched US intelligence
operations exposing the Illuminati's drug-running and money-making activities.
The second irony is that the late Director Casey's justification for the illegal operations
initiated under William Colby that he adopted and expanded, was intellectually flawed.
The Author has been informed that drug-taking is considered by the perpetrators to be
'recreational', so that what is happening is that a product that is 'required' and 'in demand' for
recreational use, is being supplied - the unspoken corollary being: what is wrong with that?
How can anyone who is not depraved use this crass argument?
But since this spurious argument appears to remain intact to this day, the Author
hereby takes it upon himself to demolish it, even though this task has long since been
conscientiously performed by Dr Joseph D Douglass Jr, in his book: 'Red Cocaine: The
Drugging of America and the West'33 [Edward Harle Limited, London & New York, 1999].
Dr Douglass conclusively demonstrated what ought to be apparent to CIA analysts
who know a thing or two about psychotropic drugs (after all, MK-ULTRA and its parallel
and successor 'Black' programmes were/are CIA operations), that marihuana, cocaine,
heroin and artificial drugs are not naturally in demand, but rather that on the contrary, supply
stimulates demand, rather than the other way round. What Casey's mistaken argument omits
is the nature of these drugs. If you eat an orange and decide that you would like to eat more
oranges because they taste nice, you are doing yourself no harm, as oranges are a natural food
provided for our nutrition and enjoyment. But these drugs are not nutritious: they are addictive.
The demand that arises following their supply is a consequence not of 'recreational demand' but of
demand resulting from addiction.
The fact that the source of demand for drugs is their addictive characteristic pre-
supposes that if the drugs are not available, then addiction cannot occur, given the lack of
supply. In other words, William Casey's argument, which is evidently sustained as an alibi
by CIA drug-runners and their controllers to this day, is based upon an egregious, diabolical,
disgraceful lie. For any supposedly civilised government to permit elements of its structures to
conduct (in the case of the United States, on a colossal scale) drug-running operations, and to
justify such nefarious behaviour by resort to a lie as crude as this, is beyond catastrophic. It
represents the grandfather of all scandals. This necessary condemnation applies to the
Author's own Government as well, given the intelligence now to hand about the corrupt drug-
running activities of the GO-2 intelligence cadre working from within MI6 headquarters in
Lambeth, Central London.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
To this lie is often attached the further deceit that 'if we don't do it, others will fill our
shoes'. To which the answer is: so what? If other evil states sponsor drug-running
operations, that is a scandalous matter for their own governments or peoples to address. The
United States has created or elaborated a global drug monstrosity, financing its intelligence
operations from drug-running just like the Chinese and the Soviets.
And the most powerful drug-running country today is arguably the United States. If a
miracle were to happen, and the overpowerful US intelligence services were to be brought
to book and forced (somehow) to cease and desist, a vast component of the drug scourge that is
degrading mankind would be neutralised. The United States could then begin to restore its
globally shattered and tawdry reputation by deploying resources in opposition to the
equally nefarious drug-running operations of its dialectical rivals.
Unfortunately, this is evidently not about to happen, because drug-running is an
operation not just of US intelligence, but of the Dluminati which controls it, or elements of it.
Hence, there is, as matters stand, no will to address this gargantuan crisis, not least because
the continued 'integrity' of the international financial system depends upon the continued
pipeline of laundry money generated by the drug trade. The money supply expands to
meet the demand for funds with which purchases of drugs are financed.
William Casey ran his argument into a brick wall with his penultimate statements that
'the drug user[s] had the freedom to make a choice. They chose the drug'.
The deceitful implication here is that the user of drugs has the choice to cease to
consume them. The answer to that is that (a) he would not have begun to consume them if
the CIA/DVD had not facilitated their supply in the first place {see above) and (b) that once
addicted (which can happen almost immediately), exercising 'the freedom to make a choice'
becomes at once extremely difficult, for physiological reasons.
It is true that druggies can, with an immense effort of will, achieve separation from these
products of the Devil. But, as the late Mr Casey and all those CIA and other US
intelligence officers who sup with the Devil on this score know perfectly well, the addictive
characteristics of the drugs ensure that the balance of probability is that the drug addict
will constantly seek to renew the temporary gratification obtained from using the drugs
supplied by the CIA's drug operatives and foreign criminalised intelligence collaborators.
Therefore, the argument deployed here is thoroughly dishonest. It is a lie.
Finally, William Casey admitted in his Affidavit that he couldn't care less about (a) the
fact that he had violated the Geneva Convention or (b) that his actions condemned
'countless Americans to drug dependency'. The Author will spell this out more clearly:
The late head of the US intelligence community stated that he was perfectiy
comfortable 'condemning countless Americans to drug dependency'.
Note that Mr Casey used the imprecise phrase 'countless', which, taken literally and
in context, might be construed as implying indifference as to whether the number of
Americans whose lives his actions blighted and destroyed in exchange for 'freedom'
amounted to a thousand, ten million, or two hundred million. That is what his statement
means. If 200,000,000 Americans were condemned to drug dependency, that would have
been fine with the late Director of Central Intelligence. The victims would have been dead
by now - but free! Since none of his successors have done anything to reverse this activity,
and what follows will reveal and confirm that the so-called Colombian drug cartels were
established by US intelligence, it is clear that the United States is in desperate need of
leadership by people who can think straight, and whose minds are not confused, who
judgment is not wanting and who are not Luciferians.
Criminal governance can never escape detection. The US authorities have been
criticised for failures surrounding their handling and interpretation of warnings ahead of
the 9/11 attacks, with a strong overtone of suspicion that the authorities themselves may
have been complicit in the catastrophes. It is now well understood in sensitive quarters in
both London and Washington that Al-Qaeda is a front for German/French 'Black'
intelligence and that the explosive charges which demolished the US buildings were laid
by collaborators. The backgrounds of key individuals such as George Tenet, allegedly an
asset of French intelligence, and of his mentor, the Skull and Bones alumnus David L. Boren
[see page 587 et seq.], later the head of the University of Oklahoma, in whose backyard a
number of operatives associated with the atrocities lived and were trained, reinforce
evidence separately sifted by US and UK intelligence that 9/11 and 7/11 were acts of war
committed against the United States and Britain, which, if repeated, may trigger very grave
consequences. The discovery that the Northern Underground Line beneath the Thames was
meant to have been breached by a bomb, and upwards of 10,000 Londoners drowned on 7/7,
plus GCHQ intercepts associated with the attacks pinpointing French and German 'Black'
intelligence involvement, have been kept - like the real conclusions about 9/1 1 - under wraps,
for one reason only: the desire to avoid the prospect of a Third World War, not against the covert
Soviet Union, but once again against Germany, the Nazi Continuum of which has, by its own
admission (see Chapter 8) never ceased waging war against the 'main enemy' - Britain and the
United States. The methods employed include proxy terrorism, bribery, corruption, Fifth
Column penetration, and drugs.
The next 'smoking gun' document confirms how extensive the super-secret off-off-budget
and hidden operations revealed to William Casey by Colby had been, providing further
documented proof of CIA drug-running operations. It is an Affidavit by Edward P.
Cutolo, dated 18th March 198034, the details of which corroborate Casey's assertions, provide
extraordinary insights into possible tensions between the Illuminati forces and corrupt
elements of the US intelligence community, and reveal collaboration with Israeli
intelligence (known as Megawatt operations). The text of this Affidavit, dated 8th March 1980,
is given below in full. [The reader is asked to exercise patience as the narrative develops]:
'I, Edward P. Cutolo, having been duly sworn, do state under oath:
1. I am currently the Commanding Officer of the 10th Special Forces Group
(Airborne), 1st Special Forces, Fort Devens, Massachusetts. 2. I swear affirmation to the
contents of this affidavit freely and without coercion or threat to my person.
3. In December 1975, 1 spoke with Colonel "Bo" Baker concerning a classified mission
that he commanded during that month, inside Colombia. The mission was known as
WATCHTOWER. [Note: Colonel A. J. Baker, a US intelligence officer, later died mysteriously in
Germany while undergoing minor surgery at a US facility - a familiar 'happening', the Author
understands. At the last count, the total number of operatives, lawyers and others associated
with Iran-Contra to have been 'taken down' exceeded 430 - Ed.].
4. Following a lengthy discussion with Col. Baker, I was introduced to Mr. Edwin
Wilson and Mr. Frank Terpil. Both Wilson and Terpil were in the employ of the Central
Intelligence Agency. Both Wilson and Terpil inquired if I was interested in working for short
periods of time in Colombia and I acknowledged that I was.
5. In February 1976, I commanded the second WATCHTOWER Mission into
Colombia. This mission was 22 days long and ended with only one reportable incident
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
occurring between team members and a Colombian army unit. There were no fatalities
received by WATCHTOWER team members. There was no indication that the Colombian
army unit sustained fatalities.
6. The purpose of Operation WATCHTOWER was to establish a series of three
electronic beacon towers beginning outside of Bogota, Colombia and running northeast to
the border of Panama. Once the WATCHTOWER teams (Special Action Teams) were in
place, the beacon was activated to emit a signal that aircraft could fix on and fly undetected
from Bogota into Panama, before landing at Albrook Air Station.
7. During the February 1976 WATCHTOWER Mission, 30 high performance aircraft
landed safely at Albrook Air Station where the aircraft were met by Colonel Tony [sic]
Noriega, who is a Panama Defence Force [PDF] Officer currentiy assigned to the Customs
and Intelligence Section. Noriega normally was in the company of other PDF officers who
were known to me as Major Diaz-Herrera, Major Luis del Cid, and/or a Major Ramirez.
Also present at most of the arrivals, was Edwin Wilson, and an unidentified male
Israeli national.
8. The cargo flown from Colombia into Panama consisted of cocaine.
9. The [mentioned] male Israeli national was identified and known to members of the
[US] 570th Military Intelligence Group in Panama who only specified that this individual
had the authority from the U.S. Army Southern Command in Panama to be in the A.O.
10. In March, 1976, a third WATCHTOWER Mssion was implemented and I was in
command of that mission which lasted 29 days and engaged in the same tactics used in the
February 1976, mission. The March mission encountered a serious accident and resulted in
several Special Action Team members being injured from wounds suffered while they were
attempting to exfiltrate from Colombia across the border into Panama where helicopters
were waiting to extract them.
1 1 . The March 1976 mission incident occiured as the Special Action Team that was on
station at Turbo, Colombia, encountered 40 to 50 armed men. Action Intelligence reports
identified the armed men as local bandits. In regards to this incident the helicopters
waiting in Panama, to extract the Special Action Team, entered Colombian air space
without authorization and successfully extracted the Special Action Team, after an
estimated six- or seven-minute fire-fight.
12. During the March 1976, WATCHTOWER Mssion, 40 high performance aircraft
landed safely at Albrook Air Station where they were met in the previously related
fashion by those named.
13. After the WATCHTOWER Mssion in March 1976, 1 lost touch with several of the
men who had served on the Special Action Teams. I made no attempt to locate them.
14. In 1978, 1 assumed command of the 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne) at Fort
Devens and recognized two soldiers [there].
15. The two soldiers [that] I recognized were assigned to 10th Special Forces Group
(Airborne). One [of them] was assigned to a Special Forces Operational Detachment
Alpha in the 3rd Battalion - Sgt. John Newby. The other had just been reassigned off an
Operational Detachment Alpha following a criminal Investigation Division matter being
levied against him, PFC William Tyree. Tyree was reassigned to a Forward Support Team but
had been carried for the preceding month on the 2nd Battalion's roster.
16. Upon the assumption of command, I created and implemented 12 separate
Special Action Teams. Their mission was to implement Army Regulation 340-18-5 (file
number 503-05). My authority for this action came directly from FORSCOM through
Edwin Wilson who appeared before me in my office at 10th Special Forces Group
Headquarters. This action was taken to develop surveillance of politicians, judicial figures,
law enforcement agencies at the State level, and of religious figures [in conformity with the
remit of the A-6 RED MIST program identified by William Colby when he briefed
William Casey in 1981 - Ed.]
17. Edwin Wilson explained that it was believed that Operation WATCHTOWER
might be compromised and become known if politicians, judicial figures, police and
religious entities were approached or received word that U.S. troops had aided in delivering
narcotics from Columbia into Panama. Based on that possibility, intense surveillance was
now undertaken by my office to ensure that if WATCHTOWER became known about,
the U.S. Government and the Army would have advance warning and could prepare a
defense [sic].
18. I was under orders never to inform Colonel Forrest Rittgers, [who was] Com-
manding Officer of Ft. Devens. The reason for this order, I was told, was that in the event Ft.
Devens personnel were caught in the act of implementing the surveillance, Col. Rittgers
will have a margin of plausible deniability with which he may be able to downplay and
defend against injuries [sic].
19. The surveillance was unofficially referred to as Operation George Orwell based
on the theme of the surveillance and the George Orwell published work 1984'.
20. 1 instituted surveillance against Ted Kennedy, John Kerry, Edward King,
Mchael Dukakis [who was later a Vice Presidential candidate], Levin H. Campbell,
Andrew A. Caffey, Fred Johnston, Kenneth A. Chandler, Thomas P. O'Neill [later the
House Speaker], to name a few of the targets. Surveillance at my orders was instituted at
the Governors' residences of Massachusetts, Maine, New York and New Hampshire.
The Catholic Cathedrals of New York and Boston were placed under electronic
surveillance also. In the area of Ft. Devens, all local police and politicians were under
surveillance at various times. [In other words, A-6 (or its clone) was being implemented
domestically, as well - which was doubly against the law then prevailing - Ed.].
21. 1 specifically employed individuals taken from the 441st Mlitary Intelligence
Detachment and 402 Army Security Agency Detachment assigned to the 10th Special
Forces Group to supplement the Special Action Teams carrying out Operation Orwell.
22. 1 also recruited a number of local State employees who worked within the ranks
of local police and as court personnel to assist in this operation. They were veterans and had
previous security clearances. They were told at the outset that if they were caught they
were on their own.
23. Among the Special Action Team personnel was (then) SP4 William Tyree. Tyree
had learned of the Operation and requested in person to be part of it. Tyree was used in
less than a dozen surveillances.
24. In October 1978, it became known to me that SP4 Tyree was receiving telephone
threats to his wife and himself. He made that fact known to his First Sergeant, Frederick
Henry, and then approached me. Following our discussion, I considered placing Tyree under
surveillance to arrive at who was behind the threats and whether or not the threats had the
potential of compromising Operation Orwell.
25. On 26 December 1978 I began a file on SP4 Tyree and assigned a three-man sur-
veillance Special Action Team to the multi-dwelling apartment complex [that] SP4 Tyree
shared with his wife. That unit was in place from that date until 14 February 1979.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
26. On 5 January 1979, Tyree appeared before me to receive a Field Grade Article-15
(non-judicial punishment) for his part in the theft and sale of military property. I had to
make an example out of Tyree and instituted the most severe punishment possible. I
concluded that with pending Congressional inquiries, the Post Commander (Colonel
Rittgers) would reverse my decision on appeal, in Pvt. Tyree's favor. A reason to support
this conclusion, in addition to pending Congressional inquiries, was the fact that the
proceedings against Pvt. William Tyree were flawed from the outset of the investigation
with a number of discrepancies.
27. I was told and understood that the main reason for seeking the Article-15
against him was to make an example of him, to show others that cooperation with the
Command law enforcement agencies was mandatory.
28. On 26 January 1979, Pvt. Tyree tendered his Appeal of my sanction. The
Appeal is attached. It is the best example of what proof existed against Pvt. Tyree when he
came before me on 5 January 1979. It also names the characters in another matter that was
unfolding as of that date.
29. By 29 January 1979, Senator Gam's office had contacted the Army Liaison
Office in Washington D.C, on behalf of Pvt. Tyree who referred the matter to my office, as I
was Pvt. Tyree's Commanding Officer. I then notified Sgt. Doucette in Washington D.C, that
it would be approximately two weeks before further action could be taken in regard to the
threats Pvt. Tyree was receiving. At that point I knew the threats were taking place, but had
not ascertained from whence they originated.
30. At approximately 0945 hours on 30 January 1979, Pvt. Tyree reported to my
office at 10th Special Forces Group Headquarters per my instructions. Pvt. Tyree reported
that between 2400 hours and 0100 hours of the previous night his wife had received another
threatening phone call. I was notified of the call by the Special Action Team in place at the
Tyree residence prior to speaking with Pvt. Tyree. I ordered Tyree to keep this matter to
himself as it was being investigated. I notified Pvt. Tyree I would contact him between 1200
and 1300 hours at his duty station as soon as I could look into a matter that pertained to the
threats. This meeting lasted until 1019 hours.
31. On 30 January 1979, at approximately 1147 hours, two men were dropped in the
parking area of the apartment complex that Pvt. Tyree resided within. One man was
identified as Erik Aarhus. The second man, due to his face being covered, could not be
identified as the two men entered the apartment building where the Tyree family
resided. Surveillance indicated that at least one of the two men entered the Tyree apartment
and left prior to the arrival of Pvt. William Tyree and his wife at noon.
32. On 30 January 1979, at noon, Pvt. Tyree and his wife were seen arriving at the
apartment complex they resided in. Pvt. Tyree never exited his truck and Mrs. Tyree
entered the building where their apartment was located. After she disappeared, a car
almost ran into Pvt. Tyree as he was leaving the parking lot. Mrs. Tyree was stabbed to
death in their apartment shortly thereafter.
33. Following a scream, local police were notified. The first police car responded
quickly and a single officer entered the building where the Tyree family resided. After the
officer entered, one of the two men exited from a window on the ground floor of the building
This widow was identified as the Tyree bedroom window. The man seen leaving this
window was identified as SP4 Earl M. Peters. Peters exited the window wearing blue
denim, with a red hood sticking out of the rear neck area of the blue denim jacket. He was
carrying a box, green and white in color that was described by the Special
Action Team as long and flat in appearance. Peters then walked from the building to the
driveway entrance of the apartment complex and walked in the general direction of the
main street in Ayer, Massachusetts. Within 5 or 6 minutes after the first police officer
arrived, a second officer identified as the Police Chief appeared.
34. After the Police Chief had arrived, a third vehicle arrived. This was 10 to 15
minutes later. That vehicle carried an unknown man in his late 30s. He was later identified
as the landlord of the Tyree apartment.
35. Upon knowledge that Mrs. Tyree was dead, the Special Action Team did notify me
of this fact and I did place Pvt. Tyree under intense surveillance. In addition, I placed SP4
Peters under surveillance and at approximately 1405 hours during the afternoon of the
murder Sp4 Peters signed a weapon (12 gauge shotgun, Remington 1100) into the Service
Company. The weapon was in a long flat green and white box bearing the name 'Remington'
across the front and back sides. [*Note: The author of the Affidavit says Mrs Tyree was stabbed,
but inconsistently stresses Pvt. Peters' gun - Ed.].
36. Pvt. Tyree was questioned and cooperated in a limited fashion. He was then
taken to the 441 Military Intelligence Detachment where he slept overnight on the
Commanding Officer's couch, under guard. The following morning, I spoke to him in my
office at the 10th Special Forces Group Headquarters. I informed him of the surveillance and
of what I knew had occurred to his wife. He knew at that point that SP4 Peters and Pvt.
Aarhus had both been involved in the murder and he began to talk to me.
37. Pvt. Tyree admitted, on 31 January 1979 in my office to me, that his wife had been
killed, he felt, because of a set of diaries she had kept. Tyree explained that SP4 Peters and
SP4 Rosario were named throughout the books as being involved in [certain] illegal matters
on and around Ft. Devens. I knew [that] Rosario had been alleged to be involved in such
matters and knew the information could be true. Then Pvt. Tyree admitted that his wife
knew of Operations WATCHTOWER and Orwell, as he had seen it in her diaries the
previous night. Pvt. Tyree swore he didn't reveal the Operations to her and I believed him.
Tyree didn't know where the diaries were at this time.
38. Upon Pvt. Tyree leaving my office, I initiated contact with Massachusetts State
Police Lieutenant J. Dwyer, of the Middlesex District Attorney's Office. Lt. Dwyer had
cooperated previously on Operation Orwell and understood the urgency of the situation.
Lt. Dwyer notified me that during a search of the Tyree apartment he [had] discovered the
diaries behind the fridge with a note to the family of Elaine Tyree. He did not disclose the
contents of the note.
39. Shortly before noon on 2 February 1979, I received a telephone call from Lt.
Dwyer indicating he would drop off the diaries belonging to Elaine Tyree at my office.
Upon receipt of the diaries I reviewed them, noting [that] much of Operation WATCH-
TOWER and Orwell was written about throughout the many pages of the diaries.
40. After my review, I contacted Colonel Moore of the U.S. Army Liaison in
Washington D.C., and notified him of the scope of the issues involved in the murder of
Elaine Tyree. I did notify him at that time of the possibility that arms and narcotics traf-
ficking played a role in her murder. Due to security issues surrounding Operations
WATCHTOWER and Orwell, I did not indicate how the arms and narcotics trafficking
figured in the murder of Elaine Tyree, however.
41. Despite repeated warnings to stay out of the investigation and to remain silent, Pvt.
Tyree was arrested on 13 February 1979, after [he had] attempted to bring about the arrest of
Pvt. Aarhus. The surveillance Special Action Team reported that an armed con-
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
frontation between Pvt. Tyree and SP4 Peters occurred prior to the arrest of Pvt. Tyree.
42. During February 1979, Pvt. Tyree was arraigned on the pending civilian
criminal charges. It was too risky to allow a military court to review the charges against
Pvt. Tyree with Operation Orwell still ongoing and Senator Garn's office requesting a full
investigation. Pvt. Tyree therefore had to stand before a civilian court of law on the
criminal charges.
43. Prior to the arrest of Pvt. William Tyree, Lt. Dwyer approached me and insisted on
knowing whether or not Tyree had ever served in Vietnam. I suspect Lt. Dwyer was
attempting to learn if Tyree's involvement in the military operations elsewhere were
being covered up the way Operation WATCHTOWER was. I replied in the negative, that
Tyree had never been in the Republic of South Vietnam. I then contemplated for the first
time [the possibility] that Tyree might go public on Operations WATCH-TOWER and
Orwell because I had not come forward. Based on that conclusion, I gave orders to erase
certain parts of his military records.
44. Actual information erased included the attendance of Pvt. Tyree at certain
service schools and references to overseas service. I ordered all records to be erased that
linked Pvt. Tyree to Operation WATCHTOWER or Orwell. Service schools and badges
[that] I know were erased included his Taper Flash Special Forces Qualification',
Crewman's Aviator Wings', Canadian Airborne Badge', and 'Master Parachute Badge'. I
also gave orders to disenfranchise Pvt. Tyree from [the] Special Forces. I wanted no-one
standing up for him and in the process dragging the information concerning Operation
WATCHTOWER into the public eye. [Note: And to hell with poor Pvt. Tyree, whose wife had just
been murdered because she knew about the US military's illegal drug-running operations, and who
had himself been arrested after confronting his wife's murderer - Ed.].
45. Unknown to him, Pvt. Tyree underwent a hearing on the criminal charges in a
local courthouse, under the surveillance of Operation Orwell. I learned through trans-
missions that Tyree only spoke of defense issues with his attorney, but [had] never men-
tioned Operations WATCHTOWER or Orwell. In the process of Pvt. Tyree's hearing, a
State police officer from Lt. Dwyer's office discovered [that] the State courthouse was
under surveillance. This led to the arrest of the senior Court Officer, Ira Kiezer, who took full
responsibility and never mentioned my office.
46. After the hearing concluded, the presiding judge in the Tyree matter found no
reason to bind Tyree over for the trial on the murder of his wife. I found myself faced with
the possibility that Pvt. Tyree, upon release, would become angered at my decision to
disfranchise him. So I approached Lt. Dwyer who informed me that an indictment had
already been secured for Tyree and that he would stand trial for the charge of murder. Lt.
Dwyer expressed concern that there would not be enough evidence to warrant a guilty
finding against Tyree. Lt. Dwyer indicated that the only person with enough credibility
was SP4 Peters. I could not inform Lt. Dwyer that Peters had been the person responsible
for Elaine Tyree's murder.
47. After weeks of consideration, I concluded that the security of Operation
WATCHTOWER and Orwell came first and AR 340-18-5 strictiy prohibited the disclosure
of intelligence gathered pursuant to that regulation.
48 . On 29 February 1980, Pvt. Tyree was convicted of murder and will spend the duration of
his life incarcerated. I could not disseminate intelligence gathered under Operation Orwell to
notify civilian authorities who actually killed Elaine Tyree. [Note: For illegal operational
reasons, including the need to cover up US drug-running, therefore,
an army private (named as a Colonel in the court documents to which Casey's Affidavit was
appended, but as 'Private' in Cutolo's Affidavit) faced spending the rest of his life in jail for
murdering his wife, even though his Commanding Officer knew who had actually committed
the murder (false witness). The Author's enquiries have indicated that the unfortunate Pvt.
Tyree is still incarcerated (as of June 2006). - Ed.].
49. The current intelligence on Archbishop Romero (El Salvador) indicates [that] he
is in receipt of physical evidence supporting several allegations that the United States is
currently, [along] with Honduras, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Panama, covertly training and
sponsoring freedom fighters attempting to overthrow the current regime in Nicaragua;
that these freedom fighters are also being supported from funds arising from Operation
WATCHTOWER in part; that Mr. Robert D'Aubuisson (El Salvador) secretly aided the
freedom fighters by allowing US advisors to train the freedom fighters inside El Salvador;
[and] that Sr. D'Aubuisson was contacted by Edwin Wilson and Frank Terpil prior to the
freedom fighters being trained inside El Salvador.
This information made it necessary to protect Operation WATCHTOWER and
Orwell regardless of the costs [i.e., regardless of the murder of Pvt. Tyree's wife by someone other
than her husband and regardless of the fact that this US military officer or soldier was languishing in
prison, where he faced spending the rest of his life - Ed.].
50. I have been in communication with Lt. Dwyer. In November 1979, after some
prodding, Lt. Dwyer and the Middlesex District Attorney went to the Massachusetts
Supreme Court and obtained a ruling that prohibits any court but the Massachusetts
Supreme Court from ordering the arrest of suspects in the Tyree murder. I am told that this
is without precedent and that normally any court can issue arrest warrants for suspects in a
murder. This will ensure that only Tyree and Aarhus are arrested for the murder and that
SP4 Peters will not have to be subjected to having to defend himself on the witness stand.
That also could bring about the entire matter being made public as by this time, I am
certain that SP4 Peters is acutely aware that something is afoot, or he would have been
arrested when the hearing in the local courthouse was held. [Another instance of the
perversion of the US system of justice' by intelligence - Ed.].
51.1 mailed the diaries of Elaine Tyree to a post office box number in Langley,
Virginia, per instructions of Edwin Wilson who contacted me by telephone concerning the
diaries [i.e., the diaries were sent to the CIA, where of course they have been suppressed -
Ed.]. Wilson also notified me of the intelligence on Archbishop Romero.
52. I reviewed the diaries prior to mailing them. The diaries contained most of the
information on SP4 Peters, as Pvt. Tyree indicated they did. I suspect that this was the
motive for Peters' killing of Elaine Tyree. The diaries contained no mention of Pvt. Tyree or
his alleged illegal dealings. I suspect that Elaine Tyree only wrote in the diaries relating to
soldiers other than her husband, who were involved in illegal activities in and around Ft.
53. The diaries kept by Elaine Tyree mentioned certain personal entries that can
corroborate the fact that I saw the diaries, that they exist, and that the information contained
within them is accurate. There were numerous entries relating to Elaine Hebb Tyree's
family located in Maryland, and her friends in the army.
54. January 1978 entry: 'Rosemary got a job with the FBI and has to be in Wash-
ington D.C. by January 31, 1978. Cindy and Edie got out of the hospital today (that is,
55. From reading the entry on Cindy and Edie I suspect that [the] actual date of
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
their release from the hospital was 12 January 1978. But no specific date was given, nor was
the hospital named that they were admitted to.
56. January 1978 entry: 'Rosemary will be leaving for Washington D.C., on
Sunday. I may ride back with her'.
57. From reading the entry concerning Rosemary driving to Washington, I suspect the
actual date Rosemary left the Hebb family home in Cumberland, Maryland, to travel to
Washington, possibly with Elaine Tyree, was 29 January 1978. No actual date was given in
the diaries, nor was there further mention whether or not Elaine Tyree actually rode 'back
with her.'
58. November 1978 entry: 'SP5 Scott had a little baby girl. She was due in July. I
remember her back before she came to Ft. Devens'.
59. From a reading of the entries on SP5 Scott which begin to appear in the diaries
around April 1978, I suspect this female was a member of a unit Elaine Tyree was
assigned to either at Ft. Lee, Virginia, or at Ft. McClellan, Alabama. In either case, this is an
intimate fact obviously known only to Elaine Tyree, as no one else would need any
knowledge about when another female friend gave birth, and the gender of the baby
born to the female friend in question.
60. January-February 1978 entries. I've been running around with Heidi Urban. We
go all over together when I don't have duty.... Pat Imbu left in mid- January'.
61. From my reading of the entries on Heidi Urban, the main facts appearing obvious
are that Elaine Tyree is then at Ft. Lee, Virginia [and] that Pvt. William Tyree is not present
as he is at Ft. Devens, Mass. Other than Elaine and Heidi, no-one, specifically not Pvt.
Tyree or myself, could know that Elaine and Heidi were 'running around together' at that
time, unless these facts are represented in the diaries maintained by Elaine Tyree in her
own handwriting. Elaine Tyree was [now] assigned to Company C, 1st Battalion,
Quartermaster School.
62. November 1978 entry: Dear Diary, my brother Steven who has been stationed in
England for a over a year, is corning home on the 20th for good.
63. From reading the entries on Steven, I learned that he is currentiy assigned to an
Air Force Base in England and that Elaine Tyree got along well with him.
64. From further consideration and reading entries on SP5 Scott. I conclude that Mrs
Elaine Tyree knew this female at Ft. Lee, Virginia, in the sense that both Scott and Elaine
Tyree underwent the same training there. I don't gather from the entries that SP5 Scott
married or had a name change between her duty at Ft. Lee, Virginia, and Ft. Devens,
Mass., but I could be forgetting or overlooking the numerous personal entries in the
diaries in an attempt only to view data pertinent to Operation WATCHTOWER or Orwell.
65. November 1978 entry: Peters came by the apartment today. Bill spoke with him
in the front room while I was washing dishes. Peters is thinking about buying a new
truck. Bill asked Peters if he was going to have Dennis Testagrossa steal this new truck and
bum it so [that] Peters could collect the insurance the way Peters had the last time? Peters
laughed and said the payments are better on this truck than the one he had Testagrossa steal
from the parking lot of Carlin's Bar. This was the first I knew that Peters was involved in
the stealing of his own truck. Peters told me [that] Bill was not involved because at the
time Bill was under too much attention'.
66. I have not seen proof that Pvt. Tyree was involved in illegal activities. I have seen
ample proof that he is foolish and eager to do things his way, since Pvt. Tyree's involvement
in the March 1976 WATCHTOWER incident with the 40-50 armed Colombians.
67. 1 have detailed the pertinent events in this Affidavit should something happen to me.
The lug nuts have been loosened on my car tires twice in the past week. I have had
someone tamper with my car once and I have received telephone calls at my home where
no one answered at the other end. I have seen other men involved in Operation
WATCHTOWER meet accidental deaths after they had also been threatened.
68. Sgt. John Newby reported that he had received threats just prior to the para-
chuting accident that claimed his life in October 1978. It was at that time that (then) SP4
Tyree began to report threatening phone calls. I saw a pattern and still believe that a pattern
exists. [Note: The only difference being that, this time round, it's Cutolo who senses that his life is
in danger, rather than the incarcerated army private. Cutolo also died prematurely].
69. I gave Colonel Baker the original copy of this Affidavit. [Note: As indicated earlier,
Colonel AJ. Baker died suddenly while undergoing light surgery under anaesthesia at a US military
facility in Germany -Ed.]. I gave true copies to Mr Hugh B. Pearce, and to Mr Paul Neri of the
National Security Agency, and instructed each person to deliver this Affidavit to the authorities
in the event [that] something occurs to me. [Note: And a great deal of use that would be, wouldn't
it, given that 'the authorities' are themselves the perpetrators of these murders and illegal activities. It is
understood that 'something did indeed happen' to Cutolo, later. -Ed.].
70. I believe [that] the friends I have entrusted with the original and copies of this
affidavit will place the national security of the United States and American interests in
Latin America first, and if circumstances allow, will bring this affidavit to the attention of
the authorities in the event that something occurs to me.
71. During the conversation with Edwin Wilson, I was informed of the sensitive data
related to Archbishop Romero. He also spoke to me concerning operation WATCH-TOWER
and the geopolitical climate in Latin America and the need to maintain security. I notified him
that I had requested to release intelligence gathered from Operation Orwell to civilian
police authorities involved in the Elaine Tyree murder and that the Staff Judge Advocate's
Office had denied the request.
72. Edwin Wilson [then] explained that Operation WATCHTOWER had to remain
secret and gave these reasons [for his demand]:
(1) If the operation became public knowledge, it would undermine present gov-
ernmental interests as well as those in the future;
(2) There are similar operations being implemented elsewhere in the world. Wilson
named the 'Golden Triangle' of Southeast Asia and [also] Pakistan [in this context]. Wilson
stated [that] in both areas of the world, the CIA and certain other intelligence agencies are
using the illegal narcotics flow to support forces fighting to overthrow Communist
governments, or [else] governments that are not friendly towards the United States. Edwin
Wilson revealed [the names of] several recognized officials [from] Pakistan, Afghanistan,
Burma, Korea, Thailand and Cambodia as being aware of and consenting to these
arrangements, similar to the arrangements in Panama;
(3) Wilson cited the military coup in Argentina in 1976, the coup in Peru in 1976, the
collapse of the Somoza Government in Nicaragua in 1979, and the growing civil war in El
Salvador as examples of the need for operations like WATCHTOWER, as these operations
funded the ongoing US effort to combat Communism and [to] defeat various activities
directed against the United States or matters concerning the United States.
73. Edwin Wilson [then] explained that the profits from the sale of narcotics
were laundered through a series of banks. Wilson stated that over 70% of the profits
were being laundered through the banks in Panama. The remaining percentage was
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
being funnelled through Swiss banks with only a modest remainder being handled by banks
within the United States. Wilson indicated that a large proportion of the profits are brought
into the banks of Panama without being checked. I understood that some of the dollar profits in
Panamanian banks arrived through Israeli couriers.
I became aware of that fact from normal conversations with some of the Embassy per-
sonnel assigned to the Embassy in Panama. Wilson also stated that an associate whom I
don't know also aided in overseeing the laundering of funds, which were then used to
purchase weapons to arm the various factions that the CIA saw as friendly towards the
United States. The associate's name is Tom Clines. Wilson indicated that most of [the
activity under] Operation WATCHTOWER was effected on the authority of Clines.
74. 1 was notified by Mr Edwin Wilson that the information forwarded to Washington
D.C, was disseminated to private corporations that were developing weapons for the US
Department of Defense. Those private corporations were encouraged to use the sensitive
information gathered from the surveillance on US Senators and Representatives as leverage
[with which] to manipulate those Congressmen into approving whatever costs the weapons
systems incurred. [Note: This is a formal, explicit acknowledgement of the widespread use of
blackmail by the US intelligence community as an instrument of domestic and international military
policy. - Ed.].
75. Edwin Wilson named three weapons systems when he spoke of private cor-
porations receiving information [that was derived] from Operation Orwell:
(1) An armored vehicle;
(2) An aircraft that is invisible to radar;
(3) A weapons system that utilizes kinetic energy. I got the impression [that] this
weapon was being developed either for use by NASA or for CBR [sic] purposes. I wrote
down what I recalled at the time and it is attached [omitted by the source for this
presentation as being not strictiy relevant, as was certain other related material - Ed].
76. Edwin Wilson indicated to me during our conversation which entailed the dis-
semination of Operation Orwell information and the identification of the three weapons
systems, that Operation Orwell would be implemented nationwide by 4th July 1980.
[Accordingly] :
77. As of the date of this affidavit, 8,400 US police departments, 1,370 churches, and
approximately 17,900 citizens have been monitored under Operation Orwell. The major
churches targeted have been Catholic and Latter-Day Saints [sic]. I have stored certain
information [that was] gathered by Operation Orwell on Ft. Devens, and pursuant to
instructions from Edwin Wilson have forwarded additional information gathered to
Washington, D.C. [Note: At that time, the CIA was prohibited from spying on US citizens
domestically: but what the hell, the law is only there to be exploited when the intelligence
community needs its protection: at all other times, it can be disregarded - Ed.].
78. Per orders from Edwin Wilson, I did not discuss the implementation of Operation
Orwell with my staff or others outside beyond the personnel assigned to surveillance. The
only matter [that was] discussed with Operation Orwell personnel was what the Special
Action Teams needed to know in order to carry out their mission. Certain information was
collected on suspected members of the Trilateral Commission and also the Bilderberg
Group. [Note: This formal documented admission is extremely significant. The Author is
advised by reliable intelligence sources that the Trilateral Commission is a subversive front for
German long-range 'Black Intelligence, while the Bilderberg Organisation allegedly selects
and approves personnel and Illuminati
agentur in order to ensure that the interests and objectives of the Illuminati, serving ultimately,
as a practical matter, German long-range global hegemony strategy, are always sustained -
Ed.]. Among those that information was collected on were Gerald Ford and President Jimmy
Carter. Edwin Wilson indicated that additional surveillance was implemented against the
former CIA Director George H. W. Bush. Sr., whom Edwin Wilson named as a member of
the Trilateral Commission. [This statement confirms that Operation Orwell was directed
domestically against the long-range German/DVD Fifth Column in the United States - Ed.]. [Mr
Cutolo added]: I do not have personal knowledge that Ford, Carter or Bush were under
79. 1 spoke to Colonel James N. Rowe on 5 March 1980. 1 specifically requested that Col.
Rowe communicate with several contacts he possesses within the CIA. I requested Colonel
Rowe to check out Mr Edwin Wilson. I had two concerns. The first was that Edwin
Wilson may pose a threat to national security by disseminating classified information on
the CIA's activities to personnel without a clearance or a need to know that information.
Edwin Wilson, during his conversations with me, outlined information that was classified
and which I had no need to know: information that pertained to the activities of the CIA in
the United States and Latin America. I've related such conversations with Mr Wilson herein.
The second concern I had was the issue of his authority and [of his] connection to
Thomas Clines. I was told repeatedly that Clines was the agent in charge and that Wilson
worked with Clines. Colonel Rowe indicated that he would make the inquiries I requested
and would contact me with that information as soon as he had something. Colonel Rowe
indicated that it would be 60 to 90 days before he would speak to the CIA contact that was
most apt to have knowledge of the information I requested. I agreed to meet Colonel Rowe
at Ft. Bragg the next week in June in the event Colonel Rowe received documentation
relating to the information I sought.
80. On 7 March 1980, Colonel Rowe contacted me. During the course of our con-
versation Colonel Rowe informed me that his initial inquiries with CIA contacts confirmed
that Edwin Wilson was working for Thomas Clines at the times in question. Colonel
Rowe indicated that Edwin Wilson was under scrutiny by the CIA at that time but had not
been given the details of the circumstances surrounding the events of that matter. Colonel
Rowe also indicated that there was an Israeli aspect to the matter involving Edwin Wilson, and
Colonel Rowe provided the name of David Kimche as being the Israeli most likely to be
involved with Edwin Wilson.
[Note: David Kimche was head of the Israeli Foreign Office and therefore in charge of Mossad,
the Israeli foreign intelligence service. He was the most powerful and most senior of all Israeli foreign
and intelligence officials. For David Kimche to have been involved in such operational matters meant
that Israeli intelligence is heavily involved in dmg-trafficking operations, too, as is confirmed
shortly. Indeed, as will be seen, the Israeli drug operations in Latin America (and elsewhere) are
extensive (and may be intertwined with parallel Soviet drug-trafficking operations - Ed.]. With
regard to my concerns that Edwin Wilson posed a possible threat to national security or to
the inner working of the CIA, Colonel Rowe indicated that off the record, that was a
concern of several people to whom he had also spoken.
Colonel Rowe further indicated that he would be in receipt of documentation by the
first week of June [1980] which listed Edwin Wilson's involvement in several operations. I
specifically asked Colonel Rowe if he had the names of any of those operations at this time
and his reply was in the negative. Colonel Rowe did indicate that it was his understanding
that each operation had basically the same characters involved,
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
and Colonel Rowe named two other individuals involved with Edwin Wilson. Colonel
Rowe named Robert Gates and William J. Casey as officials who had been named in the
documentation he would acquire prior to our scheduled meeting in June 1980
8 1 . On 7 March 1980, after my conversation with Colonel Rowe, I made [some]
inquiries through Paul Neri and Pentagon contacts and was informed that David
Kimche had ties with the Israeli Intelligence Agency known as 'The Mossad'. I also
asked that I be provided a photograph, if any existed, of David Kimche. I requested such a
photograph to determine if Mr Kimche was the unidentified male Israeli national who met
the aircraft flying into Albrook Air Station during Operation WATCHTOWER In addition,
I sought whatever photographs existed on those who were known associates of David
Kimche for the same reason.
82. During March 1980 1 received three photographs from Army Intelligence contacts
at the Pentagon. Amongst the three photographs were two individuals I recognized.
David Kimche's photograph had been shown to me by a friend, Col. Robert Bayard,
shortly prior to his murder in Atianta, Georgia, in 1977. According to Bayard, Kimche was
due to meet with him later. Shortly thereafter, I was informed through the normal lines of
communication that Col. Bayard was murdered. As of this date his murder remains
unsolved. The photograph of Kimche that Colonel Bayard had produced appeared to be a
surveillance photo. There is no doubt that Kimche was the person Bayard named as
being in the photograph. According to Colonel Bayard, Kimche was due to meet with him
to discuss a matter that related to Col. Bayard's previous duty in the U.S. Army and
assignment in the CIA.
83. The second individual I recognized from the three photographs I received, was
listed as Mchael Harari. I was informed that Mchael Harari is listed as a senior Mossad agent.
Harari was the unidentified male Israeli national that met the aircraft which flew into
Albrook Air Station during Operation WATCHTOWER. He was the one who gave Edwin
Wilson two briefcases full of U.S. currency in various denominations. The briefcases were
given to Edwin Wilson at the end of the operation in February and March 1976. It is my
understanding from Pentagon contacts, that Harari's activities in Latin America are well
known, including his drug trafficking endeavors. I was also informed from those same
contacts that the Pentagon, on the orders of several Washington VPs, have gone to great
lengths to keep the activities of Harari a secret. I have begun preparations to meet with David
Kimche or Michael Harari while in Europe on annual NATO exercises. I intend to verify
that Harari was the individual who gave Edwin Wilson the briefcases while at Albrook Air
Station during Operation WATCHTOWER.
84. 1 was informed from Pentagon contacts, off the record, that CIA Director
Stansfield Turner and former CIA Director George Bush are among the VPs that shield Harari
from public scrutiny. Those Pentagon contacts further indicated to me their knowledge
that Operation WATCHTOWER was implemented and of my involvement in that
operation. This was the first time that U.S. military authorities confirmed to me that the
Operation occuned and gave their approval. I also learned that Mr Harari was a known
middleman for certain matters involving the United States inside Latin America Harari acted with
the support of a large network of Mossad personnel throughout Latin America and
worked mainly in the import and export of arms and drug trafficking.
85. As a further means of corroborating this affidavit, on 9 February 1979, 1 spoke to
Colonel Rittgers concerning the release of Pvt. Tyree from Walter Reed Medical Center
in Washington D.C, where he had been admitted on 5 February 1979. Colonel
Rittgers notified me that Pvt. Tyree had fully recovered from the depression, which was
brought about by the murder of Mrs Elaine Tyree. Colonel Rittgers indicated that upon
arrival at Ft. Devens later that day, he would interview Pvt. Tyree to determine for himself if
Pvt.. Tyree felt he was in any real danger.
86. I also spoke to Captain Gruden who was then the Commanding Officer of the
409th Army Security Agency Company, based in Augsberg, Germany. The telephone call
was brief and I inquired into what information PFC Tina Gregory might be expected to give
in support of Pvt. Tyree's trial defense. The surveillance of the civilian court house in the
early stages of the criminal proceedings against Pvt. Tyree indicated PFC Gregory could
have knowledge about Operation WATCHTOWER since PFC Gregory and Mrs Elaine
Tyree were very close friends. I was not able to learn much from Captain Gruden who was
leaving his office when I called. In order not to attract attention to the value of the
information PFC Gregory may or may not have, I passed the entire phone call off as my
being interested about the fate of Pvt. Tyree who was under my command.
Signed under the pains and penalties of perjury on this 1 1th day of March 1980. Edward P.
Cutolo Colonel Infantry Commanding'. [Since deceased].
• • •
Edwin Wilson, a retired US Army Colonel who - like so many others involved in the nexus
of operations generically known as Iran-Contra, died under mysterious circumstances (in
November 1996) - certified in his own Affidavit, parts of which have been made available
to this Author, that 'Mr Tyree had been decorated in relation to the classified operations he
participated in. Following the participation of Mr Tyree in the WATCHTOWER operation,
he was called upon to serve his country in a variety of classified operations in Latin America,
Africa and Pakistan. Our investigation [conducted by Colonel Wilson as an Army Mlitary
Intelligence (MI) officer into the William Tyree case - Ed.] found that these subsequent
operations came under the general project referred to as SANDMAN. SANDMAN was a
project of the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). SANDMAN also involved
soldiers of the United States military. The information about SANDMAN is limited.
SANDMAN exclusively dealt with so-called "wet operations" (assassinations) and Mr Tyree
was involved in several assassinations that were verified by Special Forces soldiers we
interviewed. This resulted in Mr Tyree receiving a variety of decorations, which the US Army
refuses to admit were ever awarded to Mr Tyree'. The late Colonel Wilson's Affidavit also
revealed that Wilson had 'gone back to source', i.e. had interviewed William Colby:
'Ironically during conversations I had with Mr Colby, I learned that he had personally
requested and attained [that] a waiver be given to soldiers involved in WATCHTOWER and
SANDMAN. One of those soldiers was Mr Tyree. From my involvement in the CIA Program
MK-ULTRA' - the true meaning of which acronym Colonel Wilson now divulged -
'Manufacturing Killers Utilizing Lethal Tradecraft Requiring Assassination, I was aware that
waivers could be given in regards [sic] to meritorious action during the course of intelligence
related operations'.
"The Report of the Congressional Committees Investigating the Iran-Contra Affair, November 1987 [House Report # 1 00-433/Senate
Report #100-216] states, in Chapter 21, on page 327, that General Richard Secord, overall controller of 'the Enterprise... the group of
offshore companies that carried out the Iran and Contra operations', was introduced to Edwin Wilson, a former [sic!] CIA officer who had
become enormously successful in international business dealings'. Note 18 appended on page 329 of the Report and referring to this
statement adds: The principal source of Wilson's wealth turned out to be arms deals. During 1983, Wilson was convicted of conspiring
to sell arms and explosives to Libya as well as of conspiring to murder the Federal Prosecutor and six witnesses in his trial' [information
based upon reports in The Washington Post, 14th March 1983, page A17; and the same newspaper, 10th January 1984, page A4].
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Executive Order 12333 was signed by President Reagan almost as soon as he had settled
in at the White House in 1981. The inspiration for this crucial Executive Order has been
exposed in a lawsuit brought (unsuccessfully, as of 2006) by the aforementioned Green
Beret William Tyree (the subject of the foregoing Affidavit sworn by the late Colonel
Cutolo) who had languished in jail for 23 years (by the summer of 2006) for a crime he did
not commit (the murder of his wife Elaine, who kept a diary in which details of CIA and
DIA drug-running connections were described) and who is the main subject, as indicated, of
the preceding Affidavit by Colonel Edward P. Cutolo.
The American investigative author Rodney Stich has explained the context of this
Affidavit in his book Defrauding America35: The CIA utilized the Army Intelligence
Agency in Operation WATCHTOWER, which began in the mid-1970s. US Colonel A. J.
Baker was ordered to oversee part of Operation WATCHTOWER and turned the
operation over to Colonel Edward P. Cutolo, who also commanded the 10th Special
Forces based at Fort Devens, Massachusetts'.
Lawsuits are typically a source of revelations and exposures of criminal intelligence
operations in the United States: by contrast, in Britain, detailed information about intelligence
criminalism as, for instance, might have been revealed in the course of the lengthy trial
proceedings concerning the defunct, corrupt intelligence institution Bank of Credit and
Commerce International (BCCI) that were concluded in London in 2006, tend to be less
readily obtainable. That institution, a money-laundering conduit used for international
organised criminal chug-running and terrorism money-laundering operations, was closed
down by US intelligence - having originally, in 1972, been partially established by Bank of
America, allegedly a US intelligence bank which originally bought shares in BCCI, before
selling them off quietly into the market ten years later.
Rodney Stich's observations continued:
'[Cutolo] who had been ordered by the CIA to supervise Operation WATCH-TOWER,
grew increasingly concerned about its flagrant illegality and conducted an investigation in an
attempt to bring it to a halt.... Fearing that he might be killed because of the investigation,
he prepared a fifteen-page single-spaced Affidavit dated March 11, 1980 [actually, 8th - Ed]
describing the CIA drug-trafficking and other activities.... Cutolo was [duly, as he had anticipated
- Ed.] killed, as were several other people working with him to expose the drug-trafficking
operations.... The Affidavit exposed the installation and operation of the radio beacon
towers [for the guidance of aircraft bringing in drugs] and several of the drug flights in
which he participated.
'The Cutolo Affidavit described the killing of an Army servicewoman, Mrs Elaine
Tyree, who had knowledge of Operation WATCHTOWER which she described in her
diary. To shift attention from the actual killer and his connection to the ongoing drug operation,
the military charged [Elaine] Tyree's husband with the killing. "It was too risky to allow a
military court to review the charges against Pvt. Tyree", read the Affidavit'. Rodney Stitch's
explanatory narrative about this Dluminati murder continued: At the first military hearing,
the presiding judge found no reason to bind Tyree's husband over for trial for the murder
of his wife. This decision risked further investigation and possible exposure of the corrupt
operation. Army pressure caused the county prosecutor to indict the husband for murdering
his wife even though the Army knew [that] the actual killer was someone else. [False witness
and the perversion of justice - Ed]. The Cutolo Affidavit stated: "On 29 February 1980, Pvt.
Tyree was convicted of murder and will spend the duration of his life incarcerated [as has indeed
so far been the case - Ed.].
I could not disseminate intelligence gathered under Operation Orwell [a surveillance
operation directed against US politicians and others] to notify civilian authorities [as to] who
actually killed Elaine Tyree'". Clandestine intelligence operations involving such egregious
serial illegality have to be covered up by ever more desperate lies, false witness and
murder. But has anyone in authority taken this on board? It is to be doubted.
It is from Pvt. Tyree's own lawsuit against the CIA et al., a so far vain attempt to procure his
release, that 'further and better particulars' about how the US intelligence community was self-
sucked irretrievably into the sewer of Latin American drug-running, and why this happened, has been
obtained. The late William Casey's own Affidavit, the text of which has been cited, locks all
these revelations into place, leaving zero doubt that the CIA's penchant for drug-running has
been exploited (as will be seen) by the Illuminati, which finances its operations inter alia
precisely from such activity. And as this book argues and demonstrates, the Illuminati,
spawned in its modern from from Germany, is a global instrument of covert German Nazi
(Himmlerian) world hegemony strategy.
The Author knows for certain that American intelligence has itself been double-
crossed, since, as has been explained, one of its most distinguished and effective operatives
informed him specifically on 9th June 2005, in response to the Author's comment that 'these
are ultimately operations of the Illuminati': 'Yes, but we didn't know that, at the time'. Given
the Author's knowledge of and relationship with the source concerned, he is certain that this
statement is accurate. It opens the lid on the possibility (which the Author believes to be a
certainty) that rogue Illuminati forces working within and manipulating elements of the
US intelligence community have systematically exploited its corruption and weaknesses
in pursuit of an Illuminised agenda that diverges sharply from the interests of the United
States (however misconceived in the first place) and its misled and largely innocent
William Tyree's lawsuit has been described by one intelligence operative turned
historian as 'a work of art, a masterpiece of legal reasoning and an important historical source
document'36. It began by questioning the legality of all Executive Orders and similar
'decrees' issued by US Presidents - which form a parallel body of 'law' promulgated
independently of the Executive and Judicial Branches of the Federal Government.
All attempts to question the legality of these unilateral presidential decrees have so far
failed. Tyree's lawsuit pointed out that Executive Order 12333 authorised 'the privatisation of
intelligence and covert operations and permitted agencies other than the CIA to conduct
'Special Activities', thus effectively opening the door, previously closed by the National
Security Act of 1947 et seq., to the White House National Security Council Staff or even
private entities/assets, i.e. third party cutouts, to carry out covert operations'. Uri Dowbenko
has written that 'in plain language, this means that the CIA could subcontract or "farm out"
their drug-smuggling and assassinations to third party personnel and continue to enjoy
their "plausible deniability", i.e., denying any knowledge or involvement with criminal
activities'37. Permission to lie about the intelligence provenance of so-called Title 18, Section 6
US Government (intelligence) corporations was specifically provided for in the text of
Executive Order 12333. But while these people flout the law all the time, they also use it to
crucify those they discard.
The 101 -page Complaint or lawsuit dated September 1998, claiming $63 million on
behalf of his client - filed by Ray Kohlman, the lawyer who was the Attorney of Record
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
in respect of William Casey's Affidavit, the pre-filed text of which has been cited above, and
whom the Author found (in June 2005) had 'vanished' from his Massachusetts office
address - states that William Tyree was falsely imprisoned in the context of the theft of
diaries kept by his murdered wife Elaine, which contain evidence that would have
exonerated him and exposed the false witness against him at his trial.
Tyree had married Elaine on 31st December 1977. As Uri Dowbenko explained, 'she
was an avid diarist who had been keeping detailed notes on all the illegal activities she was
observing'38. Kohlman's apparent disappearance from his Massachusetts office, is either a
precaution for his own safety following his action in filing the lawsuit (Case Number
98CV11829JLT), or else indicative of the possibility that he, too, has been liquidated,
'suicided, compromised or otherwise disposed of, along with the 450+ operatives,
lawyers and others whose connections with Tran-Contra' have proved their undoing or
worse. The Complaint exposed not only detailed information about CIA drag-running
and money-laundering operations, but also that the so-called Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) - a shadowy and seemingly unconstitutional entity which
has the power to suspend the US Constitution and to usurp the power of the Executive,
Legislative and Judicial Branches of the US Federal Government - was established
independently of Congress, using the vast profits from CIA drag-trafficking. The lawsuit,
accompanied by numerous Affidavits and appendices, named the Central Intelligence
Agency, former CIA Director and President George Bush Sr., and the self-admitted official
assassin D. Gene Tatum, as defendants 'in the far-reaching case involving US Government
sanctioned drag smuggling, murder and cover-up'39.
William Tyree's Complaint and lawsuit contains first-hand details and revelations of these
nefarious (Illuminati) activities, by US Army Colonel Al Carone, who, as we have seen, was
identified by William Casey in his (cited) Affidavit - details which, 'corroborated with
evidence from other sources, reveals a dark history of the United States that has been
neglected by mainstream historians'40 and censored by the American media, which CIA
cadres have openly boasted of being under the thumb and control of the Agency41.
Indeed the same cadres made it clear, in the course of a lecture attended by one of the
Author's contacts, that the general public has no right to know 'the truth', and that the only
class entitled to know what is really happening is the intelligence community. This is
because the intelligence community, ignoring all legality, is engaged in organised criminal
activities going far beyond its remit, which it seeks to hide from the general public, not least
because many of these evil activities are designed to ensure the intelligence community's
independence from its only legal source of funding - the US Congress. By developing
'off-balance sheet' financial resources such as the financial pipelines generated by
hypothecation and global drug-dealing, the US intelligence community has accumulated
unfettered power, which it exercises over both the Executive and Legislative Branches of
Government in its own, rather than the Republic's, interests. The Tyree lawsuit cites at
length from information provided by Colonel Carone -who himself died in on 7th January
1990, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, obviously of an induced CIA cancer, as his medical
records stated that he perished due to 'chemical toxicity of unknown etiology'. Carone was
'a CIA paymaster and a Mafia-connected money-launderer [see William Casey's Affidavit -
Ed.], who incidentally held the rank of full Colonel in Army Intelligence. As Colonel
Oliver North's bagman, he also couri-
ered large amounts of cash in and out of the country' . Carone was, however, ordered to
perform these and related functions directly by the Director of Central Intelligence,
William Casey, himself. And Casey was, as he himself acknowledged in his Affidavit,
simply continuing clandestine operations that had been in train for many years prev-
iously, and which William Colby was still running, without the knowledge of the US
President, Congress or even (as he affirmed) the US intelligence community itself, many
years after he had ceased himself to be DCI.
Rodney Stich, as well informed on these matters as Uri Dowbenko, elaborated in his
book 'Defrauding America' that 'Carone had complex relationships'. [He] 'was a member of
the Gambino [Mafia] family', although as Casey's Affidavit text revealed, he was 'co-opted'
into the Gambino family, the Author suggests, for operational intelligence reasons.
Carone had 'connections to other crime groups in the eastern part of the United States' and
was 'a detective on the New York vice squad, a member of the military and a CIA
operative'43- an all-round criminalist intelligence officer, in fact. Colonel Carone's evidence,
incorporated in William Tyree's massive Complaint, continued:
'Once Ronald Reagan became President, his old-time friend William Casey, the head of
the CIA, was able to convince him to sign Executive Order 12333 into effect... which took the
CIA out of [the] covert operations business... authorized the use of private assets/entities to
be used by the National Security Council to conduct covert operations including the drug
[smuggling]... Allowing private assets and entities to do the dirty work meant [that] the CIA
could do whatever it wanted to do, in or out of the United States...'.
Of course, the CIA has always effectively been in that position; but there is no doubt
that Executive Order 12333 'essentially privatised the CIA's drug-smuggling, making the
Agency even more insulated from discovery of its criminal activities'44 - or so, for a time, it
was officially assumed. 'You had National Security Council staffers that were tied right into
drug-trafficking themselves, like Ollie North. Hell, his diary had everything in it. Between
his diary and your wife's [Elaine's] diaries, the whole thing is blown. Totally compromised',
Carone reported to Tyree45. This special, Mafia-linked source in whom William Casey had
placed so much trust at the outset of this disastrous series of manipulated misadventures,
revealed the depths to which US intelligence had sunk - only to die suddenly, like so many
other Iran-Contra whistleblowers. And as Carone further informed William Tyree, he 'had
delivered [drug] money to the gangs because they were on the CIA payroll under Executive
Order 12333, which allowed the CIA to hire outside sources to help the CIA perform their
jobs' [as Carone, with his blinkered operative's vision, saw the situation - Ed.]. 'He had
delivered money to the gangs because they transported the drugs across the United States,
i.e., Atlanta, Norfolk, Philadelphia, New York and Boston'. CIA/DVD drugs, that is.
Colonel Carone also fingered George Bush Sr. and Bill Clinton as CIA operatives, not
that these facts are anything new: the point is that Colonel Carone's Affidavit explicitly
confirmed them: George Bush was CIA prior to the assassination of John Kennedy in 1963' and 'the
Governor of Arkansas that looked the other way at Mena, Bill Clinton, was CIA back in the late
1960s'. Mena Airport was the CIA's drug transhipment airport, to which aircraft laden with
cocaine flew in undetected (the Author uses the past tense only because later information is
not available), assisted by the blinding by National Security Agency and Army Security
Agency personnel of US early warning satellites and radar installations (Operations SEA
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Carone further informed William Tyree, according to Tyree's Affidavit, that 'he had taken
money to a female named Ruth Paine in late 1956 on orders from William Casey', an OSS-
CIA operative as he states in his own Affidavit. Carone said that Paine was approached
by the CIA to find and recruit an individual that was expendable [and] with Communist ties
and some type of anti-American background.... Carone said that when Ruth Paine found the
individual, she notified her CIA contact, identified as George De Mohrenschildt, who in
turn contacted his CIA supervisor, identified as George Bush. Carone said that George Bush
was the same George Bush that was CIA Director [sic]. Carone said the individual located by
Ruth Paine was identified as a Mr Lee Harvey Oswald. FBI records/reports filed within 14
days after the assassination of President Kennedy will reflect that Mr George Bush met with J
Edgar Hoover, as Bush was trying to ascertain what the FBI might have stumbled onto by
mistake in regards to the Ruth Paine-Oswald connection'. These comments allude to the
alleged involvement of German 'Black'intelligence in Kennedy's assassination.
The late Colonel Carone's sworn testimony, replicated in William Tyree's Complaint,
which sheds such detailed light on the consequences of William Casey's controversial
decisions - all justified, as Casey's Affidavit itself reveals, by what Uri Dowbenko described
(aptly, in view of what follows in Chapter 6 on the Jesuits) as 'Jesuit casuistry' - revealed that
Carone 'was a paymaster for both US Military Intelligence personnel and CIA personnel
when Tyree knew and worked with him. He also worked as a representative of the Bank of
Credit and Commerce International [BCCI] which he stated was a bank founded by the US
Intelligence Community in part to finance covert (Black) Operations worldwide without the
approval of Congress'. BCCI was closed down by US intelligence - after the bank's nefarious
criminalist intelligence activities began to be exposed. Immediately ahead of its closure, the
bank actually possessed assets of $17.0 billion, and liabilities of some $9.0 billion. Hence
it was more than just solvent: it was cash-rich. The excess funds were embezzled or
diverted by US intelligence.
'He (Colonel Al Carone) was authorized to withdraw funds from First American
Bancshares (a.k.a. BCCI) account #2843900, which he stated was a 'Black Operations' fund
unknown to the US Congress at the time' - consistently with Casey's Affidavit statement
Carone elaborated that he was the middleman between certain CIA factions and certain
Mafia families that operated illegal enterprises in New York City. Carone told the Plaintiff
[Tyree] that the CIA used BCCI, BNL (Banca Nazionale del Lavoro), BCP and Intermaritime
Bank to launder money for Black Operations worldwide and for the Mafia in New York City'.
Note the interesting reference to 'certain CIA factions', which reconfirms that the CIA is
riven by internal frictions, rivalries, tensions and perverse loyalties to certain 'competing'
'barons' such as George Bush Sr., Hillary Clinton and Al Gore, who, in turn, may be
beholden to foreign powers and elements of their intelligence services.
William Tyree's lawsuit then filled in these further dots:
'Colonel Carone said [that] the military drug trafficking Operation WATCHTOW-ER
fit[ted] in the picture in the following fashion. Between 1971 and 1972 [sic], BCCI was
conceived and born primarily as a bank for the US Intelligence Community to go around
Congress in funding so-called 'Black Operations'. In December 1975, February-March 1976,
Operation WATCHTOWER took place [sic] that brought over 100 military-style plane loads
of cocaine out of Colombia into Albrook Air Station in Panama. In 1976, Arkansas
businessman Jackson Stephens and Indonesian businessman Mochtar
Riady formed Stephens Financial Ltd in Hong Kong which led to a meeting of Stephens and
Riady with members of the BCCT [sic].
'In 1977, Jackson Stephens invited BCCI into America and helped BCCI bring about the
purchase of First American Bancshares, operated by Clark Clifford and Robert Airman....
Jackson Stephens and Mochtar Riady were in business together and paid off politicians
from Arkansas to look the other way and ignore the CIA cocaine operation at Mena,
Arkansas. The Lippo Group, i.e. Mochtar Riady, had been involved with Bill Clinton
since Clinton was Governor in Arkansas. Stephens, Riady and the CIA are in bed together.
They own a lot of people. They have a lot of money. They get things done. I answer to
Stephens indirectly. I answer to his money is who I answer to [sic], and so does everyone else
at the CIA that wants to get things done where Stephens has influence'.
William Tyree's lawsuit, which was already 1 1 years old when this book was being
finalised, further alleged that the criminalised intelligence thugocracy, or Illuminati mob,
that have hijacked the US Government, has established its own parallel structures for
overthrowing the US Constitution and imposing a coercive state.
With the assistance of the 9/11 'Reichstag Fire' provocation, the later establishment of the
Department of Homeland Security, or Ministry of State Security, together with the passage of
the original post-9/1 1 Patriot Act USA and subsequent legislation - including the National
Intelligence Reform Act signed into law by President Bush Jr. on 17th December 2004 - a
much denser superstructure of oppressive mechanisms and legislation has been grafted onto
the original framework installed by elements of the US intelligence community to enable the
Constitution to be scrapped, and the intelligence cadres that control the Government to
seize absolute power, dispensing with the aggravation of constantly having to report to
Congress. The obscenely delayed response to the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New
Orleans and along the Gulf Coast, and the subsequent spin to the effect that local
authorities are unable to handle disasters so that national 'solutions' are needed, was
intended to provide the basis for a further 'giant leap forward' - as the 'coup d'etat by
instalments', modelled on the Hitlerian precedent, forged ahead with apparent impunity.
The breaches in the levees occurred several hours after the hurricane had vanished,
suggesting prepositioned explosives; Amtrak and Greyhound Buses refused to assist in
evacuations, suggesting that they were ordered not to participate; the so-called Federal
Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), now absorbed within the Department of
Homeland Security, did nothing significant to assist the endangered population, until they
graciously despatched a consignment of 25,000 body bags to the stricken area on 8th
September; and the President at first praised the 'incompetent' Michael Brown, head of
FEMA, before he was ordered a week later to return to Washington in disgrace. Rations diverted
from the stocks of the British military, on being received in the United States, were
commandeered by arrogant officials on the ground that they contained beef which had to
be tested for contamination. Whereas the whole world was waiting to see pictures of relief
being distributed to the traumatised residual population, all we saw was Nazi-style swat
teams descending the escalator in the New Orleans Convention Center, and military
convoys, ships (jamming electronic communications) and armed men descending on the
place as though on some kind of macho 'high'.
Immediately following the commencement of hostilities in Iraq in March 2003,
President George W Bush was seen on the White House video punching his hands into the
air and exclaiming 'feels good, feels good' [see Addendum 4, page 681]. None of this 'feels' at
all good to outside observers, let alone to unbrainwashed Americans.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
As indicated, the Tyree Complaint referred specifically to the Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA). The lawsuit alleged that FEMA, created by Executive
Order, is illegitimate not simply because all Executive Orders may be illegal, but also
'since Congress had to approve FEMA for two specific reasons:
(1) FEMA is a vaguely written Executive Branch-created agency that has the power to
suspend the US Constitution and put the Legislative and Judicial Branches of Government out
of work [evidently Mchael Brown was bewildered by the powers he could wield, or else a
blazing row took place behind the scenes during the New Orleans fiasco, as a
consequence of which he was made to look helpless - Ed.]
(2) FEMA is an Executive Branch creation that clearly affects all three branches of
Government capable of silencing the voice of the people (i.e., Legislative) and the legal
redress of the people (i.e., Judiciary)'.
According to the lawsuit, FEMA was initially funded by laundered drug money. The
Plaintiff alleges that the defendants CIA and George Bush did intentionally engage in the
complained-of conduct herein to conceal... the origins of FEMA, and that profits from
drug trafficking by the CIA were used in some part to originally fund FEMA and the
drafting of the FEMA infrastructure'. William Tyree's Complaint further stated that Colonel
Carone had told him (the Plaintiff) that Colonel Ollie North worked on developing a plan
known as FEMA, which would in an ill-defined national emergency, allow the US Military
to take control of the United States to ensure national security' and that Colonel Carone had
said that 'FEMA originally stood for "Federal Emergency Military Action" (i.e. Martial Law)
but was retitled "Federal Emergency Management Agency" because it would be better
received by the people of the United States' (a presentational and purely cosmetic
adjustment). This would explain why little aid arrived in New Orleans (2005) for a week
and why all we saw on TV were the images of military vehicles and personnel, and swat
teams. Tyree's Affidavit elaborated separately that the late Colonel Carone had also
claimed that 'he took drug profits that were clean and laundered in 1982-1984 to the
following: NSC (National Security Council)' -Colonel Oliver North, who used the funds to
create and develop FEMA' [sic].
So FEMA, at the epicentre of the post-Katrina storm in the United States, was established
by CIA drug money. That figures. There are now 600-800 prison camps in the United States,
with a particularly large such establishment in Alaska (see the partial list in Appendix 2 to
Chapter 8, page 612). Until the third quarter of 2005, these camps, which were operated or
to be operated by FEMA, were all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but
held few inmates, although some of them contained large numbers of prisoners. Under
arrangements prevailing right through the New Orleans disaster phase (which Vice-
President Richard Cheney called 'an exercise', when he said on 10th September 2005 that 'we
are on top of this exercise' - meaning, that from the perspective of the coup d'etat by
instalments, all was going according to plan), the camps were to be activated under Martial
Law conditions. Since Martial Law was indeed declared, applicable to certain areas,
following Hurricane Katrina 'exercise', some FEMA camps were activated accordingly. The
significance of Mr Cheney's observation becomes evident in this context. So far as he and
the hidden Illuminati controllers who have hijacked the US Government are concerned,
the New Orleans catastrophe had tested the readiness of the concentration camp apparat
which FEMA exists to operate. The
name of this extremely sinister organisation, now incorporated under the control of the
Department of Homeland Security (US Ministry of State Security), is deliberately mis-
leading, as has been explained.
A large number of Presidential Executive Orders, now associated with FEMA, have
been accumulated over three decades, which would enable the President of the United
States to suspend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights at will. The main Executive
Orders concerned are listed on page 605. One question, hard to answer at the time this book
was being finalised, has been: what has interfered with the timetable of the coup d'etat by
instalments? Why have there been so many instalments to date? What has been preventing
the Illuminati from consolidating their gains and 'going all the way'? It is not as though the
Executive Branch lacks the necessary powers to finalise the transformation of the United
States into the Fourth Reich, as is intended, overnight. For instance, the Federal Government
can take over all modes of transport and the control of highways, seaports and airports, can
seize full control of the communications media, and can seize all electrical power, gas,
petroleum, fuels and minerals. The authorities can grab all means of transportation,
including personal cars, trucks or vehicles, and may, by Executive Order, impose total
control over all highways, seaports and waterways. They can take over all food resources
and farms and can mobilise civilians into work brigades under official supervision
(Communist direction of labour). The Government can also immediately assume control
over all health, welfare and education functions, while the Postmaster General is
designated to operate a national registration system for all persons in the United States.
Another Executive Order allows the Government to take over all US airports and aircraft,
including commercial planes. The Housing and Finance Authority can, under Executive
Order powers, relocate communities, build new housing with public funds, designate
areas to be abandoned, and establish new locations for populations. The Government can
take over all railroads, inland waterways and public storage facilities, while a separate
Order specifies the responsibilities of the Office of Emergency Planning and gives
authorisation for all Executive Orders to be put into effect simultaneously at times of
increased international tension and economic or financial crisis. There is a special Order
which allocates authority to the Department of Justice to enforce the plans set out in
Executive Orders, to institute industrial support, to establish judicial and legislative liaison,
to control all aliens, to operate penal and correctional institutions (the US GULAG), and
to advise and assist the President in respect of these powers; and critical emergency
preparedness functions are assigned to Federal Departments and agencies, with one Order
consolidating 21 operative Executive Orders issued over a 15-year period.
And in a little-reported development, the International Emergency Economic Powers
Act, which enables the US President to seize the property of a foreign country or national,
and has been implemented in respect of Iranian, Cuban, Libyan, North Korean and Iraqi
assets, has since 1979 been partly the responsibility of FEMA: in that year, these foreign
asset seizure powers were transferred to FEMA in the course of a sweeping consolidation,
although they have in practice been exercised by the Treasury.
So, the CIA-controlled pipeline of drug money is disgorging its contents, in part, into the
bank accounts of the corporations that are engaged in the construction or upgrading of the
US concentration camps, or have been so engaged in the recent past.
And what physical assets are historically associated with concentration camps?
Obviously, death trains. An updated catalogue of the concentration camps - which are
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
replicated in Canada, where virtually all military bases, especially those located north of
the 50th parallel, are set up with concentration camps - is provided, as noted, on page 612.
Details of what is known (in the public domain) of the US death and population
transportation trains, all modelled on the Nazi precedent, are provided on page 602 et seq..
An Amtrak railcar repair facility in Marion County, Indianapolis, is reliably reported to have
3-4-inch gas mains leading to large furnaces (crematoria), helicopter landing pads, railheads
for prisoners, Red/Blue/Green zones for the classification and processing of the incoming
human beings, one-way turnstiles, barracks, towers, high fences topped with razor
(barbed) wire, and an adjacent refrigeration plant facility for the bodies pending cremation.
Separately, the Author was informed in September 2005 that a television film had been
shown in Indiana, in which 21 local concentration camp facilities were identified, and in which
scenes of people being forced into delousing and disinfecting areas were shown. Thereafter,
the video stopped, with no explanation. The Author's source indicated that the reason the
film stopped with the disinfecting operation was that, thereafter, the lives of the people in
the film came to an abrupt end. It was not clear whether this represented an enactment, or
was for real'. The 'mystery of iniquity' again.
The Author suspects, as do several of his advisers, that the US coup d'etat by instalments is
far further advanced than is generally realised, and that it was, in the second half of 2006, by
no means out of the question that 'Final Solution' operations were being reconsidered. A
similar conclusion could be drawn from the unknown fate of large numbers of the poor Blacks
who were were forcibly removed from New Orleans, in what appeared to be an outbreak of
ethnic cleansing (sorry, Mr Cheney, it was an 'exercise').
Ghastly and shocking though these revelations are bound to be to any sane person, there
is a great deal more evidence that the criminalisation of the US Government structures,
consequent upon the Government having been hijacked by the Dluminati, may be almost
beyond recall. As one US intelligence operative put it to one of the Author's US friends,
'they are out of the gate and can't go back. But they can be fatally tripped up.
We are now able to link the Illuminati directly with FEMA and the concentration
camps and death trains infrastructure. The highest 'Degree' of the sect of the Illuminati is
entitled 'Rex'. This level of 'Illumination' represents the apex of the Greater Mysteries', and is
superior to the rank or Degree' of Magus' [see Chapter 7 on the Illuminati: e.g., Figure 78,
page 497]. Within the complex FEMA nexus of regulations and schemes is the 'Rex-84'
Program, ostensibly established in part to exert control over any 'mass influx' of illegal aliens
across the Mexican/US border. Under this plan, such hoardes would be rounded up and
held in detention (= concentration) camps. It was under 'Rex-84' that the policy of closing
down US military bases and converting many of them into concentration camps was
initiated. Two sub-operations that are associated with 'Rex-84'are Operation Cable Splicer
and Operation Garden Plot, which were to be implemented once the 'Rex-84' Program had
been initiated for its original purpose (as probably occurred in the context of the New
Orleans atrocity, but may have been happening earlier, as suggested above). Cable Splicer is
a plan to procure the 'orderly takeover' of State and local governments by the Federal
Government. FEMA was intended to be the executive arm of the planned US Nazi-style
Police State, with a brief to head up all operations; but, as indicated, FEMA itself was
subsumed within the Department of Homeland Security under George Bush II: so that, as
the New Orleans event may have revealed,
lines of communication may have become atrophied or severely compromised. At all
events, the concentration (sorry, 'detention') camps have railroad facilities as well as
roads leading to and from the detention infrastructures, while many also have an airport
close at hand. Most of the concentration camps can house a population of 20,000
prisoners, with the largest concentration camp being based outside Fairbanks, Alaska. This
is a massive 'mental health' facility, modelled along Himmlerian lines (but on a far larger
scale), which is equipped to hold approximately 2 million people. Many of the camps are
even referred to locally as 'Rex-84 camps - an example being a camp at Oakdale, 90 miles
east of San Francisco, CA, which is capable of holding 20,000 people. While the majority of
the US concentration camps were devoid of inmates as late as the first quarter of 2006, a
number of camps were known to be heavily populated - an example being a renovated
internment camp at El Reno, on Route 66, Colorado, which holds 12,000 inmates 'as we
speak'. Camps holding ex-New Orleans residents were also said to be extensively in use.
Before continuing, it is appropriate to review the dynamic of the intended Fourth
Reich, currently being haltingly constructed on the planned ruins of the United States,
which appears to be well on track towards becoming the worst abomination in world
history. A Government which, like that of the United States, has been so comprehensively
compromised that its intelligence community is up to its neck in criminal operations,
cooperative operations with the Mafia, and above all, drug-trafficking and distribution
activities - and associated with which powerful individuals have enriched themselves,
accumulating vast hidden financial power, including licence to order the liquidation,
framing, incarceration, discrediting, or beating up of 'enemies', recalcitrant journalists,
whistleblowers and others who stand up to their serial thuggery - will inevitably reach a
'tipping point' beyond which recovery from such institutionalised corruption becomes
impossible. This is happening in the United Kingdom, as is evident from the Author's
detailed observations, published in International Currency Review, of the institutionalised
looting that is characteristic of the European Commission and its related structures, which
has spread its corrupt way of life to all the EU 'Member States'.
The point is that it is though criminalisation - especially the universalisation of drug-
trafficking and distribution, with its accompanying scourge of comprehensive financial
corruption, and the accompanying decadence with which these evils are associated - that the
safeguards against what is happening before our eyes in the United States are challenged,
eroded and finally openly dismantled, to the bored indifference of the majority of the
(disenfranchised) electorate, with its one-track 'baseball game' mentality. It was
disconcerting for the Author to be informed by a Belgian, long resident in the United States
and married to an American, that 'the American people will just love the coming
dictatorship. They are ideal fodder for this. In the United States, if you cross someone, you
are quite likely to have your tires slashed, or to be subjected to other forms of wanton
harassment, since these people cannot bear to be contradicted or told what they don't want to
hear'. Of course, this is far from the mentality of the millions of Americans who understand
to a greater or a lesser extent, what lies in store, and who, in many cases, devote a
considerable part of their waking hours to trying to alert their fellow citizens to what
awaits them. But the assessment does not, unfortunately, diverge from the Author's
own somewhat bitter experience.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
Which takes us straight back to the Special Group, mentioned earlier, that functions
'below' the National Security Council but is actually (in a rather Leninist twist) superior
to the NSC - the secret operations of which are not necessarily known even to the
President of the United States, let alone to the US Congress. These glimpses of serial
Hlurninati criminalist abominations -just a selection from a colossal menu which would
require several large volumes to describe - were originally justified, as we have seen, on the
spurious, false and nonsensically cynical basis that it made perfect sense to sell drugs to
Americans, in order to fight Communism. What this knowledge reveals to us is with what
diabolical subtlety the Illuminati leveraged and exploited the dialectic of the Communist
'threat'. The late DCI, William Casey, motivated by the precedent established by William
Colby, and by his intelligence associates of German background, was possibly naive enough
to fall for the bait. Had he been in a position to apply appropriate standards, and had he seen
through the deception, Casey would have ordered the clandestine drug operations in
Latin America to be closed down.
As we shall see, the chief organiser of the cartels was actually a German agent
working deep within the corrupted American intelligence structures, named Carlos
Lehder. While, therefore, on the surface, with the benefit of intelligence divulged in the
following pages, it would appear that the cartels were established by elements of the
deeply corrupted US intelligence structures, the actualite was that a covert Nazi - working,
the Author suspects, for the DVD, based at Dachau - was primarily instrumental, under
higher alleged German assets (such as, allegedly George H. W. Bush Sr. and his henchman,
Jim Baker), in setting up the Latin American cartels. Assuming this to be broadly correct, the
DVD was engaged, together with its co-conspirators in Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU)
which works through the Americas Department of the Cuban Communist Party, in ensuring
the long-term subversion of the United States and the terminal corruption of US intelligence
and of the banking system. German and Soviet covert intelligence work together,
representing the two blades of one operational pair of scissors [see page 629].
This leaves cunentiy unresolved the allegiance of William Colby, who was responsible
for facilitating the discrediting (unsuccessfully) of the genuine Soviet defector, Anatoliy
Golitsyn, who revealed, in detail, the Soviet long-range revolutionary subversion strategy in
his books New Lies for Old and "The Perestroika Deception'. Was he, like Edward Heath,
Geoffrey Rippon, Roy Jenkins and the Dulles Brothers, a long-term German
Abwehr/DVD agent? When Carlos Lehder was suddenly released and relocated not to
Colombia, but to Germany, in 2000 [see page 156], his release from jail and relocation were
arranged by former President Bush Sr.'s factotum, Jim Baker.
As has been seen, William Casey's rationale (Jesuit casuistry) was based upon the
egregious lie that drug users consume toxic substances out of choice - whereas, after
having succumbed to the initial temptation, their addiction drives their demand, which is
met by supply: so that if the supply is absent in the first place, the initial temptation is not
present, and the subsequent artificial demand cannot arise.
Ignoring the reality that drugs differ from all other commodities in that their consumption is
driven by supply, not demand (a typically Satanic inversion), has led the United States, and
much of the rest of the world, to the verge of a millennial crisis not only of governance, but also
of modem society. The outcome is spreading lawlessness and the wholesale corruption of the
collaborating intemational banking system. The end-result, that we are witnessing today, is the
collapse of the Rule of Law.
The disturbing revelation so far is that the United States' top intelligence officers were so
preoccupied with their opposition to Soviet Communism, that they lacked any under-
standing of the dialectical reality that the Cold War masked the lack of any discontinuity of
long-range pan-German strategy. The Nazi Fifth Column inside the CIA specialised in
exploiting the menace of Communism to disguise DVD strategy, predicting, for instance, a
large Communist buildup in Latin America in the early 1970s. Operation WATCHTOWER
was initiated to preposition drugs in Panama/Central America from South America,
ostensibly to fund covert actions against the predicted Communist threat. The prediction
became reality, and the flow of cocaine into the United States increased as a result of the
prediction. Since the Vietnam experience, policymakers knew that it would be useless asking
Congress to finance covert action in Latin America. An avenue needed to be established that
took the CIA out of the picture, because the CIA was already busy fending off allegations of
trafficking drugs out of Southeast Asia and Europe; and the CIA needed to avoid being seen to
be tied into the Latin American cocaine trade. Operation WATCHTOWER generated vast
quantities of cocaine which was meant to be sold to finance anti-Communist operations in Latin
America because Congress had shut down general funding of anti-Communist activities in that
region. Likewise, heroin trafficking had been undertaken by the CIA in Southeast Asia on the
pretext of 'fighting Communism'. Nor did US intelligence, both military and 'civilian',
develop and apply this diabolical strategy in any way half-heartedly - treating, and
continuing to deal with, the American people with ruthless contempt. On the contrary,
it is American intelligence - influenced and, as will be shown, led by German
penetration agents - which, acting on the basis of the same instructions that were adopted
by William Casey, was responsible for establishing the Colombian drug cartels, which the
international general public has all along assumed to have been home-grown, self-
standing organised criminal networks. Exposure of this abomination has, thanks to the
CIA's control of the American media, and the fecklessness of elements of its British
counterpart, been suppressed. Perhaps it was this particular abomination to which
President George H. W Bush Sr. is reported to have
referred when he made the apocryphal comment that 'if
the American people knew what we have done, they
would string us all up on lamp posts'. As the Author has
observed elsewhere, stock market punters might be well
advised to buy shares in their local street furniture
manufacturer, as an unprecedented number of lamp
posts will be needed in any overdue settling of scores
with the mobsters who, under cover of their intelligence
community and Illuminati backgrounds, have long since
effectively torn up the American Constitution,
destroyed the Rule of Law, and nullified the Bill of
On 17th April 2004, the Author, who was speaking by
telephone from England to a contact in the United States,
observed in a decisive manner that the staffs of US official
structures that were engaged in drug-trafficking needed
to be 'string up from lamp posts' - a remark intended to
evoke the admission attributed to George Bush Sr.. The tel-
Figure27: The late CIA DCI, William
Colby, who was found drowned fol-
lowing a 'canoeing accident' in 1996,
directed two super-secret drug oper-
ations in Latin America which have
oravelv destabilised the Republic.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
ephone line went dead. A few days earlier, the Author had been speaking transatlant-
ically with another American friend on the same subject, commenting forcefully that one
thing was certain: all who push drugs are engaged in creating hell on earth not least for their
addict victims, and they themselves will all go to hell itself.
You guessed correctiy. The transatiantic telephone connection went dead again.
Obviously, the Dark Forces listening to the Author's telephone conversations don't like being
reminded that they themselves are locked inside the fast train to hell.
But of course, there has always been a 'rational' alibi to cover US intelligence drag-running
operations. CIA criminalist operations proliferated up to 50 years ago in the shadow of the
overt Cold War. By the 1980s, the CIA and its controlled cadres were engaged in a
convoluted hidden drag-trafficking programme involving high-ranking La Cosa Nostra
figures, the Gambino crime family, the Japanese Yakuza - with various associated cabals
engaged in political intrigue at both the State and national levels - espionage, weapons
technologies including trafficking in biotoxins such as the pathogen which produces mad
cow disease (iUuminating why the British authorities 'needed to 'sacrifice' cattle some
years ago on such a colossal scale, as they may have been combating 'blowback against
British intelligence), drag trafficking, money laundering and of course murder-for-hire.
The CIA is the covert operations division of the US Executive Branch's foreign policy
strategists, and has been engaged in multiple terrorist activities over the years: in fact, like
the KGB, it has been described as a terrorist organisation.
Such abominable abuses of secret power were and remain possible not least thanks to
the National Security Act of 1947 et seq., which can very accurately be described in
combination as providing US intelligence, like its covert Soviet and Chinese counterparts,
with carte blanche to perpetrate criminal operations and to rampage around the world
implementing scams against foreign governments and selected individual targets, with
impunity. In other words, US intelligence is covered by a 'crooks' charter' -supplemented
by the geomasonic culture of omerta rooted in oaths taken by Masons at several stages of
their progressive initiations - which end by not even excluding treason and murder from the
obligation upon members of "The Brotherhood' to protect each other against exposure of
their crimes, including High Crimes and Misdemeanours involving the highest
So incestuously intertwined have these geopolitical underworld covert criminalist
intelligence operations become that it has even been known for 'rival' intelligence agencies
to run drug rings within their competitors' intelligence communities. The deep penetration
operations masterminded by Carlos Lehder appear to have been a case in point. Another
such example of this concerns an Israeli intelligence officer known as Al Holbert, who in
due course rang alarm bells by investigators who had not been aware of this evil man's
background. Al Holbert was allegedly the king-pin behind a huge drug-running
organisation functioning within the CIA called "The Company' (not to be confused with the
identical familiar term for the CIA).
Since interpenetration of 'rival' national (and domestic) intelligence agencies is the
'name of the game', it is hardly surprising that a corollary must be interpenetration of
drug operations within the targeted intelligence communities. Since, by descending into the
drag-trafficking gutter, intelligence communities compromise themselves irreparably,
penetration is soon transformed, via 'rivalry', into (Satanic) cooperation.
In the United States, insights into the cesspit of corruption that has engulfed the US
structures as a consequence of the failure of the CIA to use a long spoon prior to supping with
the Devil in its llluminati incarnation, are frequently obtainable from open court records.
The following Affidavit was distributed on 5th March 2005 by the activist Stew Webb on
behalf of the wronged FBI Special Agent Richard Taus. It sheds further light on the culture of
'omerta' characteristic of gangland, of which elements of the US Federal Government are
today so notoriously an extension. This gangland holds large numbers of political prisoners -
intelligence officers and agents who have have refused to go along with the organised
criminal behaviour of their Government.
'I, Richard M. Taus, declare and state: I am a former Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of
Investigation assigned to the New York Field Office and the Brooklyn-Queens
Metropolitan Resident Agency from July 1978 to November 1988. 1 was assigned to both
the Foreign Counter-intelligence Division and the Criminal Division.
During this period, my investigations into these matters revealed criminal activities and
operations which I reported and documented to my superiors in the FBI, as follows:
• The involvement of officials, agents and operatives of the Central Intelligence Agency
(CIA) with organized crime members and drug-trafficking activities. And the participation of
members of the CIA who engaged in the looting of the Savings and Loan (Thrift)
Industries, financial scams and fraudulent securities transactions.
• The involvement of people from the National Security Agency Staff and Council and the
White House in criminal activities associated with funding the acquisition of military supplies
and equipment, arms and ammunition, which were referred to as the Iran-Contra Arms
Initiative, known as Irangate, and the Iraqi scandal (Iraqgate).
• Associations between known and suspected members of the Mafia, and CIA agents
in conducting drug-trafficking activities and financial frauds.
I was ordered by my supervisors in the FBI to halt these investigations, destroy my
written reports, terminate my informants and make no reference to these criminal and
subversive activities implicating high-ranking Government officials, politicians, Mafia and
business leaders who controlled and manipulated Government agencies and
Without any support from my superiors at the FBI New York Field Office, I then sent a letter
describing what I had discovered in my official status as an FBI Special Agent, to the FBI
Director, William Sessions, and this was ignored. I proceeded to write [to] Congressional
officials, among them Senators Arlan Spector, Alfonse DAmato, John Kerry and
Congressman Norman Lent, Charles Schumer, and many others who were on both the
Senate and House Intelligence Oversight Committees. None of the above officials or
representatives provided any support or assistance in exposing the CIA-White House
corruption and the obstruction of justice tactics by my FBI superiors.
My sole purpose in preparing this Affidavit, to be used by the former FBI Special Agent-ln-
Charge of the Los Angeles Field Office, SAC Ted Gunderson*, is to bring to justice the
criminal and subversive activities that I and other Government agents and operatives have
discovered during our official and Government-related duties.
I declare and affirm under penalty of perjury that these statements are true to the best of
my knowledge and belief. Executed this 13th day of August 1997, in the County of Clinton,
State of New York. Richard M. Taus'. ■
"The source, Stew Webb, stated on 5th March 2005: This is being released because Ted Gunderson, named in this Affidavit,
has done nothing for Richard Taus', who remains in a Federal Prison. To remove operatives and agents who 'cause
trouble', the llluminati controllers are in the habit of causing their imprisonment on trumped-up charges, using false
witness, or inducing lethal 'accidents'. Like the Mafia, which is an llluminati invention.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
This organisation was initially exposed by The San Francisco Chronicle on 28th April 1982, under
the heading 'STORY OF SPIES, STOLEN ARMS AND DRUGS'. It consisted of 'about 300 members,
many of them former military men or ex-police officers with nearly $30 million worth of assets,
including planes, ships and real estate'. The article elaborated that "Federal drug agents said that
the organization had imported billions of dollars' worth of drugs from Latin America, and was
also involved in gun-running and mercenary operations'. Its specialised military equipment
consisting inter alia of a TV camera for taking pictures during the hours of darkness, 1,500
rounds of small arms tracer ammunition for use in night combat, nine infrared sniperscopes,
a remote-controlled helicopter, and secret components from the radar unit of a Sidewinder
guided missile, which were stolen from a US Naval Weapons station in the Mojave
The San Francisco Chronicle obtained this and other related information after Mr
Brian Leighton, a former Assistant US Attorney in Fresno, California, had been instru-
mental in facilitating the indictment of 29 members of "The Company' in 1981. US
Federal agents had reported to the Grand Jury examining the matter that the stolen
equipment was going to be used to provide drug operatives with electronic equipment, with
some of it being intended for trading to drug suppliers in Colombia. Among the 29 drugs
and arms operatives indicted was a former US narcotics officer called Andrew 'Drew'
Thornton, who was aged 40 at the time. Once again, the judicial system was having to
examine a criminalist operation with nefarious intelligence connections.
On 13th September 1985, The LOS Angeles Times published a report on Thornton's
POUNDS OF COCAINE'. The article said that Thornton had been indicted in 1981 (see above) for
'flying a plane to South America for a reputed drug ring known as The Company".
Interviewed by The Los Angeles Times, Mr Leighton made the following under-
standably cynical comment: 'I'm glad his parachute didn't open. I hope he got a hell of a
high out of that...'. Leighton subsequently went into private law practice.
Further public domain information concerning The Company' appeared in a now
obscure book by Sally Denton called THE Blue Grass Conspiracy'. This book revealed that The
Company's' base was located at Lexington, Kentucky, and that US prosecutors in Lexington,
Fresno (Brian Leighton) and Mami had been cooperating in an operation to 'bring The
Company down'. The San Francisco Chronicle noted that in January 1982, Gene Berry, a
State prosecutor located in Charlotte Harbour, Florida, was shot in the face as he answered his
door. Police subsequently arrested a certain Bonnie Kelly for Berry's murder. Bonnie's
husband, Mike McLure Kelly (codenamed Gopher'), was a suspected member of 'the
Company', who later pleaded guilty in the Fresno, California, case.
Significantly, the 'former' Israeli intelligence operative, more recently operating from
Montreal, Ari ben-Menashe, lived for a time in Lexington.
Sources have advised this Author of the existence of a declaration by Mr William
Hamilton, the inventor of the original PROMTS software (which reconciles conflicting
software programs and can be used inter alia to hack into bank accounts) which contained
inter alia the following statements:'... On or about April 3, 1991, 1 spoke by telephone with
Mr Brian Leighton, an attorney in private practice in Fresno, California. He stated that
during the 1980s, while serving as an assistant United States Attorney in Fresno,
California, he had investigated a nationwide criminal enterprise known as 'The Company',
which was engaged in illegal drug trafficking on a massive scale'.
In 1991 and 1992, coinciding with 'the changes' in the 'former' Soviet Union ('collapsible
Communism'), a series of sudden violent deaths of US intelligence operatives, all connected
with the Tran-Contra' affair (shorthand for a much broader secret nexus of off-balance-
sheet intelligence operations) began. One of the very earliest victims was Alan Michael
May, aged 50 - a former Northern California Field Director in Richard Nixon's Presidential
campaign and the lawyer for Mr Nixon's brothers Donald and Edward (who was found
dead in his San Francisco home on 19th June 1991). This was some four days after the 'Napa
Sentinel' newspaper described May's role in the alleged plot by officials of the Republican
Party to bribe Iranian officials to delay the release of US hostages until after President
Reagan's inauguration in January 1981 (the operation known as 'The October Surprise').
Alan May was allegedly involved with a certain Al Holbert in 'the Company', described
separately at the time by a concerned US intelligence source, as 'a current national security
nightmare to this country'.
From such sources it has been possible to assemble certain intelligence about this Al
Holbert. First, he was exceptionally interested in technology (i.e., accessing advanced US
technology with a view to stealing such secrets for intelligence purposes). He had a firm
grasp of physics, mathematics, chemistry and military hardware: in other words, from
these multiple interests alone one could deduce that he was a military intelligence operative.
Secondly, according to the US operative Mchael Riconosciuto, who knew and dealt with
Holbert from 1961 to 1981, Holbert passed on secrets he obtained through his myriad
contacts in the United States, to the Israelis. Thirdly, on arrival in the United States (year
unspecified by the Author's source), Holbert went to work for the US Treasury in Philadelphia.
A spokesperson for the Treasury confirmed that Holbert was 'involved at very high levels,
giving special training'. So, is the US Treasury that criminalised?
Roconosciuto further elaborated: 'Al Holbert taught courses in interrogation tech-
niques. He also taught touchkill techniques, you know, with the thumbs on the temples and
various scary areas like that. He moved around to a lot of different (US) agencies. He got
involved with the FBI and he was involved with the Drug Enforcement people'.
Notwithstanding these myriad penetrations, he told Riconosciuto throughout his 15-year
acquaintance that he worked for the Israelis.
However other US intelligence officers had been curious, not to say suspicious, of
Holbert for a long time. When pressed about the possibility of Holbert having been a
double agent, Riconosciuto replied, in the course of a debriefing:
'Well, he was with the Soviets, but he was also with the Israelis. Holbert definitely is
connected with Israeli intelligence. I mean, there's no ifs and buts, or maybes... He was
decorated in combat for them'.
Michael Riconosciuto travelled to Israel, where he met an official who was the
Deputy Israeli Defence Minister for a number of years, in charge of defence production, a
friend of Ariel Sharon. It was through this official, and a General Peratt, that Riconosciuto
reconfirmed Al Holbert's position with the Israelis. Riconosciuto is on record as having told
US intelligence (which he also served) that Holbert is definitely one of their boys. I got an
admission out of General Peratt that Al Holbert was... a Trotskyite, and they knew about it;
and I couldn't understand why they kept a guy like that around. I was told that I just didn't
understand the ways of the world'.
This is a familiar intelligence operative put-down. In this context, what was intended
to be meant here was that Riconoscuito didn't understand the dialectical
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
method, whereby both dimensions of conflict are managed and macro-controlled by a
common manipulative source, from above (cf. the 'scissors strategy': pages XXXTTl and
629). However Riconosciuto knew much that was of interest to his interlocutors, including
the fact that Holbert reported to one Jean-Pierre Boegner, a French operative, whose address
was the extremely expensive one of 1 14 Champs Elysees, Paris 8ieme, France.
According to another key source, Jean Piene Boegner reported directly to Colonel
Stefan Uznanski of Ukraine, a very senior KGB (not GRU) officer. This would make
sense, because although the GRU (Soviet Military Intelligence) plans and directs the
Soviet dimension of the drug offensive against America and the West, the KGB handles all
the financial arrangements.
Uznanski was based in Vienna and Salzburg. Boegner served time in a French jail
following one of the assassination attempts on General de Gaulle. Riconosciuto eventually
discovered from Holbert that he was also a Soviet Military Intelligence (GRU) officer, and that
he had bragged that there were (in the mid-1990s) over 35,000 GRU agents active on the
North American continent. According to US operatives working with the CIA-linked
Wackenhut Corporation, the actual number at that time was about 50% lower - still a
colossally high and disturbing number, implying that there was no barrier to these Soviet
operatives entering the United States. That is consistent with what is known about the
Soviets' 'criminalism offensive' against the United States and the West, based on boasts by
senior post-Soviet officials that the West was being flooded with criminalists from the
Soviet Union and from all over Eastern Europe. Riconosciuto added: 'You know, he's touched
the Central Intelligence Agency, the Treasury Department, the US Secret Service and
various local law enforcement agencies all over the country'.
Does this outline information represent just evidence of Soviet penetration of US
intelligence, or was Al Holbert at one stage essentially running 'The Company' or certain of
its key operations, from within US intelligence, while at the same time serving the Israelis
and the GRU? Sophisticates imply that drug and related criminalist operations are now, and
have been for perhaps two or three decades, a 'free-for-all' sphere of activity in which the
criminal intelligence classes of key drag-peddling countries and regions like the 'former'
Soviet Union, Bulgaria, China, Germany, France, Spain, Israel and the United States
collaborate, compete and are integrated with, either their own domestic or else foreign
intelligence cadres - so that it has ceased to make sense to interpret these appalling
developments as indicative of power struggles between nation states, since the drug and
related criminal businesses have all been comprehensively internationalised. They ignore
all national borders. For instance, cooperation between criminalism operatives of US and
Israeli intelligence can be traced back to the assistance provided to the CIA by the (Jewish)
Meyer Lansky crime syndicate from Chicago, with which the CIA was cooperating from an
early stage of its existence. The Lansky Syndicate reportedly set up international drag-
running operations from Southeast Asia through the CIA-linked Corsican Mafia in the
Mediterranean. The resulting lucrative joint Lansky-CIA international drug racketeering
operations thrived against the background of deep US involvement in Southeast Asia,
which was itself a perverse cover for US intelligence drag-smuggling activities: and since
the Vietnam War years, the CIA has been at the forefront of heroin and cocaine trafficking
Concerned observers will doubtless ask: what is the extent to which these activities
represent official policy? We know that the ongoing covert Soviet drug offensive against the
West is official policy (sabotage). So, does the United States pursue a countervailing or
similar strategy? The answer is that US intelligence has been criminalised since the
Second World War, and that one of the 'justifications' it uses to 'rationalise' this behaviour
is precisely that the United States has no choice, because 'everyone else is doing it'. As
has already been discussed, this 'line' is immoral and intolerable. A so-called Great Nation
like the United States should have the guts to suppress its own drug-running operations, to
announce this to the whole world, and then to warn other countries' intelligence services that
the writing is on the wall for them, as well. To continue in thrall to the blanket corruption and
associated blackmail arising from its intelligence community's descent into the gutter will
result in the destruction of the Republic. Unfortunately, the grip of the German Fifth
Column/Illuminati on the US intelligence and official structures is so comprehensive that
this outcome seems almost inevitable. As an example of the use of drugs for political
purposes by the United States, it is thought in this context that Turkey has long been a key
route through which US intelligence-linked operatives have been filtering drugs into the
'former' Soviet space. Public domain information exists to the effect that the Federal Bureau
of Investigation (FBI) 'inadvertently' uncovered the colossal CIA drug trafficking scandals.
However the FBI is subordinated to the CIA, which is in turn subordinated to the National
Security Agency (NSA) and, after Mr Bush Jr. signed the National Intelligence Reform Act
on 17th December 2004, to the Director of National Intelligence, the first holder of that new
post being John Negroponte. The frustration of honest FBI agents is evident from open
intelligence concerning one or more FBI Affidavits in support of applications to intercept
wire communications, in order, according to one of these FBI Affidavits, to determine 'source,
type and quantity of narcotics/controlled substances, methods and means of delivery, and the source
of funding for purchasing narcotics/controlled substances'. The relevant intercepts were to be
implemented in respect of a number of very well-known CIA operatives and their superiors.
The resulting intercepted communications read like a Who's Who' of US organised criminal
Mr Ron Rosenbaum, the investigative reporter who has written for Vanity Fair, reported
some years ago in one of his articles, on Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, head of the Cali drug
cartel, who was 'deeply involved with Michael Abell, formerly of the US Department of
Defense'. Copious notes for a proposed book by Danny Casarolo, the journalist murdered
by the familiar Illuminati means of poison and whose death William Hamilton has said was
related to his investigation into the linked PROMIS software scandal, were deposited by his
brother, Dr Tony Casarolo, with the Western Historical Manuscript Collection at the
University of Missouri. According to a graduate student who examined the notes, they
focused on a cabal of leading US intelligence operatives, one of whom was identified as Glen
Shockley, a CIA contract employee who allegedly ran 'Jose Londono' of the Cali Cartel.
This information is derived from a taped interview with Michael Riconosciuto conducted
by US Government agents while he was negotiating for inclusion in the Witness
Protection Program.
If US intelligence operatives were 'running' Cali Drug Cartel operatives, does it not
follow that the Cali Cartel, the Medellin Cartel, and other such drug-running organisations
in Latin America may actually have been (and their replacements or successors
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
today actually are) operations of US intelligence? It has been confirmed to us at the highest
level that this is indeed the case. The Colombian cartels were established by US
intelligence. But behind this operation, at least one notorious German (DVD) operative has
been identified. And as will be explained when we examine the Illuminati sect in detail,
global drug-trafficking is the IUurninati's main speciality, together with prostitution, human
trafficking, and other abominations of this nature.
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela was arrested, along with a certain Jorge Luis Ochoa, the
notorious drug runner, in Madrid, a European centre of Illuminati drug ops., and
extradited to Colombia in the mid-1980s. Rodriguez Orejuela was kept in jail in Cali, of all
places, for a full year. Other inmates ran errands for him and the prison director referred
to him as Don Gilberto. His cell resembled a hotel suite, as he was allowed to equip it with
whatever luxuries he chose. On an occasion referred to as the Day of the Prisoner, it was Sr.
Rodriguez Orejuela himself who hosted a huge party away from the prison - attended,
among others, by the State Governor.
When his trial eventually took place, it was a farce, the main witness against him
being a lowly US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agent who did not speak fluent
Spanish. He was accordingly provided with an official interpreter who did not speak
fluent English. She found it impossible to convey the details of his evidence, and the
agent spent much of his time on the witness stand with his face buried in his hands, poor
man, attempting to contain his disbelief. The trial was not even held in the courtroom
itself, but rather in the Judge's office, which was so overcrowded that it could barely hold
the participants, let alone representatives of the press and television who travelled to Cali
from Bogota. The local media wholly ignored the trial.
During the trial hearing, Rodriguez Orejuela even directed the television crews as to
when they could and could not ran their cameras. His first decision each day was to choose
the menu for lunch, whereupon, as befits a Mafia boss, he would instruct one of his many
attending aides what to buy. At lunchtime, the improvised courtroom was turned into a
canteen and Rodriguez Orejuela would invite the Judge to join him, an invitation that His
Honor was careful not to decline, for fear of his life.
In July 1987, Rodriguez Orejuela was acquitted of all the charges that had been brought
against him. This meant that not only was he a free man in Colombia, but he was further
immune from extradition to the United States on the original charges. In any case, by then
the reconstituted Colombian Supreme Court had decided, by a single vote, that Colombia's
extradition treaty with the United States was unconstitutional.
The Colombian Government of the day subsequently attempted to repair the flaws in
the legislation underlying the treaty, but in June 1987, the Supreme Court rejected it for a
second time. All-night parties were celebrated that very night in Medellfh, Cali and Bogota.
As one observer in Medellin put it, 'they celebrated the news as they do when they crown
(drag world jargon for 'successfully complete') a trip. For them, it was the best crowning
they ever had. In the present context, it appears that Rodriguez Orejuela's trial was a farce
because he was a key asset of US intelligence, with which he was cooperating and who were
'running' him, meaning that his operations were actually drag operations of US
intelligence. In the interests of fairness, though, it is necessary to mention in passing that
justice in Colombia in those days (and probably still today) was/is a farce generally. This
is odd, because suburbs of Bogota look exactly like, say, Weybridge,
in Surrey, England - with ersatz Tudor-style houses and English-style gardens that seem to
have been lifted straight out of prosperous London suburbs. The reason for this state of
affairs is that Bogota's plusher suburbs were built in the 1930s by builders who used UK
housing plans, reflecting the extensive British influence in Colombia (something that
comes as a surprise to many). Given this influence, it is very curious that the British do not
appear to have succeeded in implanting in Colombia the standards, or anything at all
approaching the standards, applicable to the pre-EU. British system of justice.
Middle class Colombians are sophisticated and highly critical of their own country,
although they routinely use the standard excuse that there's nothing wrong with the drag
business because it just meets demand - whereas of course, as discussed, drags are the
one commodity in the world that depend for their sales figures on supply, not demand. If
the supply is cut off, demand falls away (admittedly leaving existing consumers suicidal,
but at least more liable to survive). Colombian lawyers, asked for their opinions of the local
criminal justice system, are often brutally candid. For example:
In the 1980s, two British reporters were taken on a tour of Bogota's courts. They duly
found out that the Colombian court and justice systems are 'a joke'. 'The prosecutor,
sporting an open collar shirt, swivelled in his chair, smoking a cigarette and drinking soda
from a bottle. The three-member jury looked aimlessly at the ceiling with no apparent interest
in the arguments of one of the defence lawyers, whose table was partially covered by half-
eaten sandwiches. The defendant paid no attention to the proceedings whatsoever, while
his relatives chatted loudly among themselves and exchanged luncheon snacks. "And this is
a showpiece", explained our knowledgeable guide'.
'In cases like these, we were told, juries almost inevitably vote for acquittal - for fear
that if they don't, they will be the next victims. The judges share that fear. "They don't
make enough money to live decentiy, they don't make enough to buy a car, they are not
important enough to deserve decent protection", said our guide. "If you want to see the
bottom line, go along to one of the office bathrooms" (American euphemism for toilet);
"there is no toilet paper, no soap, no towel. Under those circumstances, who isn't going to
have a price?'"
The Colombian drag capo, Carlos Lehder, of crucial significance, as already indicated,
did not get off so lightiy after he was captured, although his capture had momentous
consequences very much later. In late January 1987, a man walked into the office of a
high-ranking local police officer in Medellin and asked how much reward he would receive
if he told the authorities where to find 'one of the capos you're looking for'. He was told that
although the Colombian Government had approved the payment of rewards for
information, there was, as yet, no budget to finance them. So the man walked out of the
Police Station, saying: 1 won't tell you, then. Think about it, and I'll call you in a few
When he duly returned, he was informed that the Colombian Government had still
not been able to provide any money for such rewards, but that the US Embassy in Bogota
was willing to pay $50,000 for reliable information.
For that amount, the informant disclosed where Carlos Lehder was hiding, but did not
name him. At dawn on 4th February 1987, Major William Lemus of the Rionegro Police
and 35 police officers raided a residence in the small town of Guarne, located about 20
miles from Medellin. A startled guard opened fire with a machine gun, but
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
dropped the weapon and ran, as soon as he saw the uniforms. A dozen young men, all in
their underwear, emerged from the residence and also tried to escape, but Major Lemus
threatened to shoot them. Then Lehder, who now appeared at the doorway, announced:
'Hold your fire please. I'm Carlos Lehder'. Whereupon Lehder and his young men
(hireme?) posed for a photograph, as though they were victims of some practical joke,
while Lemus called his superiors in Medellin and announced: 'The Virgin has smiled on
us. We have captured Carlos Lehder Rivas'.
According to the received version of the events which followed, the police called the
Mayor of Medellin, who telephoned the Mnister of Defence in Bogota. As a result, at 10.45
that morning, the President of Colombia asked the Minister of Justice whether Carlos
Lehder could be extradited immediately to the United States. Before noon, a US Drug
Enforcement Administration (DEA) plane was on its way from Florida. In the afternoon,
Lehder was taken to Bogota by the Colombian Air Force and at 5.07pm he was placed
aboard the DEA's Turbo Commander. Before midnight, less than 18 hours after his arrest,
Lehder was already incarcerated in a US jail in Tampa, Florida. All the usual procedures
and international rales had been disregarded.
Subsequent reports from Colombia suggested that the Medellin Cartel and its
extended family were perfectly content that Lehder had been removed from their midst. The
other drag king-pins were thereafter allowed to live in comparative peace.
Why were the Colombian king-pins so satisfied with this state of affairs?
At the time of his deportation, Carlos Lehder Rivas was worth up to $3.0 billion, of
which only $2.0 million was subsequentiy traced. Bear in mind that the CIA 'contract'
employee, Glen Shockley, as we have seen, allegedly 'ran Jose Londono' of the Cali
Cartel. In 1992, in exchange for his testimony against Manuel Noriega, an asset of US
intelligence (who had decided that he wanted a larger cut from US drug operations) and
originally a subordinate of Sr. Lehder, the American authorities reduced Lehder's publicly
announced sentence from life plus 135 years, to 55 years (for public consumption). The
original prosecutor of Lehder, Robert Merkle, later complained that Lehder's special
treatment in prison, and the reduced sentence, together with alleged protection for him and
his family in the United States, represented a travesty of the so-called Witness Protection
First of all, Lehder's testimony was entirely gratuitous and unnecessary for a
conviction of Noriega. Secondly, they gave a deal to the guy who was directing the bad
activities, to convict someone who was following directions'. In other words, with
respect to drag operations, Carlos Lehder Rivas was the capo and Noriega -who at one
stage angered the CIA by advising them not to transfer arms to the Nicaraguan Contras in
exchange for drugs - was indeed his subordinate. Which, in translation, meant that Noriega
was originally 'ran' by Carlos Lehder.
According to his legend (which means that the information may be inaccurate),
Lehder was bom in the United States of a German father (Wilhelm) and a Colombian
mother. Given the very extensive penetration of the Central Intelligence Agency, over several
generations, by Germans, Sr. Lehder was clearly 'suitable material' for CIA recruitment -
especially as he started his criminal life as a low-level drag dealer in Mchigan, home of
many notorious drag Mafia Illuminati families, and whence the similar low-life perpetrator,
Mike' Delmart Vreeland, also emerged from the underground into the intel-
ligence community [see details of his findings implicating Uday Hussein in 9/11, Figure 24,
pages 96-97]. Another prominent, and ruthless, operative of German extraction was the CIA
Director of Operations - the previously mentioned German- American named Lyle Edward
Goeringer, who called himself Paul K. Bryan. This senior official was involved inter alia in
extensive financial money-laundering transactions through the European Union Bank in
Anguilla, established by the key KGB operative and one-time junior Gorbachev Minister,
Mikhail Khodorkovsky: see Addendum 7, page 701].
After doing time for a drug-related car theft, Lehder (according to the version of his
life promulgated for public consumption), 'decided to seek his fortune in Colombia'. In
reality, after surviving for a time as a car dealer, being a German Illuminati offspring he was
recruited into, or penetrated, the US intelligence community - elements of which typically
seek out such corrupt personnel from the low-life criminal communities - and was
despatched to Colombia to establish new US detection-free secure drug-trafficking
arrangements. It seems highly unlikely that a low-life Michigan car dealer would have been
entrusted with the responsibility of establishing a network of drug cartels, which is an
extremely demanding brief; and much more likely that this man was a German intelligence
asset fully trained for the task he was to be required to undertake.
Carlos Lehder duly inaugurated, on behalf of his overt US intelligence superiors, efficient,
high-tech arrangements for the mass distribution of drugs into the United States - thus
declaring war against all Americans. Police officers in New York City have told contacts of
ours that they know perfectly well that elements of the US Federal Government machinery
(namely, cadres within the intelligence communities) are keen to maximise opportunities to
generate hidden illegal profits from mass drug transactions, the proceeds being used to
minimise the CIA's dependence upon the Congress for funding, and also to enrich individual
operatives wherever possible.
At the southernmost tip of the Bahamas, now an independent country, Lehder found a
remote landing strip (Norman Cay). He secured the strip by bribing local Bahamian officials
and terrorising its neighbours. Lehder then established a conveyor-belt system, with jets
arriving at Norman Cay loaded with cocaine, for offloading and then reloading onto
smaller planes for despatch into northern Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas (home of the
central location of Scottish Rite American Freemasonry).
At the time, the uninvolved elements of the US authorities were watching only the
country's southern borders, so aircraft that arrived at different points well north of the
border were not under surveillance. The first load that Lehder shipped in 1982 yielded $1.0
million profit for two days' work. Having tested the new arrangements, Lehder, secretly
pursuing and implementing the CIA's strategy, proceeded to talk the other local drug lords
into establishing a cooperative, which developed into the Medellin Cartel. At the peak of the
Cartel's power, a jet loaded with up to 300 kg of cocaine arrived every hour at the
Bahamian airstrip. By the early 1980s, Lehder operated 15 cars and trucks, three aircraft, a
helicopter, 12 haciendas, an apartment building and nine other properties, including a huge
Bavarian-style tourist complex in Armenia City, Colombia, together with drug assets
As in the Soviet Union, when US intelligence operatives become excessively greedy
and forget who they are supposed to be working for, they are typically cut down to size. In
Lehder's case, the primary problem was that the violence he spawned was
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
disproportionate, and furthermore left the US intelligence community in serious danger of
reprisals ('blowback') from Colombia - which would have been inconvenient, given the
country's reserves of oil and of course its endless pipeline of supplies of drugs which
provides the colossal hidden reserves of the CIA with constant replenishment. Yet the
American authorities never charged Lehder with murder - merely with drug dealing and
money laundering - even though acts of violence conducted on Lehder's behalf were
documented in a US Federal detention order compiled in 1987.
Specifically, the US authorities stated that Lehder and others were responsible for
assassinating the Colombian Justice Minister in 1984; for the armed attack in 1985 on the
Colombian Supreme Court building that killed 1 1 justices and 84 others; for the assas-
sination of two newspaper editors in Colombia and 26 other journalists; for the shooting of
Colombia's Ambassador to Hungary in 1987; and for a long list of murders of street
police officers, informants and Colombian Government officials.
Given this murderous litany, it ought to strike anyone who is not sitting on their
brains, as astonishing that Carlos Lehder Rivas was not retained in Colombia, tried for all
these dreadful crimes, and executed. The reason this did not happen was that Lehder was a
key US intelligence operative, and his services might be required by the criminal elements
of the US Government at a later date: which they were.
Despite his integration within US intelligence, Carlos Lehder considered his own self-
acquired power to be so great that at one stage he threatened to kill one US Federal Judge
every week if he was ever caught. This threat, typical of an operative with the mentality of a
Nazi, prompted US officials to put narcotics agents, their families and other officials on
worldwide alert after his arrest. During Lehder's trial in 1988, US Marshals were parked
outside the homes of prosecutors and other agents involved in Lehder's case.
Why did the US authorities react in such an extreme manner to this man's odiously
threatening behaviour, which they should never have tolerated? The answer to this
question is that, although he was regarded as extremely dangerous, not least because of
everything he knew about nefarious US drug-running operations out of Latin America,
Lehder was a covert foreign operative who exercised control and power as a consequence of
his status vis-a-vis flluminati colleagues at high levels within the US intelligence and
other structures. He qualified for special treatment, and his power had to be respected. When
he uttered that threat, the US authorities knew that he was ruthless enough to carry it out,
and had supporters in high places who would or might cover up for him. Because of this
status, the Government established a deal with Lehder from the very outset of his
incarceration. Instead of being held in Florida where he was to be tried, Lehder was housed
in a two-cell unit at the US penitentiary at Marion, Illinois, and was provided with a
telephone, as well as many other conveniences.
Once ensconced there, he used his leverage within the US intelligence community to
contact aides to George Bush Sr., the alleged DVD king-pin, whose hand has allegedly been
seen in all these events from the assassination of President John F. Kennedy onwards. During
the following 18 months, senior FBI, CIA and other investigating agencies interviewed
Carlos Lehder in the comfort of his prison cell.
But Robert Merkle, the prosecutor, knew nothing of these contacts with the US
intelligence community. Although Lehder boasted of possessing sensitive information
about corrupt governments throughout Central and South America and the Caribbean,
Lehder testified only in the case of Noriega - and, as Merkle said, his testimony was
wholly superfluous, contributing nothing of relevance to the Prosecution's case.
In the autumn of 1995, Lehder complained that he was the victim of a double-cross. In a
letter he wrote to US District Judge William Hoeveler of Miami, who had presided over the
Noriega case, Lehder asked to recant his testimony because he said that the US Government
had reneged on a deal whereby his sentence would have been reduced further - to 30 years.
Such a sentence reduction would have made him eligible for extradition to Colombia or
Germany. Within weeks of that letter being sent, according to several protected witnesses
consulted by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette for an article published on 26th May 1996, Lehder
was whisked away into the night. Consulted by the newspaper, neither Colombian nor
German officials said they knew where he was.
Robert Merkle is on record as saying that I know that Lehder, right after he was
arrested, tried to cut a deal directly with [former Vice-President George H. W.] Bush and the
FBI.... There's a lot of stuff that went on that was very questionable. I have been speculating
for years that Lehder was free but I figured he'd be in Germany or a tax haven with his
money, which he still has. One of the major things that was agreed in terms of indicating that
he made a deal, was that Lehder wasn't required to rum over assets'. In 1996, Merkle had
commented publicly that Lehder 'received a very large quid for a very small quo'. Why wasn't
Lehder required to disgorge his drug proceed assets?
Because he was an intelligence officer controlled ultimately by Germany's ultra-covert
continuing Nazi International intelligence service, DVD. Carlos Lehder was an Illuminati
operative whose true allegiance was to Germany, not the United States.
A certain glamorous operative, Coral Talavera Baca, who ostensibly became Lehder's
wife, was reported in a US Treasury document compiled by a Secret Service agent to have
begun hiding Lehder's financial assets when aged 23 in 1987, the year that Lehder was
captured - inter alia in a Bohemian company called Capital Investment Group (CIG). The
Treasury report also stated that Carlos Lehder was an employee of the US Treasury, and a
free man. The US analyst/investigator Michael Ruppert later discovered that Talavera was
employed by the American International Group (AIG), the huge and since scandal-ridden
US insurance group, at Two Rincon Center, San Francisco.
The American insurance industry is notoriously corrupt and is believed to be in receipt of
vast inflows of laundered drug money annually. The biggest supplier of funds and
controller of this industry in the United States and overseas is allegedly the so-called super-
stock market guru, Warren Buffett, who allegedly launders funds inter alia for clients known
as the 'hofjuden', or highly placed Jewish/Khazar wealth-holders.
On 11th September 2001, Buffett was at a business meeting convened at Offutt Air
Force Base, to which location President George W. Bush Jr. was flown in Air Force One, after
he had finished reading that notoriously occultic story about a goat to some schoolchildren.
Offutt is the base at which the President of the United States has access to certain crucial
operational facilities. AIG has had close ties to the Central Intelligence Agency since the
1950s. One can draw one's own conclusions.
AIG has also been linked closely with the long notorious Arkansas Development
Financial Authority (ADFA) and Goldman Sachs, headed by Mr Robert Rubin, later US
Treasury Secretary under President Clinton. During the 1990s, Goldman Sachs and the
allegedly corrupt Harvard Endowment Fund channelled vast resources (as much as
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
$300 billion) to Russia. On 1st December 1987, Goldman Sachs distributed a confidential
Memorandum concerning the projected establishment offshore, in Barbados, of a
reinsurance company (yet another prospective laundering vehicle) called Coral Re, using
the first name of the glamorous beauty and operative who became Lehder's wife. All
potential investors, including Ruppert says, the State of Arkansas' ADFA, were requested to
return or destroy the Memorandum if they were not intending to take part. Coral Re was an
offshoot of AIG, and of course ADFA was at the centre of numerous allegations of money-
laundering operations connected with the Mena Regional Airport (Arkansas) drug delivery
centre associated with the Iran-Contra series of interlinked covert intelligence programmes
in the 1980s. Maurice Greenberg, now the ex-Chief Executive Officer of AIG, had been a
candidate for appointment as the CIA's Director of Central Intelligence in 1995, revealing his
importance as an alleged money-launderer for the intelligence community. Indeed, it has
hardly been necessary for the covert Soviets to despatch their criminalism operatives into
Western structures in order to corrode and collapse them from within, since the corrupted
CIA has been doing just that for years.
Ruppert, who is former policeman with a generally respected investigative record, and is
probably an operative himself (so that what he reports has to be put through a coun-
terintelligence wringer before being considered 'reliable'), reported in 2001 that he per-
sonally investigated Capital Investment Group (CIG) in San Francisco, and established
from the entity's corporate filings that the company had been located at 601 Gateway
Boulevard near San Francisco Airport until their filings ceased in 1997.
Michael Ruppert further reported that he had personally 'poked around the building
until he could find someone on the building staff who had been there in the mid-1990s.
'Oh yeah', said one of the building's employees, 'the Russians. There was Boris and
Vladimir and Natasha. They treated the eighth floor like it was Russian territory.... They had
so many extensions running and so many computers going that they blew the fuses in the
building six times. Everybody was complaining about them. They left us in 1996, 1 think.
I have no idea where they went after that'.
In April 2005, an impeccably knowledgeable US source informed the Author that when Al
Gore alighted from a limousine in 2000 convinced that he had won the Presidential
Election that year, he was staggered to be informed by a senior representative of the
Democratic National Committee (DNC) that, no, there had been a computer glitch, and his
victory was far from assured.
The source informed us that James Baker HI had allegedly been in touch with Carlos
Lehder in jail, and had requested that he hand over a large sum of money immediately, in
exchange for his freedom It transpired that Lehder procured $40 million from a bank, on being
driven there, of which some $8.0 million was allegedly deployed to pay off officials for
them to erase all trace of Lehder having ever been at the prison facility in question, while
$32 ($32.2?) million was allegedly transferred, not to Al Gore, but to the Democratic National
Committee. Carlos Lehder Rivas was then conveyed to Germany.
It is clear, therefore, that Lehder was (is) a German DVD operative who worked within the
corrupted US intelligence community, to establish key drug distribution networks as official
US covert policy in Latin America, ostensibly on behalf of the
Illuminati, providing as always cover for the DVD. Like a number of operatives who have
been working 'inside' the US intelligence community - since one consequence of
interpenetration is that 'we are all good friends now' - Lehder may have had a STASI (East
German) controller or handler. But the STASI, too, have all along provided cover for the Nazi
International's secret 'Black intelligence service, based at Dachau, the DVD.
In his 'Prison Note' [reproduced on page 97] the Office of Naval Intelligence officer
'Mike' Delmart Vreeland incorporated the following cryptic remark: 'No comments on
Lehder - No thank you. No comments'. His Note was prepared for submission to his
superiors in a 37-page report in which he intended to indicate what he would reveal in
exchange for US intervention to procure his release from custody, freedom to live in his
own apartment in Ottawa, and a new ID. It will be recalled that Lehder started his criminal
existence as a small-time drug dealer in Michigan, the same area from which the very
similar character Vreeland emerged.
Vreeland's unexplained comment about refusing to answer any questions that might
be put to him about Carlos Lehder begs a sizeable number of questions, and if Lehder's
legend is based on fact could also be related to the possibility that the two may have
known each other or even collaborated in Michigan in their early years, so that Vreeland
would have been well aware how dangerous Lehder was and is. But the Author discounts
this interpretation, in favour of the likelihood that Vreeland, who is from a long-established
US-Dutch Illuminati family, knew whom Lehder really worked for, and understood his
importance to the Dluminati and thus to German 'Black' intelligence. Vreeland's
generational Illuminati family background would explain his reluctance to be interrogated
on drug-running issues connected with Carlos Lehder's operations in Latin America, since
Vreeland's speciality seems to have been the 'former' USSR. His reluctance to talk about
Lehder also suggests his knowledge of links between Lehder's former activities and not only
German 'Black' intelligence, but also Soviet Military Intelligence, which is known to have
been penetrated by the Abwehr/DVD. The Russian language note, surfaced by Vreeland,
from Uday Hussein addressed to Putin [Figure 24, page 97], and dated June 2000, served the
function of implicating Soviet intelligence in 9/11, to divert US and British intelligence from
identifying the reality that the 9/11 atrocities attributed to Al-Qaeda were instigated by the
DVD, from Dachau.
If Lehder, as his name suggests, is also of Jewish extraction, there may further have been
a connection with Israeli intelligence - with whom the CIA has collaborated, as has been
seen, in Latin America. One confirmation of this was contained in William Tyree's
Complaint, where he stated that 'in February and March 1976, a second and third
WATCHTOWER operation took place under the command of Colonel Edward Cutolo,
and more cocaine was brought into Albrook Air Station, Panama. [Tyree]... saw the CIA
officer Edwin Wilson, CIA officer Frank Terpil, CIA asset/officer Colonel Albert V Carone,
and Israeli Colonel Michael Harari'.
Israeli, British and South African operatives were reported in June 200546 to be
engaged on behalf of the Pentagon on 'above top secref operations under the umbrella
codenamed Task Force 121 (IF 121), using special operations personnel in the US Army's
Delta Force, Green Berets, Navy SEALS, British Special Air Service (SAS) and Special Boat
Service (SBS) and various ex-US and foreign intelligence personnel, to undertake illegal
kidnappings, assassinations of foreign political leaders and figures, drug-run-
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
ning, and other destabilising operations abroad under cover of the 'the war against terror',
which is of course carefully orchestrated. British Special Forces had been joined by South
African Reece Commandos and Israeli Sayaret Mat'kal operatives. These cadres were said
to be operating under the authority of the US Defense Secretary, Donald Rumsfeld, the
Undersecretary for Intelligence, Stephen Cambone (the veteran operative) and the Deputy
Undersecretary for Intelligence, Lieutenant General William G. BoyMn. These Pentagon-
controlled units, operating primarily out of the Joint Special Operations Command
(JSOC) at Fort Bragg, North Carolina, and Fort Drum, New York, were reported to be active
in Latin America, especially in Colombia, where they have been linked to the smuggling
of cocaine in order to finance 'off-the-books' operations being carried out by the Pentagon
commandos. In April 2005, five US military operatives were arrested by Colombian
authorities for attempting to smuggle cocaine on a military flight to Texas. A month later,
two further US troops were anested in Colombia for attempting to smuggle 32,000 rounds
of ammunition destined for Colombian counter-narcotics units, to the right-wing
paramilitary terrorist and drug smuggling group calling itself the Self Defense Forces of
Colombia. The US Ambassador to Colombia, William Wood, reportedly refused to
extradite the US military operatives back to Colombia, invoking the US-Colombia Treaty
which apparently grants US military personnel diplomatic immunity. In other words, what
was happening in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s is happening in the 21st century: there has
been no change in US official drug-running behaviour and operations in Latin America: none
According to an informed source, in the late 1970s, Jeb Bush (now Governor of Florida, with
a Colombian Jewish wife), was installed as head of the Venezuela branch of Texas
Commercial Bank, a principal owner of which was Mr George Herbert Walker Bush ('Sr.').
This bank branch allegedly became a staging post for the mass laundering of proceeds from
the Medellin Cartel which, as we have seen, was controlled by the US Treasury and secret
DVD (Dachau) Nazi intelligence operative Carlos Lehder. In fact the Cartel was, according to
this very source, 'co-founded by Carlos Lehder as a Bush family business partner'. The
source elaborates that this drug cartel 'was part of the whole CIA operation into the
Southern States of the United States, headquartered, in part, at an airport in Western
Arkansas, at Mena. The Elder Bush, his sons Jeb and George W, and Ollie North, and
Bill Clinton, were all part of the operation. Guns were smuggled by CIA flights to Central
America with side-trips to Colombia to pick up huge shipments of cocaine, which
supported the Colombian economy more than coffee'. The resulting massive profits were
deployed to finance further clandestine operations and scams associated with the ongoing
intelligence corruption pipeline known as the Tran-Contra Affair'. The distinguished late
US investigative journalist Sherman Skolnick reported from Chicago on 24th August
2001 that, while working at the Press Office of the Federal Bureau of Prisons, Chandra
Levy (who, like Monica Lewinski, was an Israeli intelligence officer) may have stumbled
upon detailed information linking the Bush Family to the Oklahoma City bombing and/or
to the Family's partnership with the so-called 'Colombian' drug baron Carlos Lehder.
Another transmission point for the vast flow of drag proceeds arising from these
criminalist US intelligence operations was allegedly the very small First National Bank of
Mena, Arkansas, which was bought by the 'ethnic Chinese' Riady family, also
linked to the Bush family and Bill Clinton. This bank allegedly became a transmission point
for the colossal dope cashflow which was then allegedly transferred up to Garfield Ridge
Trust and Savings Bank, Chicago. Its principal shareholder for many years was US Congressman
Dan Rostenkowski. Likewise the Chicago bank's Board Chairman was for many years an
alleged former US Secret Service (i.e., US Treasury) official, Dan Shannon. For his part,
Rostenkowski was closely aligned to the key Chicago financial markets - the Chicago
Mercantile Exchange, the Chicago Board of Trade and the Chicago Board Options Exchange
- which allegedly provided, of course, the next stage in the laundering process. In 1994,
Rostenkowski was indicted on corruption charges and stepped down as House Ways and
Means Committee Chairman, losing his seat in that year's Congressional elections. In
1996, he pleaded guilty to mail fraud, was fined, and served a 17-month sentence.
It may be helpful here to recap some of the main findings arising from this study.
With respect to the intelligence on US drug-running operations in Latin America that
have been considered to date, the following facts have been established:
1. Carlos Lehder Rivas, who masqueraded as a Colombian drug dealer, was in fact a
US Treasury/CIA intelligence operative sent to Colombia to organise, rationalise and then
control the flow of drugs from Colombia (and Bolivia and Peru to an extent) into the
United States, and to arrange appropriate money-laundering facilities. As well as being a
US Treasury operative he was a deep cover agent of the German secret ongoing Nazi
Black intelligence organisation, DVD, Dachau.
2. An ongoing covert Soviet and a possible STASI involvement have been identified.
The STASI label has always been in part a cover for the Nazi International's DVD.
3. The Central Intelligence Agency is as usual shown to be a cynical criminal
organisation masquerading as an intelligence community, and financing its operations from
drug-trafficking - to the severe detriment of the population it 'serves', just like its covert Soviet
counterpart. It has recently been reconfirmed to the Author at the highest level that the CIA is
financially independent of Congress - as indeed is perfectly obvious from all the research
he has been conducting in this area of the enquiry.
4. It follows that the intelligence services are long since out of control, in control, and
need to be brought decisively under control if this crisis is ever to be surmounted.
Ralph McGhee, who was a CIA operative for 25 years, mainly in Southeast Asia,
where he witnessed US bombing and napalming of villages and of their inhabitants, has
pointed out that 'the CIA is not now, nor has it ever been, a Central Intelligence Agency'. It is
the covert action arm of the President's foreign policy advisers. In that capacity it
overthrows or supports foreign governments while reporting 'intelligence' justifying those
activities. It shapes its intelligence, even in such critical areas as Soviet nuclear weapons
capability, to support presidential policy. Disinformation is part of its covert action
responsibility and the American people are the primary target of its lies'.
Since at least the Vietnam War era, the CIA has been at the forefront of heroin trafficking.
In addition to being the main source of US propaganda for domestic and foreign
consumption - hence, inter alia, the proliferation of conflicting disinformation and
diversionary US Information Warfare websites, many of which are controlled by a central
apparatus, the Author has been told [see Note 3, Chapter 7, page 512] - the CIA is indeed the
covert arm of the predatory US Illuminist Government, and has accordingly been engaged
traditionally in many terrorist operations. In fact, the CIA is itself a terrorist organisation,
funded primarily by the profits of drug-smuggling. President
160 Chapter 3: The Lure of Drags
Bush Jr.'s 'war on international terrorism' provides (or is de facto supposed to provide) the
United States with cover for its own terrorist activities, some of which have already been
alluded to here. The CIA's serious drug-running activities were pioneered in and prior to
the Vietnam Era by the Jewish Meyer Lansky Syndicate operating out of Chicago, which
had already established international heroin running operations from Southeast Asia via
the CIA-linked Corsican Mafia in the Mediterranean (Corsica being a particularly nasty
little island where a bed-and-breakfast hostess once refused to hand the Author back his
passport so that he could leave, without a corrupt payment). The atmosphere in Corsica
reeks of the French Mafia.
The US intelligence community has been 'off the rails' for decades. The stench of this
criminal organisation's activities reeks in the nostrils not only of informed American people,
but of the whole world. At Watergate, for instance, President Richard Nixon was discarded in
order to cover up CIA money-laundering. The key 'smoking gun' tape revealed Nixon's
acceptance of the need to mobilise the CIA to halt the FBI's Watergate investigation because
the FBI had 'run into' a CIA covert operation. When asked why he thought it was a CIA
operation, the FBI Director of the day commented: 'Because of the amount of money
involved'. The lesser-known Watergate burglars were mainly from the ranks of Cubans
associated with the CIA's Miami station.
Watergate had much wider connotations, not least involving the Israeli nuclear
programme, which are not relevant here. The verdict of H. R. Haldeman, referring to a
Mexican bank used for laundering relevant funds, is however pertinent to this analysis: If
the Mexican bank connection was actually a CIA cover operation all along, unknown to
Nixon; and Nixon was destroyed for asking the FBI to stop investigating the bank
because it might uncover a CIA operation (which the Helms Memo seems to indicate that
it actually was after all), the multiple layers of deception by the CIA are astounding'*7. They
reflected, and reflect, of course, 'the mystery of iniquity'.
The main point here is that the CIA was heavily engaged in money laundering (as it
had been in earlier years as well) in the 1970s: and the central figure, as has been the case
ever since, was George Bush Sr.. But behind George Bush stood his mentor - the senior
Illuminati operative, German Jew and alleged member of the secret Illuminati Directorate,
Dr Henry ('Henny') Kissinger, the alleged DVD agent who persuaded the Illuminati's
President Ford to give Bush Sr. William Colby's job.
As has been alluded to, Dr Kissinger is allegedly a long-term Soviet agent, whose Soviet
codename is BOR, as well as being allegedly a mole for the DVD. His presence at the
epicentre or environment of US governance for decades, and his relationship with and
influence over George Bush Sr., have provided ample scope for foreign manipulation of,
and interference in, the affairs of, the United States, which has reached epidemic proportions.
But the question is: which foreign power does Dr Kissinger allegedly serve?
Given his mentorship of George Bush Sr. and his German provenance, the answer to this
question suggests itself unequivocally: and soundings among high-level intelligence circle
have indicated that this assessment is correct. If so, then Dr Kissinger's 'outer defence' -
rumours of his Soviet allegiance, 'corroborated' by his Soviet code-name BOR - mask his
actual, deeper allegiance to the Nazi International in general, and to the Dachau-based DVD
'Black', hidden intelligence community, in particular.
Another cover employed by DVD operatives, as has been seen, is the 'former' East
German STASI label. Manipulation of high-ranking US political figures is facilitated by the
institutionalisation in such circles of vice of every kind, and their foolish attendance
For the past 130 years [as of 2005], world leaders and members of the US elite have travelled to
Sonoma County, Northern California, in July, to participate in orgies and occult activities on a
secluded 2,700 acre compound called the Bohemian Grove. On 15th July 2000, the US talk show host,
Alex Jones, and colleagues, including a British contingent, managed to penetrate the notorious
Bohemian Grove by clandestine means, and to film some of the repulsive activities that were
taking place during this annual summer camp of llluminati.
Bohemian Grove is the site of an annual two-week gathering of prominent males, with participants
having included the likes of Henry Kissinger, James Baker III, David Rockefeller, John Lehman, Elliot
Richardson, Newt Gingrich, George Bush Sr. and Jr., Jimmy Carter, Richard Nixon, Helmut Schmidt,
General Colin Powell, Richard Cheney, Gerald Ford, William Simon, Ronald Reagan, William French
Smith, and William Perry, former Secretary of Defense under Clinton, also a known participant.
Participation in this 2,700-member club, founded in 1872 amid a certain amount of mystery, may entail
a wait of 1 5 years before coveted admission is granted.
Herbert Hoover once referred to the Bohemian Club's Annual Summer Encampment as 'the greatest
men's party on earth'. In reality, Bohemian Grove events celebrate and institutionalise 'the spirit of
Bohemia', according to Peter Phillips, of Sonoma State University, who actually wrote a doctoral
thesis on the Grove. Bohemia is of course in Germany: so what this means is that the llluminati,
which in its modern format originated in Germany, indulge in pagan occult rituals, permissive sex
and various abominations, the mildest of which is an occult ceremony beneath a huge idol in the shape
of an owl, called Moloch - the Caananite god to which the pagan tribes, and at times the children of
Israel, sacrificed 'unwanted children' (postnatal contraception). In 'Paradise Lost', John Milton
described Moloch as follows: 'First Moloch, horrid King, besmirched with blood, Of human sacrifice,
and parents' tears, Though, for the noise of drums and timbrels loud, Their children's cries unheard,
that passed through fire, To his grim idol'. In Scripture, Moloch is condemned as the worst of all the
ancient abominations: but the llluminati 'Useful Idiots' attending the grim, pagan ceremony held
at the Bohemian Grove every summer, revere it, reaffirming before it their Luciferian preferences.
Programmed 'Monarch' sex slaves are routinely employed to 'entertain' the assembled
debauched members of the globalist elite, and to facilitate the gratification of their animal desires.
The annual gathering of these nutcases begins with the so-called 'Cremation of Care' ritual, in which a
mascot is burned in effigy, symbolising 'freedom from care - a trap for the unwary. Various bizarre
enactments take place. Druids in red-hooded robes march in procession and chant to the Great Owl
Moloch, according to many inside reports obtained not only as a consequence of Alex Jones'
penetration in 2000, but also from the scores of local men who work in the Grove as servants. One
near-victim has described the Bohemian Grove's inner hideaways and secret locations - which include an
UNDERGROUND (U.N. derground), a Dark Room, a Leather Room, and a Necrophilia Room. Occult
human sacrificial rituals, involving the murder of babies, children and 'discarded' sex slaves, have also
been credibly reported, given a sizeable accumulation of insider information about this place of serial
Cathy O'Brien, the 'Monarch' sex slave deprogrammed by Mark Phillips, has identified the
underlying evil purpose of the Bohemian Grove as BLACKMAIL. She reported that her 'handler1 had told
her about high-tech, undetectable cameras using fiber-optics, and fish-eye lens cameras that are
positioned strategically in each of the Bohemian Grove's numerous sexual perversion theme rooms.
She has reported that 'I was programmed to function in all rooms at the Bohemian Grove in order
to compromise specific government targets according to their personal perversions'. That's how
Luciferian US intelligence does its business.
She and Phillips calculated that no-one would believe what they have divulged in their book
Trance Formation of America' [see main text], in which these comments were published, unless
they were dead. This calculation proved to be correct. At the same time, neither replied to the
Author's letter enquiring whether Mark Phillips was actually engaged in an experiment to establish
whether a programmed (MK-ULTRA-style) 'Monarch' sex-slave could be successfully and
permanently deprogrammed; and when one receives no response from such operatives, this
normally means that the questions put to them cannot be answered without compromising their
operations: i.e., the Author's suspicion is correct. ■
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
at annual Bohemian Grove events [see page 161], at which they are encouraged to indulge in
sexual, drug and drinking excess, and which they are erroneously informed cannot or will
never be exposed. However the real purpose of the Bohemian Grove orgies is precisely to
ensure participants they can be manipulated through blackmail, since secret cameras
witness their debauched behaviour, of which they are discreedy reminded 'as necessary'.
Reverting to the case of Dr Kissinger, the traditional, long-term penetration of the Soviet
intelligence sector by German Nazi 'Black' operatives provides the known context for this
operative's use of his suspected Soviet connections as cover for his real affiliation - service to
the Nazi International. At this point, we can hear some argue that any such allegiance
would be surreal, since, as a Jew, Dr Kissinger would be 'sure' to be antagonistic towards
Nazism. However, that would be a shallow, knee-jerk reaction. For the reality is that Zionism
is a form of Nazism. In his early working days, the Author foolishly joined a Jewish
merchant bank in London, for which he was totally unsuited. There, a much older woman
who worked in the same department took pity on him, and 'looked after' him in the canteen
at lunchtime. The Eichmann trial was the main feature in the news at the time. The Author
remembers saying to this kind lady: 'How come Eichmann, a Jew, presided over the
Holocaust?' To which she replied: Don't you know that a Jew's greatest enemy is another
Jew?'. That first-hand remark should though a cliche, eliminate any fanciful notion that Dr
Kissinger could not possibly be, for instance, a covert DVD operative. On the contrary, his
clear Illuminati credentials, and the fact that he is alleged to have been thrown out of his
synagogue by his local Jewish community, clarify this man's geopolitical orientation and
loyalties. A 'handle' on this man's nature can be obtained by contemplating the fact
that, after appearing incongruously as a mourner at Princess Diana's Memorial Service at
Westminster Abbey, Kissinger was observed the next evening in a London nightclub,
ogling at a Turkish belly-dancer.
Now that we can see clearly that the Medellfn cartel was controlled by, and was an
instrument of, US intelligence, manipulated or probably even commanded in turn by at least
one German Nazi covert operative, who appears to have been whisked away from
Colombia by the DEA and quickly incarcerated 'for his own safety', it can also be seen that
the Colombian Government, while benefiting financially, has been cynically deceived
by the US Government, of which the vast US intelligence community forms an
overbearingly powerful component. If we pursue this line of reasoning further, a number
of disturbing insights emerge. The Cali Cartel replaced the Medellin Cartel; and just like the
Medellin Cartel, the Cali Cartel has been, and is, clandestinely controlled by a foreign
power - namely, the United States.
During his heyday operating in Colombia, Lehder financed the establishment of a
newspaper and a new political party, the Movimiento Nacional Latino. His colleague, Pablo
Escobar, founded a newspaper, and was elected to the Colombian Congress in 1982. By
the following year, Escobar's personal wealth was estimated at $2 billion.
He proceeded to finance the construction of a barrio for poor families in Medellin - a
'philanthropic' gesture typical of successful giga-criminals the world over. In mid- 1983,
Tranquilandia, which was then the largest cocaine laboratory in history, went into production
on the banks of the Rio Yari in Los Llanos. It operated no less than fourteen independent,
fully equipped laboratories, water and electricity supply, roads, dormitories, and its own
airstrip, and it produced 3,500 kg of pure cocaine every month.
When the Colombian President of the day, Belisario Betancour, appointed Rodrigo Lara
Bonilla Minister of Justice, the political climate abruptly changed. Bonilla suddenly
launched a sharp offensive against the drug trade, inducing one of Bogota's leading
newspapers, El Espectador, to publicise some of the crimes committed by Pablo Escobar. In
March 1984, a massive Colombian Police posse raided Tranquilandia and arrested
everyone working there. The police proceeded to confiscate seven aircraft, weapons and
vehicles, plus all the chemicals on the premises. (These chemicals are typically manu-
factured by only a handful of corporations, of which Eli Lilly, with which George Bush Sr.
has or has had key connections, is one). Fourteen tonnes of cocaine were reportedly seized
and thrown into the river.
The Cartel disappeared from view, with the exception of Carlos Lehder, who offered, in
exchange for immunity from prosecution, to pay off Colombia's entire foreign debt, then
standing at $13 billion. After agonised consideration, this proposal was turned down by the
Government. However once the publicity had died down, the Medellfn Cartel continued
business more or less as usual. In particular, it began to invest its profits in land, and later in
industry. Then, as the drug operatives became major landowners, they created their own
private armies to protect their investments. In 1984, Lehder or associates in or working for
the Medellfn Cartel, killed the Justice Minister, Rodrigo Lara Bonilla. The Government
responded in an odd manner: it implemented the old Extradition Treaty, which had been
signed years earlier with the United States, but had never been applied. Four minor drug
traffickers were at once sent to the United States to stand trial, to maintain the illusion for
public consumption that 'something is being done'.
The Cartel then started a public campaign against the Treaty, but failed to shift the
Government's stand. So the Cartel began to target the Treaty's leading supporters, such as
Guillermo Cano, the publisher of El Espectador, who was assassinated in late 1986. The
Attorney-General was later shot to death. In February 1987, the Colombian security forces and
the anti-narcotics police, with cooperation from the US Drug Enforcement Agency, captured
and immediately extradited Carlos Lehder to the United States.
It is not known whether the DEA operatives were aware that they were handling an
operative employed by the US Treasury and US intelligence generally - to organise and
deliver a pipeline of colossal profits for the benefit of corrupt US official cadres and to
inflate the vast hidden resources of the intelligence services.
The consequences of the United States' secret intermeddling in the national affairs of
Colombia, and of its abominable and cynical manipulation and seizure of control over the
Colombian drug trade (paralleled later, under George H. W. Bush Sr.'s Presidency, in Panama),
were catastrophic. The United States literally succeeded in destabilising Colombia - which
some believe may well have been an outcome not inimical to CIA planners, given that the
United States is a key global revolutionary power and that it is capable of being a menace to
the stability of the whole world.
In August 1989, the Medellfn Cartel assassinated the leading presidential candidate,
Luis Carlos Galan, thereby threatening what remained of the corrupted integrity of
Colombia's fragile democracy. All hell then broke loose. Galan's murder triggered a
declaration of all-out war by the Government; and the United States - which had provoked the
chaos from the outset - immediately offered $65 million of emergency aid and logistical
support. If these funds were taken from a CIA 'Black' budget, there was of
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
course no shortage of resources that could be raided for this purpose.
President Banco of Colombia thereupon confiscated 989 buildings and ranches, 367
aircraft, 73 boats, 710 vehicles, 4.7 tonnes of cocaine, 1,279 guns and 25,000 rounds of
ammunition from the Cartel's structures. The traffickers responded with a demonic reign of
terror, burning the farms of regional politicians in Antioquia, and detonating bombs at many
banks, newspaper offices, political party headquarters, and private homes in Bogota, Cali,
Medellin and Barranquilla. In September 1989, an explosion destroyed the offices of El
Espectador. During November, a mid-air bombing killed all the 101 passengers and six crew
members aboard an Avianca flight from Bogota to Cali. In December, a massive truck
bomb ripped into the bottom floors of the National Police Agency (DAS) in Bogota,
damaging buildings 20 blocks away.
The war culminated in a massive manhunt that led to the killing of another prominent
Cartel leader, Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha, known as El Mexicano', who had been suspected
of masterminding the reign of terror. After his death, the remaining Cartel leaders urged
the Government to negotiate. Extended negotiations then led to the surrender of the three
Ochoa brothers, and Pablo Escobar and their aides.
On the face of it, the no-holds-barred drug war represented the consequences of yet
another CIA operation, or nest of evil operations, that (as usually happens) went so badly
wrong that the overt responsible structures of the US Federal Government had to intervene
(inter alia, with the $65 million of aid). But if Colombian officials and Ministers had been
properly informed, they would have been well aware that the United States had been
playing extremely cynical and dangerous games in Colombia, which elements of it had been
exploiting for criminal covert purposes for years.
With this effective truce, the farcical character of the Colombian justice system
kicked in again. The deal that was struck was that the traffickers had to surrender and
plead guilty to just one crime, in exchange for guarantees that they would not be extradited
like Carlos Lehder (who had simply been transferred back to base, albeit not in the manner
he might have preferred), and they would serve reduced sentences in a specially
constructed prison in Envigado, the home town of Pablo Escobar, close to Medellfn. To
conclude the matter, the Constitutional Assembly ruled formally that the Extradition
Treaty did not apply to Colombian nationals. But it manifestly continued to apply to
non-Colombian nationals, like Carlos Lehder.
With the surrender or deaths of all the top leaders of the Medellfn cartel, guess what?
Narco-terrorism subsided, but the drug business remained unaffected! An estimated two
or three tonnes of top quality cocaine continued to reach the United States every week from
Colombia alone, in cargoes smuggled in by sea or air. Escobar and his associates were, for the
time being, having to put up with the inconvenience of operating their cocaine businesses
from behind bars. They all had telephones.
When Pablo Escobar escaped from his jail following a botched' attempt to remove him
from La Catedral (the prison) to a more secure location, narco-terrorism resumed. For the
next 18 months, Colombia's elite Search Block sought Escobar, tracking down and then
killing most of his aides and collaborators. Finally, after 499 days of searching the special
unit located Escobar in December 1993, and shot him dead.
However thanks to US intermeddling and the parallel activities of Cuban and Soviet-
linked rival drug networks, drug trafficking out of Colombia has continued
expanding. For while Colombia's elite force concentrated its resources in hunting one man,
the other cartels were of course quick to take advantage of the situation. The Cali Cartel,
which likewise developed during the 1980s, moved quickly to take over the markets of the
now shattered Medellfn Cartel, becoming Colombia's largest drug producer.
And as has been explained, the Cali organisation was led by the Rodriguez Orej-uela
brothers, at least one of whom was controlled by US intelligence. In other words, the
German-oriented cadres within the CIA did not place their eggs in one basket, but
diversified their sources of drug pipeline funds, to guard against the possibility (likeli-
hood) that one or more of the networks that they had established would be blown.
The problems which leaders of the Cali Cartel faced were quickly dissipated (see
above), and by 1994, this US-sponsored Cartel was believed to be controlling over 80% of New
York's cocaine market, with dominant shares in other US and European markets. The
criminalised intelligence services of both the leading revolutionary powers -the 'former'
USSR and the United States - are engaged in drug offensives against their populations, in
conformity with the Satanic priority of the dialectical World Revolution, to create chaos out
of order. The later Cali king-pins diversified into opium poppies and into heroin, apparendy
reflecting changes in consumer habits in the United States, but in reality catering for drug
demand stimulated by supply. Meanwhile the German, French, Italian, Spanish, Mexican and
Israeli 'Black intelligence communities continued to thrive, through cooperation and
competition with the US and Soviet networks, as never before.
The arrest in June 1995 of the Call Cartel leader, the US intelligence asset-operative
Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela, involved in excess of 3,000 troops raiding dwellings in
Bogota and Cali. Yet Colombia continues to benefit from an inflow of an estimated $6
billion annually from the illegal drug operations set up originally, and controlled by, US
intelligence - a factor which of course ensures that the networks established by US intel-
ligence on behalf of its German Illuminati controllers continue to function normally.
At the same time, Colombia's political fabric had been severely destabilised. Not only
was the ruling political class targeted, but the arrest of Gilberto Rodriguez Orejuela did little
to alter the dynamics of the Colombian drug trade: and the Government has been
subsequently been unable to repeat the success it achieved against the Medellin Cartel. In
other words, it was business as usual.
One apparent reason for this is that the political classes generally have been further
corrupted. President Ernesto Samper was obliged to spend much time during his final years
in office refuting allegations that his election campaign had been financed by drug money.
President Samper's Liberal Party successor, Horacio Serpa, lost the election in June 1998 to
the 'Conservative' Andres Pastrana, who in 1994 had exposed Sr. Samper's corrupt
connections with the Cali Cartel.
At the risk of some repetition, but in the interests of clarity, let us briefly revisit William
Casey's Affidavit, in order to draw out the main features of this sobering narrative. After
William J. Casey, an old Office of Strategic Services (OSS) operative based in London
during the Second World War, became the CIA's Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) on
28th January 1981 under President Ronald Reagan (in office, thanks to George Bush Sr.'s
'October Surprise' operation to bribe the Iranians with $32 million, to release the US hostages
from Tehran only after President Reagan's inauguration), he was approached and briefed
by the former DCI, William Colby (who was found drowned many years
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
later), who informed him off the record about two operations that he was continuing to run
in Latin America. Both these operations were being run without the consent or knowledge of
the US Congress, the President or even the intelligence apparatus itself. One reason for this
level of secrecy was that the operations were actually directed by covert German Nazi drug-
running intelligence, with Colby unknowingly in charge.
The operations were identified by Colby under the codenames of A-6 (RED MIST) and
A-7 (PROJECT SANDMAN). A-7 was the Phoenix Program' of Latin America, involving
the assassination of the Communist infrastructure throughout Latin America. A-6 identified
individuals and the build-up of the Communist threat in the region.
William Colby authorised the US intelligence assets involved in A-6 and A-7 to
engage in narcotics trafficking to finance both operations, having himself engaged in
similar operations in Vietnam for the same purpose. Between the beginning of December
1975 and 1st April 1976, Colby prepositioned more than a million pounds of cocaine in
Panama, with the assistance of General Manuel Noriega. This cocaine was conveyed to
El Salvador, Costa Rica and Honduras between 1976 and 1981. It now needed to be
conveyed to the American market.
To assist him in these nefarious operations, Mr Colby used the aforementioned Colonel (Dr)
Albert Vincent Carone, a US military intelligence officer, with experience also in working
for the CIA, and close Mafia links, to field the A-6 and A-7 operations. Dr Carone had a
long-time 'friend', Vito Genovese, head of the gambling and narcotics activities for the
controlling Mafia family in New York, of which Dr Carone, who was also a friend of the
international fugitive Robert Vesco (hiding from US justice in Cuba), was made a 'member'.
Thus elements of the US military, as well as the CIA, are mafiosi.
Contrary to the universal view, Fidel Castro, who received a Jesuit education, like so
many revolutionaries and spies, has maintained secretly cordial relations with certain US
structures all his life. The Americas Department of the Cuban Communist Party, run by
Cuban intelligence cadres under the control of the KGB, directs all covert Soviet drug-
trafficking operations in the Western Hemisphere, in 'competition' with the colossally
subversive drugs offensive of the CIA's Eluminati against their own population.
William Colby arranged for the profits from the preposifioned cocaine to be laundered
through Dr. Carone, the New York Mafia, and Robert Vesco (who has been hiding out in
Cuba since his exposure). They were then to be redirected to fund the anti-Communist
operations in Latin America, through Colby himself. Hence, Robert Vesco, the fugitive from
US justice, remained at the same time a long-term money-laundering collaborator with the
CIA. (As for the facts on the ground, the House of Representatives' Intelligence Committee
knew perfectly well that the Sandinistas were not shipping arms to Communist guerrillas
in El Saldavor, as President Ronald Reagan had claimed. Congressman Lee Hamilton
complained that 'we were, however, unable to respond to the President's (erroneous)
assertions because this information was classified. The Democratic and admittedly fiercely
anti-Reagan Senator Moynihan elaborated: 1 knew the President's claim could not be
substantiated, but I knew this from classified briefings which a Chairman or Vice Chairman
of such a committee is sworn not to discuss in public. The effect is to hide things from the
American people that they need to know').
Casey discussed these matters with Dr Carone and accordingly decided to have the
prepositioned cocaine brought into Mena Airport, Arkansas, which the CIA had
used on earlier occasions, and through which large volumes of cocaine had been, and
would continue to be, shipped into the US interior. Assisting William Casey so as to
ensure smooth operations were William J. Clinton, a CIA operative, later the President of the
United States, and William E Weld [see Casey's Affidavit, and the box on page 109], the scion of
a well-known banking family (White Weld having been an early adviser to the Saudi
Arabian Monetary Agency), who later became Governor of Massachusetts and was in
2006 seeking the Governorship of New York State. As Assistant US Attorney, Weld was
placed in charge of the Criminal Division of the US Department of 'Justice'. The purpose of
this appointment was so that William Weld could control investigations into Mena by the
US Federal law enforcement agencies, which of course knew nothing (or not enough) about
the detail of these criminal intelligence activities.
Clinton assisted Casey by systematically smothering the Arkansas law enforcement
investigations into the drug-running operations by the CIA through Mena. That was why
Clinton was elevated to the Arkansas Governorship. William Casey now instructed Robert
McFarlane, John Poindexter and Oliver North to go beyond 'normal channels' and to use
'available assets, including the Mafia', to ensure the arrival of the cocaine into Mena
Airport. Personnel assigned to the National Security Agency (NSA) and the US Army
Security Agency (ASA) facilitated the cocaine arrivals, with the early warning defence
satellites and the radar grid being blinded to enable the cocaine -laden aircraft to land
undetected at Mena Airport. The codenames for these NSA and ASA operations were
As we have also seen, evidently William Casey justified these criminal decisions,
actions and policies by invoking the false pretext that US drug users have a choice:
whether to consume drugs or not. This alibi is both morally and practically indefensible, as
well as being ignorant nonsense. In the first place, as discussed, drug consumption is a
consequence of supply, not demand. In the case of food for normal sustenance, such as corn
flakes, there is a natural demand from the population, which is met by supply.
However in the case of addictive drugs, two factors differentiate them from all other
commodities. First, there is no natural demand for drugs such as cocaine. Its insidious usage
spreads as a consequence solely of supply - to foolish people who are offered cocaine at
parties, for instance. If the drug is available, then demand for it can be generated. If the
supply is cut off, demand (except from those unfortunates who are hooked on the drug) dries
up. Secondly, demand from users who have started to use the drug because of its availability
(supply) is artificially and exponentially increased because of the resulting addiction. It follows,
obviously, that William Casey's self-interested and shallow 'justification' for continuing the de
facto Illuminist strategy of his predecessor was wholly devoid of intellectual validity quite
apart from its Satanic immorality.
As for William Colby himself, his preoccupation with decapitating the Communist
infrastructure in Latin America may seem to have provided absolute confirmation of his anti-
Communist credentials. For instance, Colby reportedly presided over nearly 25,000
assassinations in Vietnam. But the longer-term consequences of his authorisation of open-
ended drug dealing by US intelligence assets have been so disastrous, and so predictable,
that, if it were not for the fact that he was blinded by the dialectical trap in which he had
to operate, they might have implied a subversive intent. They are certainly consistent with
the parallel strategy devised by Dr. Kissinger (the alleged Soviet agent BOR and German
Illuminati controller) to establish the precarious system whereby oil invoices issued by oil
producers are denominated exclusively in US dollars.
168 Chapter 3: The Lure of Drugs
Figure 28 below shows that as opiate and cocaine supplies in the United Kingdom pro-
liferated between 1970 and 2000, the numbers of dependent users of these imported
drugs known to treatment services grew exponentially. The chart may be compared with
Figure 29 on page 169, in which exactly the same progression in the United States, between
1960 and 1980, is recorded. As has been explained, the drug crisis in the United Kingdom is
now controlled by a corrupted intelligence cadre, GO-2, which "facilitates" the operations of
two drug cartels, financing the main political parties and ensuring largely trouble-free
distribution of these drugs, to the fury of drug interdiction operatives and law enforcement
elements, who know what is going on. It was in this context that the Author was informed,
in the third quarter of 2005, by two senior, disgusted, intelligence officers, that 'we have a
criminal government in the United Kingdom'. For a component of government to preside
over drug-running operations is a scandal of extreme proportions, and it is hoped that
exposure inter alia via this study will serve the official perpetrators with appropriate notice
that this state of affairs will not be tolerated, and that efforts will be made to bring these
criminals who - as in the United States -hide behind their 'national security' screen - to
justice. Furthermore, since GO-2 operates from the Lambeth headquarters of MI6, the
leadership of which in 2005 was considered by the Author's informants to be unreliable (to
put the matter mildly), MI6 is a party to
i — r
According to
Imparl cii C.oH'C'CiG
; almost 50,000 |
addicts in London by 2005, against about T3,600 users iden-
tified in the 2O01-O2 British Crime Survey. This finding,
based on data from 12 London boroughs, and publicised on
20th September 2005 by The Guardian ', suggests that 13%
of 15-44-year-oWs use crack. This would be consistent with
the Authors intelligence on UK official criminalism. ■
Figure 29. New opiate and cocaine abusers in the United Kingdom, 1970-2000. Increased drug dependency
reflects increased supply - which is co-ordinated by GO-2, a UK intelligence cadre which is supposed to be
engaged in anti-drug operations. According to furious UK intelligence sources, GO-2 controls or works with two
drug cartels, thus frustrating drug-interdiction operations by the diminishing proportion of the UK intelligence
community that remains uncorrupted. Note: As discussed elsewhere, GO-2 operates out of the MI6 headquarters in Lambeth, just
across Vauxhall Bridge in Central London. In 2004-2005, MI6/GO-2 attempted to smear the Author, who retaliated by published a
detailed account of these attempts in his global financial journal, International Currency Review.
this abomination. Drug-running is a crime against humanity and the Author regrets to say
that the British Government condones and participates in this form of atrocity.
In 2005, the cost of damage to health and social functioning due to heroin and/or
crack cocaine usage was conservatively estimated at £5.0 billion annually. In the United
Kingdom, drug users were estimated to commit no less than 36,000,000 crimes a year, that
is to say, 56% of the (colossal) total number of crimes. The British police have long since
given up bothering to find the perpetrators of crimes, unless murder, rape or some other
high-profile aberration is involved. The notion that British taxpayers receive value for
money, in the form of protection, from the police, is wholly discredited. When the Author
sought to advise the authorities of a possible terrorism dimension, he struggled to make
himself understood to a half-literate police clerk at Belgravia Police Station, who made
so many mistakes that he kept pulling sheets out of his record book and starting over
again. A day and a half later, there had been no follow-up, despite the urgency of the
matter; and the Author was reduced to calling the Downing Street Press Office, as a result
of which a Scotland Yard officer telephoned to make an appointment. In general, the police
service is dismal, and morale appears to be low - doubtless because the police know that
the Government is itself involved in drug-running.
The Author's UK intelligence sources estimate that Britain now has 300,000 heroin
addicts, compared with 30,000 in 1972, when Britain was illegally 'bounced' into
Figure 29. New cocaine users in the United States, 1962-80 [in thousands], showing conclusively the correlation with with
increased supplies of the drug. In the early 1960s, when supplies were low, recorded addiction was of minimal proportions.
Data source: Rouse, B.A., Ed., 1995, 'Substance Abuse and Mental Health Statistics Yearbook', DHHS Publication No. (SMA) 95-
3064, Government Printing Office, Washington DC. Reproduced from 'Red Cocaine: The Drugging of America and the West, by Dr
Joseph D. Douglass Jr., Edward Harie Limited, 1999, page 157. Dr Douglass attributed the increased supply and cocaine addiction to
the entry of Soviet-controlled drug-traffickers into the market. Extrapolation of the chart would also reflect the consolidation of the
Latin cartels set up by US intelligence, fronted inter alia by Lehder.
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
membership of the corrupt European Economic Communities [see Chapter 8]. They
openly attribute this state of affairs to Britain's EU membership in general, and to the ease
with which German, French and Spanish intelligence-linked drug cadres have consequentiy
been able to penetrate the UK structures and networks, in particular.
Despite the fact that GO-2/MI6 'facilitates' the drug-running and distribution
operations of two drug cartels into and within the United Kingdom, available data on the
UK drug crisis are provided, believe it or not, by the Downing Street Strategy Unit.
Whether this curious fact reflects ignorance on the part of the apparatchiks working there, with
respect to the abominations perpetrated from Lambeth, or whether we are confronted
with the 'blind eye' syndrome, or one part of the official structures having no clue what is
happening in other areas of the Government, is unknown. But according to this source, the
total heroin and/or crack user population in Britain had reached 280,000 by mid-2005 (the
numbers are not additive), with an estimated 260,000 people hooked on heroin, 140,000
users of crack, and 250,000 people addicted on cocaine. The estimated average annual spend
per heroin addict was £10,000 - which means that cash-flow generated by this
abomination alone was of the order of £2.6 billion. The estimated 140,000 crack users
were also spending about £10,000 annually on their vice, generating a further £1.4 billion;
while the 250,000 cocaine users were spending some £5,500 each, generating a further £1.4
billion annually - for a total annual inflow of £5.4 billion. The Table on page 171 provides
further details of the size of the scam - suggesting that 31 retail tonnes of heroin, 10 tonnes of
crack and 22 tonnes of cocaine were flooding into the United Kingdom annually,
implying that interdiction operations are totally ineffective.
To ensure that this is indeed the case, the Blair Government abolished the ancient
Customs and Excise Department, which had made progress with its interdiction activities
- merging the department into the notoriously incompetent Inland Revenue. The
Author's informants advise that this was done, in part, in order to remove the annoyance
Figure 30. The cost of drugs per week for a UK heavy abuser. Usage of crack cocaine, cocaine and heroin was
conservatively estimated in mid-2005 to be generating at least £5.4 billion annually. Taking the use of other drugs
into account, the conservative estimate would be of the order of £7.0 billion annually. However analysts believe
that the actual cash-flow generated as a consequence of the permissive supply of drugs into the United Kingdom
could be much higher. Usage follows supply, not the other way round. The Government cynically maximises
the potential for cash-flow generation by means of National Health Service prescription of methadone for
heroin addicts, so that when released from treatment, they revert to heroin usage.
of Customs seizures, so as to allow this lucrative trafficking in human misery, to expand unim-
peded. It appears to be 'justified' by the same dishonest argument that is used in the
United States and was spelled out by William Casey in his Affidavit.
With the two main political parties hooked into this criminalised system, Britain is
rapidly cascading downwards into the same abyss as the United States; and hardly a
single prominent voice is heard in Westminster, on the BBC, or anywhere except
sometimes in the columns of 'The Guardian' newspaper, complaining about this disgraceful,
scandalous and abhorrent state of affairs. When the Author asked informants whether
contenders for the leadership of the British Conservative Party were liable to 'go along' with
this scandal, he was informed that David Davis deplores this abuse. But does anyone else?
One or more senior figures are reported to be addicted to crack cocaine.
Ignorance in Britain, not least in media circles, concerning the clandestine official
forces that are engaged in drug-trafficking is almost universal. On 5th July 2005, extensive
publicity was given to a report by Lord Birt, the former Director General of the BBC, who is
paid by the Prime Minister to 'think ahead' on behalf of the Downing Street Strategy Unit,
which exposed the extent to which the British Government's purported anti-drugs policy
had failed. The report effectively stated that the result of the 'war against drugs' so far had
been a massive increase in consumption. The massive increase in consumption was
facilitated by GO-2/MI6, but of course this fact, of which Lord Birt, in fairness, may have
been ignorant, was never mentioned. If an allusion to the possible involvement of Britain's
own intelligence cadres in drug-trafficking and facilitating the operations of two drug
cartels was included in Lord Birf s original draft, any such reference had been removed by
the time the document was made available for public consumption. If Lord Birt had
consulted the right people in the intelligence community, we would certainly have learned
about this abomination.
Lord Birt employed management consultancy-speak and semi-spurious quantifying
techniques to describe the Government's failure on this score, illustrated by the report's
finding that traffickers into the British market enjoy such high profits that seizure rates of
60%-80% are needed in order for there to be any impact on the flow of drugs into the
country - whereas nothing greater than 20% has ever been achieved. The document was
presented in full to the Prime Minister in June 2003. On 1st July 2005, following action under
the new British Freedom of Information Act, only 52 of its 105 pages were published. Release
took place on the eve of the ghastly 'New World Order' Live 8 'concert', a mass mind-
manipulation and propaganda fest fronted by a character called Sir Bob Geldof who seems
to be 'licensed' from on high to mastermind such mass psychology operations. By
publishing the document immediately ahead of that event, the authorities had hoped that
its findings would be 'buried'; so 'The Guardian', which is seized of the Government's
propensity to play such routine dirty tricks, cleared its front page on 5th July 2005 to
provide maximum coverage to the report, which was supposed
These estimates are conservative* HEROIN CRACK COCAINE
Estimated user numbers [data not additive] 260,000 140,000 250,000
Estimated average annual spend per user £10,000 £10,000 £5,500
Annual cash-flow generated per year £2,600,000,000 £1,400,000,000 £1,400,000,000
Price per gram £60.00 £105.00 £60.00
Derived retail tonnes consumed per annum 31 10 22
Estimated UK usage and spending on heroin, crack and cocaine. Source: Downing Street Strategy Unit
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
to represent Phase One of Downing Street's reappraisal of UK official drugs policy. In
December 2005, Lord Birt brought forth Phase Two of his analysis, entitled Diagnoses and
Recommendations', which remained unpublished when this study went to press.
The half of the Phase One report that was not published, but was nevertheless
leaked to 'The Guardian', contained a scathing verdict on UK official operations to disrupt
the drugs supply chain. This was the nearest that Lord Birt felt able to go (or his official
censors would allow him to go) in drawing public attention to the fact that Britain has a
criminal government. The 'missing' information summarised by the newspaper concluded
that the estimated UK annual supply of heroin and cocaine, which it said could be
transported into the country in five standard-sized shipping containers, had a value
conservatively estimated at £4.0 billion. Among the officially suppressed data (withheld
because it was supplied by a security agency) was a table provided by the National
Criminal Intelligence Service showing average UK street prices for various drugs. The
average cost tor a heavy cannabis (marihuana) user was given as £89 a week, and £525 for a
user of crack cocaine. Users of cocaine were said to be spending £420 a week, and heroin
addicts £300 weekly: see Figure 30, on page 170.
The suppressed pages, according to 'The Guardian', stated that the drugs supply
market into Britain is sophisticated, and that attempts to intervene had not resulted (as of
June 2003) in sustainable disruption to the market at any level. Government interventions
against the drug business are a cost of doing business, rather than a substantive threat to
the industry's viability.... Because upstream UK suppliers enjoy high profits, they are more
able to absorb the cost of interception. Thus upstream seizures may temporarily impact
street availability, but are unlikely to threaten the viability of any individual business'.
Stressing the hopeless inadequacy of seizure rates, the study said that the outcome over
the preceding decade and a half had been that, 'despite interventions at every point in the
supply chain, cocaine and heroin consumption has been rising, prices [have been] falling,
and drags have continued to reach users'.
Since 'The Guardian' had access to the pages of the first Birt Report which were
withheld under the Freedom of Information Act, and since the newspaper's coverage
made no mention of the involvement of intelligence services, it may be assumed that it was
made clear to the newspaper that such references would not be welcome. But they are
necessary. And now that intelligence confirmation of this scandal has been forthcoming it
will be interesting to see whether the filthy activities of GO-2/MI6 are brought to a halt
through an overdue change of personnel, or whether, as usually happens, the buck will be
passed, the messenger will be shot, and the crisis will simply escalate.
Lord Birf s report subsided, unfortunately, into the usual mushy rhetoric about the
number of deaths in Britain from drags (749 annually from heroin and methadone) being
nothing like the 6,000 annual deaths from alcohol abuse and the 100,000 deaths inflicted
by smoking tobacco. There were 674 annual hospital admissions on mental health
grounds resulting from cannabis use, compared with an average of 3,480 in the case of
heroin users (on the basis of the outdated data contained in the report). But three million people
in Britain (5% of the population) use illicit drugs every year. Figure 28 shows the exponential
notified increase in UK dependent opiate and cocaine users between 1970 and 2000
inclusive. It reveals that prior to the collapse of morality and the international competitive drug-
running free-for-all presided over and facilitated by intelligence communities, there were hardly any
dependent opiate and cocaine users in the United Kingdom at all.
Drags are distributed not least at mass Psy-Ops events such as the Glastonbury
Festival which coincides every year with the occult summer solstice, and which attracts
hoardes of brainwashed young (and not-so-young) people, who waste their weekends
sleeping together and smoking pot, while listening to tawdry, often Satanic, sounds from
a distant rostrum - a pastime which binds them ever more closely into the decadent "New
Age' of Aquarius subculture, leaving their minds and souls empty, their bodies exhausted,
and their spirits alienated as far as Satan can procure, from their Maker. The 'Live 8'
'concert' of trashy 'music' held in Hyde Park at which Sir Bob Geldof was hugged in public
by Tony Blair in a revolting display of touchy-feeliness, was another such deliberately
demoralising artificial event, which the British media blew up out of all proportion.
These mass Psy-Ops events, which occur with ever increasing frequency as the New
Underworld Order unfolds, are intended inter alia to substitute 'global values' for the lost
morality which has been fostered in part by the distribution of drugs by criminalised
intelligence communities allied to the Illuminati. They are components of the continuing,
orchestrated campaign to try to force 'universal values' upon the whole of humanity, and to
deny our precious individuality.
A Synthesis of the
Textbook on
It has already been stated that Lavrentii Beria, Stalin's odious Interior Ministry secret police
chief, was a deep-cover German agent. This fact is well understood among UK
Introduction by Lavrentii Beria
From Volume 9, Congressional Record, 1939
This misalignment of the loyalty of youth... sets the
proper stage for a realignment of their loyalties with
Communism. Creating a greed for drugs, sexual
misbehaviour and uncontrolled freedom... will with
ease bring about our alignment'.
• Note that Beria understood that demand for drugs has
to be created (through supply), since of course, no natu-
ral demand for such poisonous substances exists - a simple
reality that UK and US authorities choose to ignore.
• Beria prescribed that Psychopolitical operatives
masquerading as 'mental healers' must be placed in
the close entourage of the children of prominent
leaders. This method represents a manifestation of the
llluminati's rule, based upon Jesuitical practice, of
positioning their agentur adjacent to seats of power,
or better still, occupying powerful positions. This is why
intelligence officers are Presidents, Prime Ministers,
holders of high office, and top officials in leading
countries. In the psychopolitical context German
intelligence has successfully destabilised foreign
regimes using 'mental healers' - instances being: (1)
Rasputin, a German agent who operated right deep
inside the Russian Royal Family; (2) Mrs Wallis
Simpson, an agent for the Abwehr, who penetrated
the British Royal Family with a view to influencing the
King to disapprove of war against Germany. Edward
VIII was allowed to claim that he had renounced the
throne because of love for his 'commoner' companion,
but in reality he was forced to abdicate when the
Abwehr's penetration was exposed; and (3) Susie
Orbach, a 'mental healer' (psychoanalyst) from the US
West Coast allegedly not recognised professionally in ,
■ , . . ' . ? p.. ~. Fiqure 31: Brain-Washmq : A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on
London, who may have targeted Princess Diana. ■ _ a , .... , a,_ .... , , , .
Psychopolitics , or the Communist Manual of Instructions on
Psychopolitical Warfare', as exposed by Kenneth Goff in testimony
before a US Congressional Committee hearing in Washington
DC [Extracted from Volume 9 of the 1 939 Congressional Record].
PSYCHOPOUTfCS - The art ond science of
osserting and maintaining dominion over
the thoughts and loyalties of individuals,
officers, bureaus, ond masses, ond the
effecting of the conquest of enemy nations
through "menial healing "
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
intelligence operatives. So, following Stalin's death, Beria took it upon himself to
implement instructions from his covert German (Nazi) controllers, and travelled to East
Germany where he had intended to start the process which the KGB and the GRU actually
implemented more than a generation later, in 1989 - at the end of the 40-year period that
was secretly agreed between the Allies and Stalin during which Germany was to be
occupied by all the wartime 'Allies'.
While working for his occultic IUuminist meister, Beria indulged in the extirpation
of human beings on a scale which would have made his German mentors, Karl Marx and
Adolf Hitler, envious. The proportions of Beria's 'population reduction' orgy of terror
will, however, have been marginal compared with what may have been planned for the
United States, and which would be put into effect if the Fourth Reich were to complete its
elevation into view on the ruins of the Republic. This is what Nazis stated, in a document
exposed in Chapter 8, that they intend to achieve; and many minking Americans who
have managed to avoid being brainwashed and psychologically manipulated by their
partially criminalised intelligence services, recognise instinctively what could be in store.
Given Lavrentii Beria's long covert service to the Nazi International at the epicentre of
Stalin's murderous Dluminist regime, and given that Beria was one of the most odiously
Satanic of all the IUuminati's 'Soviet' revolutionaries, it is instructive to review what this ogre
had to say about the use of drugs to poison and destabilise targeted populations.
His poisonous advice appeared in a textbook prepared by the Comintern for use by US
underground Communist training schools. It contains an address by Lavrentii Beria to
American students attending Lenin University in Moscow, prior to 1936. The text of this
address was published as a Foreword to the subversive document - which was originally
entitled THE Communist Manual of Instructions in Psychopolitical Warfare', and was employed
in the United States for the training of Communist political cadres in the 1930s.
It was first exposed by a Mr Kenneth Goff, who was a dues-paying member of the
Communist Party USA (CPUSA) from 2nd May 1936 to 10th October 1939, when he
resigned in disgust, in order to appear voluntarily before the Un-American Activities
Committee in Washington, which was chaired at that time by Martin Dies. During the
years of his US Party membership, Goff attended a Communist Party school located at 1 13
E. Wells Street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, which functioned under the name of The Eugene
Debs Labor School. The curriculum included training in psychopolitics, including 'the art of
capturing a nation through brainwashing and fake mental health - the subjecting of whole
nations of people to the rule of the Kremlin by the capturing of their minds'48. This
conditioning included the use of drugs, and the sexualisation of youth, with the deliberate
intent of disassociating young people from their national loyalties, and their families. It is
manifest that Beria's evil prescription has been fulfilled to the letter, through the creation of
Satanic 'music' and a drug-pop culture which alienates them from their families, promotes
wholesale promiscuity, and procures the breakdown of the family, institutions and society that
has taken place.
It is also clear that Mr Goff did not understand that the programme he was outlining
was the agenda of the Dluminati. In the document exposing the Dluminati, dating from the
late 18th century that the Author examines in Chapter 7, it will be seen that the promoters of
societal breakdown knew, and know, that what they prescribe for youth is wrong and
undesirable, but they justify what they prescribe with the excuse that the outcome will be
'for the greater good' (of the Brotherhood): the end justifies the means.
'The Communist Manual on Psychopolitical Warfare' was used in the United States in the 1930s for
training Communist cadres. The Manual was exposed by an American Communist, Kenneth Goff, who
resigned from the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), in 1939, after three years as a dues-paying
member, operating under his own name and an alias, John Keats.
In 1 939, Goff appeared before the Un-American Activities Committee chaired by Martin Dies, in
Washington DC, and his testimony was published in Volume 9 of the Congressional Record of that
year. Allegations that the text was a British forgery, are false.
The Soviet llluminati regime defined psychopolitics as 'the art and science of asserting and
maintaining dominion over the thoughts and loyalties of individuals, officers, bureaus, and the
masses, and the effecting of the conquest of enemy nations through "mental healing'".
By 'mental healing' was meant intervention by fake 'psychiatrists' whose evil task, while mas-
querading as that of healing, was actually to destabilise and control the minds of their targets.
Particular emphasis was placed upon the targeting of the spouses and children of prominent figures
in the policymaking and political firmaments of 'enemy' countries.
The families of these persons', the Manual asserted, 'are often deranged from idleness and glut, and
this fact must be played upon, even created. The normal health and wildness of a rich man's son must
be twisted and perverted and explained into neurosis and then, assisted by a timely administration of
drugs or violence, turned into criminality or insanity. This brings at once someone in "mental
healing'" (e.g., Rasputin, a German agent) 'into confidential contact with the family, and from this
point on, the very most must then be made of that contact'.
This prescription is identical to the splinter-programming operations of specialist US intelligence
cadres working within the framework of the Himmlerian tradition and such mind-control
programmes, designed to split targeted personalities, as MK-ULTRA Project Monarch, under
which Multiple Personality Disorder was created and subdivided so that the victim acquires a wide
range of 'alters' which his or her handler can trigger using pre-programmed words or phrases from
'The Wizard of Oz', 'Alice in Wonderland', and many other freakish mind-fantasies.
The fact that Lavrentii Beria, who has been exposed as a German agent, like Rasputin, was
promoting the same Satanic destructive degradation prescriptions as the heirs of Nazi
psychological warfare operatives, provides irrefutable confirmation of the common llluminati
origins of the two primary 20th Century 'Black' regimes, Soviet Communism and Nazism.
In the United States, official researchers in this field established how to exploit the Multiple
Personality Disorder (MPD), or Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) created by means of near-death
trauma (violence) and gross sexual abuse in their victims. DID represents the mind's sane response to
insanity - providing a mechanism for dealing with trauma that is beyond comprehension. For
instance, incestuous rape (extensively used for this purpose, as parents in this business ritually abuse
their children) violates primitive instinct and surpasses pain tolerance.
By compartmentalising the memory of such horrendous abuse, the rest of the mind can function
'normally' as though nothing had happened - until reminded of the past abuse. This
compartmentalisation, Himmler's researchers and their Satanic US and German CIA heirs discovered,
is created by the brain actually shutting down neuron pathways to a specific part of the brain. The
same part of the brain that is already conditioned to the trauma then deals with it again and again,
as 'needed'.
Lavrentii Beria, being an agent for the Abwehr who reached the position of head of the Soviet
NKVD, was talking 'the same language'. The 'Manual', to which he provided an introduction, taught,
for instance, that 'exercises in sexual attack on patients should be practiced by the psychopolitical
operative to demonstrate the inability of the patient under pain-drug hypnosis to recall the
attack, while indoctrinating a lust for further sexual activity on the part of the patient'. For this
purpose, unsuspecting patients were to be satiated and hooked with opiates, cocaine, and other
mind-bending drugs. ■
CHAPTER 3: The Lure of Drugs
We can see this much more clearly today, given the intensive research that has been
taking place into these issues, and the brazen lack of concern shown by promulgators of the
'New Age' abominations, about such exposures as have already occurred. Of special interest
here is the Communist Manual's instructions concerning the distribution of drugs:
'By making available drugs of various kinds, by giving the teenager alcohol, by
praising his wildness, by stimulating him with sex literature and advertising to him or her
practices as taught at the Sexpol49, the psychopolitical operator can create the necessary
attitude of chaos, idleness and worthlessness into which can then be cast the solution
which will give the teenager complete freedom everywhere - Communism'.
In case it should be imagined that the prescribed outcome (Fasco-Communism) is
outmoded, any brief study of the logical conclusion of what is happening and intended in
both Europe and the United States will confirm that the projected end-product is 'Fascist
Communism'. And if it should be thought that, as a covert Nazi, Lavrentii Beria would not
have wanted to promote Communism, a moment's recollection of the Stalin-Hitler dialectic
('International' Socialism versus 'National' Socialism) will bring the observer back 'on
message'. Recall, too, that the regimes of Lenin/Trotsky and Stalin, on the one hand, and of
Hitler, Himmler, Goebbels et al on the other, were the first mega-Dluminati Black regimes,
created as models for the future, and based on the false dialectical 'opposites' developed by
the 'two Karls', Ritter (Fascism) and Marx (Communism) [see page 558] whose work was
sponsored by the Dluminati. Because the Dluminati, and their Nazi associates have never been
defeated - the destruction of the Hitler regime having been mistaken for the destruction of
Nazism - these demonic forces, driven by the 'seething energies of Lucifer', have never
rested, and intend to implement their hellish plans. As the Nazi paper examined in Chapter 8
explained, 'for us, the war never ended'.
The psychopolitical operator (a false psychiatrist or psychoanalyst, such as those
spawned especially in the United States following the mass migration of revolutionary
actives like Wilhelm Reich, from Freud's Vienna-based school) was in a position, the
'Communist Manual' advised, to turn children into beasts:
The role of the psychopolitical operator in this is very strong. He can, from his position as
an authority on the mind, advise all manner of destructive measures. He can teach the lack of
control of this child at home' ('do as you please' education). He can instruct, in an optimum
situation, the entire nation in how to handle children -and instruct them, so that the children,
given no control, given no real home, can run wildly about with no responsibility for their
nation or for themselves'.
This agenda [see also Chapter 2] has long since been implemented in both Britain and
the United States - taking the dark form of 'Outcome-Based Education' in which the
child's attitudes and acceptance of 'universal values' are rated far above his or her
acquisition of knowledge and skills. It is hardly surprising that in neither country can
sizeable numbers of graduates spell or compose sentences properly, and that in the
United States, attention spans can now be measured in nanoseconds. This is obvious
whenever one is unfortunate enough to glance at almost any US TV programme: sub-
liminal messages and rapidly changing images are intentionally consistent with the minimisation of
attention spans. This condition in turn maximises the potential for the malevolent Illuminati
elite to exploit, manipulate, mislead, deceive, control, and ultimately perpetrate atrocities
against, its own citizens, with 100% impunity. That people could be so consistently ill-
intentioned is hard to comprehend: but we are describing reality.
The intended mass psychopolitical offensive was delayed, beyond the Soviet Union,
because of the outbreak of the Second World War. It was resumed in the 1950s, after
Stalin's death, when it was integrated into the Communist long-range deception strategy
later exposed by Anatoliy Golitsyn in his classic works 'New Lies for Old' and 'The
Perestroika Deception'50. With our closer understanding of the German origins of these evils, the
precise correlation of Lavrentii Beria's drug-based prescription for the creation of societal
'chaos out of order', and the parallel prescriptions of the Frankfurt School [see Addendum,
Chapter 4], become glaringly self-evident. The 'Communist Manual' further prescribed the
psychomanipulative ingredients necessary for any sustained reign of 'state terror', the
relevance of which can be seen much more clearly in the light of contemporary random
global terrorism attacks such as the DVD/Al-Qaeda 9/11 atrocities, Madrid or the DVD-
coordinated terrorist attacks in London on 7th July 2005.
For instance, the 'Communist Manual proclaimed that: 'An element of terror must always
be present on the part of those who would govern'. Were George Bush Sr. and Jr., Vice-
President Cheney and their cohorts ever students of the Communist Manual on
Psychopolitical Warfare'? Their obvious understanding of the role that terror is meant to play,
according to the Illuminati, in the retention and maximisation of power, appears to be a
practical consequence of their comparable indoctrination, programming and conditioning
as controlled and controlling operatives through MK-ULTRA-type mind-focused and sex-
based Monarch abominations - Mr Cheney having at one stage allegedly been in charge of
the MK-ULTRA and related Himrnlerian-Tavistock conditioning programmes developed by
the CIA. The pedigree of these Satanic mind- and personality-modification methods
stretches back to the Nazi scientists [Chapter 8] and earlier.
Lavrentii Beria's odious prescriptions must seem primitive by the standards of the
diabolical perpetrators of Himmlerian Psychological Operations and the mind- and
personality-modification techniques that the CIA, the Tavistock Institute and other centres of
these evil traditions in the West, and these 'inventors of evil things', have since contrived to
develop. But 'qualitatively', there is no difference whatsoever between the cold prescriptions
and institutionalised brutality taught by Beria, Himmler and Cheney.
The reprobate and hellish Lavrentii Beria taught that 'the (false) psychiatrist (by which was
meant: psychopolitical operative) is aptly suited to this role, for his brutalities... are
inexplicably complex, and entirely out of view of human understanding.... If you would have
obedience, you must make it clearly understood that you have no mercy. Man is an animal. He
understands, in the final analysis, only those things, which a brute understands.... The end
thoroughly justifies the means. The degradation of populaces is less inhuman than their
destruction by atomic fission, for to an animal who lives only once, any life is sweeter than
As will be seen in the Chapter on the Illuminati, The end justifies the means' is the
sect's primary and explicitly stated rationale - central to its conspiratorial modus operandi,
and of greater fundamental importance even than 'Do as thou wilt', the professed motto of
one of the Illuminati's most perniciously reprobate manifestations, Ordo Templi Orientis,
to which George Bush Sr. allegedly belongs.
Lavrentii Beria, the German (Nazi) agent operating at the